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14 years of business 2578 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Data Feed Manager

Export your products from your Magento website into CSV, TXT, and XML data feeds for any shopping engine or marketplace! This extension includes all Google Shopping features and 19 sample templates.

4.9/5 rated
563 Reviews
from €245
User guide

How to use Data Feed Manager?

STEP 1: Configure Data Feed Manager in a general way

Before being able to configure your data feeds, you need to configure the extension in a general way. To do so, go to:
Stores  Settings Configuration Wyomind Data Feed Manager

Cron job reporting

In the Cron job reporting tab, you can activate the cron job reporting and fill in one or more email addresses to receive the reports. You have also the possibility to define a sender as well as to rename the reports as you want. 

Core Settings

In the Core Settings tab, you'll need to configure a certain number of fields.

  • Items in preview
    By default, there are 10 items in preview, if you want you can reduce or increase that number.
  • Items in buffer
    By default, products are inserted into the file on the server every 10 items but you can reduce or increase that number.
  • Items in SQL request
    By default, there are 1500 items in each MySql query.
  • Number of advanced filters
    By default, you have 10 advanced filters. If you need more, you can at any time increase that value.
  • Use of OR/AND statements in advanced filters
    OR/AND statements can be used in the advanced filters simply by enabling that option. 
  • Include not in menu categories
    You can also include the categories of products that are not in the menu. 
  • Memory limit size (M)
    The default memory limit is 1024.
  • Use canonical urls
    You have the choice between several options. You can choose to use the shortest category URL, the longest one, or the product URL.
  • Enable log reporting
    You can also enable the log reporting.
  • Allow trans-domain import/export
    Allow import and export options.
  • Include disabled products
    You can choose to include disabled products in the data feed.

STEP 2: Configure your data feeds with Data Feed Manager

To create and configure your data feeds, go to:
ProductsData Feed Manager  Data Feeds

Your data feeds will be listed according to IDs. For each data feed pattern, you will find the name of the file, its path as well as the link to the data feed file.

The status of your data feed can be:

  • Pending: the data feed has never been generated or the scheduled hour is passed (waiting for the execution from the cron task)
  • Success: successful generation of the data feed, manually or automatically (the generation corresponds with a schedule)
  • Hold: in the process of generation (latency, indeterminate status)
  • Processing: generation progression percentage
  • Error: the generation is stopped

In the grid, you should find the date and the hour of the last time the data feed has been generated as well as the store view for which it has been saved.

From the Action dropdown, you'll be able to:

  • Edit
  • Generate
  • Preview (10 products)
  • Delete

The Tool Box

The Data Feed Manager extension includes a tool to help you create your feed and see what is wrong. When creating a data feed, you should see 2 buttons on the right of your screen.

The toolbox is inevitably very useful. This will help you to configure your data feed more quickly.

Below are the different options for the toolbox.


When clicking on Preview, you'll see a preview of your data feed. It's very useful to see if the values of your attributes are correctly retrieved and if your filters are working as expected.


If you click on that button, a library of your store attributes will be displayed. This makes it easier to find very quickly which attribute you need to add to your pattern.

Export and import your data feed templates

Data Feed Manager also allows you to import and export patterns into and from your Magento 2 admin.

Attention, exporting a template is totally different from generating a data feed. See the difference here.


To export a data feed pattern, edit an existing feed from:
Products Data Feed ManagerData Feeds

Once the data feed configuration page is loaded, you will be able to click on Export.

A popup window opens and allows you to save the data feed pattern as a .dfm file (specific to Data Feed Manager). After that, you should find the data feed pattern in your Downloads folder.


Before anything, to import a data feed pattern, it must be a .dfm file, which is specific to the Data Feed Manager extension.

 Click on Import a data feed from:

Products Data Feed Manager Data Feeds

Browse the .dfm file and click on Import data feed.

The data feed pattern should have been added to the list of feeds.


To create your own data feed, click on Create new data feed from:

Products Data Feed Manager  Data Feeds

In that first tab is the main configuration of the data feed. To customize your data feed, you'll find several fields to fill in.

  • Name
    Enter a name for the file.
  • File Type
    Choose the format of your file between XML, CSV, TXT, and TSV.
  • File name format
    You have several format possibilities for your file name. 
  • Encoding type
    Choose the encoding type of the data feed.
  • Path
    Define the path where you want the data feed to be generated. 
  • Status
    Enable or disable the file.
  • Store View
    Define which store view is concerned.
    Note that you can also export the attributes default values.

The configuration of the data feed will vary depending on the File Type you've chosen.


  • Enclose xml tag content inside CDATA (recommended)
    Enclose XML tags inside CDATA or not.
  • Remove all empty xml tags (recommended)
    Remove empty XML tags or not.
  • Header pattern
    Add your header pattern in that field.
  • Product Pattern
    This is probably the most important field as this is where you will configure your pattern.
  • Footer pattern
    Here is the footer pattern.


  • Extra header
    It will add whatever you write on the top of your file (fit in with Amazon requirements).
  • Include header
    Allows you to include or not columns names in the first row of your file.
  • Columns name
    Is for the attribute name (you need to look in the shopping engine specifications to know which names are required).
  • Pattern
    Works in the same way as XML files. For example, {{product.url}} will return the product's URL. You can also add any static value.
  • Insert a new field
    Click on it to add a new column to your pattern. The fields order can be easily reordered by using the up and down arrows.
  • Extra footer
    You can add an extra footer in that field.
  • Fields delimiter
    Lets you choose which kind of delimiter you want to use to separate your fields.
  • Fields enclosure
    Lets you choose which kind of enclosure you want for your data.
  • Escape character
    Define the escape character between or ".

Categories filter

You can filter your categories according to two different ways:

  • Exclude all products from the selected categories.
  • Include all products from the selected categories.
If you don't select any category, all products will be exported.

You also have different possibilities to filter your categories. You can include or exclude your categories depending on:

  • Parent categories only
    In the case where you have a configurable product with simple variants associated. The configurable has a category assigned but not the variants.
  • Product categories only
    If you have categories assigned to simple variants but not to the configurable product.
  • Product and parent categories
    In the case where you have both situations.

Category selection and mapping

In that subtab, you can select and map your categories to the ones of the marketplaces. This step is very important so that they can make a link between their product categories and yours.

With Data Feed Manager, you have the possibility to change the file on which the category mapping is based.

Taxonomy files for the main countries are directly included to allow you to map your categories more easily. You can also have a look at our documentation to know how to add a new taxonomy file and how to map your categories.

What is a category mapping?

Categories names you are using in your Magento 2 back-office aren't always the same than the ones used by the marketplaces to reference your products.

This means you have to find out which categories have the best matching with yours, according to the their product taxonomy.

For example, if you're selling furniture like coffee tables, you'll certainly have a Coffee table category in your Magento 2 back-office.

But Google Merchant doesn't handle this kind of category. The closest Google product category would be Kitchen & Dining Room Table. So this should appear this way in your data feed:

<g:google_product_category>Furniture > Desks & Tables > Kitchen & Dining Room Tables</g:google_product_category>

How to map your categories with Data Feed Manager?

Data Feed Manager provides you an easy way to input Google product categories matching yours.

In your data feed configuration, go to the Categories tab. Then, in the Category selection and mapping section, you'll find a tree view of all your categories.

For each category, you have a little arrow followed by mapped as.

There, you'll be able to start typing a keyword in order to display a list of all categories including that keyword. You simply need to select the one you need.

If your press the End key of your keyboard after typing a category mapping, the value will apply to all sub-categories.

Once all your categories are mapped, you can click on the Save button.

Here are a few guidelines for choosing the most appropriate category:

  • Use the category that best describes your item. To do this, first determine the primary function of the products you are submitting. For specific items like MP3 Players, select the MP3 Players category. While some MP3 players can also serve different functions, like those that contain a clock, they are primarily MP3 Players.
  • Use only one category. For some products, more than one category might be relevant. For example, an adapter to allow an MP3 player to be used in a car could be in both categories Motor Vehicles > Audio & Video and Electronics > Audio > Audio Accessories > MP3 Player Accessories. In such cases, choose the category that seems the most appropriate to you, but don't include more than one.
  • Use the most specific category possible. Being specific will help improve your data quality and in turn ensure that offers are presented in the right category. When viewing the taxonomy, try to navigate to the most specific category that still covers all the products being submitted. For instance, if you are submitting MP3 player chargers use the category MP3 Player Chargers. Conversely, if you are submitting multiple types of chargers use the category Chargers.

How to include the category to the XML template?

Finally, so that the category is retrieved in your data feed, you must add the following attribute to the XML template:


or for Google:

Please note that this attribute is different from Product Type which is for the categories that you have defined independently in your Magento back-office.

How to add a new taxonomy file in Data Feed Manager?

The product taxonomy is a tree of categories that will help you generate values for your own categories.

You can easily add a taxonomy file with Data Feed Manager.

For Google Shopping, choose the language you want to use for your taxonomy at the bottom right of that page. Then, in the Downloadable taxonomy, open the Plain Text link that contains full category names.

Save that file and paste it in:

Magento 2 Root DirectorylibWyomind

Don't forget to apply the permissions 644 to the file.

You'll then be able to choose that specific taxonomy from your data feed configuration.


Data Feed Manager allows you to filter your products on several levels.

Product Type

First of all, you can choose to include products to your feed according to their type. For example, only include simple, virtual, and downloadable products.

Attribute Set

You have the choice to include products from one or several attribute sets.

Product Visibility

Then, choose the products that will be included in the feed between the products that are not visible individually, products from the Catalog, the Search results, or both.

Advanced Filters

In the Advanced filters, you can go further by setting more personalized filters.

For example, we wanted to include only products which price is higher than 0, and which SKU is not null.

Here again, you have the possibility to define advanced filters according to several options such as =, >, < or even more as shown below.


name like %shirt: will include all products which name ends with 'shirt'.
name like Apple%: will include all products which name starts with 'Apple'.
name like %women%: will include all products which name contains the 'women' character string
name not like %shirt: won't include any product which name ends with 'shirt'.
name not like Apple%: won't include any product which name starts with 'Apple'.
name not like %women%: won't include any product which name contains the 'women' character string.


Special price is null: will include all products that don't have special prices.
SKU is not null: will include all products which SKU is not null.

  • IN / NOT IN

Size in S L: will include only products from these 2 sizes.
Size not in S L: will include all products which size is not S or L.

You can activate the AND/OR statement in the Core settings from: StoreSSettingsConfigurationWyomindData Feed Manager

Cron schedule

Data Feed Manager for Magento 2 provides you with a fully configurable schedule in the Cron Schedule tab of each data feed configuration.

You simply have to tick the days and hours when you want your data feed to be generated.

If you're facing some difficulties with scheduled tasks, or if you think your data feed is not automatically generated, have a look to our faq on that subject.

FTP settings

With Data Feed Manager for Magento 2, you can specify FTP settings to upload your data feeds. In the FTP settings tab of your data feed, you'll have several fields to configure:

  • Enable FTP upload
    Select Yes if you want to upload your data feed using FTP
  • Use SFTP
    Select Yes if you are using SFTP
  • Use Active mode
    If you are using SFTP, you don't have to care about the passive/active mode
  • Host
    In that field, fill in the host.
  • Port
    Fill in the port.
  • Login
    Is your login to connect to the server
  • Password
    Is your password to connect to the server
  • Destination directory
    Is a relative path from the entry directory when you connect to the FTP.  

In order to be sure your settings are correct, you can click on Test Connection.

  1. If you don't have an error message, it means the connection succeeded.
  2. If you have an error message, you'll certainly have to check your credentials.

In the case where you don't get any error message while testing the connection, you'll need to check that the file is well uploaded.

Note that the file is uploaded each time the data feed is manually or automatically generated.

STEP 3: Generate and download the data feeds

Generate the data feeds

With Data Feed Manager, you have the possibility to generate your data feed manually or automatically. 


You can generate your data feeds manually in the grid from the action dropdown.

You can also do it from the configuration panel by clicking on Generate.

With the cron tasks

In order to automatically generate the data feeds through the cron tasks, you must first make sure that the main cron task is enabled on your server.

Data Feed Manager - Cron Success

If not, you should see a warning message in Data Feed Manager.

You must have selected a least one day and one-time frame from the Scheduled tasks tab of each data feed that must be updated.

With the command lines

You can also use the Command Line Interface to generate the data feeds.

To generate all the data feeds:

bin/magento wyomind:datafeedmanager:generate

To generate one data feed from a given id:

bin/magento wyomind:datafeedmanager:generate int DATA_FEED_ID

To generate several data feeds from a given list of ids:

bin/magento wyomind:datafeedmanager:generate  int DATA_FEED_ID [, int DATA_FEED_ID] [, int DATA_FEED_ID]...

To list all data feeds including status, name, last update:

bin/magento wyomind:datafeedmanager:list

Download the data feeds

When a data feed is ready to be downloaded, the link is displayed in both, the data feed grid and the data feed page at the top of the page. To download the data feed, right-click on the link and select Save link as. You can also find the file in your ftp client if the directory where the data feed is stored is not publicly accessible.

Note that the random parameter at the end of the URL avoids caching issues when you download the data feed from your Magento admin.

Manage your data feed templates with Data Feed Manager

10 Things to know when creating an XML data feed with Data Feed Manager

All the XML data feeds used by shopping engines, like the one used by Google Shopping, are really simple to build but often have their own specifications.

Simple Google Shopping and Data Feed Manager for Magento 2 provide one or more ready-to-configure patterns. These patterns will allow you to quickly build a valid and well-structured data feed.

  1. An XML data feed is using opening and closing tags that include a value.

  2. A data feed template is made up of several tags that include dynamic or fixed values.
    <g:id>{{product.sku}}</g:id><g:brand>YOUR BRAND</g:brand>

  3. Dynamic values are called variables and use the attribute codes of your Magento website preceded with the object. The variable must be enclosed using double brackets as {{object.attribute}}.

  4. Between every opening and closing tags, you can also include some fixed values. Fixed values are simply text.
    <g:brand>YOUR BRAND</g:brand>

  5. You have also the possibility to add several variables and fixed values in the same tag.
    <title>{{}}, available in {{product.color}} for only ${{product.price}}</title>

  6. Some Magento 2 attributes like price, image or url may have further configuration options or parameters that will correspond to your specific data feed needs. For example:
    <price>{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}}</price>​
  7. You're allowed to use PHP code if you want to customize the pattern. For example, to retrieve the name of a product in lower cases:
    <tag>{{ output="wyomind_strtolower($self)"}}</tag>

  8. The syntactic coloration in Data Feed Manager will also help you to avoid many errors in your pattern as in the example below.

  9. You can use one or more fallback variables in case of the previous is empty or null. If attributeA exists then the value will be attributeA, otherwise, the value will be attributeB, etc...
    {{product.color | product.colour}}​

  10. CDATA is recommended. CDATA stands for Character Data. It means that the data in between these tags include data that could be interpreted as XML markup, but should not be. (Wikipedia article)
    <description><![CDATA[<p>Fantastic <b>Watch</b>, that not only tells you what time it is,but also gives the weather trends</p>]]></description>​

10 Things to know when creating a CSV/TXT data feed with Data Feed Manager

Data Feed Manager allows you to generate CSV/TXT files in addition to XML files. This particular file format can be used for some shopping engines like Amazon, Shopzilla, Twenga, etc.

Data Feed Manager for Magento 2 provides you all you need to create any specific CSV/TXT file that you want. 

Each shopping engine has its own requirements and column names. Some require fields enclosure, others need specific delimiters.

You may need to add a special header to your file (for Amazon data feeds for example).

  1. A CSV file consists of any number of records. Each record consists of fields that are separated by other characters or strings. There is one row per record (so, one per product). Below is an example of CSV file content:

  2. You need to define delimiters to separate your fields ( ';' ',' '|' ' ab' or '[|]' for example) and enclosures for your data (" or ').

  3. You can enter the attribute names in each Column name fields (check the shopping engine specifications to know which names are required). For example:

  4. You can include in each Pattern field one or several Magento 2 attributes. An attribute is specified by its attribute code and must be enclosed using double brackets and preceded by an object. For example, to return the product SKU, you should use:

  5. You can also include some fixed values. Fixed values are simply text. For example, instead of {{product.manufacturer}} to retrieve the brand for each product, you could use directly:

  6. You have also the possibility to add several attributes and fixed values in the same field. For example, instead of {{product.url}}, you could use:

  7. You can use one or more fallback variables in case of the previous is empty or null. If attributeA exists then the value will be attributeA, otherwise, the value will be attributeB, etc...
    {{product.color | product.colour}}​
  8. You're allowed to use PHP code if you want to customize the pattern. You just have to write your PHP code in one single line, and it will work perfectly (check how to add PHP scripts into your patterns).
    {{ output="wyomind_strtolower($self)"}}

  9. You can add a field by using the button Insert a new field. The fields order can be easily reordered by using the up and down arrows.

  10. You can Preview your data feed to avoid any error in your pattern.

How is a variable structured?

To modify your pattern as you want, before anything you need to respect a particular syntax. Indeed, in order to retrieve attributes, the Data Feed Manager extension uses a specific structure. Then it is essential that you know how the variable is built to be able to configure your data feed according to your needs.

The above screen details the different components of a variable.

  • object
    Defines what is the target for the attribute to retrieve. It can be a simple product, a parent, configurable, bundle, or grouped one.  
  • attribute
    Defines the code of the attribute to retrieve. For example, the price, the URL...
  • parameters
    Defines some additional parameters for specific attributes such as the currency or the VAT rate.
  • value
    Defines the different values available for the previous parameter.

Attribute specifications

The data feed pattern is totally customizable.

Any of the basic attributes in Magento 2 can be used in the data feed pattern. You can also add the attributes that you have created from the back-office.


In order to retrieve the value of an attribute, you need to define which object is targeted. Below are the different types of objects that you can use.


Retrieves the attribute for the product.

For example:



Retrieves the parent attribute value.

The parent value is retrieved only if the simple (item) product is associated with a parent product, if not, nothing is retrieved.

The parent product may be a configurable, a grouped, or a bundle product. The first parent product that matches the simple product is used to get the attribute value.

For example:



Retrieves the first configurable parent attribute value.

The configurable product value is retrieved only if the simple product is associated with a configurable product, if not, nothing is retrieved.

For example:



Retrieves the first grouped parent attribute value.

The grouped product value is retrieved only if the simple product is associated with a grouped product, if not, nothing is retrieved.

For example:



Retrieves the first bundle parent attribute value.

The bundle product value is retrieved only if the simple product is associated with a bundle product, if not, nothing is retrieved.

For example:



You'll find below the attributes the most commonly used to identify the products in data feeds patterns.


Retrieves the id of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the sku of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the brand of the product.

For example:

Attention, this attribute is an example and can differ according to the configuration of your Magento 2 store.


Retrieves the brand of the product.

For example:



You'll find below the attributes that are generally used to define basic information of products in the data feeds.


Retrieves an auto-incremented value, starting at 1.

For example:



Retrieves the name of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the description of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the short description of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the condition of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the weight of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the type of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the children of the product.

For example:


You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • separator = can be comma, pipe or semi-colon (by default: comma)
  • identifier = can be SKU or id (by default: SKU)

For example:

{{product.children separator="pipe" identifier="id"}}


Below is a list of the price attributes that you can use in your feed pattern. For most of them, you can add some parameters in order to define the currency used or the VAT to apply for example.


Retrieves the best price among all the prices defined.

If prices are exclusive of VAT and the product is liable to a unique VAT rate, the price retrieved will include this rate. Otherwise, the price exclusive of tax is retrieved.

For example:


You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • currency = automatically converts the original product price to a specified currency. It uses an exchange rate that you have already stored in your admin panel. By default, your local currency is used.
  • vat_rate = is a floating value between 0.00 and 100.00 that represents an arbitrary VAT rate to apply. This parameter rewrites the VAT rule for the product except if the product doesn't have any tax class.

Here are some examples:

To convert the prices to EUR and apply a 20% VAT rate:

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}}

To convert the prices to USD and not apply any VAT rate:

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0}}

If the prices of your catalog are already including VAT:

{{product.price currency=USD}}

To use an ISO2 code corresponding to one of the countries for which you specified a VAT rate in your tax settings:

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=FR}}

This code may also be completed by an area code:

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=US/NY}}

To deduce the VAT corresponding to a country/area:

{{product.price currency=GBP vat_rate=-GB}}

To retrieve prices including different price values for simple products associated to a configurable one:

{{parent.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}}


Retrieves the base price and ignores any other existing price value.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the base price as defined in the database in the price index table.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the special price if exists. If this price doesn't exist the value is null.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the price including the catalog price rules if indicated, if not, nothing is retrieved.

If prices are exclusive of VAT and the product is liable to a unique VAT rate, the price retrieved will include this rate. Otherwise, the price exclusive of tax is retrieved.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the best promotional between price rules and special prices).

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the sale price effective date as 2011-03-01T13:00-0800/2011-03-11T15:30-0800. If no date is defined or if the dates defined don't match with the current date, the value is null.

For example:



Retrieves either 1 if a special price exists or 0 if not.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • yes = value to retrieve if a special price exists. By default 1.
  • no = value to retrieve if no special price exists. By default 0.

For example:

{{product.has_special_price yes="Special price" no="No special price"}}


Retrieves either 1 if a promotional price exists or 0 if not.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • yes = value to retrieve if a promotional price exists. By default 1.
  • no = value to retrieve if no promotional price exists. By default 0.

For example:

{{product.has_sale_price yes="Sale price" no="No sale price"}}


Retrieves the tier price if exists. If this price doesn't exist the value is null.

For example:


You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • customer_group_id =  id of the customer group for which the tier price is valid (Check inStoresOther SettingsCustomer Groups).
  • index = index of the Tier Price you want to retrieve.
  • vat_rate = is a floating value between 0.00 and 100.00 that represents an arbitrary VAT rate to apply. This parameter rewrites the VAT rule for the product except if the product doesn't have any tax class.
  • currency = automatically converts the original product price to a specified currency. It uses an exchange rate that you have already stored in your admin panel. By default, your local currency is used.

For example:

{{product.tier_price customer_group_id="1" index="1" vat_rate="DE" currency="EUR"}}


Retrieves the quantity defined for the tier price if exists. Otherwise, the value is null.

For example:


You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • customer_group_id =  id of the customer group for which the tier price is valid (Check inStoresOther SettingsCustomer Groups).
  • index = index of the Tier Price you want to retrieve.
  • vat_rate = is a floating value between 0.00 and 100.00 that represents an arbitrary VAT rate to apply. This parameter rewrites the VAT rule for the product except if the product doesn't have any tax class.
  • currency = automatically converts the original product price to a specified currency. It uses an exchange rate that you have already stored in your admin panel. By default, your local currency is used.

For example:

{{product.tier_price_qty customer_group_id="2" index="1" vat_rate="FR" currency="EUR"}}


Retrieves the minimum price.

This attribute is used for configurable, bundle, or grouped products.

If prices are exclusive of VAT and the product is liable to a unique VAT rate, the price retrieved will include this rate. Otherwise, the price exclusive of tax is retrieved.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the maximum price.

This attribute is used for configurable, bundle or grouped products.

If prices are exclusive of VAT and the product is liable to a unique VAT rate, the price retrieved will include this rate. Otherwise, the price exclusive of tax is retrieved.

For example:

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute: see {{object.price}}


Retrieves the product promotion id if it exists and if the Google Merchant Promotions extension is installed.

For example:

To know more about the use of this attribute, check out our doc on Google Merchant Promotions extension.


Retrieves the first catalog price rule id applied to the product if it exists

For example:



Retrieves the product tax class if it exists.

For example:


Below are listed the attributes that are generally used to retrieve any kind of link.


Retrieves URL to pre-select the simple product attributes from its configurable.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • currency=XXX =  This will add ?currency=XXX to the generated URL.
    The access to the generated URL will switch the product page to the corresponding currency

For example:

{{product.url_config currency=USD}}

This will generate:


Retrieves the product’s canonical absolute URL.

You also have the possibility to use a parameter with this attribute:

  • currency=XXX =  This will add ?currency=XXX to the generated URL.
    The access to the generated URL will switch the product page to the corresponding currency

For example:

{{product.url currency=EUR}}

This will generate:

Retrieves the product’s main image.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • index = index of any additional images to retrieve. It can be positive or negative.
    By default 0 (the main image).
  • role = role of the image to retrieve. Also works with the roles configured by the admin.

For example:

To retrieve the second image, use: 

{{product.image_link index=2}}


To retrieve the last image, use: 

{{product.image_link index=-1}}


To retrieve the second to last image, use: 

{{product.image_link index=-2}}


To retrieve the thumbnail image, use:

{{product.image_link role="thumbnail"}}
Note that the above two parameters cannot be used together.


Retrieves the host URL, for example:

Example with the small_image attribute:


{{object.uri}} or {{object.url_key}}

Retrieves the product canonical relative url.

For example:{{product.uri}}


To retrieve the categories of your products, you can check the below attributes.


Display the category paths in which the product may be found.

All category paths are listed under the categories attribute from the shortest to the longest path as in the below example:

  1. Default Category
  2. Default CategorySales
  3. Default CategoryClothes
  4. Default CategoryClothesMen
  5. Default CategoryClothesMenPants
  6. Default CategorySalesSpring and Summer Sales

In order to display a specific category path you have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • nth: display the nth category path, if not specified the 1st category is used by default. Negative values are allowed.
  • from: display a category path starting from the nth category level, if not specified the 1st category level is used by default. Negative values are allowed.
  • length: display a category path limited to the given number of category levels, if not specified the whole path is displayed by default.
  • separator: the character used to separate each category level.
  • url: replace the categories names by their URLs

For example:

{{product.categories nth="1"}}

Shows the first category Default Category

{{product.categories nth="-1"}}

Shows the last category path: Default CategorySalesSpring and Summer Sales

{{product.categories nth="3" separator="-"}}

Shows the 3th category path and change the category levels separator to "-":  DEFAULT CATEGORY - CLOTHES

{{product.categories nth="-2"}}

Shows the before last category path: Default CategorYClothesMenPants

{{product.categories nth="-2" from="2"}}

Shows the before last category path from the 2nd category level: ClothesMenPants

{{product.categories nth="-1" from="-1"}}

Shows the last category path from the last category level: Spring and Summer Sales 

{{product.categories nth="-2" from="2" length="1"}}

Shows the before last category path from the 2nd category level with only one category level: Clothes 

<?php /* {{product.categories_url}} */ ?> {{product.categories url=1 nth="-2" from="2"}}

Shows the before last category path from the 2nd category level by replacing the names of the categories by their URLs: > >


Retrieves any new category that you have assigned (in the Categories tab) to the item’s own product category. If no mapping is assigned to the first category found, the second category will be used etc…

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • index = index of the category mapping

For example:

{{product.category_mapping index=0}}{{product.category_mapping index=1}}{{product.category_mapping index=2}}{{product.category_mapping index=3}}{{product.category_mapping index=4}}

Will retrieve a maximum of 5 category mappings in 5 separate tags.


Retrieves the Google category that you have assigned (in the Categories section) to the first category found for the product (index 0).

For example:

To find the Google categories that match with your categories:


Retrieves the attribute set of the product.

For example:




Retrieves either 1 if the product is enabled or 2 if the product is disabled.

For example:



Retrieves the available quantity.

The quantity retrieved for configurable products is based on the sum of simple products.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • float = is the number of decimals.
  • stock_id = id of the stock for which you want to retrieve the quantity.
    The sum of the quantities of the sources associated with the stock is retrieved (Magento Multi Stock Inventory module).

    By default, the value of the default stock is retrieved.

  • source_code = code of the source for which you want to retrieve the available quantity.
    By default, the value of the default source is retrieved.

For example:

{{product.qty float=1 stock_id="1"}}
{{product.qty float=2 source_code="store_1"}}


Retrieves either "in stock" if the product is in stock, "out of stock" if the product is out of stock, or "available for order" if the product is backordered.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • in_stock = value to retrieve if the product is in stock.
  • out_of_stock = value to retrieve if the product is out of stock.
  • backorderable = value to retrieve if the product is backorderable.
  • stock_id = id of the stock for which you want to retrieve the availability (Magento Multi Stock Inventory module).
    By default, the value of the default stock is retrieved.
  • source_code = code of the source for which you want to retrieve the availability.
    By default, the value of the default source is retrieved.

For example:

{{product.availability stock_id="2" in_stock="Currently in stock" out_of_stock="Out of stock" backorderable="Available for order"}}
{{product.availability source_code="store_1" in_stock="In Stock" out_of_stock="No more Stock" backorderable="Can be ordered"}}


Retrieves the stock status "in stock" or "out of stock".

You also have the possibility to use a parameter with this attribute:

  • stock_id = id of the stock for which you want to retrieve the status (Magento Multi Stock Inventory module).
    By default, the value of the default stock is retrieved.
  • source_code = code of the source for which you want to retrieve the status.
    By default, the value of the default source is retrieved.

For example:

{{product.is_in_stock stock_id="1"}}
{{product.is_in_stock source_code="store_1"}}


You can also retrieve information on your products reviews using the following attributes.


Retrieves the number of reviews for the product.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • store_id = id of the store view

For example:

{{product.review_count store_id=1}}


Retrieves the average score of all the product's reviews.

You also have the possibility to use some parameters with this attribute:

  • store_id = id of the store view
  • score_base = base ratings

For example:

{{product.review_average store_id=1 score_base=5}}


In the case where you're using product variations (color, size, or gender) then you can use the following attributes. Attention, these attributes are examples and can differ according to the configuration of your Magento 2 store.


Retrieves all the attribute names for which the configurable product has simple ones defined.

For example:



Retrieves the gender of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the age group of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the color of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the size of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the material of the product.

For example:



Retrieves the pattern of the product.

For example:



Below are listed all the parameters that you can use with any attribute in your data feeds.

{{object.attribute prefix="value"}}

The prefix is what will be displayed before the attribute value only if it is not null, otherwise, nothing is retrieved.

Below are some examples:

To add the currency symbol before the price and not retrieve anything when the value of the attribute is null:

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0 prefix="$"}}

To add the weight unit before the attribute value and not retrieve anything when that value is null:

{{product.weight prefix="LBS "}}

{{object.attribute suffix="value"}}

The suffix is what will be displayed after the attribute value only if it is not null, otherwise, nothing is retrieved.

Below are some examples:

To add the currency code after the price and not retrieve anything when the value of the attribute is null:

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0 suffix=" USD"}}

To add the weight unit after the attribute value and not retrieve anything when that value is null:

{{product.weight suffix=" LBS"}}

{{object.attribute as="myVariable"}}

The as parameter allows you to store the value of a given attribute into a variable for a later use in one of your PHP script or in a condition (see if parameter).
Notice, the attribute call even if it uses the as parameter will produce an output in the data feed expect if you add the output attribute with the value null (see output parameter)

Here are a few examples:

Display the product name and store the value in a variable $name:

<!-- Product name is displayed and stored under a new variable "name" --><name>{{ as="name"}}</name>

$name can be then used in a PHP script latter in the template

<?php /* If variable $name is equal to "Apple", then display "Apple" then display "Banana"*/if($name=="Apple") return $name;else return "Banana";?>

Store the visibility of a product and use it in a condition for another attribute

<!-- Product visibility is stored under a new variable "visibility" and the attribute doesn't display -->{{product.visibility as="visibility" output="null"}}<!-- If the product is not visible individually (1) then we display the parent product url, otherwise we use the product url--><url>{{parent.url if="visibility==1" | product.url}}</url>

{{object.attribute if="condition"}}

The if parameter allows you to define one or more necessary conditions to display the given attribute in the data feed.

One condition is built with 3 items :

  • the variable to check :
    a product attribute
    a variable previously stores thanks to the as parameter (see as parameter)
  • the comparison statement
    == equal
    <= lower or equal to
    => hieght or equal to
    < lower than
    > higher than
    != different from
  • the value


<!-- Product description will be displayed only if product brand is equal to "Apple" --><name>{{product.description if="product.brand==Apple"}}</name>
<!-- Product weight will be displayed only if the product is not virtual AND not downloadable--><weight>{{product.weight if="product.type_id!=virtual" if="product.type_id!=downlodable"}}</weight>

{{object.attribute output="functions"}}

You can use the basic functions (see basic functions), the advanced functions (see advanced functions) or any php functions.

You must refer to the attribute by using the $self variable as the function's parameter.

Example :

<!-- Get the product name with the first letter of each word in uppercase --><name>{{ output="ucwords($self)"}}</name>

If you want to use several functions, those must be imbricated as you do for with PHP:

Example :

<!-- Remove all html tags from the description and limit the description to the first 100 characters --><name>{{product.description output="substr(strip_tags($self),100"}}</name>

You can also use null to display an empty string or you can use any string to display a specific message:

Example :

<!-- If product price is lower than $10 then display "Free Shipping"--><shipping_cost>{{product.price if="product.price<10" output="'Free Shipping'"}}</shipping_cost>
The output parameter allows you to define the output format for a given attribute.

{{object.attribute php="functions"}}

The php parameter acts exactly as the output parameter.


You can use any of the native php functions as well as all of the following ones with the default attributes that are defined in your Magento 2 back-office and also any attribute you have defined for your products (eg: name, description, short_description, weight, size, color…) apart from those which generate XML.

The syntax to use in order to include php functions in the variables is:

{{object.attribute output="function(parameters)"}}

You can also apply one or more functions to all of these attributes by using the following syntax:

{{object.attribute output="function1(function2(function3($self,parameters)))"}}

All options are executed in the written order:

<title>{{}}</title><title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper($self)"}}</title><title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper(wyomind_substr($self,20,'...'))"}}</title>

This will produce:

<title>Affirm Water Bottle</title><title>AFFIRM WATER BOTTLE</title><title>AFFIRM WATER...</title>


Converts a numeric value to a floating number.

You need to define some parameters:

  • decimal = number of floating number. By default: 0

For example:

<g:shipping_weight> {{product.weight output="float($self,2)"}}kg </g:shipping_weight>


Removes all characters that don't belong to the UTF-8 charset.

For example:

<g:title> {{ output="cleaner($self)"}} </g:title>


Removes all EOL characters from the value.

For example:

<description> {{product.description output="inline($self)"}} </description>


The improved functions are used in the same way as the basic php functions but offer more possibilities. They are a rewrite of the native php functions but have been improved for a specific use of the Data Feed Manager extension.


Transforms the value to uppercase.

For example:

<g:title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper($self)"}}</g:title>


Transforms the value to lowercase.

For example:

<tag>{{ output="wyomind_strtolower($self)"}}</tag>


Joins all array elements in a string.

You need to define some parameters:

  • separator = string used between each value. By default: ,

This function may be useful for multi-select attributes like climate, activity general...

For example:

<activity> {{product.activity_general output="wyomind_implode('-',$self)"}} </activity>

Will give:



Converts all HTML entities to their applicable characters.

For example:

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_html_entity_decode($self)"}} </description>


Removes all HTML tags.

For example:

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_strip_tags($self)"}} </description>


Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities.

For example:

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_htmlentities($self)"}} </description>


Truncates the value.

You need to define some parameters:

  • length = maximum length of the value
  • end = string that will be added at the end of the string. By default: ...

For example:

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_substr($self,50,'...')"}} </description>

If there are HTML tags in your descriptions, you may need to use in combination with this function:

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_strip_tags(wyomind_substr($self,50,'...'))"}} </description>

API PHP for Data Feed Manager

With Data Feed Manager you can use PHP scripts in different ways to fully customize and control the data feed output.

  • Inline PHP scripts 
    Scripts that are added directly to the data feed template surrounded by PHP tags (<?php ... ?>) 
  • Custom attributes
    Scripts that can be called by using the custom attribute name just like you do for any attribute in your data feed template.
  • Custom functions
    Functions that can be called by using the function name and additional parameters and that can be applied to any attribute in your data feed template.

API coding standards

The Data Feed Manager PHP API uses the exact same syntax and standards as any PHP coding.

Attribute calls

For performance reasons, Data Feed Manager only loads in the collection of products the attributes that are explicitly required in the data feed template.
This means that only the attributes that are called using the template placeholders, {{scope.attribute_code}}, will be added to the collection of products.

As a consequence, when you try to access the value of an attribute from the $product object, you must be sure that the attribute has been added to the collection.
Most of the time when the returned value is null for a given attribute, it means the attribute is not loaded in the collection of products.

The best way to be sure that all the attributes you need are well loaded in the collection, is to add at the beginning of your template a simple script that lists all the attributes required.

<?php /* list of required attributes * {{product.attribute_1}} {{product.attribute_2}} {{product.attribute_3}} {{product.attribute_4}}...*/?>

Then you should be able to get the values of these attributes in your PHP script:

<?php return $product->getAttribute1();?><?php return $product->getAttribute2();?><?php return $product->getAttribute3();?>....

PHP functions in attribute calls

You can use any PHP function to apply in the attribute calls even if the function requires one or more additional arguments, for instance:

{{ output="str_replace('Apple','Banana',$self)"}}

You can use several consecutive functions:

{{product.ean output="str_pad(str_replace('X','0',$self),10,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)"}}

Conditional values

To output values based on different conditions, use PHP conditional statements:

  • if/else
    <?php/* attribute {{product.sku}} required */if ($product->getSku()=="abc"){return "Alphabetic";}elseif($product->getSku()=="123"){return "Numeric";}else{return "Mixed";}?>
  • switch/case
    <?php/* attribute {{product.sku}} required */switch($product->getSku()){case "abc":return "Alphabetic";break;case "123":return "Numeric";break;default:return "Mixed";}?>

Opening and closing tags

When using the PHP API inline directly in your data feed template, you must use the opening and closing PHP tags (<? php ... ?>)

<?php if($product->getData('size')=="X-Large") {return "XL";}?>

Outputting a value

Any value that you want to output in your data feed, must be returned with the return instruction.

<?php return "Don't miss! ".$product->getTitle();?>/* This script adds for each product in data feed  a new output line *  Don't miss! Iphone 5*  Don't miss! Galaxy note 7*  ... */

Variables scope

All variables available in PHP scripts have a local scope, this means they can't be shared between several scripts.

If you wish to share a variable with different scripts all along the data feed generation process, then the variable must be set as a global variable.

<?php global $increment;$increment++;return $increment;/* This script will output a incremental $variable* 1* 2* 3* ...*/?>

API Objects, Variables and Methods

Object $product

$product is an instance of Mage_Catalog_Model_Product. It contains all methods available by default and some other specific to Data Feed Manager.

The list below includes the main methods available to use:

  • $product->getCategoriesArray()
    Retrieves an array of arrays that describes the categories to which belongs the products
  • $product->getCategoryIds()
    Lists all category ids in which the product may be found
  • $product->getVisibility()
    Returns the visibility of the product (1 = not visible individually, 2 = catalog, 3 = search, 4 = catalog and search)
  • $product->getStatus()
    Returns the status of the product (1 = enabled, 2 = disabled)
  • $product->getData($attributeCode)
    Returns the value of the given attribute code
  • $product->getAttributeText($attributeCode)
    Returns the textual value of the given attribute code

Object $this

$this is an instance of Wyomind_datafeedmanager_Model_Feed.

It provides a few useful methods: 

  • $this->hasParent($product, $type="parent")
    Returns a Boolean value whether a product has a parent from the give type (parent, configurable, grouped, bundle) or not
  • $this->getParent($product, $type="parent", $strict=false)
    Returns a product object of the given parent type (parent, configurable, grouped, bundle) if available or the product object passed as 1st parameter when $strict parameter is set on false. 
  • $this->skip()
    Skips the current product, useful to filter out some products based on specific condition

String | Integer | Boolean | Array in variable $self

$self is the value of the attribute for the current product.

This variable is only available for custom attributes and functions.

Custom variables use

Data Feed Manager allows you to create your own variables and to add them to your data feed.

Create a custom variable

To create custom variables from your Magento admin, go to :
products  Data Feed Manager Custom variables

Some templates of use are loaded by default when installing the extension.

Here is how to proceed:

  1. Create a new variable by clicking on "add new".
  2. Enter the name of your new custom variable and add a comment and PHP script.
  3. Add the new custom variable into your data feed template, in:
    ProductsData Feed ManagerData Feeds

An example of custom variables

Replace some words in the product description:

    return str_ireplace($search,$replace,$product->getDescription());

Create a thumbnail of the product image:

    $objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
    $_imagehelper = $objectManager->get('MagentoCatalogHelperImage'); 
    return $_imagehelper->init($product, 'image',['type'=>'image'])->resize(200,200)->getUrl();

Filter out the product that matches a condition:

        return $product->getUpc();
    elseif ($product->getMpn())
        return $product->getMpn();

Calculate the sum of all quantity available for the configurable product:

    $objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
    $childProducts = $product$product->getTypeInstance()->getUsedProducts($product);
    $stock_count=0;foreach($childProducts as $child) {
    return "<g:quantity>".$stock_count."</g:quantity>";

Custom functions use

Data Feed Manager also allows you to create custom functions.

Create a custom function

To create your own functions, go to:
products Data Feed Manager Custom functions

Here is how to proceed:

  1. Create a new option by clicking on "add new"
  2. Add PHP script for your new custom function
  3. Add the new custom function into your data feed template in:
    PRODUCTSData Feed ManagerData Feeds configuration

Examples of custom functions

Pad an attribute to a certain length with another string:

<?php/** {{product.ean output="str_pad_custom($self,10,0)"}} * when ean is 12345, then the output is 0000012345 */return str_pad($self,$pad_length,$pad_string,STR_PAD_LEFT);/** could also be used as a inline function* {{product.ean output="str_pad($self,10,0,STR_PAD_LEFT)"}}*/?>

Format a number:

<?php /** {{product.price output="number_format_customl($self,2,',')"}} *when price is 9.99345, then the output is 9,99 */return number_format($self,$decimal,$decimal_separator,' ');/** could also be used as a inline function *{{product.ean output="number_format($self,2,',',' ')"}}*/?>

Easily export your products' data to shopping engines with Data Feed Manager for Magento® 2!

Display your products on any marketplace and make the most of your data feeds thanks to Data Feed Manager for Magento® 2. 

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?

Efficiently export your products catalog to shopping engines

File formats
Export your products data into any data feed type: 

Product types
Include all product types to your data feeds: simple, configurable, bundle... and custom types.

Create multi-currencies and multi-VAT-rates data feeds for each one of your Magento® stores.

Create a data feed in compliance with any shopping engines requirements

Start configuring your data feed very quickly using one of the 19 sample templates.

While configuring your data feed, find any attribute you're looking for in the attributes library.

Preview your data feeds from the black box and use the syntactic helper to avoid any misprints.

Completely customize your data feed according to your products catalog

Configure your patterns by adding any Magento® 2 attributes.

Add PHP scripts into your patterns.

Category filter
Filter your products according to the product and/or parent categories.

Create filters based on the attribute sets, product types, and visibility.

Advanced Filters
Define more personalized filters using advanced filters.

AND/OR statements
Use OR/AND statements in your advanced filters.

Automatically and regularly send your updated data feed to shopping engines

Cron tasks
Schedule tasks to periodically generate your data feed.

FTP upload
Upload your data feeds via FTP and use the FTP testing tool.

Generation details
Make sure all is well thanks to the generation status and details.

Easily find the Google categories that correspond to yours

Category Mapping
Easily and rapidly map each one of your categories to Google ones.

Search As You Type
Facilitate your category mapping with the Search As You Type option.

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Data Feed Manager is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab.

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.

Data Feed Manager includes all the features of Simple Google Shopping but allows you to create more kinds of data feeds (csv, txt, xml) and with special features like extra-header for any shopping engine, market place or search engine such as BingShopping,, Shopzilla, Amazon...


All countries are supported (tax rates and currencies) by Data Feed Manager.

You just need to edit the data feed for the targeted country.

You may also have to use the appropriate currency when using prices attributes.

Any currency can be managed in your data feeds.

You can define a different currency for each data feed using currency codes.

This will automatically convert the prices into the indicated currency.

The char encoding of the generated data feed is UTF-8 for Data Feed Manager. It allows the use of special characters, such as accented letters, but also Arabic and Chinese letters.

If you're using Data Feed Manager, the default char encoding is UTF-8, while no char encoding is specified in the XML header.

Data Feed Manager has been tested successfully on {{platform}} shops containing more than 70,000 products.

Remember that the generation and export time for any quantity of products will depend on your server capacity. Generally, exporting a data feed with 10,000 products shouldn't take more than 2-3 minutes on a standard shared server.

License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Data Feed Manager on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Data Feed Manager.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Data Feed Manager on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Data Feed Manager, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Data Feed Manager.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Data Feed Manager, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Data Feed Manager.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Data Feed Manager in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

You can install Data Feed Manager manually.

  1. Download Data Feed Manager (zip file) on:
    mY ACCOUNTLicenses & Downloads
    Refer to the FAQ: Extensions download
  2. Once Data Feed Manager is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.
  4. In your Command Line Interface, execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade 

    If you are using a production mode, execute also:

    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
    bin/magento setup:di:compile  

You can install Data Feed Manager using Composer software in two cases:

  • if you purchased Data Feed Manager on Magento Marketplace.
  • if you purchased Data Feed Manager on AND requested access to our repository:
  1. Add to your composer configuration our repository:
    composer config repositories.wyomind composer 

  2. Execute Composer command:
    composer require wyomind/datafeedmanager
  3. Then go in your Command Line Interface and execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade ​
  4. If you are using a production mode, also execute:
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  ​
    bin/magento setup:di:compile​

To uninstall Data Feed Manager, start with disabling the extension running the following command:

bin/magento module:disable Wyomind_DataFeedManager

Then, you have 2 ways to uninstall the extension depending on how the extension has been previously installed: 

  • Manual installation

    Run the file (you can find it in the extension zip folder) from your Magento root directory:



  • Installation via Composer

    Run the below command line:

    composer remove wyomind/datafeedmanager

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it). 

You can install Data Feed Manager via Web Setup Wizard if you purchased it from Magento Marketplace only.

To know how to proceed, all steps are described in the link below:

Next step is to activate your license:
Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Data Feed Manager is installed, you have to activate the license. For previous versions, you can activate the license from your back-office:

    1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

      If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

         1. The Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are well enabled.
         2. The HTML output of the Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are not disabled in:
      storesconfigurationadvanced advanced
         3. The encryption key well exists in app/etc/env.php:
       return array(
       'backend' => array(
       'frontName' => 'admin'
       'crypt' => array(
       'key' => '1e8f3c6772b7a6a6689c3c8cefa4ccf0'
       /* ... */
    2. Copy your activation key in:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
      In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Data Feed Manager.
      In your Wyomind account:My account Licenses & downloads
      Select Data Feed Manager and click on  .

      A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).

    3. In your Magento admin go to:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
      By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic.
      By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

    4. Click on Save config .
    5. A message appears at the top of your admin panel. Click on that link: 
      Activate it now!
    6. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 

    7. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log in back straight after, to complete the installation.

When the extension includes other modules, repeat the steps described above for each one, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).

Add another domain to your license

To activate the license on another domain (test, staging...):

  1. Once the extension is installed on the new domain, copy your activation key in:
    StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension
  2. After having saved the configuration, a notification appears. Click on Add this domain to my license.

  3. A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.
    Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.
    If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Data Feed Manager on both environments at the same time.

Note that the order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter. You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.

Also, if you have loads of staging domains, or if you are an agency managing load of domains for your customers, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.

Once Data Feed Manager is installed, you have to activate the license.

For this, you can use the below command line (change the Activation key with the corresponding value):

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate Wyomind_DataFeedManager <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY>

To retrieve the list of all the available modules as well as the licenses status, please use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:status


 Among the different status, you can find: 

  • registered = your license is registered
  • pending = you need to run the activation command line
  • invalidated = the license has been invalidated due to a wrong activation key or a license infringement


To activate several licenses at the same time, use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_Extension1,Wyomind_Extension2 \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Extension1,Extension2 \
Modules use

Generating a data feed is totally different from exporting a data feed.


Generate your data feed

To generate a data feed from Data Feed Manager, you only need to click on Generate  when editing your data feed from:
ProductsData Feed ManagerData Feeds

You will get an .xml, .csv or .txt file according to your configuration.

This will allow you to upload your products data into the platform you want (such as Google Shopping).


Export your template

To export a data feed from Data Feed Manager, you need need to click on eXPORT  when editing your data feed from:
ProductsData Feed ManagerData Feeds

You will get a .dfm file.

You will be able to save a template that you have previously created from Data Feed Manager and to import it if needed into your Magento admin for example.

<g:product_type> is for the categories that you have defined independently in your Magento 2 back-office.

To retrieve the category you have assigned to it for each one of your products, you can easily fill this XML section using: 


Read also:

<g:google_product_category> is used for the categories that are already defined by Google.

You must include this section for each one of your products with the Google category corresponding to yours using: 


Read also:

CDATA stands for Character Data. It means that the data in between these tags include data that could be interpreted as XML markup, but should not be.

Syntactically, CDATA behaves similarly to a comment but it is still part of the document.

CDATA sections have no encoding, so there's no way to include the ]]> string into them.

If you're getting instead of when generating a new feed, it's normal.

Actually, the url is still available. The parameter ?r=0123456789 at the end of it is simply a random number to avoid cache issue when you download the data feed from your Magento 2 admin.

Data feed configuration

Data Feed Manager provides you with a fully configurable schedule in the Cron Schedule tab of your pattern configuration for each data feed or profile.

So that it works, you need to have one main scheduled task running from your server side and targeting cron.php located in the pub directory of Magento 2 root directory (ideally every hour).

If the management panel from your hosting compagny doesn't provide such a service, you should be able to use a remote service such as:

Data Feed Manager also provides you with a cron job reporting, so that you can get email reports on each data feed or profile you're generating.

The Google and Facebook product taxonomies are category trees that will help you to generate values for the Google and Facebook product category attributes listing all possibilities.

  • Taxonomie Google: From that page, choose the language you want to use for your taxonomy at the bottom right. Then, in the Downloadable taxonomy, open the Plain Text link that contains full category names and save the file.


  • Taxonomie Facebook: From that page, choose the language you want to use from the Facebook product categories by language section. Then, click on the Plain Text link that contains full category names to download the file.

Paste the file in:

  • For Simple Google Shopping: Magento 2 > app > code > Wyomind > Simple Google Shopping > data > Google > Taxonomies
  • For Facebook Product Feed: Magento 2 > app > code > Wyomind > Facebook Product Feed > data > Facebook > Taxonomies

Don't forget to apply the permissions 644 to the file.

You'll then be able to choose that specific taxonomy from your data feed configuration.

You can use the OR operand with all these variables (without option) as in the example below:

{{object.proprietyA | object.proprietyB}}

If object.proprietyA exists then the value will be object.proprietyA, otherwise, the value will be object.proprietyB.

For example:

{{product.url | parent.url}}

There isn't any other operand of that kind.

In Magento 2, configurable products are in fact containers for the simple variant products. Then, their price will depend on the options that the customer has selected.

Unfortunately, as it's not possible to know in advance the choice of the customers, it is recommended to use the minimum or the maximum price in your data feeds. You can use one of the below attributes:


However, note that it's not recommended to send configurable products to Google. You can have a look at that faq.

According to Google requirements, you should only have simple products exported in your generated data feed. In fact, configurable products are only empty shells for your simple products.

In the case where you export only simple variants into your data feed, you need to check that:

  • you use the Parent object to retrieve the information from the configurable product if needed.
    For example:
    <g:link>{{product.url | parent.url}}</g:link>​
  • your filters are not too restrictive.
    For example if your simple variant products are not visible individually, make sure to have ticked that options in your data feed filters.

  • the categories you've selected in the configuration of your data feed are also assigned to the simple variants.
    For example, if only the parent product has a category assigned, you'll be able to include product into your data feed based on the Product and parent categories.

To subtract the VAT from your catalog prices, in your pattern, you need to replace:



{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0}} 

Replace USD with your own currency.

If the prices of your catalog are already including the VAT, then you can use:

{{product.price currency=USD}}

To apply a custom VAT to your products, you can replace:



{{product.price currency=CUR vat_rate=0.00}}

Replace CUR with your own currency and 0.00 with a value between 0 and 100 that represents the VAT.

For example:

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=10}}

In your data feed, you get but the correct URL is

To retrieve the URL you want, you can define the options under:
Stores > Settings > Configuration > Wyomind > Data Feed Manager

You'll be able to choose which URL path to use in Use canonical URLs.

You can choose between 3 options:

  • Individual product URLs
  • Shortest category URLs
  • Longest category URLs

For example, if you have a "T-shirt" in 2 categories: "New arrivals" and "Shirts", then depending on your configuration, you'll get different results:

  • Shortest category URL =
  • Longest category URL =

The individual product URL won't include any category or subcategory.

Here is the process to download your file:

  • Generate the file.
  • Right-click on on the generated link from the grid.
  • Choose the "Save as" option.

For your products with customizable options, instead of retrieving only one product, you have the possibility to retrieve each variant in your XML/CSV/TXT data feeds. 



Imagine you have added the following customizable options for a bag : 

  • Bag Color: the bag is available in black and in red
  • Bag Size: the bag is available in small and in big

Iterate the custom options

To retrieve the information of each custom option, use the below code in your template:

{{custom_options.iterate alias="Custom Option title"}}


You must use the below parameters: 

  • alias represents your custom option. You can retrieve up to 2 options. alias can be renamed with any name. For example: 
  • Custom Option title is the title of your custom option. Attention, these titles are case-sensitive, they must be written exactly as in your Magento 2 admin. For example: 
    Bag Size
  • value = It is the value you want to retrieve. It can be the title, the SKU or the price of the option. You must use the following values: label, sku, price


For example, to retrieve the 4 variants of your bag (Mini Red, Maxi Red, Mini Black, Maxi black), use the below code:

{{custom_options.iterate alias1="Bag Size" alias2="Bag Color"}}
{{custom_options.alias1.label}} - {{custom_options.alias1.sku}} - {{custom_options.alias1.price}}
{{custom_options.alias2.label}} - {{custom_options.alias2.sku}} - {{custom_options.alias2.price}}

Merge the custom options

You can also retrieve all variants values using the merge option as below:

{{custom_options.merge value="value" opt="Custom Option title"}}


You must use the below parameters:

  • value = It is the value you want to retrieve. It can be the title, the SKU or the price of the option. You must use the following values: label, sku, price
  • opt = It represents the custom option. Replace Custom Option title by the title of the option as it is written in your Magento 2 back-office. For example : 
    Bag Color


For example, to retrieve the SKUs of all the values of the Bag Color option, use the below code in your template:

{{custom_options.merge value="sku" opt="Bag Color"}}

Note that using the merge option, all values will be separated by a comma.


This issue may be due to a problem during the installation process.

You will be able to fix it by following these steps:

  1. Access your database via your control panel (Phpmyadmin for example).
  2. From the setup_module table, delete the entry Wyomind_extension.
    Be careful, that entry depends on your extension. For example, if you have the extension called Simple Google Shopping, you should delete Wyomind_SimpleGoogleShopping.
  3. Logout from your Magento 2 admin.
  4. Log into your Magento 2 admin.
How do cron tasks work?
  • The cron.php file (available in the pub directory of your Magento 2 root directory) is regularly launched from your server side (generally every 5 minutes).
  • The cron task for Data Feed Manager is targeted and evaluates if a data feed or a profile needs to be refreshed (depending on the timestamp stored in the database and on the schedule table for this specific profile).
  • If the above condition matches, then the data feed and the profile is re-generated.

Be sure that you have correctly configured a scheduled task from the server side (cpanel) targeting the cron.php file in your magento 2 installation.

The extension includes reporting and debug tools for the scheduled tasks available in:
StoresSettingsConfigurationWyomindData Feed Manager

For more information on the configuration of cron tasks in Magento 2, you can check their documentation.

You must apply the permissions 644 to app/code/Wyomind/SimpleGoogleShopping/data/Google directory and all sub folders and files via FTP.

The directory in which your data feed is stored must be writable (permissions 755). You should try to use another directory such as /media/ if /feeds/ is not properly set by changing the content of the Path field.

You must update the module by downloading and installing the module last version available from your account.

In the case where your data feed URL is inaccessible, your site may be using the pub directory as the site root.

Then, from the Configuration tab of your data feed, you should change the path so that it is generated in the /pub/feeds/ directory instead.

Then, the data feed URL won't include the pub directory and will be:

You may have an incorrect character in your data feed description, for example, the & character.

In that case, you should replace the & character with and or enclose your data between CDATA as in the example below.

If when saving your data feed configuration in Magento 2, you get:

Forbidden, You don't have permission to access /.../ on this server.

This is probably something regarding the hosting company that doesn't allow to post XML in the form.

The mod_security (security module) includes rules that stop all post/get requests including code.

In order to fix that issue, you should get in touch with your hosting company so that they add some exceptions to the security rules.

If the characters of your data feed are not correctly displayed, you should first be sure you used special attributes that will clean your content:

{{product.description php="sgs_strip_tags(sgs_html_entity_decode(inline(cleaner($self))))"}}

If your data feed still doesn't display properly, maybe it's because you're trying to read it as an ISO file while Data Feed Manager creates UTF-8 encoded files.

We recommend you read it with dedicated programs like Notepad++ or Firefox (with DisplayEncoding typeutf8 selected).

Magento 2 Compatibility

Magento 2® Open Source

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

25th June 2024

Good Feed Management Solution

This extension helped manage our feeds for Google Shopping and more. The intuitive interface and powerful customization save time. Wyomind's support is responsive and helpful. It's a reliable, indispensable tool. Highly recommended.

19th June 2024

Fantastic extension for managing product feeds

Wyomind's Data Feed Manager is a fantastic tool for managing product feeds. It's user-friendly, reliable, and the support team is always quick to help. Highly recommend for any e-commerce store!

Manav - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

24th May 2024

Good plugin, very effective

We use the plugin generally to extract product information from Magento usually as feeds. It is very useful and easy to use. Also very fast.

8th April 2024

Very good

The APP are very good,

Giuseppe - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

8th April 2024

Extension for MAgento

I'm purchase more extension for Magento 1 and are very good

Marco - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

7th February 2024

Great feed generator

We have used a few different feed generators from competitors, however Wyomind's data feed manager was the most robust and easy to use we have found

30th January 2024

Great extension, easy to customize and use

Great extension. Have used for over 10 years on many of our sites. High customizable, we can configure it just the way we want to get google shopping feeds, Facebook feeds, Bing feeds, etc.. Has nice logic and filtering conditions to get the feeds just how we want them.

Dustin - Merchant - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

26th October 2023

Great Plugin and Wonderful support!

Really simple to configure and works perfectly. I can manage without any problem Google, Facebook, and various product feeds, adding all data and filtering products. We tested many, this one is the best.

3rd August 2023

Very flexible data feed module

We've been using Wyomind's Datafeed Manager for a few years now. It is very flexible in its outputs. It can take a while to configure if you want something custom but there are several pre-built templates to help with this and give a good starting point for custom outputs.

Craig - Merchant - User for more than 3 years |Magento 2

21st June 2023

Straight forward to use, great support

We have used the data feed manager extension on our Magento 2 website for the last couple of years. The user guide is informative and easy to use, allowing complete control within our feed. On the one occasion we needed to contact their support, they replied speedily and were able to resolve our query straightway.

28th March 2023

We've used this addon for years, it works great!

We've first used this on Magento 1 websites, and later migrated over to Magento 2. The addon is feature rich, and allows us full granular control over the data feeds we send to google, and other platforms. It's an invaluable part of our marketing toolkit and empowers our clients to succeed with their off-site order generation - such as marketplaces, affiliate sites and more.

24th March 2023

Always good quality extensions

I've been using Wyomind extensions for mine and client's stores for around ten years and they've always been very reliable with little or no issues. The support team have always been quick to respond to any issues and help when within the support period.

6th March 2023

Ease of Use

As a merchant and not a programmer, I find this extension very easy to install, upgrade and use. We've been using Data Feed Manager for over 5 years now and don't know what we'd do without it!!

24th February 2023

The best!

We don't know what we would do without it! We used this for Magento 1 and 2, it is very easy to use and helpful support! It is simple to implement, and the documentation is always clear, concise and very well documented. It helps more traffic to our site and increase our conversion and click-through rates. We love the rating and reviews that entice customers to buy and add social proof of our products longevity.

9th January 2023

Good module, works like promised

Good module with many options to for configuration. Module works without any problems. Should satisfy even the most demanding customers.

16th December 2022

Great extension!

The Data feed manager is a neccesary plugin for any serious Magento 2 webshop. It helps you out in the most easy way to connect to the commercial environments outside Magento, ie Google Merchants, price comparison websites. Prefilled profiles give you at hand solution or at least a good insight in how to connect to other systems automatically.

cahcnhiet3m - Marketing Agency

16th December 2022

Good job guys

The Data feed manager is a neccesary plugin for any serious Magento 2 webshop. It helps you out in the most easy way to connect to the commercial environments outside Magento, ie Google Merchants, price comparison websites. Prefilled profiles give you at hand solution or at least a good insight in how to connect to other systems automatically.

cahcnhiet3m - SEO Specialist

14th December 2022

Excellent Tool for Sales Growth

We have used the Data Feed Manager for years, going back to M1 days. It was an easy choice to continue with it for Magento 2 Commerce Edition. It's easy to use and allows us to populate our catalog updates to Google and Facebook easily. We had also used it for multiple smaller feeds which each had different formats, and that was easy to manage as well. It's nice when the tool is both developer-friendly and marketing-team-friendly so we can all get on the same page with the priorities and trouble-shooting when needed!

Rebekkah - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

12th September 2022

Excellent Extension For M2 Stores

Have been using this extension on all the eCom projects I have worked on, going back to M1 so it was only right to continue with the robust functionality and excellent support provided by the Wyomind team. The extension flexibility to create multiple feeds in various formats means I no longer have to brief a developer with specific fields; it's now just a case of picking fields I need; add any additional logics (supported by Wyomind documentation) and away I go.

Ankit - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

29th July 2022

Great extension!

This extension is a must-have for any merchant! It is very feature rich and lets you build feeds for whatever your needs are. Wyomind has been around for a long time so we trust their level of expertise with whatever issue arises.

1st July 2022

Wouldn't be making money without it!

The Data feed manager is a neccesary plugin for any serious Magento 2 webshop. It helps you out in the most easy way to connect to the commercial environments outside Magento, ie Google Merchants, price comparison websites. Prefilled profiles give you at hand solution or at least a good insight in how to connect to other systems automatically. I am not a programmer and was able to set it up myself!

28th February 2022

Works like promised!

The data feed manager works like promised and delivers great feeds to upload to various marketplaces.

15th February 2022

Great tool for managing any data output requirements

Used this extension for many year, very very flexible and is now the go to solution for data output from Magento store to any external system. Simple, reliable, does what it says on the Tin!

Revolving Steve - Merchant - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

7th February 2022

Great purchase!!

Awesome extension!!. Very easy to customize and a lot of options and filters to get the perfect feed. We use it for Google and several marketplaces. Really good and quick support.

Miguel - Merchant - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th October 2021

Tout simplement le meilleur module de flux de Magento

J'utilise ce module depuis des années et je trouve que c'est de loin le meilleur module de flux pour Magento. J'en ai testé plein d'autres... mais ils sont tous très limité. Ce module permet d'ajouter du code manuel, ce qui permet de faire presque tout ce que l'on souhaite avec les données.

20th September 2021

Works as expected

The extensions is very professional and works as expected. The Data Feed manager is easy to use with a lot of features by default. It is also possible to extend the basic features with custom code to satisfy our special needs. This extension is very important for our webshop.

23rd August 2021

Good plugin to help connect the catalog to Facebook and Google

We have been using the Wyomind Data Feed extension for a couple of years now. It works well for the most part and is easy to use. However, we have had some issues with the bundled products as it does not seem to recognise when bundles are out of stock. We are hoping to get this fixed soon. Otherwise it is a good choice for integration with Google, Facebook and several other platforms. It's easy to schedule automated updates to the feeds and it's easy to configure. Definitely worth the investment to help streamline your e-commerce ads!

R Kumar - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

17th August 2021

Very good moduel to generate feeds

We have been using this modules for years and its very easy to generate the google feed using predefined variables to build he xml, we highly recommend this extension to everyone, thisis perfect extesion for our business need.

2nd August 2021

Good solid module

Great module, with lots of options to fit every need. And perfect if your selling computergames

12th July 2021

Best module for generate Google Feed

Great extension, easy to use, and very good support. We are successfully using this module on our website for the last 5 years. Recently we switched to Magento 2 and it's working like charm.

Donnie Bachan - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

17th June 2021

Best Module for Marketing

This is very helpful extension in marketing.. Thanks for making this type of extension.

17th June 2021

Best experience with Wyomind from years

Wyomind has made my life easy and sales boost in google shopping. The work load has decreased and the efficiency of my team has increased. I encourage them to keep making such helpful tools to keep us soaring high in the field of e-commerce. Hail Wyomind!

16th June 2021

Good extension and great support

Great module, with the possibility to create any feeds do you want. Support very fast in replying. We are successfully using this module on our website since 5 years. On our Magento 1 webshop and recently switched to the Magento 2 version.

4th June 2021

This module is essential for any website integrated with marketing services

We are successfully using this module on our website since 5 years. It's very easy to setup a working CSV / XML for letting other web marketing services grab our products details and images. Just came on the website for downloading latest version, it's right to left a feedback!

21st May 2021

good extension

great extension

21st May 2021

good extension

good extension

13th May 2021

A must have tool for any Magento website

This is by far the easiest datafeed module I have used. We have been users for over 4 years. It is very intuitive and easy to configure.

Ernest Sal - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

7th May 2021

I would recommend

Clean code, great support team. Product was very helpful it achieve our target and the support team is professional I shall highly recommend this product

6th May 2021

Great module, invaluable for feeds

This module is a must have if you want to create quick and easy feeds from your website products. Facebook feeds, instagram feeds, google shopping feeds, no problem! The feeds module is easy to install and the support team a Wyomind are not only responsive, but go the extra mile to help with any issues.

Billy - Merchant - User for more than 11 months |Magento 2

6th May 2021

Great module

Is a great module and save me many many hours.

Rui Guedes - Developer - User for more than 3 years |Magento 2

4th May 2021

Excellent extension & support

We've been using Wyomind's Datafeed Manager for several years. And it does a great job - like Wyomind's support team. It's very responsive and it helps when problems arise. Highly recommended!

Dominik - Merchant - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

27th April 2021

Excellent extension

excellent extension to manage datafeeds for google, facebook, price comparisons and affiliate platforms. The possibility of applying filters to the products to be exported according to the generated datafeed is also very convenient. Installed on magento 2 cloud commerce version. Note some cache issues when downloading feeds from the backend.

23rd April 2021

Amazing Extension

This is the best extension for create feeds

Alex - Merchant - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

22nd April 2021

Essential plugin & excellent support

I've been using the Wyomind plugin for years now and it is an essential plugin to manage my datafeeds. Each marketing channel needs specific requirements (Google, Share A Sale, AdRoll, Facebook etc) and Wyomind makes it super easy to configure the feed per each ones requirements. Also cron updates to create a fresh feed daily, very simple and barely need to maintain. Support is excellent too, very responsive and helpful. Super bonus that Im in the USA and they seem to answer the same day during my timezone which is stellar!

21st March 2021

Excellent extension

We've been using Data Feed Manager since 2012 on our Magento 1 webshop and recently switched to the Magento 2 version. This extension offers so many options and can be customized completely, and the Magento 2 version got even better. We use it to generate both XML and CSV feeds for several platforms and it works perfectly.

M - Merchant - User for more than 12 years |Magento 2

3rd March 2021

Works really well

Does everything we need it to. All our products are nicely updated on Google and thats all i can ask :-) We also use it for other feeds like Pricerunner, Onbuy, Pricespy and a few others. Being able to set the times these feeds run is very useful also Overall really pleased

2nd March 2021

The best module for generate custom data feeds

Great module, totally customized and with the possibility to create any feeds do you want. Support very fast in replying and kindly.

1st March 2021


The easiest way to create the feeds.

Michael - Developer - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

16th February 2021

Great extension

Really best for moth M1 & M2

Andriy - Developer - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

1st February 2021

The only extension you need!

I've been using their google related extensions on various websites and must say that we never faced any issues which could not be fixed within 10 minutes of submitting a support ticket. They are all easy to use and the support is top-notch!

19th January 2021

Data Feed Manager you must have for Magento 2

We have for 3 years Data Feed Manager in use.The best programme on the market .Easy to use .But the best thing is the support, very fast reaction ,always competent answers.A clear recommendation.

5th December 2020

The best for Google shopping feeds

This plugin saves you so much time as it is ready to go out of the box. We use it for google shopping and it works great! Support is excellent and they really know their stuff!

factory99 - Developer - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

27th November 2020

Good plugin!

This plugin does exactly what it's supposed to do. It is easy to set up and install. It will save you a lot of time. It's easy to link your products directly to different marketplaces. This is also a good solution for Dutch marketplaces.

13th October 2020

Very good data feed management

Very good module and great support. thanks

info - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

5th October 2020

Looks very interesting

Looks very interesting to use this tool instead of the tool we currently use!

30th September 2020

Essential for generating flows for marketplaces and PHP personnal apps

Using this extension with CRON allowed me saving much much time. I have at least 10 PHP apps working with the flows generated with it. More generally, i recommend Wyoming for their professionalism

20th September 2020

Great extension

Thanks to the DataFeedManager extension, we can keep the products of our store listed in the main marketplaces and price comparators in the world. It is easy to use and allows many possibilities for sharing product data. Great support also!

14th September 2020

Great module

My 'go to' feeds module for Magento 2. Great work!

JonB - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

31st August 2020

Must have extension for creating custom feeds.

Very powerful extension because of the possibility to use php scripting. There is not much which can't be done. We use it to create our own high quality datafeeds. No need to use third parties. Great! Also support is fast and helpful.

26th August 2020

Very powerful extension!

The Data Feed extension is very flexible. So we can configure it and create feeds for different platforms such as Amazon, Google Shopping, Facebook catalog etc. Relly must-have!

24th August 2020

Great extentions

Great company with really good plugins, have been using a few of their plugins for a few years with no issues . Datafeed manager we have used on 1.9 and 2.3 magento. Both have worked well. We have had issues with a recent change we made with our site and datafeed manager on magento 2 with grouped products but hoping to get that fixed soon. Overall would recommend.

5th August 2020

Work without a glitch, excellent support

I have been using extensions from Wyomind since 2018 and the Data Feed manager is an excellent tool that we have used on 3 different websites. It is easily configurable and generates feeds in different file formats for different sales channels. A hidden benefit is that this can also be used for managing multi-store export-import much better than the native Magento CSV export. Their support also has been top-notch with the after sales support. All an all, happy to recommend them for some good solutions that work.

27th July 2020

Good, reliable, with no fuss

It's an outstanding product, we are fully satisfied with it. Simple, powerful, reliable, no errors and no fuss. We strongly adviced it to set-up feeds quckly and with the flexibility needed for different feed processors.

22nd July 2020

Perfect for automating feed generation

We love everything we can automate. If we could automate our cups of coffee we would. We use the Data Feed Manager to provide our customers the number 1 solution for their marketing. Very easy to integrate and the customer support response is very rapid.

Janko Van Deventer - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

22nd July 2020

Essential Extension for our Stores

We have used the Wyomind Data Feed Manager for many years for all of our Magento 1 stores and never had a problem with it. It's very easy to create all kinds of custom product feeds (csv, xml) for our partners. We also use this Extension for our Magento 2 stores and we're very happy with it. We had one issue and the support was very knowledgable and helpful.

20th July 2020


Works as expected for product feeds for Google, Bing, Facebook etc.

NBG - Merchant |Magento 2

9th July 2020

Solid module that works well.

Very happy with the performance of the Data Feed Manager module, it's been reliable and has worked well for us. We've only had some smaller issues with having to revalidate the module after deploying to our production server, but this has been a minor issue for us. Also been some confusion with getting the feed manager ext validated on our stage and dev environments but that's likely user error on our end.

29th June 2020

Wyomind made it easy to export the data we needed

We were looking for a way to export the data to send to our third-party partners and get traffic to the site. Wyomind Data Feed Manager gave us a way to quickly and efficiently get the data to a number or outlets in one, easy to use outlet.

16th June 2020

Great module

It does what it promises. Great support from Wyomind!

11th June 2020

Love this extension

So powerful, really allows heavy customization and to create whatever feed you'd like. Couldn't run my store without it.

M99 - Merchant - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

26th May 2020

Essential Extensions for Magento 1 & Magento 2 Stores

We have used Wyomind for many years with the Magento 1 stores we have built and configured for our clients. The support team at Wyomind are amazing, super friendly, and extremely knowledgable. We have also experienced their extensions for Magento 2. Wyomind are part of our essential modules when it comes to pitching Magento developments to our customers here in the UK. If its from the awesome Order Eraser, to the legendary Data Feed Manager, they are must have for any Magento Store owner - we will be back, again and again!

25th May 2020

It's a nice product but we have still problems on facebook catalog

This XML generated by Wyomind data Feed manager for Magento II , is not keeping information about our SKU . It still presents product that are out of stock. We still have errors on that. It also generates : google_product_category on facebook business manager .

Liliana Caselli - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

22nd May 2020

Great extension

Great extension

12th May 2020

Probably the best datafeed manager out there

We originally just wanted to use the datafeed manager so that we could create a feed for our affiliate program rather than any of the set templates that came with it. It's incredibly flexible with the tags that you can use and straightforward and easy to use, we especially like the check data feature so you can quickly and easily see an example of the results before creating the feed

AdamD - Merchant - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

11th May 2020

Extremely useful extension. Well worth the money

We use Data Feed Manager to manage ALL of our feeds whether that's Adroll, Google Merchant Centre, Doofinder or Bing. We have feeds going to many different places and it would be very difficult to manage the feeds without this extension. The feeds are incredibly easy to setup and very customisable with the use of PHP. The schedules help us to manage the server load and the quick visual check means we don't need to refresh the feed each time we make a change.

11th May 2020

Love it and Hate it

Good module, super necessary, frequent updates however as frequent bugs but a quick response from their support always fixes the issue.

8th May 2020

high-quality service

wyomind thinks with you. They help if necessary and deliver a product that you can't ignore as a serious magento shop.

5th May 2020

Datafeed Manager - Great Extension

I have used this extension for over 7 years on both Magento 1 and now Magento 2. I have used it for Google Shopping, Bing and CSV or XML exports to other applications. It is very easy to use with many features. It is must have extension for any significant ecommerce work.

27th April 2020

Brillant back up and support awsome guys thank you

We alwasy use these guys products they are A grade, We have been offered from another marketing ferm a free product but know with data feed manger the website will be a lot more safer and not hvae so many issues meaning we get a good product and a website that keep up unlick with other products that say are good the code is clean and also works thank you again for suporting us and our website

22nd April 2020

Fantastic Support

We have only been using wyomind for 1 month and so far it has been great for creating the product feeds for our international google shopping accounts, affiliate programs, amazon .com, us, es, fr / ebay accounts, personalised product recommendations system plus adhoc product reports that magento cannot deliver out of the box. It is also fantastic that wyomind has scheduling out of the box so you can choose how often the feeds are refreshed as often as 30 mins – which is invaluable when listing on 3rd party platforms so the data is accurate. The support from wyomind has been fantastic and they have helped us to fix any issues plus also extend functionality for bespoke areas of our business such as product FX rates and virtual magento 2 products. Before wyomind we used a specialist product company which had a very high monthly $$$$ - we are glad we made the switch to wyomind as we no longer have that cost and have not seen any dip in the quality of the data from wyomind. We would certainly recommend wyomind for anybody that has a Magento 2 store and wants to take advantage of being able to create product feeds on the fly with no impact to the overall store performance.

Retail Business Selling Sports Apparel - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

17th April 2020

Good solution

I´ve been using this product during the last few years, and it is really usefull to promote my products on google shopping or market places. The suport is ok and there are some upgrades available, which are important as well. I´ve never used another tool because this one is good enough for my business.

30th March 2020

Great extension for custom feeds

It is possible to customize the feeds in any way you can imagine. Great support. You can export all data all formats. I highly recommended this extension!

MGear - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

25th March 2020

100% Recommend this Module

This module is great. Easy to read and precise and clear documentation makes using and setting up feeds for all your needs easy and painfree. Along with the great support from Wyomind its a no brainer.

Tom Gregory - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

20th March 2020

Works great for exporting product feeds to Google Products, etc

I've used numerous Wyomind extensions over the years and I appreciate their functionality and quality support.

Erik - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th March 2020

Great Support

It's a valid suport to manage the feed for any MarketPlace or partner.Great Support.

Giampiero - Merchant - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

5th March 2020

Must have extension and easy to setup!

We are using this extension for several years now, it has many features and the support is excellent!

Barry - Developer - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

2nd March 2020

Great module - Just working

This is just working, support are super, can recommend, a lower cost on support ours but other then that, its really great function.

2nd March 2020


We use this extension in almost every of our projects, it works perfectly for any custom feed you need.

25th February 2020

Great custimisable feed manager

We have easily managed to get our relatively complex data structure setup on google shopping and now know we can get this working on plenty of other shopping channels, affiliates etc We sent simple products up but they still retained some of the parent properties liek category which was very easy to do. We had a built of help from our web developers on some syntax , in php but other than that is has been very easy.

4th February 2020

excellent solution

We use this plugin for our Magneto stores, It works perfectly and helps in a easy way to create data feed

31st January 2020

excellent solution for our e-commerce shop

We use this plugin for our Magento store, 16 different sites and it’s so easy to pull all the data for our google shopping campaigns. Great plugin, good customer service!

30th January 2020

Flexibile extension with really good support

It is easy to see that this is a time tested extension, is easy to configure and get it to output what you need with really good support cover as well. Created a number of feeds and was able to easily set store local and currency by adding parameters that were concatenated with store urls

28th January 2020

Great extension for standard and custom feeds

We use the extension for both standards (Facebook, Google,..) and custom feeds. It works perfectly and compared to other similar extensions on the market it works really faster. I would recommend to everyone, a really must-have extension.

kornolio - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

28th January 2020

Amazing extension which makes creating shopping feeds a breeze!

Had this extension for a few years now and it's the best data feed extension available. We mainly use it for Google Shopping and it's always been amazing, plus the Wyomind support is second to none.

Peter Symonds - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

11th December 2019

Great feed for Google, exactly what we needed.

We installed the product trouble free, had a question for support to do with image sizes who helped out straight away.

Steve - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

9th December 2019

Great for affiliate marketting

We use this extension to provide a feed to the affiliate network that we use and it works fine. Especially being able to tag in specific data that we need that really helps a lot in getting the exact data that we need over to them

6th December 2019

Great plugin

It works perfectly and helps in a easy way to create data feed

adv - User for more than 3 years |Magento 2

27th November 2019

Brilliant product

This is a fantastic addition to any Magento 2 website. It allows us to manage all our datafeeds in one place and its very easy to use. Highly recommended

runnerman - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

5th November 2019

Amazing Data Feed Manager

We have been using the data feed manager for like over three years now we started with magento 1 and moved to magento 2 it is by far the easiest way to get your products showing in google shopping feeds. The support is also excellent, very fast responses and even better if you write a review, share your experience, user name and url they will give you 3 moths of support for free! what else could you ask for from a google data feed generator! This is Paul W from Grasslands signing off. xxx

25th October 2019

Must-have for any Magento store owner who wants to connect to other platforms

I love this extension because of it's flexibility. I hooked up dropshippers and other platforms to our Magento store and it's a breeze to set everything up. In my opinion a must-have for every store owner who wants to connect to other platforms!

24th October 2019

Perfect feed for computer hardware

We've been using this feed to populate google with our refurbished IT hardware and it works a treat. Fantastic product.

22nd October 2019

Great feed to run Google Merchant and Pricerunner

We are using the data Feed manager for some years now, and it works perfect to feed google and pricerunner with product updates.

21st October 2019

Great Variety of Feed Templates

I have installed Data Feed Manager on Magento 1, and am very pleased with the amount of feed templates available. There's more than I know what to do with! Google shopping and amazon are my focus, but it's great to know that expansion is quick and easy with the additional feed templates that are already available at the click of a button.

8th October 2019

It works if you have an updated version

the user interface is not intuitive but otherwise it works flawlessly, and does what it should as long as you have the latest version installed.

Sven - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

7th October 2019

verry good extension

great extension for datafeed, nothing to report and super functioning.

mrp expert

12th September 2019

Perfect extension

We are using the data Feed manager for a couple of years and use it for advertising on several marketing platforms. The Data feed manager is flexibel and good to use. Also support is verry quick with respons. I highly recommended extension!

Frank van Rooij - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

12th September 2019


great extension works perfectly for magento 1 .9.4

mark - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

6th September 2019

Sky is the limit.

I've been using datafeed for a long time, in almost all of my projects. I was never in a difficult position, whatever the customer's requirement was. Wyomind is probably the best and fastest support I've come across in 20 years doing this job

webO2 - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2|WooCommerce

5th September 2019

Best product!

Best feed manager for magento and support from Wyomind is excellent!


21st August 2019

Awesome extension

Easy to install and it's very easy to extend.

kal - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

16th August 2019

The best feed generation module for magento

This is the best module for generating feed for Google shopping and other feed. 100% customizable with functions

Aldo Valente - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

13th August 2019

Quality Extension

Purchased a few excellent extensions from Wyomind, this one is no exception. Support is good and pretty quick to respond.

ralphy-pops - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

23rd July 2019

Great features in one product

Easy setup, no issues. We will use this in 4+ projects.

23rd July 2019

Your opinion in a few words...Great Extension

We are using the module in multiple Magento 1 installations. It works perfectly and has a wide flexibility. A great feature is the possibility to define functions. That makes this extension very useful. The supporteam is fast and resolves problems efficently.

10th July 2019

Excellent Product

Installed very easily and configured quickly and creates our feed perfectly. Also support are great for any product queries. Many thanks

Tony Gillett - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

9th July 2019

Switched from another data feed extension.

Data feed manager is great , I switched from another data feed extension that didn't support grouped products properly. I found it so good , I decided to purchase a couple more extensions as well which I am very happy with as well.

29th June 2019

suporte top

muito bom o suporte

26th June 2019

Awesome program

Really makes the job of creating a feed.

20th June 2019

Excellent extension and support, but some standards are missing

Customer support is excellent and fast as it already was in Magento1 extensions. The Data feed Manager is must have extension, but there is room for improvements. For the most basics it is a perfect out of the box solution, but it would be great to have standards as shipping cost based table rates (weight/country) and base-price incl. out of the box, as these are mandatory in the EU.

12th June 2019

Great extension

The wyomind datafeed manager is a must have for our store and use it to generate google shopping feeds and a few other custom exports that are required to sync our business operations. Customer support is very responsive and always ready to help. Highly recommended and great extension overall. Very easy to use.

11th June 2019

A Must Have Magento 2 Module

We have used Wyomind and their awesome extensions for many years, and the Data Feed Manager is one that I would recommend to all my eCommerce clients. For any Merchant looking for a seamless data feed integration the Data Feed Manager is a must have for any modern merchant channel that accepts CSV markup. The templates that are pre-built within the Data Feed Module enable a quick and easy reference for some standard Merchant Channel feeds, and an easy guide in creating markup for a custom data feed if required. When we initially purchased our first licence for Data Feed Manager module back in 2012, the support from the Wyomind Team was second to none which made for a rapid installation, setup, configuration & deployment. Keep up the good work Wyomind!

11th June 2019

The Best Data Feed Extension

I have been using the data feed extension by Wyomind for over 4 years now. The extension is useful for so many things: Google Shopping Feeds, updating stock on Marketplaces, reporting with Microsoft Power BI.

28th May 2019


Une des extensions que j'installe le plus souvent chez mes clients, on peut créer des flux facilement, tester si ça marche sur quelques produits. Créer nos propres fonctions, c'est vraiment pratique pour la gestion de son e-commerce.

28th May 2019

great support and documentaion

We use a wide range of extensions from different suppliers but this is one of them that is something different! Broad functionality with a superb documentation and to add on top, the support which always reply within minutes! An experience i havent had with any other developer.

28th May 2019

Fast and helpfulll support

We are using this extension now for years and are very satisfied with it. This extension is maintained and the support is fast and helpful. So it is really a "Must have tool" for Magento

28th May 2019

Great Extention

After using a wide variety of data feed extensions i can safely say that this has been the best i have used. It gives you the ability to easily customize and update your feed to use exactly what you require. The support during set-up was excellent and i was up and running in no time.

28th May 2019

Great, versatile data feed extension

I am going to be setting up an affiliate marketing data feed. So far, support has been very quick to get back me and very helpful. I still have a few more questions, and I have every confidence Wyomind support will get me through the process. In a few months we'll be switching to M2, and I am confident that will be a smooth transition as well.

Stacy - Merchant

24th May 2019

Must have extension

Happy user since years :)

sv3n - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

13th May 2019

Excellent module

We passed from the M1 to the M2 Enterprise Version of the Data Feed Manager. Fast, reliable, customizable at best extent, we can pass a lot of variables to different feeds in order to have a consistent stream of data from our catalogue to the main price comparators. Easy to set-up.

3rd May 2019

Great Plugin for shopping feed recommended

We are using this great extension now over one year and we are very satisfied. Every support question is fast and polite answered, so we recommend this data feed extension to every shop owner. I highly recommend this module to anyone, we have used it on all our websites and it offers unparalleled flexibility and is easy to use with Wyomind's brilliant documentation. A must have for your magento website.

1st May 2019

Data Feed Manager

Very helpful for creating Product Data Feeds. :-) Thank you

26th April 2019

Great Plugin for shopping feed

We are using few extension's from Wyomind, they build plugin's which are bug-free and the support is very friendly and they solve few issues in a timely manner.

24th April 2019

Great powerful toolset, but possibly not for novices

Been using the Wyomind data feed manager on our magneto 2 installation for some time now, found it to be excellent. Pretty easy to install, use and configure, yet powerful and flexible for our needs with a multivendor, multistore site. Does need some experience of XML and JSON to get working properly, so not really for novices but easy for people with above average site skills. Support is fast and excellent quality!!

15th April 2019

I think the plugin is very good, but have some improvements to be done

I've bought Data Feed Manager and it has been performing well. I can tell that it is not very user friendly, and it requires some expertise to monoeuvre it. Its not something very intuitive. Now, i need some support to fix some issues with the plugin, and i hope this review will be able to clarify things to whoever comes to buy the plugin in the future.

11th April 2019

Great Plugin

Really simple to configure and work perfectly. I can manage without any problem Google and Facebook product feed, adding all data and filtering products. It's also possibile to manage feed for other market place like Amazon or Trovaprezzi without purchasing other plugins

adv - Merchant - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

1st April 2019

Great tool to manage and customize your product feeds

Data feed manager is a powerful tool to deploy feeds of your catalog. you can customize all the attributes you want to deploy, so having this extension gives you much more flexibility for your content. If I had to choose one feed extension over all the magento offers, it will be definitely the wyomind datafeed manager

20th March 2019

Indispensible for Data Feed Authomation

Wyomind Data Feed Manager is a must have for Google Shopping and other data feeds. It's easy to set up and works perfectly. The sample feeds for the different shopping platforms are very helpful. It's a huge time save that's well worth the price!

11th March 2019

Best Magento Feed Extension

Wyomind Data Feed Manager is great extension for Google Shopping and others. Saves a lot of time and great options to select what fields you want. Easy to adjust og works like a charm. Great support as always. The extension is a real must-have!

4th March 2019

One of our must have!

We have been using Wyomind Data Feed Manager for many years. Have to say, we were so excited to see a tool like this exist. We use this extensions on regular basis to export our product data to analyse. There are many different usage of this feed. We love how easy and simple it is to use! Paul and Laurie have been very quick to answer of questions as well. Highly recommended if you need to export your product data from your store!

28th February 2019

The best out there all round!

After we tried a couple of other extensions we stopped on Wyomind. The best extension out there. What we love the most about Wyomind extensions for Magento is the simplicity of them but complexity at the same time. The support is second to none I must say. They work very closely with you to make sure that you are fully happy with their support. We didn't stop here. After purchased one extension we came back for more and more. Well done Wyomind and Keep It UP!

22nd February 2019

Super extension

Very happy with extension

19th February 2019

Great Extension

The Wyomind Data Feed Manager for Magento 1 is very effective for our Google and Facebook exports. You can customize many options and the support team provides pretty quick support, they will guide you through custom programming and login to your staging site to fix issues themselves.

19th February 2019


Works great but you really should offer free upgrades for life on this extension.

NBG |Magento 2

15th February 2019

Great Extension to boos yout sales

We have searched a lot and found this extension. Highly recommend installing this extension as it boosts our online sales through multiple sales channels. Easy to install and very content with the results.

12th February 2019

Your Extension The Data Feed manager for Magento 2 works quite nice

Data Feed Manager allows our team to quickly create various data feeds, especially Google Shopping feeds. In this way, we can set up new feeds for new markets in our multistore Magento 2. In fact, we have some issues and ideas which should be implemented. We hope Wyomind is ready to manage them.

Marcin - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

12th January 2019

The best extension around!

We love this extension it automated all of our feeds to third party sales platforms! Keep up the good work Wyomind!

30th December 2018

Highly configurable for any of your feed needs!

Wyomind support is very responsive with any issues you may have. The extension is constantly being upgraded to remain compatible. Great experience.

21st December 2018

Very good extension

The Data Feed manager for Magento 1 is working good. The generation speed could be faster, but it’s still ok. The resources needed are quit big. Hopefully the extension will improve with new updates. All in all, you can say it’s a solid extension.

19th December 2018

Great Way To Save Time In Creating Feeds For Google

I've been using this extension for a few months now and have had an overall great experience getting my Google Feeds up and running. It took a few minutes of research to figure out how to get all the fields I wanted added into the feed, but it was well worth it. When I had a couple of questions, Wyomind's team was quick to respond and was quite helpful in getting me pointed in the right direction. I've only currently used this for Google Shopping ads, but I will be utilizing it soon to create other feeds as well. Overall I would recommend this to anyone who is trying to get a Google Shopping feed going on their Magento 2 store.

16th December 2018

Good extension

We installed Data Feed manager for our Magento 1 and it's working quite well. On the improvement part we think that the speed of feed generation and the resources needed are too high. Trying to get an update of our version to see if these problems disappear.

Vicente - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

13th December 2018

Works well

The Data Feed manager is working well in our multistore in Magento 2. We've currently set more than 50 feeds and everything is working very smooth. The options to filter the feeds on product attributes, categories and store views come in very handy when working with various platforms which require different feeds.

11th December 2018

Paramétrage facile des flux, notamment Google Shopping

L'installation est facile, et les options de configuration faciles à comprendre, même pour un non informaticien. Après appel au support pour 2 ou 3 configurations avancées des attributs "taille" notamment, le flux est généré avec succès sur Google Merchant. Je recommande.

Jacques - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1

5th December 2018

Very great extention

Good extension with many possibilities.

Benjamin - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

5th December 2018

Very good extension

I am using extension and there are so many options inside. You can export all data all formats. I had a problem with configurable and child product process and I found solution. If you know your job, you can make any export.

Hakan VAR - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

26th November 2018

Perfect tool for eCom

An essential extension for Magento users. Easy to use and really good support. Allows our team to quickly setup new feeds for new markets, affiliates and other marketplaces. Highly recommended!

26th November 2018

Great feed manager

For google shopping the best tool there is

Maarten - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

15th November 2018

Must have extension

Extension is so flexible that it can be used for market place feed optimization. We run this extension since many years. Never had a problem!

13th November 2018

Great Extension

The extension works well and as advertised.

8th November 2018

Great extensions

Good range of extensions, highly recommended.

Hitesh - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

8th November 2018


Great range of extensions, to fulfil what we require as a business. Highly recommended modules with good support provided too. Wyomind is one of the best developers around when it comes to Magento extensions.

John - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

6th November 2018

another must have extension from wyomind.

For ease to import all your items to anywhere you like. Sooooo simple to use and super easy to install. Will save hours of work and 100% increase sales

4th November 2018

so far the best extension on market

I tried a lot of feed generators, but Wyomind is the one where I can configure everything smoothly. If there are no built-in option, I can few lines of php and get custom variables, calculatations. I use it for 2 years and this Data Feed Manager meet my expectatation for all price comparator feeds I need for my store. Trust me I did a lot of enhanced xmls - with variables, custom calculations of tax. Extension supports custom options, currencies, and advanced stock. You can add filters and rules to generate the feed you need. 5 stars

2nd November 2018

Great extenison

Simple setup, endless possibilities regarding filtypes and content. Have been using the extension for 3 year without any hickups.

29th October 2018

Great extension, and support.

I have used more Wyomind on several sites as a independant contractor, and I can only recommend. Great for generating feeds for different marketplaces, and has been running excellent so far. Easy to use backend and very useful extensions.

26th October 2018

This is a very good extension

we have been using the extension for years to publish the products in google shopping and until now we had not had any problem.

Trader - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

23rd October 2018

Must have

we were struggling to generate datafeed for different marketplaces and this extension has helped us to go to new marketplaces very quickly. We can generate custom feeds as required with very less effort and very quickly. This is a must have for any Magento website.

19th October 2018

Top notch service

I was excited even before purchasing the module because of the fast and excellent support provided both by chatting and by emailing my problem. I have been experimenting with the module for two days now and everything seems to work as it should. The backend is clean and straightforward with so many things to configure. I am about to purchase another module from Wyomind, because it looks that their modules worth every penny. Keep up the good work! Regards, Fay

11th October 2018

Hassle free export of data feeds rock solid

Data Feed Manager helps us in overcoming a lot of export issues with Magento. Our webshop in Denmark uses a lot of funny characters, i.e. ø or æ or å. Magento always messes things up when exported. - Funny characters - Date issues (Americain vs European different formats) - Price issues (Americain vs European number format) - Weight issues (Americain vs European number format) Since Datafeed manager we have been able to overcome these problems. Most with the standard functions and some with small adjustments to the improved functions of Wyomind. Our Danish descriptions are now readible and editable in excell. prices and weights aren't multiplied by 10.000 anylonger. Great extension!!

10th October 2018

Good extension

We use this extension in our Magento 1 and Magento 2 webshop. The extension is easy to use and have a lot of functions. The manual has been extended and the support from Wyomind is excellent. I would recommend the extension to other people, also the FTP function works very well.

JP - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

10th October 2018

Great extension ;)

As web agency, we use this extension to manage all feeds for our Magento websites. It's simple to configure and it has great performance on creating feeds. Super useful the “custom attribute” creation, ideally to manage custom values on feeds.

Tiziano - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

9th October 2018

Excellent feed extension

Used this in Magento 1 and now again in Magento 2. It is a little different in Magento 2 and took quite a lot of help to get going as the syntax is a bit different. The support was very quick and attentive to help me get the first one set up. Once that was done the rest of the feeds were easy as you can duplicate feeds and rename, which is a nice feature. Endless options to filter, select categories and product types to include/exclude from the feeds. Previewing sample is a really great feature. only downside was the library did not have a complete list of useable syntax - but it is in the help file.

7th October 2018

Most comprehensive solution for Data Feed

I have compared other feed solutions but not are even close to this one. It is worth every penny of investment.

7th October 2018

Most comprehensive solution for Data Feed

I have compared other feed solutions but not are even close to this one. It is worth every penny of investment.

5th October 2018

Good working extension which safes alot of work

We use the Data Feed Manager for several years now with no problems at all. It saves a lot of time and manage more than 10 feeds for different price search engines and meta search engines. It is worth its money!

28th September 2018

great extension for google shopping

We have been using this extension for 5 years without an issue. Easy to add more feeds from any type of marketplace and or cpc comparison shopping channel. 100% vouch for this extension and commercial use on many sites online. AAAAA++++++++++++++++++++

Mark - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

21st September 2018

Nice extension

Good extension. User-friendly and scalable. Easy to set up for various channels. A must for an online shop that wants to carry out serious online marketing. A must so. Also easy in installation and configuration!

19th September 2018

Great extension with many possibilities

We've started with the Google Shopping feed extension a couple of years ago, but needed more customisation in the feeds for other channels. The data feed manager was the solution for this. We've used this extension for over two years and push feeds to several platforms. Great support.

29th August 2018

Excellent Extension

Having used this extension for quite some time now we can highly recommend this solution for Magento 1 or Mangento 2, this product makes it very easy to create data feeds for a wide variety of ecommerce platforms plus the support is second to none. All round excellent product and after sales service.

27th August 2018

Solid extension for producing Google shopping feed

Hi, My company uses the Magento 2 version of this extension in order to generate our Google shopping feed. It is easy to configure and use. I especially appreciate the ability to quick test changes to the feed and preview 10 results. This has enhanced our troubleshooting ability and makes the work faster when we are adding in new attributes or making adjustments. Thank you to the Wyomind team for creating a nice extension for Magento. Highly recommended.

Andrew - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

23rd August 2018

Works great

We have been using this extension for 4 years without any issues now. We do need an upgrade after 4 years for latest 1.9.3 magento compatibility, but we are very confident this will work work out great!

Bas - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

15th August 2018

Must have tool for decent Google Shopping campaigning

We found out that this tool is essential for maintaining a successful Google Shopping campaign. Lots of default settings and a more than enough possibilities for customizing your feeds!

11th August 2018

Always great service

I've used a few of their modules including the Datafeed and I have always received great service and the products have always worked as expected or better. I would recommend wyomind to anyone looking for a good product and service.

24th July 2018

Un module indispensable

J'utilisais jusqu'à présent le module Kongoo (Nostress) et ce depuis plusieurs années. Mais ce module est lourd et parfois un peu lent. Le module Data Feed Manager de "Wyomind" est beaucoup plus intuitif et plus paramétrable. Et le support est ultra rapide et efficace. Les mises à jours sont fréquentes et on a souvent l abonne surprise de voir de profondes améliorations, autant en ergonomie qu'en performances.

22nd July 2018

Good software!

We have used Data Feed Manager for many years now, just a couple words of advice, the licensing and IP block system on our staging site seems to throw issues all the time. Businesses are highly dependent on their feeds and this causes them to lose A LOT OF MONEY! But overall we are very happy with this product!

19th July 2018

Very useful plugin

Data Feed Manager is a very useful extension what I recommend to all my clients who need a feed manager. Also the support answer very fast to all my problems.

17th July 2018

Useful plugin.

The Data Feed Manager is a useful plugin to have to help automate the process of uploading multiple feeds, saving us a lot of time and energy. However, we have had some issues a long the way with certain information being pulled that may not be necessary to our shopping feeds - so the additional support is needed from time to time.

12th July 2018

Everything works fine

The extension works perfect! Wyomind have a really good support. They answer in a short time and help us in each case. I can recommend this extension. We use this extension for different datafeeds. It works since over a half year without any problems.

Pascal - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

6th July 2018

einfach und gute extension auch für und auf deutsch

Hallo, ich schreibe hier in German, für deutsche Nutzer. Data Feed Manager für Magento1 haben wir für das Google-Shopping in Deutschland benötigt und bis auf ein paar kleine Fehler, konnte ein sauberer und korrekter Datenfeed für das Google Merchant-Center erstellt werden. Funktioniert seit 2013. Die Extension können wir guten Gewissens weiter empfehlen.

13th June 2018

Estensione indispensabile

Questa estensione è indispensabile, il supporto è sempre veloce gentile e molto competente. Il feed manager è molto flessibile ed è utile in molte circostanze. Direi che è una di quelle estensioni di cui non si può fare a meno.

12th June 2018

Great plugin. Easy to install.

Great plugin. Easy to install.

Hans - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

7th June 2018

Great Plugin

Great plugin with the ability to extensively customise each feed. Easy to use for beginners using basic filtering tools mapped directly to your Magento environment, yet also has the capability for advanced customisation by directly entering into the xml script dialogue

17th May 2018

Great tool essential for maintaining large product feed

The feed manager is an essential tool if you want to manage large feeds for Google Shopping or simple. Products are changing constantly and trying to manually create and update a feed would be extremely time consuming. Feed Manager makes it all easy once its all setup you just let it run and keep your product feed in sync with your website.

14th May 2018

A very flexible tool to create all kinds of feeds

This is the most flexible tool to create all kinds of feeds. All business customers require different layouts and fields, and we managed to create all of them. Especially the PHP options allow you to create all data combinations. Questions for support are answered within a working day.

8th May 2018

Excellent Modules

This modules solves our feed request for Google, FB and affiliate networks. Wonderful plugin and great support.

Sid - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

4th May 2018

Simple to use and full of examples

Excellent extension to generate feeds for many marketplaces, the various templates already present help in an excellent way the creation of the desired feed. The syntax checking window is very useful for the preliminary verification of the feed you want to obtain.

26th April 2018


An essential tool for ecommerce, one of the best on magento.

DIRECT CCTV SRL - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

23rd April 2018

I recemmend it over any Google Shopping Feed extension

We have tried several different extensions for our Google Shopping Feed and this one is the best. Really like the live preview and error check.

18th April 2018

Powerful extension but can break easily

Very customizable extension to generate almost any data feed you could want... however the version that was available when we purchased this extension was never able to perfectly generate a usable feed without a manual fix up of the files. For example on configurable products, many times the template asks for {{parent}}.{{anyAttribute}} except the feed would not get the data from the parent. Also some attributes would break feed generation with every new release or patch of Magento. Things that I am sure have gotten ironed out by now and probably were due to Magento bugs rather then bugs with this code. Going to give it another shot and see if I can get usable feeds automatically.

saminmontreal - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

10th April 2018

a very good extension

It works very well. It is great help when you need to make any complex feeds. It is important not to generate different feeds at the same time. This extension works very well with our store. Helpfull, undrestanding and fast support. Good team! Thank you!

29th March 2018

Critical extension for our store

We tried several other data feed modules before installing this one. The flexibility of this module is far better than the rest. We've never had to worry about it again.

23rd March 2018

Great extension for all

Very good extension, tried a few free ones but they all had issues so decided to buy this one and it was great. Had some technical issue but it was resolved in a couple of days. There are several similar extensions on the market, but WYOMIND created the best one. This is exactly what everyone needs to configure feeds. It allows to setup anything I can imagine for my store. Thanks for such a great extension!

22nd March 2018

Versatile and meets all my needs so far

Great for setting up google shopping and also a great overal tool for many other things. Need a quick fresh Product database export? - Check. A developer recommended Wyomind to us and it was well worth the investment. Many thanks for their efforts and support.

20th March 2018

Data feed Manager is a great tool

Data feed manager is an excellent tool for an eCommerce manager that helps you set up your feeds with 0 knowledge of development, therefor saving a great amount of time. I totally recommend the use of it for every kind of e-shop!

kostantinos nt - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th March 2018

Google Shopping data made easy...

It took me hours to understand how to build a good feed for Google Shopping... and when I understood it, I realized it wasn't possible to build it easily... and having it updated regularly in the right way... I looked around and found many solutions... most of them looked promising, but a deeper investigation showed few of them were easy to set up... and even less of them were capable of handling data feeds for other engines. I already had positive experiences with Wyomind (WatchLogPro) so the choice was also quite easy. And I'm happy I did it ! I found a complete and detailed instruction set (actually a complete Google Shopping learning session !), which lead me quickly to a "set it and forget it" solution ! Thumbs up !

8th March 2018

Highly Customisable and versatile tool for people who want control

Excellent module. We were using this module for 3 years with google product and amazon. Initially hard to grasp as all complex things are but we very pleased to find it hadnt been dumbed down for stupid people. Id rather have to work to understand something than take it for granted. Unfortunately we couldnt afford to keep the channels going. However, we return now in full confidence that it gets the job done and well !

7th March 2018

An Essential Magento Tool for Highly Customizable Feeds

I’ve been using this extension since 2011 and it’s made our jobs so much easier. I would be hard pressed to find a such a feature rich and powerful feed builder that’s better than Wyomind’s Data Feed Manager. Most recently it has been a huge help in building magmi imports. But it’s also been a reliable tool for when we need to build repricer feeds for other selling channels, and shopping feeds for Google and BING.

6th March 2018

Perfect Solution

it is very good data feed solution. And it is powerfull with the good support. Thanks guys :)

2nd March 2018

Awesome solution

We use it to handle all our feeds - awesome tool to let none developers create and manage new feeds.

2nd March 2018

On ne peut plus s'en passer

Cette extension est déjà complète à la base, mais la possibilité d'ajouter tous ses propres attributs et d'en créer via code php, c'est tout simplement fantastique! Cela nous permet de nous connecter à pratiquement n'importe quelle marketplace rapidement, de créer des flux, de trouver des soucis dans notre catalogue, et bien d'autres choses encore. Comme indiqué, on ne peut plus s'en passer et je me demande comment les autres font sans!

Bruno - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

27th February 2018

Seamless and no problems

I've used this software since last year and my shopping feed has performed seamlessly and lawlessly. I'm not surprised it is recommended by developers to me. I did look around and look at other options. Reading about this one seemed to persuade me and then when I asked two different developers they said the same thing to me. It has been a great choice and I have been very very happy

25th February 2018

Order (with picture) - EN2

I like this extension. I there aren't any problem. If you're wondering whether to buy it, do it. You will be happy.

20th February 2018

Good Choice - quick answers

Although my questions are quite basic I get answers very quickly, documentation is available with examples.

20th February 2018

An amazing tool for exporting Magento data

Using this tool has been essential for many operations on our websites, including providing dropshipping services, generating statistics, and many more. Once you get it, using the plugin is quite easy and intuitive - you can do everything with it. Thanks for the great module and support! Best product export tool on the market, hands down!!!

8th February 2018

Disappointed on Required Support Contract

We purchased the plugin prior to starting our Magento 2 enterprise build as part of our developers requirements. Our development time is now approaching 12 months (much longer than we hoped but similar to any IT project). in retrospect, this was a big mistake not purchasing closer to the end of the website development cycle. After 6 months the support ends and if you are like us and plan on making upgrades to the versions during the development cycle, you will be stuck with a non-working plugin. This plugin initially worked when we were developing on 2.1.4, but stopped working after we upgraded from 2.1.4 on-ward. We are now being required to pay to be under a support contract in order to receive the updated version of the plugin for it to work. From what we remember when it worked, we think it's going to be a nice plugin to have. However, we were not expecting to have to pay support contracts just to keep it consistently working with version updates of Magento.

2nd February 2018

Excellente extension. Support ultra réactif.

Fait gagner pas mal de temps de temps par rapport au développement d'un export en ligne de commande. Très pratique pour le client final tout en gardant la possibilité d'utiliser des fonction php customs pour les cas particuliers. Très bonne extension.

31st January 2018

Easy to Setup

This extension is very intuitive and allows you to create data feeds quickly. Simple tick boxes for most of the settings allow you to customise your feed's functionality, without demanding much technical expertise. Similarly, we have had some technical queries that were quickly resolved by their excellent support team. I would definitely recommend their product and service.

23rd January 2018

The best Datafeed Extension for Magento

This extension is essential if you want to create data feeds intuitively and quickly. It supports various functions, also to create datafeeds with particular fields. No Magento datafeed extension is complete like this. Support is realy fast! Thank you.

19th January 2018

Create feeds with ease!

I've been using this extension for nearly a year - what previously seemed like a daunting task has been made so much easier being able to create multiple feeds for multiple marketplaces with ease, would definitely recommend. p.s. the datafeed manager allows for the production of feeds for a variety of marketplaces and not just limited to the ones they show, this tool offers the flexibility to create feeds and pull attributes through at the drop of a hat!


18th January 2018

Great Datafeed extention

An excellent and easy way to manage and to export data. I have used others, so can compare and conclude that this is the one you want

18th January 2018

The best in his category

I am working at an online marketing company. We use Wyomind's data feed manager for a lot of our customers. It is a must have tool to export all product data for different feeds. Their support responds really fast and is always willing to help.

16th January 2018

Must Have Tool

A real necessity for exporting live data. This extension has saved us considerable time and energy. It's much more than a just a data feed manager.

POLYP - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

10th January 2018


Really good feed! Thanks

Lewis - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

9th January 2018

Datafeed for Google Shopping and Amazon

When you have a large catalog and want to sell your products in multiple marketplaces, you HAVE TO use this extension, we've been using it since we moved to Magento platform and it helps us to create datafeed for Amazon and Google Shopping with an easy to use template system. this is a great company to work with, clean codes and no conflict with other extensions.

4th January 2018

Very easy to use extension!

We use this extension from a variety of other websites, in order to sync products and available stock across all of them. It is very easy to use! The support team was also very useful. The documentation contains everything you need!

20th December 2017

awesome plugin

This extension allows us to generate feeds very quickly and simply, you do not need to have technical experience to handle this, which makes dealing with large catalog's, and different vendors requiring different feed contents simpler than it had ever been previously. It ties in with Magento very quickly and easily, and if you have experience using a Magento installation you will have no problem using the data feed manager interface. I would suggest any Magento merchant who requires large data exports, or just integration with Google Shopping to pay for and download this extension.

20th December 2017

awesome plugin

This plugin helps me to generate automate feeds for my website, besides that it allows me to customize a lot of options for data feed to adjust to all need that I have. The support of Wyomind is really good and they always quickly answer my doubts about the plugin. For me, this is the best plugin that I already but for my e-commerce.

15th December 2017

Well maintained

Wyomind has been a well maintained extensions - reliable in keeping up to date with the latest Magento updates

S Damani - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

13th December 2017


Works very very well, outputs our products to Google and tock levels to various platforms

snapper - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

12th December 2017

Using it daily since last year

This is a very good extension, with customization and great flexibility. the developers are also active and responsive. the pre-installed templates are very helpful and cover most of the shopping portals. I am overall happy with this purchase.

11th December 2017

Good plugin, shame about the paid updates

The extension itself works fine. Had a few problems with upgrades but they were resolved. Too bad updates aren't free because some problems may be fixed with an upgrade and it's not easy to test this way.

Caspar - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

7th December 2017

Ottima App

La uso da due anni e mi trovo benissimo. I used to work generation feeds with GoMage Feed Pro module. But I always had trouble .... filters didn't work OK... plus I couldn't get some attributes to work. Now....I am so happy I am writing this others lost souls can found peace. Support is by the way awesome. !

7th December 2017

A must-have tool

Wyomind's Data Feed Manager is a must-have for any Magento web site that generates feeds of any sort. It is easy to use and very flexible, I use it for all of my projects.

Robert - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

7th December 2017

works well

nothing but works well for google merchant and facebook ads.

Vincent - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

6th December 2017

Great Product

The data feed manager extension saves us a ton of time, great work!


1st December 2017

Great extension for product feeds

We use this extension for automatic feed updates and this works great!

Joris - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

29th November 2017

Why would you try another data feed extension?

There is a lot of competition out there but I would not choose another "no name" company to help. Wyomind knows what they are doing and have been around for a long time. Take my advice, stop looking around and use this extension.

Steve - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

28th November 2017

Great extension would recommend.

This extension allows us to generate feeds very quickly and simply, you do not need to have technical experience to handle this, which makes dealing with large catalog's, and different vendors requiring different feed contents simpler than it had ever been previously. It ties in with Magento very quickly and easily, and if you have experience using a Magento installation you will have no problem using the data feed manager interface. I would suggest any Magento merchant who requires large data exports, or just integration with Google Shopping to pay for and download this extension.

24th November 2017

Robust and Reliable Extension

The extension is quite robust, I love how the feed configuration is completely customizable. Perfect for developers, but may be too complicated for non-devs. There is a learning curve, and takes some time to get everything setup correctly, especially working with the Google feed. After that, it's hands-off and you don't need to worry about random bugs. Overall I would recommend this extension (and have!) for its flexibility and reliability.

Kevin - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd November 2017

Great extension!

Already used this extension in M1 for exporting (and editing) productdata, creating sitemaps and generating the feed foor Google Shopping. The M2 version is even more user friendly, really love it! 5/5 stars!

Tjeerd - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

22nd November 2017

Great extension

Extension works very well, it has enhanced features that can be boost with php code. this makes it even better. It greatly supports Google Shopping + Promotions. If your store requires to export specific feed - you can make it with detailed manuals and examples. You can also start with templates for +20 price comparators. It support multiple currencies in feed, you can add custom options. I checked 3 other extensions on market and this is the robust plugin for XML. It support UTF-8 coding and feed can be scheduled with detailed time/date selectors. You can also use filters per product attribute, use custom attribues that are calculated or even use text strings that can be concat with php. No other extension on market support such broad features. It's great for Magento 1 and also version for Magento 2.2 thanks to latest update.

20th November 2017

Okay, but unfortunately with some mistakes

The DataFeedManager is okay, but also with some bugs provided which are however gradually resolved by Wyomind. Here, however, you always have to buy the update to the newer version for a fee, which is very annoying. We will permanently strive for an alternative.

Manu33 - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

17th November 2017

Works like a charm!

Wonderful must have extension for every serious e-commerce site!

17th November 2017

Works pretty well

Love the data feed, very powerful and flexible. Once you learn to master the different processes there is flexibility in what you can achieve. We’ve had ongoing issues getting the cron jobs working, hope the upgrade fixed it it!

Benno - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

17th November 2017

This modules rocks

I used to work generation feeds with GoMage Feed Pro module. But I always had trouble .... filters didn't worked OK... plus I couldn't get some attributes to work. Now....I am so happy I am writing this others lost souls can found peace. Support is by the way awesome. !

15th November 2017

Simple to use

This extension is as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. You can choose the default exports and even use custom PHP code to take your variable and output to a higher advanced level. This meets all of our needs for creating XML shopping feeds for Google across various countries. The support is always very helpful. I cannot recommend this product highly enough!

Kash - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

11th November 2017

the best xml feed extension for google shopping and price comparators

Extension works very well, it has enhanced features that can be boost with php code. this makes it even better. It greatly supports Google Shopping + Promotions. If your store requires to export specific feed - you can make it with detailed manuals and examples. You can also start with templates for +20 price comparators. It support multiple currencies in feed, you can add custom options. I checked 3 other extensions on market and this is the robust plugin for XML. It support UTF-8 coding and feed can be scheduled with detailed time/date selectors. You can also use filters per product attribute, use custom attribues that are calculated or even use text strings that can be concat with php. No other extension on market support such broad features. It's great for Magento 1 and also version for Magento 2.2 thanks to latest update.

8th November 2017

Perfect magento extension

This extension is excellent and the support is great.

Patrick - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

3rd November 2017

We have used this extension for years. Great product and simple to use.

We used some other solutions in the past and they were taxing on our server. This gets the job done and we don't notice any issues with Magento resources.

2nd November 2017

Nice plugin

Datafeed manager from Wyomind works as exactly as described, nothing is impossible to generate the feed with custom options. We're using it to generate serval feeds like Google Shopping, but also for and a custom CSV feed what our marketing agency use. We love this extension and now we're using it in our multistore but also will use it in our new Magento 2 webshops.

1st November 2017


Works pretty good, just some minor issues. Would recommend this extension though. Using the extension on several sites and so on, will use on more.

31st October 2017

Useful Extension

I am using Data Feed Manager on my magento website. I had a problem with child products but I read inside of changelog about fixed child products qty and is in stock or not problem. Anyway, I am using this extension and this is the best price/value calculation. Thank you again.

Hakan VAR - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

30th October 2017

a great extension to handle all your products feeds for all your distribution channels

A great extension to handle all your products feeds for all your distribution channels! It's easy to use and simple to setup for any marketing people. No need to call your DEV once the installation is properly setup. A clever tool to export simple products with attributes from the configurable products without any need of programming.


26th October 2017

Data Feeds Made Easy

The Data Feed Manager extension from Wyomind makes creating and updating feeds a breeze. We use this extension for multiple stores and for Google Shopping and Bing Ads, it is easy to include the correct fields we need, to pick which products we want included, and to filter which products types (simple, bundled, configurable, etc) or attribute sets we want included.

Dave - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

17th October 2017

Truly a must have extension

We use this extension to list our products to multiple channels including Google Shopping and Fruugo. It's really versatile, you can use PHP to pull in custom data from magento ,it also has excellent documentation and the support is blazing fast.

Daniel - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

16th October 2017

Data Feed Manager

Un ottimo prodotto per la generazione dei feed, in particolare del feed di Google Shopping, il modulo è compatibile con Magento 2, facile anche la creazione dei feed per l'inserzionista LeGuide. Inoltre i feed sono personalizzabili, si possono aggiungere capi aggiuntivi, come ID prodotto.

15th October 2017

Data Feed Manager

We have used Data Feed Manager for a couple of years and have found it to be an incredibly flexible product. It has enabled us to dynamically create Data feeds for a number of third parties quickly and easily. Support has also been excellent. I would recommend this product.

13th October 2017

must have tool

easy to use. i'd like have a log to find and fix the errors in export...

12th October 2017

Great extension and does what it says.

The data feed manager has enabled us to list products on many different sites. The editor and builder enable you as the user to make changes without the need of a developer.

12th October 2017

Great Product. Always Use Wyomind Products

I was first advised to use your products by my developer Dava since then i haven't turned back. it makes the feed so much easier to manage would highly recommend if your looking to setup a google shopping feed

Sonny - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

11th October 2017

A must-have module

We must have installed this module, and its "little brother" on dozens of sites over the years. For those who need more power and performance than the Wyomind Simple Google Shopping module, the Data Feed Manager is a must-buy. It's handled pretty much everything we've thrown at it over the years, and whenever we've had an issue the support has been second to none.

10th October 2017

Great Plugin - Even better support - A Must have!

Love the plugin! I have used a lot of different systems to do google feeds and i do like this one - It gives you the ability to make a nice simple feed with little past experience, but you also have the ability to really make it what you want it to be. The support you receive is next to none, any configuration questions they will help with (without making you pay extra). A real first class plugin - Definite must have for any Magento store!

10th October 2017

Data Feed Manager - good extension

Data Feed Manager - good extension, everyone need it.

Ahuang - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

4th October 2017

Excellent Extension

Excellent extension! We have been working for a while with Data Feed Manager and encountered only minor problems which we could handle ourselves as developers. With the new Fixes and Upgrades, we hope even this minor problems will be gone. Looking forward. Regards

29th September 2017

The only feed manager for Magento

great feed manager - lets you slice and dice your catalogue to ensure your feeds are optimised

Tony - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

26th September 2017

Great extension and awesome support

Awesome module with a bunch of functions. Great for any purpose if you want to export product data, even image links. Very flexible due to use of php code. We can recommend this extension! Works fine together with magmi.

26th September 2017

Excellent product

This extension works as described (I currently use it on Magento I have no doubt to recommend it to others who need to upload their products enmass to marketplaces.

Zola - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

23rd September 2017

Great extension

I've used Wyomind's Data Feed Manager on two sites now. It's flexible, works as advertised, and helps enable non-developer team members quickly produce the feeds to integrate with other services that would otherwise require custom work. Huge timesaver for our development team.I needed to add our custom product type to the collection filter for our feed and was blown away by how quickly support responded and pointed me in the right direction. Works great!! For programmers it does everything it must do, it checks data for you as well as code and previews it. Lot's of options to include or exclude items. We was able to implement all features within of a few hours and since then we never had a single issue. Overall a very good and stable Extension that is definitely worth its money. Also the website is very easy to use. It works marvelously and whenever we have questions the support team replies within a few minutes. I can only recommend this extension and Wyomind. Small minor I think the update periods should be longer, and one should be able to download the latest version that was available during ones update period. Right now, you are not able to download the latest version that was available when you still had a downloadable license

22nd September 2017

Great Extension and Wonderful support!

We have been using Wyomind's data feed manager for a year now and we have been extremely pleased. We mainly use it for Google Shopping. Very professional extension and highly recommended! We have our product feeds that make Google Shopping happy!

21st September 2017

Great extension!

We have been using Wyomind's data feed manager for over half a year now and we have been extremely pleased with how it works. We primarily use it for Google Shopping and with all the feed customisation options we have been able to flawlessly export our catalog and run successful shopping campaigns. Very professional extension and highly recommended!

19th September 2017

Quality Extension

Works as advertised and frequently updated. Support helps with any issues. Used primarily for Google product feeds. Highly recommended!

Rock Strongo - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

18th September 2017


We use the extension with other from Wyomind, it was easy to install, top customize and the support is great.

12th September 2017

Can't do without it

It is simple, you just can't do without Datafeed Manager from Wyomind. It does everything it must do, it checks data for you as well as code and previews it. Lot's of options to include or exclude items.

9th September 2017

Best Plug in for Magento Data feed

Best Plug in for Magento Data feed

8th September 2017

4 years a good partner

We use this extension now over 4 years without complaint.

6th September 2017

Excellent extension

This is a really good extension. Easy to customize to suit any feed, you can customize the feeds in every possible way and use it with any formats and file configurations. The documentation is very good. Highly recommended!

6th September 2017

Best Data Feed tool ever

We tested many, this one is the best.

Bouke - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd August 2017

I cannot fail the extension or the support!

As the title says the extension is fantastic and it comes enhanced by the fastest support I ever came across. Everyone who owns a Magento shop should use this tool. Is very powerful and easy to use. We had a few issues at the beginning but the support was excellent and helped us to fix every single one of them. After almost a year now since we purchased it I would still buy it again!! This extension worth every single penny! Thank you Wyomind !

22nd August 2017

The perfect Data Feed Manager for us.

We had a few months ago the situation that a customer of us joined a affiliate-program that required a Data Feed. The possibilities within Magento are limited so we tried out a few products and ended with the powerful wyomind Data Feed Manager. Die Preview Console allow to verify the code on the fly and makes working with the Datafeeds enormously easy and effective. The Datafeed Manger comes with 30 Presets, so its pretty easy to understand quickly how the different Datafeeds works. We was able to implement all features within of a few hours and since then we never had a single issue. Overall a very good and stable Extension that is definitely worth its money.

Chimmy - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

18th August 2017

No Magento without Data Feed Manager!

We use this extension for each of our systems, regardless of the customer. The Data Feed Manager offers a lot of applications for us that it is not worth it to think about whether we install it within the basic installation or not. Magento without the Data Feed Manager would not be usable! Thank you Wyomind for this great extension.

wellLINKED - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

17th August 2017

Simple and Practicle

We are using this extension since 2014 and it's very useful. Allows to easily integrate with any feed program. It's very simple and fast to create new feeds.

Rafael - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

8th August 2017

Does the job perfectly

Been using this extension for five years now for several feeds (including Google Shopping, Facebook and more). It does the job perfectly and support from Wyomind is A+ as well. Customizing the feeds is easy as well, with custom code available.

MJ - User for more than 12 years |Magento 2

2nd August 2017

Great extension. Must have for each shop.

All my feeds in one tool and easily to manage. Our Magento multi shop setup requires a lot of feeds. With this extension we can handle them all very easy. Instalation was never a problem. I recommend this extensio too everyone who has a e-commerce webshop.

28th July 2017

Great extension

Everything worked as described. Easy to use.

johnp - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

26th July 2017

Really fantastic module, so useful!

It has saved us so much time, really great product would highly recommend! It's quite easy to install and is very well coded, the module allows you to create feeds easily and with so many different conifguration options, it's a very powerful Magento module

25th July 2017

Great extension

Great extension that adds simple the shopping feed to Google. Highly recommended

25th July 2017

Great extension

Works well for us to generate Feeds for Google Shopping and trademe.

dbashyal - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

21st July 2017


Works well for us to generate Feeds for Google Shopping, Facebook and others

Chris - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

21st July 2017

Very flexible

Some bug but it's so powerful. I hope that with the new version the bugs is fixed. I use it to export the feed rss of my ecommerce. Very good module and very quick support.

20th July 2017

Perfect for Generating Local Inventory Ad stock updates since Google doesn't support XML yet for LIA's

We were using Simple Google Shopping for ages and it was extremely capable and flexible, so choosing to upgrade to Data Feed Manager was a no-brainer when we needed a feed generator that supported other file formats beyond XML. Kudos to the Wyomind team! Thanks a million for building these well thought out extensions.

20th July 2017


The module is easy to use and can save money if you know how to use it.

20th July 2017

eCommerce Essential

If you are selling online you need this Magento extension! Wyomind is one of the best and Data Feed Manager is a must have!

David - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

19th July 2017

easy to use and a time saver

This module automates sending of feeds to google (important) and to various other avenues of selling. If you are trying to showcase your product on multiple avenues and want it automated- this is the module for you. I have customized what I am sending in my feeds and it works great. I have had the module for several years. Have found the staff to be responsive to my questions.

19th July 2017

Really easy to use, we use it for all our websites.

Overall it does what it says it does. I just think the UX and user interface are not the best. I would love to be able to do things more easily. For example I do not know how I can setup feeds to auto update every day. I have been using the Data Feed Manager for over a year now and so far, so good. I think the update periods should be longer, and one should be able to download the latest version that was available during ones update period. Right now, you are not able to download the latest version that was available when you still had a downloadable license

17th July 2017

great extension

This extension works well.

Frank C - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

15th July 2017


very good

14th July 2017

Excellent module de flux pour Magento

J'utilise ce module pour tous mes flux : comparateur de prix, marketplace et affiliation. Très simple d'utilisation avec toujours plus d'options à chaque mise à jour. Support exceptionnel au niveau de leur temps de réponse et aide technique. Je recommande avec plaisir ce module Magento et toute l'équipe de Wyomind. Un grand Merci. Module de flux Magento par excellence.

14th July 2017

Module et support génial

Depuis plusieurs années j'utilise plusieurs extension de Wyomind sur mes différents sites. A chaque fois que j'ai eu besoin du support, j'ai reçu une réponse professionnel et surtout d'une rapidité jamais vue !!! Ce module est le meilleur module de flux pour Magento. Avec ce module vous oubliez toutes les sociétés de flux hors de prix que je ne citerais pas. Très simple d'utilisation et fiable. Un grand merci pour cette extension au top et un support exceptionnel.

13th July 2017

Nice Extension

The Data Feed Manager is an absolutely great extension. Easy to handle and efficient

12th July 2017

Really easy to use, we use it for all our websites.

We are using this extension for more than 5 years now, and there is still no better alternative. It's highly customisable and flexible and there are no irritating issues. Generating feeds have never been easier.

12th July 2017

Excellent module

Je pense que c'est le meilleur module de flux pur Magento. Support au top !!! Merci beaucoup.

Nico08 - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

11th July 2017

Great support and extensions!

We are now using this extension for more than 4 years on M1 and now for our M2 store. Still all code is perfect and everything works like a charm without terribel issues. Very happy with this extension and can advise eveyrbody else. Btw, its very easy to make your own feed, 1 minute work.

11th July 2017

I wish the user interfact was simpler so I could have feeds autoupdate for example

Overall it does what it says it does. I just think the UX and user interface are not the best. I would love to be able to do things more easily. For example I do not know how I can setup feeds to auto update every day. I have been using the Data Feed Manager for over a year now and so far, so good. I think the update periods should be longer, and one should be able to download the latest version that was available during ones update period. Right now, you are not able to download the latest version that was available when you still had a downloadable license

Sven - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd June 2017

The best feed extension

We use data feed manager from wyomind for years on a daily basis, very stable and user-friendly, we recommend for sure.

21st June 2017

A 'No Brainer' for Data Feeds to Other Sites

We've used Data Feed Manager for several years because we wanted the easiest way to export to places like Google Shopping with as much information as possible. Compatibility with other engines is definitely a bonus and makes it easy to try other comparison/search sites.

21st June 2017

Perfect, no more words

With this plugin, I finally find the way to export all my feeds in an easy way, with a simple configurator I can export all data I need. They also add many templates to make export easier. You really solved my problem.

20th June 2017

Product is good. Support seems to be limited to referral to faq...

We use data feed manager to extract products data from Magento and send it every night to Google shopping. We are experiencing issues with the feed not being automatically generated. Our support inquiry was answered by referring us to the faq. No troubleshooting was offered to try to help the situation... We need to figure out how the cron jobs are scheduled.

Jakkad - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

17th June 2017

With problems in Magento 2

It is a good extension for the generation of feeds, but the extension does not work with "Javascript Bundling" mode. Magento2 correctly indexes the categories tree by checking only the final categories, but with this extension, it is not possible to filter by level if it has not been manually assigned. The service is quick but they prefer to take the ticket off instead of reading it correctly and understanding the problem.

11th June 2017

Nice tool which saved us a lot of work!

We use data feed manager to generate feeds for many different price search websites and for google shopping. You can customize the feeds in every possible way and therefore use it with any given input formats and file configurations.

9th June 2017

Works great

The extension is easy to install and works very well.

6th June 2017

Fantastic support

This is the most useful extension we have ever used. support is fantastic - we experimented a lot before finally using it live - there are so many things you can do considering that it accepts PHP functions. class A extension - top of the whole Magento pile so far as we are concerned.

Adam - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

5th June 2017


Amazing extension, it's very easy to make things work. It took me only 10 minutes to get my feeds ready!

Gio - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

31st May 2017

simple, fully customizable and rapid feed manager and generator

Great extension, with data feed manager we can manage all our feeds in a simple and custom way. we created some of custom attributes and dozens feeds for the main price aggregators, include Google shopping. the module is easy and fully configurable.

30th May 2017

the great extension for data manager

You can easily create all feed you want using a graphical interface and many short tag, you can create custom short tag and custom function, there also many pre-configured templates that are very useful to help.

Andrea - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

29th May 2017

Perfect solution for exporting data

The perfect solution for exporting data.

Kevin - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd May 2017

Superb - easy to use extension

Easy to follow guide that helps build the feeds for our external sites and for google.

21st May 2017

Amazing !!

What a great product, works like charm. It helps to feed pretty much all shopping platforms.

18th May 2017

We use it to feed many systems, current count is over 40 different feeds configured.

We started using the Simple Google Shopping feed but soon upgraded to the Data Feed Manager as it gave us a lot of functionality, including the ability to build custom feeds for specific shopping systems, we now have multiple feeds going out to Amazon, eBay, Tesco, Daily Mail Shop as well as Google. I also prefer to use this extension when doing exports as you can add specific PHP based functionality. This ability allows extra manipulation of the data as point of export. I have had issues with data manipulation a few times, where my PHP skills where not good enough and the guys at Wyomind have been quick to help. Can't recommend this extension and the support team enough.

18th May 2017

Best extension ever

This extension is really great. The complete configuration is simple and self explanatory. So far we have found nothing better for the price. Very clear purchase recommendation. And the support is also really great.

Manu33 - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

17th May 2017

Great extension! I really recommend. Works perfect

Data feed manager is a really useful extension. I have a Magento 2 site that communicated with a WordPress. So it helps me a lot to send all my products from Magento to Wordpress. I really recommend this extension. It works perfect.

Sebastian - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

17th May 2017

Great Google shopping extension you must have!

I have bought more than 5 copies of Data Feed Manager and it's the best Google shopping extension I've seen. Buy this if you are serious about your business. I had very few problems when using this extension. I contacted the customer service and got a very quick reply. They helped me solve my problems even if they were not responsible for them. I really appreciate it.

Jason - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

16th May 2017

Great extension - does exactly what is suspose to do.

I'm using this extension to generate feeds for Google Shopping, Bing Shopping,, Amazon, Kelkoo, The extension comes with multiple example feeds which are great to understand how the feedmanager is working.

16th May 2017

Great customized extension

It really saves your time, many popular feeds are preinstalled, if you need your own it is easy to copy one and customize it.

16th May 2017

Must have extension for Magento

Data feed Manager is a real system to export your products i every way you need, not only amazon google shopping ebay or the others precompiled marketplace but for example even in some customized system. Furthermore the customer care is one of the most impressive and faster service i ever seen. Nice work guys!!!

15th May 2017

Great extension

Great extension and quick support. Saves us allot of time.

13th May 2017


It works like it is expected.

10th May 2017

The data feed manager is great and really achieves exactly what we needed

What a great module. Extremely in depth and effective. Thanks Wyomind

5th May 2017

the best plugins for magento

i try the elastic search and i think that is very powerful and easy to use for the customers

arkin - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

5th May 2017

Love :)!

Works great and meet's googles requirements. Thanks!

PC - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

3rd May 2017

Excellent extension

Has been a really good useful extension, use it for and Facebook products. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to scale up their e-commerce business and save time. The documentation is good and the module has all you need in order to create feeds.

Giamp23 - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

2nd May 2017

Great extension

Very flexible extension, we are very content with its functions and like the fact that we can make feeds for different marketplaces. This extension saves a lot of time for me and my co-workers. I can highly recommend buying the datafeed manager from Wyomind.

28th April 2017

Excellent extension usefull and simple

Excellent extension, perfectly executes the required task. I use it to create xml feeds to Google Shopping and it has never disappointed me.

27th April 2017

The best data feed tool on the market.

The data-feed-manager-magento extension works really well and provides great feeds with ease. A must-buy for anyone who requires the use of data feeds of any kind.

Elena - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

26th April 2017

Excellent extension usefull and simple

We need to get a swiss army knife tool for our flux to the different market place. With little help from the team support we set up differents formats on our website. Works fine with little work ! Wyomind has an excellent support, one of the best ever !

25th April 2017

Superb extensions with lightning support

We have used datafeed manager for a long time now and is one of our core extensions we cannot live without! Wyomind has the fastest support I have ever experienced and always provide the right answers, highly recommended!

24th April 2017

Nice extension good support

Really nice extensions, support is great!

Jens - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

24th April 2017

This is a must have product for Magento

This is a great product, we use it for our google product feed and our Amazon product feeds. It is a huge time saver for us. Support is fantastic if you ever need it.

22nd April 2017

The greatest xml feed extension on market

I use this extension for more than 1 year. I tested deeply other similar from other vendors and only Wyominds make it easy to setup and forget xml generation. Google shopping works flawless. You have all you need to setup special prices, with prices rules. Also tax prices are handled correctly. I use this extension for many price comparators and no matter how the xml must be build - Wyominds Feed Extension does it the best way. I use complex PHP filters and rules - and I can make xml sufficient for any 3rd party xml/csv importer. It also support bundle product type and child items. I have other store - which uses advanced custom options - and there is no other xml feed extension that support custom options like Data Feed Manager does. 5 stars! The best feed extension on market

21st April 2017

Thank you for EXCELLENT service

The support that we received from the Data Feed Manager team has been EXCELLENT. They went to great lengths to help us out!! Quick response times and a positive attitude. Oh, and the product is also great!!

14th April 2017

Excellent extension

Excellent extension, perfectly executes the required task. I use it to create xml feeds to Google Shopping and it has never disappointed me.

11th April 2017

Flexibility is great

With the possibility to customize the data with your own PHP code, this feed manager is definitely far better than the competition! With the addition of your own custom fields I haven't found a scenario in which this feed manager can't give me the solution!

5th April 2017

Additional Feeds

Wyomind's Data Feed Manager extension has been great for us with Google Shopping, along with the ability to create additional feeds required by our different advertising partners. I would definitely recommend their extension!


3rd April 2017

Game Changer

Data Feed Manager makes it so easy to integrate with new advertising platforms and marketplaces. We currently use it to run daily updates for many different partners including Google, Walmart, Amazon, Criteo, and more. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to scale up their e-commerce business and save time.

1st April 2017

Super Flexible Product Exports

We have been using this extension for over 3 years. Installation was straight forward and anytime we needed support to customise our feed templates the team at Wyomind have been very helpful. The extension itself is really flexible and we use it not just for shopping feed generation, but also to export data to other 3rd party systems. Scheduled generation and auto FTP uploads have helped us to automate so many tasks too.

AB - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

31st March 2017

Good extension

Has been a really good useful extension use it for google shopping

B.C - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

30th March 2017

Truly must have

We do recommend that extension to all our customers, as you can solve numerous issues with it. Today more and more cool 3rd party services appearing, that helps to boost marketing and sales, and Data Feed Manager helps a lot with any of them.

Art - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

28th March 2017

Well documented and handy extension with many useful options!

We originally purchased this to build feeds for Google Shopping, and Bing. But over the years Data Feed Manager has proven itself to be much more useful. We also found it great for working with our repricing and inventory software. The data exports we are able to produce are excellent for migrating data or bulk updates via dataflow or even Magmi. Inline PHP, and the ability to code your own custom attributes and functions have also been extremely valuable for getting the data just the way we need it. I am also impressed by the knowledgeable and responsive support team who were always willing to provide me with useful examples.

26th March 2017

Good extension must have it.

Been using it for last 4 years, great!

23rd March 2017

Fantastic Module!

This module has been running really well for us for about 2 years now!

Stefany - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

23rd March 2017

Easy to use

The extension was very helpful in our process to create and manage our feeds. Easy to use as well.

22nd March 2017

I am using this for third time for my third website

Extension is great for Magento as always.
Support experience is Fantastic.

Md. Kamrul Hasan

20th March 2017

Very usefull extension

This module has been very usefull for us, we use it with our affiliation partners like Tradedoubler and Public Idees and for google shopping. The documentation is good and the module has all you need in order to create feeds.

17th March 2017

Great Support and very usefull

We are using this great extension now over one year and we are very satisfied. We needed some additional settings like base price and the support helped us immediately. Every support question is fast and polite answered, so we recommend this data feed extension to every shop owner.

16th March 2017

Just works, amazing

Module is very flexible- Highly recommend!

Jeff Lenz - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th March 2017

For efficient workflow for shopping feeds, Data Feed Manager is The Best

Not all Magento extensions are created equal!! Wyomind is my trusted source for compatibility and stability!

10th March 2017

It works well in our website

We think that Data Feed Manager is a very powerful and flexible extension. We are able to generate different feeds and feed types, depending upon the application. For example, we need upload our products to Facebook, it can export exactly the data we want.

8th March 2017

Works well!

The extension works well for Google shopping

7th March 2017

Data Feed Manager is a very powerful and flexible extension.

Data Feed Manager is a very powerful and flexible extension. We are able to generate different feeds and feed types, depending upon the application. For example, some of our clients require comma separated values (CSV) files. In these cases, Data Feed Manager adds the required CSV headers.

6th March 2017

Excellent time saving plugin

We have been using this combined with Simple Google Shopping and it makes a huge difference in time saving. Set your rules and watch it generate your feed on specified times!

2nd March 2017

Easy to configure and very flexible

We've found the data feed manager extension to be very easy to configure and use for all of our external feeds. Primarily bought for google shopping but now feeds out to over a dozen systems via http and ftp. We particularly like the customisation using PHP and the built in custom fields. We really couldn't be without it, thanks for a great product!

2nd March 2017

Amazing Extension, A must have for your ecommerce site

I highly recommend this module to anyone, we have used it on all our websites and it offers unparalleled flexibility and is easy to use with Wyomind's brilliant documentation. A must have for your magento website.

Mark Sloclock - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

2nd March 2017

Must have for feeding external services.

Primarily purchased for Google Shopping. Now we use it for several other feeds as well. Capable of feeding many different systems with widely varying feed requirements. Absolutely a requirement for connecting to external services and networks.

Brandon - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

1st March 2017

Good and flexible

The extension works pretty good and is easy to configure. There were issues at first when trying to configure for Bing, however, the latest version has this. Very hopeful that this will work as well for that. So far so good. For Google this works perfectly.

28th February 2017

Works well!

The extension works well for Google shopping

Eve - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

26th February 2017

This is a must have extension

If you are serious to get your products out there this is a must have extension. Our sales has really picked up from the time we use this extension.

22nd February 2017

Nice build extensions and good support

We started in 2012 with the Simple Google feed generator extension and it worked like a charm. We wanted more options so contact Wyomind. So we switched after several weeks to the bigger Data Feed Manager extension from Wyomind. Upgrading was no problem and it was fixed in 30 minutes. We use it for a long time now. When you have a question about the extension you receive always a super-fast response via e-mail and there is always a solution available. Sometimes you receive a reply in the evening or in the weekends. It's great when you are working on a project and need fast response. I would recommend this extension. Also for multi-store environment. Nice to work with this Wyomind team.

22nd February 2017

Data Feed Manager has been awesome!

Great Magento extension!

21st February 2017

Really Neat Product

Installed without a problem, does what it says on the tin

21st February 2017

Really Neat Module

Does a great job!

20th February 2017

Works as expected

We bought several licences. Works good

Chris - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

17th February 2017

Great for integrating with Google Shopping, Channel Advisor, etc

I've used the Wyomind Data Feed Manager extension on several projects and have been happy with it. My clients have used it for exporting products to Google Shopping, Channel Advisor, and SKU Vault. We ran into some issues with the early version of the Magento 2 extension, but Wyomind's support was quick to resolve the issues and push out new versions of the extension to fix the problems.

16th February 2017

Good extension

We've been using this extension on our store for 3 years and never had any problems. Support is fast and reliable. I would recommend this extension. Also the setup is simple and documented (a documentation available for developers as well).

15th February 2017

Great Extension

We've been using this extension on our store for a long time. Support has been great and the extension has worked well for us. Would recommend.

14th February 2017


Would recommend the service, the support, and most definitely this extension. Setup was simple, and it seems to be the most functional tool we've experienced for feed management on Magento. This completely removed the need for a 3rd party feed management agency, optimizations are simple and relatively easy to grasp, even more so if you have a developer who knows what they are doing. I would recommend this extension to any e-Commerce website looking for presence on Google Shopping.

13th February 2017

Great Extension with Fab Technical / Customer Support.

I have this extension installed on 4 shops, works a treat. We have recently upgraded 2 to Magento Version 2. sensible upgrade costs with outstanding support. We have been using this now for around two years, 3 sites with smallish feeds but one with in excess of 17,000 products. Our site developers prefer this extension, and have asked for it by name. Had a slight problem with one site been upgrades, but support was there even chased us to ensure that could close the ticket and our problem was solved. This is our no 1 stop for this extension

8th February 2017

Extension works very good and is really fast 12000 products in less 2 minutes

Extension works very good and is really fast 12000 products in less 2 minutes thanks!!


8th February 2017

Works really well

It's a bit confusing at first but it's honest such a great tool. We use it to to send product and inventory feeds to 3rd marketplaces. In about 30 min I was able to have a perfect inventory feed sent right to marketplace in question.

6th February 2017

Great at getting your data out to google

Used for many years to export data to google shopping feeds and now looking to use for other merchant channels.

Stuart Porter - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

5th February 2017

The best data feed generator there is.

On every site we build, I recommend Wyomind's DataFeedGenerator. The support is excellent, and the flexibility of the plugin is fantastic.

2nd February 2017

Must have extension

Easy to use an well documented definitely a must have extension

Jim - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

1st February 2017

Powerful and a must have

This extension is a must have, we win a lot of time and it's easy to use We used it for feeds our catalog to marketplace and for our retailers to generate csv of our stock, price list per customer. We appreciate the support guide and in case of problem, the support team answer fast.

Stef - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

1st February 2017

Great extension

Really excited to have this smart module running on my store. Easy to install and it's very flexible to customizations. We never had any technical issues with it. Very helpful and fast to respond support service on top of it. Great job Wyomind!!!!!

Guus - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

1st February 2017

Must Have Extension

With this extension I saved a lot of time on my store and earned a great flexibility with feeds for Google, Facebook, Price comparator. In other words, if you have a magento store you must have this extension.

26th January 2017

Easy & Powerful

One of the best extensions out there, we use this extension for feeds to multiple other systems, including paidonresults, google merchants, external stock feeds to customers and more, it couldn't be easier. Great for XML and CSV exports, fast and flexible with lots of standard filters and it's own functions for generating custom data. The only thing we have found is that if you have a large number of Attribute sets on your install, it can drag heavily on the database when exporting large amounts of data, but this can be avoided with a little thought about what you are generating and when.

24th January 2017

Excellent extension and support

We use the extension to generate product feeds for multiple marketplaces. We never had any technical issues with it. When we had failed to achieve something and reached out to them they were always quick to reply and solve our issues. I can only recommend Wyomind and their extension.


21st January 2017

The most flexible and powerfull Data feed manager for Magento

Wyomind is the very very best data feed manager for Magento. Mos flexible and work fine with very big catalog ad export what do you wont in xml and css. Support very very professional and tremendous responsive. Over the top!!!

Fabio - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

20th January 2017

Best Plug-in

Excellent solution to manage all types of feeds. We were very pleased.

ELLENO - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

18th January 2017

Very very powerful magento module. This solved all my Google problems

This is very very powerful magento module. This is more flexible and advanced configuration setting , also with php code, permit high configuration. Powerful and very responsive support. 100% ok

triplexita - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

16th January 2017

Using it for Google Shopping - Works as described

We have been using it since about a year and it works as described. In case of questions, the support is fast and helpful.

16th January 2017

Perfect module, great support and fast response

We use the data feed manager for quite a period now. Support guide is very complete. I was as newbie able to adjust and create many feeds to export to market places or create feeds for business customers. Absolute must have for each B2B or market place selling webshop.

Rick - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

16th January 2017

Great Module

We use it to export our products. Easy install and no problems what so ever. A lot of options to configure

13th January 2017

Excellent extension

We have been using this extension for 2 years across multiple website and it really saves a lot of time with auto-generating feeds. Easy to setup with predefined feeds. This is exactly what we were looking for.

Jiri - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

11th January 2017

Absolutely Amazing

We use Data Feed Manager to create feeds for multiple marketplaces e.g. Fruugo, Google Shopping, Facebook, Bing. It works marvelously and whenever we have questions the support team replies within a few minutes. I can only recommend this extension and Wyomind.

9th January 2017

Great plugin, one of the most valuable plugins we use

The Data Feed Magento extension creates great customized feeds which we use for marketing as well as for inventory management and selling on other platforms. Truly a professional tool!

Emiliyan - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

7th January 2017

Great and flexible product

I can suit this extension as I wish. Fast support. Excellent

6th January 2017

Great tool for marketing your products

Great Extension and Great Support

6th January 2017

Great extension and exceptional support

All the extensions I have so far tried and used from wyomind are well crafted and work as intended. Support is very responsive and helpful. Can only recommend them.

Nima - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

5th January 2017

I have used datafeedmanager for 3 years.

It is very essential tool.

Park - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

5th January 2017

Great Extension and Great Support

Great Extension and Great Support

Shafique - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

4th January 2017

Great extension for most shopping feeds

Really extensible and flexible. You can essentially create a feed for any shopping channel easily. Also comes with some useful default popular shopping channels. Thanks!

RB - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

2nd January 2017

automatically generates multiple feeds everyday for other channels

its a very useful extension and automatically generates multiple feeds everyday for other channels. quick and helpful support

2nd January 2017

Good extension

The data feed manager is a good extension which we use for all our Data feeds, however make sure you buy additional upgrade months. We have had issues with incomplete feeds because of an old version of the data feed manager extension.

Casper - User for more than 11 years |Magento 2

30th December 2016

Excellent extension

We have been using this extension for 2 years across multiple website and it really saves a lot of time with auto-generating feeds, set your filter and away it goes! Easy to setup and go.

AJ - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

28th December 2016

Data feed manager takes the pain out of keeping my inventory synced

This extensions has greatly reduced the time needed to keep my inventory synced with google shopping. It is worth double of what I paid for it easily. Support is top notch.

Jess - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

28th December 2016

Thank you

Excellent extension, Excellent Support

23rd December 2016

Great module for creating standard feed and customize them

Good support but they could improve dev licensing.

20th December 2016

Great extension for data feeds

We use the Data Feed Manager in a multi-store environment to generate our data feeds for Google Shopping and other merchants, we can export feeds in various formats - xml, csv, txt. It's a great and important extension that improves our bottom line. However, we would like a better licensing support for the development environment.

Dano - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

17th December 2016

Best feed extension

I'm a consultant and SEM manager. I've deployed this extension on more than 25+ stores. Whenever there's been any problems, Pierre always helped fix within 24 hours.

Sunny - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

17th December 2016

Great support

Wyomind provide excellent support.

16th December 2016

The best accurate Feed Manager Ever.

It made my life easier for the Google Merchant Account. The feed works so great with cron updates.

15th December 2016

Works as expected

This is exactly what we were looking for. Makes it ease to create multiple feeds

14th December 2016

Works like a charm

Must have extension if you want to cast your sales. It can sync via ftp all needed data and Lokad could build salecasts for magento store. Good choice.

Cermis - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

20th November 2016

crashed my store

Crashed my store. Support didnt seem to care and gave me refund. Never seen it work but im sure it does. I would have liked having the extension but with support not interesting in even finding out my environment to ensure it doesnt happen to others.


15th November 2016

About configurable products?

I bought module, easy to use, everything as described. My problem is CONFIGURABLE products. There is no sample data for configurable stocks with child products. I asked them, how can I show my simple products under configurable. They didnt give me any sample data feed for configurable products with childs. They explained this is special and asked for 100Euros. Module is 95Euro, you are asking 100Euro for small data feed. That was interesting. And after I sad this is too much, They locked my ticket, I didnt ask anymore. Am I advice module = yes, Support = of course NO. If you need sample for configurables I have, I can send you sample without any price.


30th June 2016

Fantastic plugin, even better service

This plugin does exactly what it says it's going to and is very easy to use. However, what really sets it apart is the incredible support. I've had a couple of instance where we needed some help in getting our data to format correctly, and each time support responded within a couple of hours to help us fix our code. I couldn't recommend this more.


23rd June 2016

The best extension for price comparison

Great extension. Simple and powerful. It can handle more and more datafeed without server charge.
Save me hour of work


17th June 2016


Excellent extension, Excellent Support
It worked very well in and very good reactivity of the support.


3rd June 2016

Excellent support

I have had a number of occasions reaching out to support and always had excellent support! Keep up the good work.


29th May 2016

Wow am I pleased!

I knew this extension was way over my head when I purchased it so I paid for the configurable installation. It was the best money I've ever spent. They were very, very conscientious about getting it installed properly for my particular application and I couldn't be more pleased with the end product.


6th April 2016

Great, out of the box!

This extension is very easy to use. Up and running in just a few minutes. The documentation an the Wyomind site is excellent. I had a few little questions on how to make a feed work like i needed it to and the FAQ provided al my answers.


7th March 2016

Awesome extension and support

Very useful and complete extension and amazing super responsive support. Every request was answered really fast and I could accomplished everything i wanted with this extension. super recommended!


16th February 2016

Superb Service

This extencion is A Must Have!
I had problems because I ordered wrong extencion(monday morning:-), but Wyomind fixed it with in minutes. Thanks to the support team everything is working perfekt! The extencion is as described and working good! Thanks!


13th January 2016

Amazing extension

I'm a marketing agency, managing over 5 different stores. There's 2 things that makes this extension very valuable for us:
a. Flexibility - the feeds can be altered in any way we want.
b. Support - If we don't know how to do something, there's really kind and smart support team that usually helps within a few minutes..
Very happy.


2nd December 2015

Awesome extension

Thia extension do exactly what promise.
Great support from the team.
Thanks for all


12th November 2015

Amazing support, great module

Made initial contact with Wyomind, a response came back within a couple of minutes saying the module could do what I wished it to do.
After buying, install was straight forward, we needed a solution for tiered pricing which then calculated against another value, the support for this was pretty amazing and didn't have to wait more than 5 mins before the next response came.
Thanks again.


12th October 2015

Data Feed Manager

Works perfectly for us, it does exactly what we wanted works exactly the way we hoped. Can't think of any improvements to even suggest.
The companies support is fantastic, we also use their delivery time estimater.


9th October 2015

great extension and support

this extension does what it says. i had a problem with a custom attribute and the support helped me to make it work. I highly recommend this extension!


2nd October 2015

Superb extension with outstanding support!

This is definitely one of the best export extensions out there. The customization options are endless, I have not yet stumbled across one requirement this extension couldn't fulfill. The possibility to use php functions, If / else conditioning, etc with any attribute allows for a dynamic export of literally any information.


30th September 2015


Not only is this extension amazing but the customer service that Wyomind provides is at the ver top level of quality. I am very happy with the quality work that there team provides and the functionality all of their plugins provides. I wish there was another star so that I could give it 6.


25th August 2015

The best modul &amp; developer on market!

I think this developer & this extension is best on market. 150% Support, friedly and really really helpful!
I recommend this extension and hope this developer will develop more extensions for our needs!
5 Stars!


30th June 2015

Excellent Extension, Excellent Customer Service

This extensions does exactly what it says on the tin and works a treat, saves a lot of manual work.
The customer service/support is also second to none.
If you are looking for a data feed extension this is the one to buy.


30th April 2015

High quality extension

Works on CE 1.9.1.
A lot of functions. Easy to use by duplicating the included templates.
Some tricky operations however.
To add a new variable in the template, we must add it as a filter. But to me, a _filter_ is to filter, not to create variables :)
Then the code has to be placed in app/code/local and not in app/code/community. An old mistake from the developer it seems.
But that's details. A good extension !


10th April 2015

Very flexible for all your export needs

We are using Data Feed Manager from Wyomind since years now and appreciate the flexibility of use (especially the magic atteributes). When needed support is always great and reacts within minutes.


24th March 2015

Awesome Extension!

This is a must have extension for anyone with a Magento store.
Easy to set up and support was awesome when I had a question.
We have used another feed extension in the past and although it worked ok, this one does so much more and has been really thought out.
A highlight is that it was so easy to import a UK version of the google taxonomy, and link to my existing categories quickly.
We used with community


26th February 2015

Time Saver

We've used this tool for a while now and have to say it has been perfect for what we needed. A great product and valuable marketing tool.


23rd February 2015

Excellent support!

We have been using datafeed manager for a while now and am really happy with it. Much more important is the excellent and very quick support we are getting.
Thanks again for your can do attitude!


16th February 2015

Excellent extension for exporting product data, maybe the best

I have been using the DataFeedManager for about 3 years now. It is very flexible and you can achieve results very quickly.
And the support of the guys ist outstanding. Definitely the best support I have ever received.


28th January 2015

Great Extension - Fantastic support

This is a great extension that gives you a ton of flexibility with your data feeds. The speed that I was able to replicate and build on existing templates for things that are certainly outside of the box for this extension was fantastic. Support was also very helpful, had to contact a couple of different times for questions about what I was trying to do and they were always quick and helpful with a response. A+ on this one all around.


8th December 2014

Developer is very helpful when you have an issue

I can not rate this extension highly enough.
When I did have an issue the developer was there to help me.


1st December 2014

Best Extension for all shopping sides

We tried some of the Data Feed extensions but this one is realy helpful and without bugs.
Good Work.


30th November 2014

Developer feedback

Purchased this extension months ago. For a new feed, had a quistion which Pierre answered within 24 hrs. Very pleased with this excellent support!


11th November 2014

Excellent product, even better support

I've used Wyomind's Data Feed Manager on two sites now. It's flexible, works as advertised, and helps enable non-developer team members quickly produce the feeds to integrate with other services that would otherwise require custom work. Huge timesaver for our development team.
I needed to add our custom product type to the collection filter for our feed and was blown away by how quickly support responded and pointed me in the right direction. It would be more convenient if custom product types were added to the filter list dynamically, but the resolution provided by Wyomind support (adding the custom product type to filters.phtml) was quick and effective.
I would prefer to see the code located in app/code/community, and the source is obfuscated (and thus more difficult to understand and extend), but this extension provides great value out of the box and support worthy of commendation.


7th October 2014

Best support ever

Having used this product for a while now, its always been 100% rock solid. When I have hit a problem as I did yesterday, a quick email to the guys brings a swift response and after granting access, they found a fixed the issue within minutes! (and I have to say it was down to me not the product).
Many times a day, this product runs and generates many feeds for tens of thousands of our products without missing a heartbeat.
Thanks for the product and thanks for the ongoing excellent support!


24th September 2014

Top Notch Support

I'd left an earlier review about Data Feed Manager extolling the positives of the extension, and wanted to follow up with another review regarding support.
I was running into an issue getting my feeds to appear correctly in Google Merchant Center and after a few hour of frustration decided to contact support.
They immediately responded to my email and within a short period of time helped identify the problem; nothing to do with the extension, just an operator error on my part regarding entering the correct information in GMC.
It was not really their problem, but they went the extra mile and walked through the issues with me and I now have my feeds up and running in Google Shopping.
Excellent extension. Great support!


24th September 2014

The best!

Excellent extension! We use it for Google Shopping!


23rd September 2014

great extension &amp; excellent support

Wyomind has proven multiple times that they create great extensions and have excellent support. They did not hesitate to help us when we wanted a more complex field in our csv export, the problem was fixed within a few hours! Definitely recommend this extension.


23rd September 2014

Great and friendly support

I needed help for the basic price and requires the support was right there. To all requests immediately came a helpful answer. Can only recommend the module and great support. Many thanks to Paul and Pierre.


12th September 2014

Excellent Extension & Support

We've been using the Data Feed Manager to output xml and csv feeds to multiple aggregators and PPC providers. We can't fault it. The support is prompt and friendly. Thanks!


11th September 2014

Good Skeleton - Need to Buy their Support

Out of the box it looks as it works perfectly with all of the feeds. They confirmed it is compliant with Google's new feed specification, however what is not made clear is that you have to do all of the work yourself. The templates provided are just starter templates and do not work out of the box to feed data for every type of product (configurable/bundle) to Google, for instance.
For example, bundles do not show up, unless you make sure you uncheck "not individually visible", which sort of defeats the purpose of that field.
Upon pointing that out, I was met with brashness from the customer support
"If you're too lazy to read the documentation and understand how it works, I'm afraid we can't help you more."
Don't bother wasting money on this product. Its quicker to just write your own code, then spend hours pouring over their documentation.


5th September 2014

Excellent Extension

We've been using Data Feed Manager for sometime and are extremely happy with the extension and support we've received.
If you want to increase your presence on other shopping channels, this is the one to purchase.


2nd September 2014

best customer support in world.

excellent extension and fantastic support.
very easy to use once set up properly.
Paul From customer service and other person very help full.
they reply to email in no time. even on weekend.
great people and great extension.


1st August 2014

Top developer support for this extension, adapted the extension to my needs

This is a follow up review to my purchase of this extension.
I have had data feed manager for a while now and since the purchase of this extension it has been great as I have been able to create & generate all feeds and update the templates to the new Google product feed specifications to include new attributes such as size_type and size_system.
Just recently I had needed developer support as I was expanding my category structure to approximately 6000 categories and required category mapping to be limited to the 2nd category level down to boost performance of my magento platform and this extension. Pierre was able to complete this by customising the extension that was installed on my server and during the process he always kept intouch with me during the process.
The best things about this extension and Wyomind is that not only are feeds editable, but I have received top customer support way after I purchased this extension and the extension was able to be adapted to my needs after it was installed on the server.
This extension in my opinion is the best for creating data feeds and the best for professionals who require support for the extension long after you have purchased, should it need to be adapted to your needs in the future.


23rd July 2014

Superb customer support

We have a particularly complicated product set up on our sites and Wyomind kindly allowed us to test the product risk free to determine whether it would meet our specific business needs.
Although Data Feed Manager is extremely feature rich, it unfortunately didn't fully support our non-standard implementation, so we opted not to use it and were kindly refunded. However, the product itself looks great and the customer service we experienced was really quite excellent. Thanks, Wyomind!


7th July 2014

The best Feed Extension!

Perfect extension works exactly as proposed. The support is superb, whenever I needed they helped me resolve the best way possible. I am indicating this module and this company to all my acquaintances who use Magento. Wyomind thank you!


30th June 2014

Great product and support

The product works exactly as specified and I had no installation issues.
I have found it very flexible and saved me a lot of time setting up several feeds in different currencies for different providers.
Support has also been excellent and my two queries have been answered in a matter of minutes.


27th June 2014


I bought this module some time back and used it for google feeds. Then i used it for free account. The feed was doing really great for our shop and we decided to upgrade to the pro account. This was not so easy to implement so i contacted Wyomind support. Their response was quick and they really helped us to solve things i did not know to implement. This is were i saw how powerfull the module is. It is a must have for webshops if you want to work with feeds. Great support and a briljant module.


25th June 2014

A must have extension

Originally we needed an improved Google shopping feed extension so we bought the 'SIMPLE GOOGLE SHOPPING' from Wyomind which worked so well and gave us so much flexibility we decided to buy the Data Feed Manager to handle all our Magento data exports.
We run multiple installations of Magento and this extension gives us powerful features to tailor each feed exactly as we want it for each independent platform.
The extension has worked flawlessly and the support from the Wyomind team has been second to none and is by far the fastest support I have ever experienced.
I highly recommend this extension!


13th June 2014

This Really Simplifies Handling Multiple Feeds

We push feeds out to multiple shopping sites and with the different format and attribute requirements of each, it's always been difficult to keep them up to date, much less available....
This extension simplifies the whole process and is very flexible on any extra requirements.
Developer is quick to answer any questions and provides great support.


6th June 2014

Amazing Extension.... And if only every company operated like this!!

Forget the fact this extension is fantastic and has all of the exports pretty much pre-configured leaving your only job to be creating a folder on your server.... The support I have received from Wyomind has been nothing short of amazing!
Due to some issues with our site it took a huge amount of time for me to get this extension working correctly, Pierre and Paul answered question after question promptly and without complaint, even offering advice on issues not related to the extension. Now it is working and it does exactly what I expected.
Thanks guys! Keep up the good work.


28th May 2014

Great tool!

This is a really great tools! Works perfectly. I had some problems in the beginning, but they helped me. thanks to the staff!! Still took some time to set it up, but now everything automatic.... Great extension!


24th May 2014

Great Product, Even Better Support

This data feed manager has been fantastic for our website. It took some time to learn how to set things up, but they have pretty good documentation on their website.
The best thing I can say about this extension, however, is that the support is phenomenal. On three separate occasions I've written the developers when I've been stuck trying to get something to display in our datafeeds, and each time they've gone above and beyond in helping me fix the issue (usually responding to my email within hours). Unbelievable, friendly support.
Obviously, I highly recommend this.


21st May 2014

Best Data Feed Extension with Excellent Support

After trying many data feed managers I can say without doubt that this extension is by far the best and most feature rich on the market. Every attritubute of any feed is highly configurable. Mapping magento categories to each shopping channels categories is a breeze. Developer has provided a solution that really helps give a better ROI.


15th May 2014

Excellent extension and support to match

Just getting to grips with this extension and it's both easy to use from a novice perspective (like me) with lots of preloaded templates for all the major price comparison sites.
I needed some modifications done to permit me to add some custom attributes to my feed and both Pierre and Paul responded to all my queries instantly and helped me get everything up and running within a few hours.
Outstanding support, great extension, highly recommended


10th May 2014

Excellent functionality &amp; Support

The datafeedmanager has lots of capability and makes our different datafeeds possible. Needed support for a new datafeed and the speed and resolution of our problem was impressive! Thank you.


7th May 2014

Best extension I've used so far

This is a great export tool with tons of flexibility. I was able to produce everything I needed which avoids several manual steps we were going through which had a lot of risk. Their support, I dealt with Paul, is first class, not only do they get to you quickly, extremely helpful and provided working solutions first time. I would recommend this extension to anyone and so far has been my best extension experience.


6th May 2014

Excellent Extension w/ Excellent Support

This is exactly what we needed to get into both Amazon and Google Shopping. The extension is very well documented and Support responds within minutes to any custom requests. I just got done working with Paul at Wyomind to implement an if/then statement for the pricing. He's a ninja!


29th April 2014

The best data feed for any comparison site

This extension is very customizable and we were able to use it for all of our data export need for the shopping comparison sites.
The support was very helpful also when we needed some more complicated rules for the export.


25th April 2014

The best Feed Manager, Period

just the best there is, versatile, highly configurable and always responsive and excellent support.
Highly recommended!


15th April 2014

Thank you for making my Life Easy!

1st off if you are looking for an extension for product feeds, this one is hands down very easy to use and does exactly what you need it to. But that's not why I'm writing this review.
The Customer Support is the best I have experienced with any extension developer. When I had some trouble, Laurie went above and beyond to make sure everything worked the way it should. When I e-mailed them i expected to hear back tomorrow because of the time difference but Laurie e-mailed me back in under 3 minutes!!! WHAT?!?!! Thats crazy.
If you are looking for a extension developer with the best support ever please check wyomind out. I will be purchasing more of their products in the future!


11th April 2014

Great functionality, excellent service

We've been using this extension to successfully upload feeds to various places. It comes preset with all the necessary templates and we only had to make one minor template customization to get it running just the way we wanted.
Moreover, we had a small collision with another extension and so we reached out to both developers on one email thread. Both were absolutely first-rate in debugging and helping us resolve the problem. I highly recommend Wyomind's support, should you need it and would certainly buy more extensions from this developer.


9th April 2014

Very flexible feed generation extension

We have been using this extension since 2011. It is the best extension I have seen for generating feeds, with lots of options.
Support by Wyomind is very good and always very fast. This gives us the confidence that when we are facing an issue it will be resolved quickly.
Also the documentation for this extension is very good and extensive.


18th March 2014

really good extension best support ever

no issues on installation on C.E without any change on the default template the feed worked perfectly. I needed some workarounds for specific kind of products and I received a real solution in the shortest time I've ever seen in a support. It wasn't even just a one time thing, I've asked several things and got every time a real answer right away. I would seriuosly worry for him if you don't get an answer :D


17th March 2014

Great Extension with exceptional support

This is extension is extremely useful if you need to upload your products to public marketplaces. After getting used to the logic, it helps creating data feeds easily. And the best is that the developer is very helpful and responsive if you run into problems with the configuration. It has upgrade fees, but I think they're justified by the usefulness and the support this extension has.


13th March 2014

Must have extension

Great extension, easy to use and very good support from Pierre!


7th March 2014

sweet , works as need it !

Generates xml data of over 30k products in a few minutes, it works smooth just wonderful , and this guys give the best support .


3rd March 2014

Very Pleased with Developer Support

Pierre answered my question within a few hours. Any problem I had when transferring from the developer to the live domain was resolved very quickly. Really pleased with the level of service i've received.
Im looking forward to using Data Feed Manager on my website.


12th February 2014

This extension is a must for all store owners

Save time and make money. This extension removes the laborious task of creating feeds for the many shopping channels out there. Quick and easy to install, simple to understand, and comes with great support. I've used a number of different extensions from Wyomind, all have worked as described, and proved to be worth the price 20 times over.


12th February 2014

Excellent support!

Many thanks for the support and help (special thanks to Pierre!). This extension is awesome!


29th January 2014

Great Tool - Great service

We were in search for such a tool and found this one. We like this great tool, as the description keeps its promises. And the service in case of questions is simply great and fast. Thank you.


29th January 2014

Beautiful extension, great support

The extension works correctly, no problem with the installation. It can handle all the comparators price and functionality are endless.
But the best thing ... support! thank you very much


17th January 2014

Great extension, great support

Upgraded from Simple Google Shopping as it struggled with our thousands of URL rewrites, and generating the feed would crash our site.
Data Feed Manager is MUCH better, and is incredibly powerful. The feeds generate in a few seconds and is yet to take the site down after several months of use.
The support offered is amazing. Quick to respond and all our issues have been resolved within a few hours. Not only that, they're friendly and seem happy to deal with support requests. Whereas most developers are quick to blame the user, and don't spend the time to understand the problem.
All in all, a great extension and developer.


15th January 2014

Very powerful extension and outstanding support

I'd like to express my appreciation to the developer of this extension. It works out of box assuming that you have all standard Magento configuration and system attributes.
But even If you have highly customized attributes and complex configurable products this extension rocks! You can define as many custom feed attributes as you want and use some programming. And you can tune this extension to your needs.
In some case you can stuck in some step and you can just shoot an Email to Pierre and he will reply within 10 min that's fantastic.
Some work still should be done on documentation.
Overall I'm very satisfied with this extension and developer.


8th January 2014

Extra Upgradation Fees

I bought this extension around 6 moths before and now when I upgrade my store from 1.6.2 to 1.8.1 then in order to have compatible version I need to pay an additional 40 euros and thats quite a lot.
Normally companies offer free upgrade for the extensions and even in case they charge then they charge nominal fees but here the upgrade fees is 40 euros and thats a lot.
So please consider this upgrade factor before buying this extension.

Wyomind replied :

Dear Weleather,
All purchase comes with a 3 months free upgrade and you can get a free upgrade at any time by leaving your review on Magento connect.


20th December 2013

Perfect Extension with brilliant support

Data Feed Manager is the best extension for data feeds I know. Functionality is superb, support is really fast and helpful. Thanks!


14th November 2013

Best extension if you need data feed

I bought this extension to the 2nd site already
The support offered by Wyomind team was very quick and at a high professional level.
I recommend this extension, you can't actually have a shopping site without this extension.
I'm a happy customer.
I use magento and the extension works smoothly.


12th November 2013

Must have

We use the data feed manager in every Shop we support. It's really great and the best support you can have.


8th November 2013


Great product, has all the functionality we require. Easy to create and manage data feeds.
On top of this, the support from the developer Wyomind has been absolutely fantastic.
Excellent all round.


30th October 2013

Great and Super Support

great extension with an easy customization of the feed templates. The support is very fast and kind.


30th October 2013

Great Extension

Data Feed Manager brings all the functions what we want. Easy to install and set up.


7th October 2013

Great customer support!

Beside the fact that I love the extension, the support from Wyomind is absolutely fantastic. In most cases I have an answer within the hour. Above expectations!
Thumbs up guys! Thanks for the great support.


4th October 2013

excellent extension

I wish I have discovered this extension earlier. It's very flexible and simple at the same time, which is quite hard to achieve. You can create nearly every feed you need within minutes, I just love it! Even parent / child relationships are very easy to create for XML and csv...
The developer support is also very quick and helpful!


1st October 2013

I'm very satisfied

I use the module for almost 2 years and am very satisfied so far.
Questions to the support be the same for example answer with examples.
I can highly recommend the module.
Sorry for my bad English. (Google translator) :-)

Grua Kay

18th September 2013


Excellent support and very useful extension. Had some problems with the installation but got both quick and very helpful support.

Anton Malmberg

16th September 2013

Data Feed Manager

This extension is excellent and works perfect. Have had a couple of technical support questions and Pierre has been quick to respond with a solution.


10th September 2013

Impressive response time

The extension work as described. Easy to install and to work with it, and the suport is awsome fast.
We contacted several times to make questions about how to create new feeds. They replied in less than one every time.
Now, some weeks after our first order, we make a second one. By mistake we purchased the wrong extension. They correct the download link in less than a minute!


8th September 2013

Keep the Good Work!!!

The customer service is superior. I emailed them, and in less then an hour they responded. Within a few hours my issues were fixed. Consider, I bought the extension an year ago, and I still got the same quality service. The extension is easy to use and offers many options. I am a store owner not developer, and it wasn't hard for me to setup the feeds, they have the templates preset and ready to use, however you still need to spend some time and read the google shopping etc. program guidelines and adjust the templates according to your specific products. The good part is that Wyomind has an extensive library on their website and is all explained even you can find an updated data feeds there. Also, I liked the filters, which allows you to exclude products from the feeds by almost endless criteria. Bottom line: quality extension does everything it claims and even more, and superior customer service. I did my choice with no regrets. I recommend this extension.


3rd September 2013

Great extention and excellent support

Wyomind is very helpful in creating Data Feeds instantly. Minimum coding and configuration effort, preview the feed before submission, and especially the Magic Attributes and other attributes coupled with options for entity conversion, stripping tags etc. helped me to create the feed in a few minutes. This extension is beneficial for any kind of stores and can be managed by both technical and non technical admins.
The support is fast and reliable and answers to all the questions and issues immediately.


2nd August 2013

A problem but solved with good support

We purchased this to make uplaoding to Google and others easier and automated. Some initial issues with the actual FTP were quickly resolved by very helpful support from the developers who spotted the problem (the FTP doesnt need ftp:// on it!) and we were working in no time.
However well or not a component works, the key is the support and the guys were quick, responsive and helpful.


19th July 2013

Best Data Feed Extension

I've tested several extensions to generate data feeds to Google and other Shopping websites. Data Feed Manager is by far the easiest to use and the most versatile. Moreover, the development team is highly responsive! Thanks!!

Dennis N

4th July 2013

Perfect solution and easy to customize!

This is a amazing plugin !
Contrary to what Cybez Solutions says you can do whatever you want. You can even remove all html tags from a description : it's quite easy, just need to give a look at the great online doc.
Thanks to Wyomind.


4th July 2013

Awesome tool, excellent support

A great extension for all your feeds anywhere, very clear interface, intuitive error checking etc. Also the support is very quick and helpfull.
Would absolutely recommend this extension and Wyominid to anyone who needs this functionality.


4th July 2013

Review Correction

This is a review in correction to the review we gave on 3 July 2013.
The plugin is excellent and works for all the various feeds you want to create.
There was an understanding issue with our developer and thus the review posted before stands invalid.
Thanks for the excellent support from Wyomind and apologies for the incorrect review.
We will certainly buy more of your plugins for our other stores
Cybez Solutions

Cybez Solutions

10th June 2013

just perfect

I've tried many other extensions but this is the only one that is working how it should! It gives you extensive possibilities in creating a datafeed.
The help from support is making this extension one of the best there is. Fast, knowlegeable and friendly.
Keep it up!


5th June 2013

Feeds makes live easier

This extension is working super !
No installation stress just put the files in directory refresh cash and whoppa.
The extension is fully loaded and have several extra's the fit the feed.
Even PHP is allowed to make attributes fit seamless in the feed I want.
The support .... one word excellent .... I asked a question late in the evening 21:00 CET and Pierre replied in 15 min !!
Must have extension if you want feeds out of magento.


29th May 2013

Excellent extention and astonishing support

This extention is a must-have for every webshop that takes itself serious. Virtually unlimited options to output any kind of feed of what kind of products you like in any of your categories. Lightning fast support and unbelievable helpfullness. Would recommend to anyone, any day. Thanks


16th May 2013

Great extension with excellent support

Great extension and the support is also excellent. Submitting feeds is simple and less time consuming now. Worth every penny!


16th May 2013

Perfect Extension - perfect Support!

We have several extension from Wyomind in use and especially this one is a great and powerful tool.
Also the support could not be better!
Thank you very much!


16th May 2013

Wonderful and Useful Module

This module is a must for anybody serious about wanting to dip their toes into multi-channel marketing but don't have deep enough pockets to invest in Channel Advisor.
There are about 20 ready built templates for the most popular Shopping Price Comparison Engines and It's very powerful and easy to use.
If you are feeling a tiny bit braver and need to add a feed for a SPCE that isn't included out of the box then its fairly easy to use, though you do need to understand Magento's Product Attributes and know how to find their attribute codes (Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes: first column in the grid.) However, Pierre has said that in future versions there will be "a library of all available attributes/ options" and this should eliminate the need for even this tiny amount of technical knowledge.


8th May 2013

Great plug in does exactly what it says.

Good extension, support is also fantastic. Creating feeds is easy. Value for money is Top!
this tool you just have in your store, it is definitely worth the money.


6th May 2013

Does exactly what it says

Awesome module.
Works like a charm.
I had some difficluties setting it up, as you need to know the shortcodes for the feed.
Got a response within 20min, and problem was fixed!


6th May 2013

Great feed manager

bought this extension several times to make some product ml feeds for customers. It works great - and the support is fast and very helpful


28th April 2013

Great extension

I have bought this extension to make some product feeds. and it's working great.
After some setup problems ( great support ) it''s working for google and
best regards.


19th April 2013

Superb plugin

does exactly what it says on the tin and the support from Pierre and his team is absolutely fantastic.


16th April 2013

A++ plugin

Already bought 2 copies for different customers, does its work like advertised. Support is also fantastic, one of my favorite magento developer


11th April 2013

Great product, excellent support

Installed product on test site and on live site, had great support, really fast reaction from the developer. DateFeed works easy and good now.


27th March 2013

Very happy to have bought this extension!

This is the first time I am writing a review for an extension simply because it just wows me! Having zero knowledge of data feeds, Pierre has assisted me in every way he can to get me up and running.
The support via email I received from Pierre is just top notch. Most of the time I emailed him, I received a reply in a few minutes. Never had I received such a responsive and helpful assistance and Pierre will really go all the way to get things going. Just read all the reviews on this page and you will know Pierre is just the perfect guy to go to if you have any needs in data feed.
The extension itself is very easy to use after the initial setup. Now included with automatic FTP upload feature, together with schedule task feature, I don't need to worry about Data Feed Manager anymore. Feed is now generated automatically every day and uploaded to FTP automatically. Saves me a lot of time with this!
And needless to say, the price for the functions and the unrivaled support from Pierre is simply unmatched. This is the extension you NEED to get if you are thinking to get into Google Shopping or other comparison shopping engines, I am sure you will be very happy as I am.
That's all for my honest review of Data Feed Manager, and thanks again for everything, Pierre :)


24th March 2013

Very fast support!

Great plug in does exactly what it says.
And thx. to Paul for very fast support!


13th March 2013

Really good Module

Does exactly what it says and excellent support
Thank you


5th March 2013

Best of Breed Feed Extension

I've installed quite a few different ones for clients in the last couple of years but this one goes well beyond where others leave off.
The interface takes just a little bit of getting used to since Wyomind has taken the the time to put all adjustable parameter at your fingertips but the beauty is that as a developer I can configure this and don't really have to explain to my clients how to use it.
On top of a very well designed product we've gotten first class support from Pierre.
Highly recommended and I will be recommending this to any client that comes my way with a request to set up shopping feeds.


28th February 2013

Brilliant. Makes a complicated task simple to do, even with custom attributes

This extension is excellent. We now have data feeds for google and others as well as totally custom feeds for our distributors.
We needed a product which was capable of including non-standard attributes as we have an ERP system integrated and this handled it like a champ.
Support was always quick, polite and very effective, even with our complex requirements, we got it running exactly as we wanted very quickly.
10/10 for us.
Thanks guys :-)


27th February 2013

Good extensions,useful

Wyomind develops good extensions, true Magento Pro's !
but is not cheap~~~


26th February 2013

Makes my life easier !

I'm using Datafeedmanager for about 3 months now, I can absolutely recommend it! It does what it;s supposed to and Wyomind has a good manual and support if you need it.
Worth the money!!


29th January 2013

Really great extension and great

Really great extension and great and superfast help from Pierre the maker of the datafeed manager. If you are looking for a feed tool look no further, this one is great.


23rd January 2013

Great extension and excellent sup

Great extension and excellent support.
We never had a service so fast and effective!


21st January 2013

This is great!

This is great!


3rd January 2013

Must-have extension

I use this extension on one of my websites and I really think it is a must-have extension. I plan to use it on my new website that uses the Ultimento template, does anyone have any feedback on this extension with Ultimento? Thanks Tom


29th December 2012

I have been meaning to write a re

I have been meaning to write a review on Wyomind for some time. Our Data Feed Manager extension has been awesome. We have a very large overly complex store. We produce very large feeds for about 20 partners twice a day. This all happens in a few minutes, with minimum load on the server. It just cranks away dutifully producing feeds for over 6 months. Our store admins can create crazy complex feeds, no developer needed.

Please beg Wyomind to create an importer with the same UI.


20th December 2012

This extension works perfect. I c

This extension works perfect. I can upload my feed to most powerful portals like amazon, shopzzila, It is very convenient and easy to use.


17th December 2012

This is a great extension. We had

This is a great extension. We had no problems with instal and it does everything we need and more. Highly recommended.


18th November 2012

the Data feed manager is great wo

the Data feed manager is great works wonders. The support team is the best i have seen.


15th November 2012

Support has responded right away

Support has responded right away and resolved any issues/questions we've had. I do think documentation could be better though, was sort of lost and had to figure things out to get things going. Also, we had to have Wyomind send us a SQL script to get the installation going...seems like that is pretty common so expect to have to reach out for that. Otherwise, very fantastic and powerful extension for generating product feeds, this should absolutely be built into Magento out of the box.


7th November 2012

I recommend this company. Not jus

I recommend this company. Not just for their excellent products but also for the care and attention they provide to users of their extensions.

So far, I have not found a match!



2nd November 2012

Without doubt the support from th

Without doubt the support from this company is the best I have experienced. I have tried every other feed extension and this blows the rest out of the water!

A very impressed customer


26th October 2012

I can highly recommend this nice,

I can highly recommend this nice, useful extension - it works perfect and the support (Pierre) is superfast in answering. Long story short: It's all worth its money! :-)


24th October 2012

Wow, wow, wow!! Pierre replied to

Wow, wow, wow!! Pierre replied to my inquiry within 20 minutes, answering all of my questions in record time! I purchased the
extension + installation & set a time with him for the installation to make sure there were no glitches on our front / back end. Pierre made contact 10 mins before our scheduled time & installed the extension perfectly within 15minutes (his service was incredible!) + the extension works perfectly & does exactly what it promises. Thank you Pierre I couldnt be happier :-)


15th October 2012

Brilliant!! This is a great exten

Brilliant!! This is a great extension its solved several issue for me including my GoogleShopping feed and several custom feeds I needed (including one to power my ebay listings). Support is also excellent, Pierre's been very fast to assist with the few teething issues I had (all of which were with my side!).

If you are looking for an extremely flexible extension that will allow you to setup pretty much any type of product feed you like, this is the only one worth looking at.


3rd September 2012

very good extension and very good

very good extension and very good support!

thank you very much.


30th August 2012

Great product &amp;amp; great sup

Great product & great support. These guys know what they're doing. Would be lost without it.


29th August 2012

Perfect module! And the support i

Perfect module! And the support is just perfect! Fast, friendly and very competent! Many thanks! Here you get real value for your money! Best regards from Switzerland


23rd August 2012

Very flexible module that allows

Very flexible module that allows you to create pretty much every feed you need. I contacted support about how to add the shipping costs to the price based on the shipping group it was in and within moments I got a reply and everything was fixed. I will definitely use this module for other shops again.


7th August 2012

This extension essentially picks

This extension essentially picks up where the built-in Dataflow lacks in functionality. For our feed we needed full product page URL, and product image URLs which you can't get in Magento Dataflow.

I was having some problems with a custom php query that I wrote and support got it working within the hour for me.


31st July 2012

Really a nice product. The suppor

Really a nice product. The support team is awesome. If you have issues, you can email them and can get response immediately. I would definitely recommend this extension.


5th July 2012

I can honestly say that I have ha

I can honestly say that I have had nothing but the very best support since buying this extension.

I don't know too much about Magento, and Pierre @ Wyomind has been absolutely excellent. I had problems installing, and he did it for me. Then I had a problem setting up the Cronjob - again all sorted. The extension is great and the support is great - this is what all Magento Extension developers should strive to become/achieve. Well done, very well done.


21st June 2012

I have been using the Wyomind Dat

I have been using the Wyomind Data Feed Manager plugin for a few months now, and it works like a dream!
No more hassling with the standard Magento Dataflow "Advanced Profiles", but a simple point-and-click interface that even I can understand.
Their support page ( will get you started right away. And when I asked them a technical question, they answered within minutes! Well done guys!


25th May 2012

This extension is truly awesome a

This extension is truly awesome and 1000% times better than GoMage.

GoMage took 12 hours to process. Wyomind takes 15 minutes.

Support is great too!


16th April 2012

I have been very happy with the S

I have been very happy with the Simple Google Shopping extension for the last few years. With the new version of Data feed manager, I was happy to upgrade. Again, Pierre is the best. Highest recommendation! Tom ver 1.5.1


5th April 2012

Just to add, great and speedy

Just to add, great and speedy support on this product. Answered support e-mail very quickly. Great support!


3rd April 2012

I agree with others that Pierre i

I agree with others that Pierre is 'amazing', I ordered his Google shopping extension and over the course of 6 months I have asked him numerous questions, every time I do he gets back to me quickly and comes up with a solution to my problems. He's given the best support I have seen yet from a magento vendor.


26th March 2012

Pierre is seriously amazing. My d

Pierre is seriously amazing. My developer was not available to set up the feeds so Pierre took the time to help me set them up. He is amazingly fast at responding and is incredibly helpful!! Thanks so much for your help Pierre.


7th March 2012

Great extension. EXTREMELY Flexib

Great extension. EXTREMELY Flexible. Great support. Great results. Definitely recommend!


3rd February 2012

works, thanks.

works, thanks.


18th January 2012

I installed GoMage Feed Pro and w

I installed GoMage Feed Pro and was never able to make it work. I read in many forums how everyone was having all sorts of issues, like me. It turned out it uses a ridiculous amount of resources. I was supposed to even increase my server's PHP settings like memory limit, max post size etc.

I bought Feed Manager and all is now happiness. It worked right out of the box without any hassle. It is EXTREMELY quick (unlike GoMage) and it even allows PHP expressions!
It does everything that GoMage does (filter by category, by attribute, etc etc etc)

I finally got my feeds working and a happy client.


25th November 2011

I purchased this plugin two times

I purchased this plugin two times for two different customers. I must say this is the best data feed tool I ever tried.

By the way, guys : your support is simply amazing !!


23rd October 2011

I purchased the Data Feed Manager

I purchased the Data Feed Manager and was not sure what to expect in terms of technical and after sales support, as I needed the extension for my client business I ran into issues installing it, I am pretty sure it was from my end. I emailed Wyomind and immediately they did their best to sort the issue out. Fantastic support, Many thanks for a great product.


4th October 2011

Thank you for your help, it w

Thank you for your help, it works!


30th September 2011

Hey Wyomind, This e

Hey Wyomind,

This extensions works great! Quick question:

What code can be used to pull out any additional images?


28th August 2011

Great extension, we connected eas

Great extension, we connected easily two several sites like Google shopping and Our Google feed was excepted almost instantly. The support given by Pierre is truly amazing and very fast.
This one is the one to get if you need feeds.


22nd August 2011

Excellent extension, our Google f

Excellent extension, our Google feed is now prefect. Pierre is also extremely fast to reply to questions and is developing the extension constantly. Any problems and questions were sorted. Feels like he is on your team!

This is how it should be!
If you need feeds, buy this.


18th August 2011

Extension is exactly what we need

Extension is exactly what we needed to get our products onto google shopping and kelkoo - works great.

And top rate support from Pierre - all our questions both before and after purchase were dealt with and answered within minutes.



16th August 2011

Yes it does comply if you use

Yes it does comply if you use version 2.5.2
I bought 2 of them and use them both for several feeds.
Configuring is easy with the pre configured templates.


5th August 2011

Good extension, good support. Cre

Good extension, good support. Creating feeds is easy. Value for money is Top!


17th July 2011

The best extension what I have fo

The best extension what I have found for data exports.
It includes templates for an export to Google Shopping and all exports for our affiliates partners can be adopted from the existing export examples.
On the beginning, we had some trouble with our bundle products, but Pierre give us the best support, what I have ever had. The email reaction time was under 5 minutes and our problems was solved on the next day.

Thank you for this Pierre!


29th June 2011

Good extension. Easy to use and h

Good extension. Easy to use and highly adaptable. Exactly what we need !!! :)


27th June 2011

Great Extension, Ins

Great Extension,

Installed on v .Installation was easy and no trouble whatsoever.
I had some issues with XML samples, but Pierre was very helpful and I got
it right after a few emails.

Thank you Pierre, for having the patience to bare with me.


Bug fix

  • Fix output for {{product.qty}} while using the stock_id parameter

Bug fix

  • Fix replace() function in setup patches 

Bug fix

  • Fix preg_replace() function in setup patches 

Bug fix

  • Fix missing slash in image urls when using the role parameter

Code improvement

  •  remove trailing spaces in Helper/AttributePrice.php

Bug fix

  • sample date updated and fixed


  • Add a configuration setting to manage cron log generation

Bug fix

  • Take memory limit configuration into account

Bug fix

  • Avoid an error message when a non-existent tier price is requested

Bug fix

  • Correct a regression brought up by version 14.0.1 : PHP API was malfunctioning


  • The {{product.sale_effective_date}} placeholder now returns the date for tomorrow as the end date for the special price if there is no actual end date.
    The end date is required by Google for special prices with a validity period

Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version


  • Fix compatibility issue with Php v8.2


  • Accelerate the data feed generation process 

Bug fix

  • FIx product visibility type support


  • The extension supports now custom product visibility types 


  • Remove calls to Zend functions/methods


  • Fix "special to date" 


  • Fix for the MSI sources fetching 


  • Better performance for the MSI sources fetching
  • Special price "special to date" applies till 23:59:59 


  • Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


  • The $_objectManager property is now public


  • Fix the warning triggered by the strtotime() function if the value is empty

Bug fix

  • Fix the upload of the data feed on the FTP server with a specific port

Bug fix

  • Fix property name in install pactch


  • The category mapping auto-complete is updated to match new jQuery overrides


  • Remove "drop table"  instruction in the database install patch
  • PHP v8.1 compatibility 
  • Compatibility fix for Php v8.1
  • Compatibility fix for Php v8.1
  • Re-disable by default the price block that overrides the configurable product prices
  • Improvement of the price block that overrides the default price block for configurable products.
  • PHP v8.1 compatibility Improvement
  • Bug fix for PHP v8.1 for csv profile with no enclosure character
  • Product prices cast to float for calls to number_format


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Minor fix on code


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1


  • New parameter from_index=[1|0] added for the price attributes to retrieve information from Magento's price index


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Check added when using index=X with {{product.tier_price}} to avoid PHP error
  • Fix for retrieving images with a particular role in the case where the role name ends with a number


  • Possibility to choose the image role for {{product.image_link}}
  • The FTP port entered during the connection tests is taken into account for the FTP/SFTP file export
  • Fix for the button allowing to test the FTP connection on Firefox
  • Support for tier prices with percentages for {{product.tier_price}}
  • Fix for the number of elements rendered in the preview panel
  • Fix for a bug preventing the display of the data feed grid if a data feed was linked to a store view that no longer exists
  • Fix on links to documentation
  • Better management for cron tasks that are now based on the locale date and hour defined in the back-office
  • New parameter for availability, qty and is_in_stock attributes: source_code
  • Fix for a typo in a method name from the cron tasks management
  • Fix for the dates translation when scheduling data feeds execution
  • The option to display the price of the pre-selected single product when arriving on the page of a configurable product is disabled by default


  • The price of the product in the DOM is now the price of the pre-selected single product when arriving on the page of a configurable product from a URL including the pre-selected attribute options
  • Data feed templates are disabled by default
  • Minor fix for a class property
  • Fix when categories are deleted whereas they are selected in the data feed configuration
  • Fix when categories are selected as filters but don't exist anymore in Magento
  • Fix for the use of the currency parameter with product.url_config
  • Fix for converting prices according to the price scope (global or website)
  • Control added for a bug happening in some categories configurations
  • Fix for the category filters
  • Increase in the size allowed for configuration fields (new installations only)
  • Fix for a bug preventing the data feed page to load when non-standard attributes were used


  • New parameter for product_url and product.url_config that adds ?currency=XXX to the generated URL: this URL will automatically switch to the selected currency


  • Better management of PHP scripts in CSV files


  • Custom options are supported in CSV/TXT feeds


  • Improved loading of Javascript JQuery modules
  • Minor fix for custom variables and functions grids


  • Improved license management system (Clear code)
  • Fix for the demo store
  • Fix for the use of custom options in the template
  • Improved management of the prices to make it easier the fallback of an attribute with null price to another attribute

Bug Fix

  • Fix for retrieving images for Magento Enterprise: row_id is used to retrieve images in the gallery table
  • Sample data added for the demo
  • The website's currency is taken into account


  • Sample data
  • Product types retrieved dynamically in the filters

Bug Fix

  • Fix on the stock_id attribute: used to return the availability of the default stock

Bug Fix

  • Fix for the stock_id attribute that used to return the availability for the default stock 
  • Minor fix for {{product.catalog_rule_id}}


  • Better management of sales_effective_date: dates are not displayed if from and/or to date are missing
  • Fix for the database prefix in catalog_rule_id


  • New attribute: {{product.catalog_rule_id}}
  • MSI modules taken into account for retrieving stocks information
  • Fix for the sale price calculation for bundle products


  • Parent products are retrieved according to the entity_id of the child product
  • Fix on the feed import when the database is using prefixed tables
  • Fix in SQL queries for Magento Enterprise
  • Use of the code of the storeviews in the products' URLs if needed
  • Fix when saving the data feeds after a column has been deleted (CSV/TXT)
  • Fix for Magento 2.3.3