solutions for e-commerce

13 years of business 2563 reviews 4.9 average rating
User guide

Mass Stock Update allows you to update all your product stocks in Magento in no time thanks to CSV and XML files available from your website's server, from remote servers through FTP or HTTP.

How to configure Mass Stock Update

To use Mass Stock Update, you have to go in:
SystemConfigurationWyominDMass Stock Update

Configure Mass Stock Update in a general way

Email reporting

Mass Stock Update includes a reporting tool that notifies you each time a cron task runs, and so if any error happens.

For more details about the cron tasks, look at the below section:
Configure the cron tasks in a profile

Enable reporting

Allows you to define whether you want to enable the reporting or not.

Send the reports to

Allows you to specify the email addresses to which the report must be sent.

For several email addresses, you must use the comma as a separator.

Report title

Allows you to define the title of the emails sent by the reporting tool.

List ignored products in the report

You have the possibility to list the ignored products in the report. 


Mass Stock Update also includes a log file that you can enable. 

Enable log file

Allows you to activate the log file available under the var/log directory.

The file is named Wyomind_MassStockUpdate.log.

The log file will be written only if the primary log file is active in:
System Configuration Advanced  Developer  Logs settings

Create an update profile in Mass Stock Update

To update all your stocks in Magento you can update or create a new profile by clicking on Create a new profile from:
SystemImport/ExportMass Stock Update

Black box

The black-box is a tool that will help you configure your mapping seamlessly. It is composed of 3 major features. 

Input Data Preview

To get a preview of the input data, click on Input data

Output Data Preview

Clicking on Output data will give you a preview of the data as they'll be updated. 


The library allows you to check what values you can use for each attribute.  

You will also find some examples to help you. 


In this section, you will be able to define the source of the data.

Profile Settings

  • Profile name: 
    Only alphabetic and numbers are allowed + hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
    Profile's name must be unique.
  • SQL mode:
    Note that when SQL mode is enabled, data are not updated and a SQL file is generated.

If you activate SQL mode, you'll need to fill in several fields:

  • SQL file path: 
    is where the SQL file will be generated (relative to Magento root folder).
  • SQL file name: 
    is the name of the SQL file to generate.

File Location

This section allows you to specify where the source data file is stored. You have many options:

  • Magento File System
    The file is stored in the Magento root directory or a subdirectory of the Magento root directory.
  • FTP server
    The file is stored on a remote server available from FTP or SFTP
  • Url
    The file is stored on a remote server available from HTTP or HTTPS.
    If you're using the authentication, add the login and password directly in the corresponding fields.
  • Dropbox
    The file is stored in a dropbox. You can generate your token from your Dropbox account
  • Webservice
    The file can be stored in any web service.

Note you can drag and drop files from your desktop. Only TXT, CSV, or XML files are allowed.

File Type

Allows you to specify the file type used for the update, XML, or CSV.
  • File type
    You have the choice between CSV and XML files.

For CSV files: 

  • Field separator
    Define the field separator.
  • Field enclosure
    Select the field enclosure. 

For XML files:

  • Xpath to products
    In case of an update from an XML file, fill in the XPath that targets the products. The Xpath is case sensitive.

    File sample
             <name>Product A</name>
             <name>Product B</name>
    The XPath that targets the products in the above file is /Import/PRODUCTS/product

  • XML structure
    You have two options; the Automatic detection or the Predefined structure. The automatic detection fits for simple files made of only one nesting level such as the above file sample.
  • Predefined structure
    If you've selected the Predefined structure, you have the possibility to define your own file structure. When the structure of your file is quite complex, the info may be dispatched in deep nodes and sometimes in tag attributes such as url="something". 

    Below is an example of a complex file where you need a predefined structure:
            <qty value="150"/>
                <option name="backorders">2</option>
                <option name="minimal_in_cart">10</option>
    The XPath that targets the products in the above file is /products/item
    The JSON syntax you need to use is:


  • Use a valid Json string made of a key/value list that defines the column names and the Xpath associated with the columns.
  • Use @ to access the attribute values. 
  • Use [@attribute=value] to access a node from which the attribute is value. 
  • Use [number] to access another node that has the same name. 
  • Use Xpath axis to represent a relationship to the current node, and locate nodes. 
You can then click Input data from the blackbox to see your source file. 

Post Process Action

You have the possibility to define an action after the file is processed, between:

  • Do nothing
  • Delete the import file
  • Move the import file
    You need to define the file path where you want to move the import file, relative to your Magento root folder.

Advanced Settings

System Settings

  • The first line is a header
    For CSV files, you need to specify when the first line is a header.
  • Filter lines
    Leave empty to export all lines:
    means all lines will be imported

    Type the numbers of the lines you want to import, making sure to separate each line or range with a comma (,):
    e.g: 2,4,6,8,10 
    means lines 2,4,6,8,10 will be imported

    Use a dash (-) to denote a range of lines:

    e.g: 8-10
    means lines 8,9,10 will be imported

    Use a plus (+) to import all lines from a line number:
    e.g: 4+
    means all lines from line 4 will be imported

Note you can combine all those options. For example 2,6-10,15+ means line 2,6,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,... will be imported.

Stock Settings

Automatic stock status update
You can choose to automatically update the stock status (in stock / out of stock).

Mapping & Rules

In this section, you can map each column of the file with one of the stock attributes.

Column Mapping

Each column can be mapped with one of the stock attributes. Note that at any time, you can preview the input and output data in the black box directly.
  • Target Attribute 
    Select the target attribute from the ones available in your system (the first line is where you define the identifier of your products). You can find all the attributes grouped by type in our documentation.
  • Data source
    In the Data source, you can define the attribute source that matches with the target attribute from your source file.
  • Custom value
    Sometimes, some columns can be missing. For example, when updating all stocks, the file does not necessarily include all stock attributes (backorders, minimum quantity in the cart...). In that case, you can choose a custom value in the Data source and apply a default value.


  1. Add as many columns as you want by clicking on +. In many cases, the update file may contain more columns than necessary; you don't need to add these columns and match them. 
  2. Delete a row easily.
  3. Change the order of each row using the drag and drop.
  4. Deactivate a line while conserving the settings by clicking on the link symbol.
  5. Add your own custom script </>.  These scripts can be previewed in the output. Check How to use the API
    Note that when there is a script filled in </> is underlined.
  6. Apply the color of your choice to the row.
  7. Apply a label to the row.
  8. Preview your file by clicking INPut Data.
  9. Find all the attributes grouped by type in the Library.
  10. Check the data as they'll be updated by clicking Output Data.

Scheduled tasks

You can schedule the profile to be executed each day of the week and with an interval of 30 minutes (by default) between each execution.

You can change the cron task interval from:
SystemConfigurationWyomindMass Stock UpdateSettings

For good working scheduled tasks in Mass Stock Update, the main cron task in Magento must be configured properly.

Run a Mass Stock Update profile

You have several ways to run your profiles. 

From the profiles grid

To run the profile from the grid, you just need to click on RUN Profile in the action menu on the right column. Then the status will be updated with a progress bar.

From the profile page

Open the profile by clicking on the edit option in the action menu in the right column of the profile, and then click on RUN Profile NOW. Once the update process has ended, a message appears with details about how many products have been updated and how many products have been ignored. 


With the cron tasks

When the scheduled tasks are configured for the profile, then the profile will be automatically run at the day and the time selected.

For a good working of the scheduled tasks in Mass Stock Update, the main cron task in Magento must be configured properly.

Look at the official Magento user guide for more details about how to configure the cron tasks in Magento:

You will receive an email each time the cron task is run if you have enabled the reporting in:
 system configuration Mass Stock Update

To configure the reporting, have a look to: Email reporting

With the Command Lines Interface

Mass Stock Update includes command lines available from the terminal.

php -f shell/wyomind_massstockupdate.php -- [options]

The parameters to use are:

  • -h 
    Short alias for help
  • --run id1,id2,...,idN 
    Generate profile from the given list
  • --sql  id1,id2,...,idN   
    Execute the sql file generated by the profile from the given list
  • --list
    List all profiles

SQL option usage

Updating stocks massively may keep your server busy for a while, especially when the update includes lot of data.

For better performances Mass Stock Update splits the process into two distinct steps:

  1. Source file analysis: the data are collected and the SQL queries for the update are built. 
  2. The SQL file execution: the database is updated with the new data. This step may be executed asynchronously when SQL mode is enabled.

Generate the SQL file

If you prefer to generate the SQL file without executing it, you must enable the SQL mode in your profile configuration. 

Then run the profile by clicking on RUN Profile NOW

Execute the SQL file

Once the file is generated in the working directory (see Settings), you only need to update the database with the generated file from the command line as follows: 

mysql -h host -p DbPassword -u DbLogin DatabaseName < path/to/mysql/file.sql

You can also use the command line: 

php -f shell/wyomind_massstockupdate.php --sql id1

Advanced Use

The event "mass_update_success" is triggered when the profile is run and the data successfully updated or imported. 

The event is dispatched when the profile is successfully run and can be used in your custom observers. The parameter given in the observer is the running profile.

Event dispatch:

Mage::dispatchEvent("mass_update_success", array("profile" => $this));

Example of use in an observer:

class Editor_Module_Model_Observer
* @param $observer
public function execute($observer)
return var_dump($observer->getProfile()->getData());

Attribute specifications

Stock attributes

All these attributes must be updated with numeric values or boolean values.

  • Multi-stock enabled (Advanced Inventory only, boolean) 
  • Qty (float or integer)
  • Min Qty (float or integer)
  • Use Config Min Qty (boolean)
  • Is Qty Decimal (boolean)
  • Backorders (integer)
  • Use Config Backorders (boolean)
  • Min Sale Qty (float or integer)
  • Use Config Min Sale Qty (boolean)
  • Max Sale Qty (float or integer)
  • Use Config Max Sale Qty (boolean)
  • Is In Stock (boolean)
  • Notify Stock Qty (boolean)
  • Use Config Notify Stock Qty (boolean)
  • Manage Stock (boolean)
  • Use Config Manage Stock (boolean)
  • Stock Status Changed Automatically (boolean)
  • Use Config Qty Increments (boolean)
  • Qty Increments (float or integer)
  • Use Config Enable Qty Increments (boolean)
  • Enable Qty Increments (boolean)
  • Is Divided into Multiple Boxes for Shipping (boolean)

Boolean values

Boolean values must be updated with one of the below values.
  • 1 / 0
  • yes / no
  • true / false
  • enable / disable
  • enabled / disabled
  • in stock / out of stock

Numeric values

 Numeric values must be updated with one of the below types:
  • Integer number (no white space)
  • Float number (decimal separated by a dot)
If the values are misformatted in the update source file, then you must use your own custom script.

Advanced Inventory attributes

All attributes related to the stock management in Advanced Inventory are available in this section.
All these attributes must be updated with numeric values or boolean values.

  • Warehouse - Qty (float or integer)
  • Warehouse - Manage stock (boolean)
  • Warehouse - Backorders allowed (integer)
  • Warehouse - Use config settings for backorders (boolean)

Boolean values

Boolean values must be updated with one of the below values.
  • 1 / 0
  • yes / no
  • true / false
  • enable / disable
  • enabled / disabled
  • in stock / out of stock

Numeric values

 Numeric values must be updated with one of the below types
  • Integer number (no white space)
  • Float number (decimal separated by a dot)
If the values are misformatted in the update source file, then you must use your own custom script.

PHP API for Mass Stock Update

Mass Stock Update allows you to fully customize and control the data output by using PHP scripts in different ways.

API coding standards

For each line in the Mapping & Rules tab of your profile, you can add your own custom script based on a PHP syntax.

To add your custom script, click on </> at the end of the line you want to edit. You can then update on the file the value of each column.

Note that the </> button may be hidden by the black box. 

Opening and closing tags

Every script must include the opening PHP tag <?php. Note that it is not necessary to use the closing tag. 

 /* Your custom script */
 return $self;

Outputting a value

Any value that you want to output in your profile, must be returned with the return instruction.

$this object

$this->skip() or return false (boolean false)
To ignore the pending line (all the columns of the line).

$this->skipRow() or $this->skip() or return false;
To ignore the pending cell as well as all the following cells.

$this->skipCell() or return true;
To ignore the pending cell.

Variable $cell

You can call any column of the source file using $cell. It is an array that indexes each column numerically (1,2,3,...) and with a key corresponding to the name of the column header ("name","description","price"...).

$cell["name of the column"] or $cell[INDEX]

For example:

return $cell["description"]. " ".$cell["name"]
Note it is better to use associative keys. In that case, if the column order changes in the file, your scripts will still be valid.

Variable $self

to retrieve the current value of the column and manipulate the data:

<?php return $self;

For example:

<?php return strtolower($self);

Examples of use

Below are some examples of use with the PHP API. 

Change the separator

Transform a number with a floating value separated with a dot instead of a comma.

For example:

<?php return number_format(str_replace(",",".",$self),2,".",""); ?>

Change a text to lowercase or capital letters

Change a text in lowercase and add a capital letter as the first letter of each word.

For example:

<?php return ucwords(strtolower($self)); ?>

Retrieve images

Retrieve only one image from a list of images. 

For example:

<?php return array_pop(explode(",",$self)); ?>

Group several columns

Put together several columns to create a description.

For example:

<?php return $self." ".$cell["product_name"].", starting at $".$cell["price"]; ?>

Define the visibility of a product

Define the visibility of a product depending on the type column.

For example:


   case "parent":
      return "Catalog, Search";
      return "Not visible individually";

Map value to other ones

Map values to other ones.

For example:


   return "something else";
else if($self=="foo"){
   return "bar";
   return "default value";

Massively update all your stocks in Magento® through CSV or XML files easily and in no time!

Update your stocks from any source

Update your stocks from CSV or XML files available from Magento® files system, remote servers using FTP or HTTP, or even a web service.

Automate the update tasks

  • Update via the cron tasks or the command line interface
  • Notification in real-time of the progress of the process
  • The update with M2E Pro is triggered when updating stocks

Completely customize the updated data

Benefit from an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Thanks to the advanced mapping features, the real-time preview, and the scripts, the inconsistent, incomplete, or misformatted data can be easily corrected.

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Mass Stock Update is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab. 

Mass Stock Update Mass Product Import & Update
Stocks update
Update your products stocks from CSV/XML files
Products update
Update your products from CSV/XML files according to multiple attributes groups:
  • Image,
  • Category,
  • Merchandising (up sell, cross sell, related products),
  • Price (Weee tax, group price, tier price, special price...),
  • Downloadable products,
  • Grouped products relation,
  • Configurable products relation,
  • Custom options,
  • System attributes (website, sku...),
  • Attributes defined by the user
Products creation
Create products from CSV/XML files
Get a real-time preview of the output data
Custom scripts
Use custom scripts to improve the updated data
Automate the update process using the cron tasks
Access to a CLI
Trigger the import process via your CLI

The Mass Stock Update extension has no known limitation. Some users update until 80 000 products.

License and domains

We offer our customers who want to migrate their Magento 1 license to a Magento 2 license, the transfer at a reduced price. 

You have the possibility to migrate your license directly from your Wyomind account in:
My accountLicenses & Downloads

Click on migrate to magento 2  in front of the extension and the domain you want to transfer. 

Confirm you want to migrate your license to a Magento 2 license by clicking on Confirm and checkout .

An invoice will be automatically added to your account from: 
My accountInvoices


The price of the transfer is equivalent to a 30% reduction compared to the price of the regular Magento 2 license.

You can proceed to the payment by clicking on PP .

Once the payment is done, you can go back to: 
My accountLicenses & Downloads

There you will be able to download and install your license for Magento 2. 

Note that your license for Magento 1 will remain active indefinitely in your Wyomind account in order for you to migrate with peace.

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single Magento installation.

If you use more than one Magento installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each one.

If you run several domains on the same Magento installation, you will need only one license for all of them.

Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your support period does. By purchasing an extension, you’ll be granted a 6-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to renew your Support plan (see FAQ: How to extend my support period?).

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the extension ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on  next to the extension you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .
Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the extension is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one Magento installation only.  

It is possible, however, to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you'd like to add your testing environments to your license.
    In this case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For example or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the support period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Mass Stock Update on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Mass Stock Update.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Mass Stock Update on your production environment.
    (see FAQ: Extensions installation)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Extensions activation).
  4. From your Magento admin panel, enter your current Activation Key in:
  5. Save your configuration.

Now that you can use Mass Stock Update on your production environment, repeat the same steps as above on your testing environments.

The only difference this time: a notification will appear in your Magento admin

You will be given a choice between:

  1. buy a new license now
  2. add this domain to my license

Click on Add this domain to my license.

A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.

Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.

If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Mass Stock Update on both environments at the same time.

The order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter.
You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Mass Stock Update, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the  icon next to Mass Stock Update.

      A new window opens.

    3. Choose the version of Mass Stock Update.
      You will be able to choose the most recent version of Mass Stock Update (for both Magento 1 and Magento 2).
    4. Click on  .

Your download can start.

When purchasing an extension from, you benefit from a lifetime upgrade. You can at any time download the latest version of the extension directly from your account. 

To upgrade Mass Stock Update, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on  next to Mass Stock Update.
  3. Choose the latest version of Mass Stock Update (for Magento 1 and Magento 2).
  4. Click on download .
  5. Install the new version of Mass Stock Update to update your Magento admin. 

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

To uninstall Mass Stock Update, go on its zip folder and open it.

You will find a shell file (such as: that you must execute on both your server and Magento root directory.

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it).

Before installing Mass Stock Update, you’ll have to:

  • Backup your Magento installation in:
    system  tools   backups
  • Disable the compiler in your Magento admin panel if it’s not already disabled:
    system  tools   COMPILATIONS
  • Refresh your cache in:
    systemselect cache typeactionsrefreshsubmit

Now you can install Mass Stock Update:

  1. Download Mass Stock Update (zip file) from:
    my account my downloads
    Refer to FAQ here: Extensions download
  2. Once Mass Stock Update is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzip folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento root directory (the folder content can vary according to the extension but it generally includes app, lib and skin folders).

  4. Once your installation is complete, don't forget to enable the compiler back (if it was already enabled before the installation) and run compilation process.
  5. Refresh your cache, logout from your admin panel and log back in right after.

Next step is to activate your license, to do so, click here: Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Mass Stock Update is installed, you have to activate the license: 

  1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

    If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

    Wyomind's License Manager has not been removed from your installation.
    Wyomind's License Manager is enabled in: app/etc/modules/Wyomind_Licensemanager.xml
    The HTML output for Wyomind_Licensemanager and/or Adminhtml_Notification are not disabled in your system under: system   configuration  advanced advanced

  2. Copy your activation key.

    You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
    - In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Mass Stock Update
    - In your Wyomind account:MY ACcount My downloads, select Mass Stock Update and click on  . A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).
  3. In your Magento admin go to:
    SysteMConfigurationWyomindYour extension

    Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
    - By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic. 
    - By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

  4. Save the configuration.
  5. Clear your caches. 
  6. A message appears at the top of your admin panel: Activate it now!  Click on that link.

  7. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 
  8. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log back in straight after, to complete the installation.

To activate the license of an extension that includes other modules, you’ll have to repeat the steps described above for each extension, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).

Modules use

For your profile to be executed automatically, you need to define the days of the week and the time of execution directly from your profile configuration in:
SystemImport/ExportMass Stock Update

By default, cron tasks can be scheduled each period of 30 minutes. 

If you need a more precise hour, you can change that interval from:
SystemConfigurationWyomindMass Stock UpdateSettings

Below is an example with an interval of 20 minutes: 

For a good working of the scheduled tasks, the main cron task in Magento must be properly configured. Check how cron tasks work.

You can run stocks backups only when Debug mode is not enabled in:
SystemConfigurationWyomindMass Stock Update


If your site crashes and gives this error message after uploading all files to the correct folders:

Fatal error: Class 'Wyomind_Notificationmanager_Model_Resource_Setup' not found in includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup.php on line 234

It probably comes from installing an extension while the compiler is still enabled.

Important note:

  • If the compilation is enabled on your website, disable it first before installing any extension from: 
    After installation re-run the compilation process and re-enable the compiler.
  • Before installing any extension, it's advisable to backup your Magento installation.

Here is how to disable the Magento compiler:

  1. Edit the following file: includes/config.php and add a # before the 2 following lines:

    to get:

  2. Then go back to your website admin and re-run the compilation process.

If you're getting a white page using the extension, you should enable the error reporting in order to display the error. You can do that from index.php.

Most of the time log-out/log-in may solve this issue.

How do cron tasks work:

  • cron.php is launched regularly from your server side (every 5 minutes most of the time).
  • The cron task for Mass Stock Update is targeted and evaluates if a data feed or a profile needs to be refreshed (depending on the timestamp stored in the database and on the schedule table for this specific profile).
  • If the above condition matches, then the data feed and the profile is re-generated.

Be sure that you have correctly configured a scheduled task from the server side (cpanel) targeting the cron.php file in your Magento installation.

The extension includes reporting and debug tools for the scheduled tasks in:
systemconfigurationWyomindMass Stock Update

We also strongly advice to install the AOE Scheduler that will help you to monitor the Magento cron tasks.

This issue may be due to a problem during the installation process.

You can fix it by following these steps:

  • Access your database via your control panel (Phpmyadmin for example).
  • Delete the entry massstockupdate_setup from the core_resource table.
    Be careful, that entry depends on your extension. For example, if you have the extension called Simple Google Shopping, you should delete simplegoogleshopping_setup.
  • Logout from your Magento admin.
  • Log into your Magento admin.

If when saving your data feed configuration, you get:

Forbidden, You don't have permission to access /.../ on this server.

This is probably something regarding the hosting company that doesn't allow to post XML in the form.

The mod_security (security module) includes rules that stop all post/get requests including code.

In order to fix that issue, you should get in touch with your hosting company so that they can add some exceptions to the security rules.

If you're getting a weird layout from the Column mapping when the Miravist Core module is installed on your Magento instance, it is because Miravist defines a new rule for the tooltip class without taking into account that many elements could be affected by the class name.

Then, you must edit the file skin/adminhtml/default/default/massstockupdate/import.css and add:


If when importing or updating data with cyrillic or arabic characters you are getting question marks, the database must be converted to the UTF8 character set.

Here is the request to execute in the database manager:

ALTER DATABASE `magento_db` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Note you need to replace magento_db with your Magento database name in the above code. 

You should check that the var/flag and var/tmp folders exist in the Magento root directory. If not, create them with the writing permissions.

Magento 1 / Openmage Compatibility

Magento 1 / Openmage®

  • 1.1.3
  • 1.1.4
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.1.6
  • 1.1.7
  • 1.1.8
  • 1.2.0
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Magento 1 / Openmage® Enterprise (deprecated)

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  • 1.14.1
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  • 1.14.4
User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

2nd October 2023

Great plugin !!

We have chosen this plugin to import products and update stocks on our site from our management program. We are very satisfied with this application, it interfaces perfectly and is very easy to set up. Plus the support provided by wyomind is EXCELLENT

Area Verde - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

16th December 2022

Great extension and support

Great extension and support from this company. We've been using a few of their extensions on a number of shops and we've never had any problems with any of them. The support is second to none and always happy to help. We feel like they are part of our team and very professional.

22nd February 2022

Great Support and Extensions. Excellent service

I am using Wyomind extensions for 4 years now. Since 2018 and i am tottaly satisfied. Especially i use the Wyomind_Massproductimport and it makes our life much easier. Before we have to upload products manually. This is not possible nowadays, and the extension makes our life much easier. You have a lot of control and you can assign almost every possible parameter to import the products as you wish. The most important is after sale support. You will recieve answer within 24 hours. Professional team, knows exactly how to solve problems, and treat a customer. Definitely top star for the extension and the team! Thank you.

BILL - Developer - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

11th May 2021

Great Magento 2 Extension

Easy to install & set up, and very flexible - has a wide range of options available in the Magento 2 Admin System section for configuring your Stock & Product (Items) imports just how you need them to be configured, or you can use the profiles samples if you just need a standard import.

Web a delica Support - Developer - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

1st February 2021

Easy to setup and works

Was looking for an easy mass stock updater and found this one. We have several suppliers that offer us either csv or other type of files showing their stock. From one supplier we can just use their url which makes it easy to download an updated file. Please let your supplier know to keep the filename the same so that always the latest version is imported. Another supplier uploads their file to our ftp server and in the mass stock updater this is also an option, to download from your own or any ftp server. Files can be csv or xml you can set , or ; any character to separate us or eu versions. Files can also be taken from any magento directory or drop box account.

Bob - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

21st January 2021

Wyomind mass stock management extension

Wyomind mass stock management extension for magento 2 looks to be what we are looking for we had a few issue that wyomind are quick to help us out and find the small bug which was stopping us from showing active stock level for our customers.

18th December 2020


We are very happy with this product!

EricJan - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

16th October 2020

Easy setup

works reliably allowing to use php formulas to alter the source content. Perfect if your suppliers have stock lists that you cant use the way the are and need to be changed on the import.

Nima - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

13th August 2020

Simple but yet powerful extension

Very powerful php scripting possibilities. Also the retrieval of files from another server is a time saver!

Hendrikus Nijhof - Developer - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

12th March 2020

Great extension & support!

Great extension and support from this company. We've been using a few of their extensions on a number of shops and we've never had any problems with any of them. The support is second to none and always happy to help. We feel like they are part of our team and very professional.

11th January 2020

Very Good Extension

Its really helpfull to sync our ERP with Magento and update stocks on fixed interval of time.

29th May 2019

Saves a lot of time

This module is a time-saver. You create a profile once, then at a click of a button, the hard work is done by this module. Thank you Wyomind.

Shoes - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

21st March 2019

Fine extension and nice support

After an few days we needed some support - without any problem quickly together solved, Great - can recommend these guys - nice working with them! Jarda

Jarda Prochazka - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1

5th March 2019

Great way to Sync inventory

We use this to sync our inventory from our Back-end sales system to magento. Works great and lets us focus on running our business instead of constantly updating our inventory manually. By setting up rules its a setup and forget type of deal. It just works .

12th November 2018

this extension does what i was looking for

i was looking to able to update stock periodically , i came across extension which does what i was looking for , this is probably only extension i came across which periodically does stock update and does it when i want how i want. with flexibility to consider weekdays/weekends which was very important

hassan - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1

14th June 2018

Saves a lot of hours

This module is a time-saver to update our online inventory. The setup process is a breeze. The technical support is very responsive. The documentation is clear to understand. There are many ways to use this module in terms of updating your online records. The easy column mapping works great. You can configure the import profile to automatically update the stock status of the updated products. Pierre, Paul and Aurelie are very patient. This module and the guarantee is best summed ups as follows: ------------------------ The module process in steps: 1 - collect and prepare the queries 2 - update the database As a consequence the resources required to update the database increase with the number of products to update. 1- memory limit 2- mysql server resource The module is updated for free for any bug or critical issue, other updates (new features) are charged 50% of the base price within the 3 months after the purchase. Support is free. Money back guarantee applies without conditions (even if we may ask what is the issue for our records) ------------ It is worth implementing this module whether your online store is small or big. This is an investment that definitely will save money in the end by saving a lot of hours updating the online records. Thank you Wyomind.

Ron - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

31st May 2018

Advanced Inventory and Mass Stock update

Advanced Inventory and Mass Stock update meets our requirements. It is working really well. Their support is really superb! Recommend.

2nd March 2018

Helped sync our systems!

This is great module and it has helped sync our inventory between our retail locations and our e-commerce website. Hands down the best solution out there! Thank you Wyomind for an amazing module!

25th January 2018

Excellent Support

Used lots of times for clients, and the code is really clear and the support is always in a good mood. Thank you

zmart |Magento 1|Magento 2

21st August 2017

The perfect companion to manage our inventory

This extension simply made our stock update a kids' game. It is allowing us to manage completely our stock on an automated basis, we barely touch the module code, all are made easily through the admin, and we can get the stock data from any source, from a DB, JSON to CSV. No other extension option was adjusting to our needs. It's an amazing option, simply the best.

5th July 2016

Great Support!

Very powerful Addon. We use it for a Stock Updates and Priceupdate. Support is great!


2nd February 2015

Excelent Extension

Very useful extension. If you need a great solution just take it.


17th November 2014

Great extension and FANTASTIC support!

I found this extension to manage a very complex Magento installation with more than 30 store views and a few different stock repositories. This extension is exctly what I needed, great job!
Futhermore, the backend module with a visual CSV parsing editor is a really great tool.
This extension have also a fantastic support team: I had some trouble on system integration and cron procedures and they helped me in a very fast and professional way.


17th July 2014

Great extension, great support

I have nothing but great thing to say about this company. I asked about 15 pre-sale questions and they answered on time with patience. After i bought this extension, they even customized this extension to fit my needs for free within 1 hour. thanks again Paul


4th May 2013

Fantasic solution! Great Extension! Superb Support!

Hopefully my title has summed this one up. I use all of Wyomind's extensions, and this one compares perfectly to the flawless experience I've had with the others.
The extension provides an exceptionally easy to use interface, and provides functionality that I've been waiting for for a long time.
What makes it stand out from the crowd though, is the impeccable support offered. All one my questions have been answered almost immediately, and any issues (not that there were any I may add!) are quickly resolved.
The ability to easily set up a schedule for stock updates is an absolute lifesaver, meaning your store can run like clockwork without all of the manual input.
Get this extension, and you really won't be disappointed!


Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version

  • Evolution for the recovery of URL files via curl following changes for Google Drive
  • Fix for the file upload


  • Support for SKUs with double quotes


  • Compatibility with M2E Pro: updating stocks triggers the update with M2E Pro


  • Magento native exports are managed
  • Magento native import is withdrew
  • Possibility to use files without extension
  • Fix on the MYSQL syntax for assigning the set character
  • Fix for an invalid argument
  • Settings taken into account for filling the cron task log file
  • Fix for writing in temporary files for the import via FTP


  • Possibility to use XPATH axes

Bug Fix

  • Fix for the PHP script in the identifier mapping row

Patch v7.2.0.2

  • Fix for retrieving the files available on FTP server

Patch v7.2.0.1

  • Better management of UTF8


  • Possibility to edit the cron task frequency (by default each 30 minutes)

Bug Fix

  • JS fix for Firefox
Patch v7.1.0.2

  • Fix in the definition of the frontend_model from system.xml

Patch v7.1.0.1

  • Creation of new profiles


  • New interface, easier and faster to configure
  • Better management of configurable products
  • New sample data
Patch v7.0.0.1

  • Creation of new profiles


  • New event launched when the profile is executed and data is updated/imported successfully 
Patch v6.3.1.1

  • Better management of stores without storeview
  • Fix for profiles with complex urls
  • Fix on typos

New features

  • Price and Stock information in the optional attributes list
  • Post process actions (only for local files)
  • Use of regular expressions in the files names (only for local files)

Patch v6.3.0.2

  • Minor fix of code

Patch v6.3.0.1

  • minor JS fix


  • Improved management of the error message in the source file
  • Possibility to identify the product with the product ID
  • List of the ignored products from the cron task report available via a link to a file


  • Possibility to add the list of the skipped products to the cron task report


  • Better management of configurable products
Patch v6.2.0.1

  • Minor fix on a PHP API method


  • Better management of the API
  • Attribute management


  • Minor fix for the helper

Patch v6.1.0.3

  • Fix for Advanced Inventory
  • Fix for the custom scripts
  • Fix for the real time completion status
  • Enhancement of the uploader

Patch v6.1.0.2

  • Fix for the configurable products

Patch v6.1.0.1

  • Fix on JS


  • More intuitive user interface

Bug Fix:

  • Fix for the Advanced Inventory extension
Patch v6.0.0.4

  • Fix for the compatibility with Advanced Inventory

Patch v6.0.0.3

  • Fix when creating new profile

Patch v6.0.0.2

  • Fix sample data

Patch v6.0.0.1

  • Fix on the css/js
  • Fix on sample data

Bug Fix:
  • Fix on missing files
Patch v5.2.1.1

  • Fix for Advanced Inventory


  • XML structure management

Bug Fix:

  • Fix on files
Patch v5.2.0.1

  • Fix on the display of the mapping when no storeview is linked to a store

New features

  • Ability to import data from a Webservice
  • Ability to import data from a Dropbox location
  • Ability to browse in the data preview with Touchscroll (click and drag left or right)
Patch v5.1.0.2

  • Fix for the query indexer

Patch v5.1.0.1

  • Values conversion ("yes", "no", "true"...) without taking into acount letter case


  • Code source enhancement
  • Dependency with Mass Product Import & Update implemented to avoid duplicating source code
  • Use of INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE UPDATE ... process


  • Better management of the Advanced Inventory stock updates
  • New command lines to execute the profiles
  • HTTP can be used with HTTP authentication
  • DROPBOX method is now supported
  • LOCAL FILES can be uploaded with Drag'n Drop
  • Ability to filter the lines to take into account (same syntax as a printer)
  • Ability to define if the file include headers or not

Patch v5.0.0.1

  • Fix for the empty enclosure
  • fix for the white spaces in the php scripts 


  • Code source refactoring
  • New data browser in real time: pagination, sorting, filtering.
  • New attributes available for stock update
  • Product attributes update deprecated (feature is now available in Mass Product Import & Update)
  • Command line available from
  • Real time progress bar in the profile grid
Patch v4.0.0.8

  • Fix for the install scripts

Patch v4.0.0.7

  • Fix for the installation queries

Patch v4.0.0.6

  • Fix for Advanced Inventory mapping

Patch v4.0.0.5

  • Empty lines are now ignored while importing the data from the source file

Patch v4.0.0.4

  • Fix for prefixed tables

Patch v4.0.0.3

  • Fix for Magento's compilation tool

Patch v4.0.0.2

  • jQuery added to the package

Patch v4.0.0.1

  • shell file renamed to


  • New options to update stocks for Advanced Inventory users
  • Quantity updates are now optional, any attribute can be updated without having to update the stock quantity
Patch v3.11.0.3

  • Fix for the qty = 0

Patch v3.11.0.2

  • Entity_type_id value is automatically created when creating a new attribute value

Patch v3.11.0.1

  • fix for Advanced Inventory stock updates


  • Possibility to add a port in the FTP url when retrieving the import file
Patch v3.10.1.1

  • fix for Advanced Inventory stock updates


  • New management of licenses
Patch v3.10.0.1

  • fix for Advanced Inventory stock updates


  • Backorders are taken into account for the automatic stock status update


  • Compatibility fix for Magento Security Patch SUPEE 6788

New features:

  • XML files support

New features:

  • Use a CSV file via FTP server


  • Compatibility fix for Magento Security Patch SUPEE-6285

New features:

  • Use of any product id for the mapping


  • Compatibility with Advanced Inventory 5.0.0

New features:

  • Update via shell
  • Paths and names configuration for backup and SQL files


  • Greater custom rules management 
  • SQL queries fields enclosed

Bug Fix:

  • Minor fix on backorders for specific settings


  • Compatibility with Point of Sale


  • Use of a temporary file to store queries

New feature:

  • Custom rules


  • Default value for SKU offset
  • Product attributes update
  • Automatic stocks re-indexation


  • Possibility to choose the SKU field offset

Bug Fix:

  • Minor fix on blank line
  • Several enhancements

New features:

  • Global stock incrementation without rewriting local stocks

Bug Fix:

  • Fix on observer
  • First Release
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