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14 years of business 2578 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Mass Order Export

Mass Order Export allows you to create xml, csv and txt order files from your Magento admin panel and export them to any CRM application or order management software/platform. Any kind of export file types can be easily customized.

4.8/5 rated
70 Reviews
from €245
User guide

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The basic knowledge about Magento 2 and order management

How Magento 2 deal with the orders?

From Magento 2, the orders are managed as a structured group of data that are shared in different database table instances.

There are several instances from which the main one is the Order table that contains the summary of all the orders that have been placed (date, total amount, tax, customer...).

There are also 3 sub-instances that concern the order details. Those instances describe which products have been ordered and give details about the customer's addresses:

  • Product
  • Shipping address
  • Billing address

The 4 following sub-instances help to store the different steps in the order process:

  • Payments
  • Invoice
  • Shipment
  • Credit memo

Mass Order Export will help you to extract much more data from your Magento 2 database.

How the Mass Order Export extension exports the data in Magento 2?

Mass Order Export allows you to export all the orders data from your Magento 2 admin into XML or TXT/CSV files. These files can then be transferred into your CRM/ERP software or can be used for reporting purposes.

The way the Mass Order Export extension deals with the orders data is very simple. When configuring your export profile, you have to complete a pattern in which you can use static and dynamic values.

Static values are data that don't change from one order to another and that are added in the output file to make it readable whereas Dynamic values are data that are different for each order such as price, address, the product ordered...

To add the dynamic values to your pattern, you need to use a specific syntax as in the example below.

For example, you want to export all the orders placed into your Magento 2 website and you want to get a simple TXT file including the order id and the total amount of each order.

#123456789    $150.00
#234567891    $275.00
#345678912    $450.00

In your pattern, you should then copy:

#{{order.increment_id}} ${{order.total_paid}}

# and $ are static values while {{order.increment_id}} and {{order.total_paid}} are dynamic values that change for each order and that refer to the Order instance.

Mass Order Export includes a full library of all data available for all instances: order, products, payment, invoice, shipment, credit memo...

How to use Mass Order Export in 4 steps?

Mass Order Export is quite easy to use. You'll need to follow 4 steps to configure your extension for Magento 2. Once these steps completed, your extension will be ready to use. 

STEP 1: Configure Mass Order Export in a general way

To configure Mass Order Export for Magento 2, you need to go to:
StoresSettingsConfiguration Wyomind Mass Order Export

There you get two subtabs.

Cron job reporting

Mass Order Export allows you to enable cron job reporting.

You have the possibility to send these generation reports to email addresses (they must be separated by a comma).

You can also change the report name as you want.

Advanced settings

In that tab, you will be able to enable the log files.

You will also have the possibility to automatically execute profiles when an order is placed by filling the profile ids that you will find in:
SalesMass Order ExportProfiles

In the case where the grid is already overwritten by another module, you'll be able to easily modify the orders grid to override.

STEP 2: Configure your profiles

During that step, the different tabs that can be found in the configuration of a profile will be described. First, the profile configuration will be detailed followed by the different kinds of templates, the filters that can be created to adjust your configuration, the different storage outputs, and the cron schedule in order to automatically generate the profile.

You can create or edit an existing profile from:
SaleSMass Order ExportProfiles

The Tool Box or so-called Black Box

Mass Order Export provides you a tool to help you configure your profiles as you want. When editing a profile you'll find a toolbox on the right of the window.

The toolbox is inevitably a very useful tool. This will help you to configure your profiles more quickly.

Here are the different options of the black box.


This will help you to check in real-time the data retrieved by the values you added in the profile template.


It will list all data available for each instance: Order, Shipment, Products, Payment, Invoice, Credit memo...

Profile Configuration

When creating or editing an export profile in Mass Order Export, you have to be aware of some basic settings.

Export file(s) Configuration

You can start with the file configuration of the file.

  • File name:
    It is the base name of the exported files. Note that there is no need to add any file extension (XML, CSV, TXT) as the extension does it automatically.
  • Encoding type
    Choose the encoding type you want to use between:
         UTF-8: It is the most common format
         UTF-8 without BOM: See more about BOM
  • File name format
    Your file name can be completed with the current date at the time of the exportation. Different formats are available.
  • Create one file for each order
    Choose to export one order per file or not.
  • File name suffix
    When choosing to export one order per file, you need to select a file name suffix between the order increment ID, the Magento internal order ID or the module internal auto-increment.

Export options

In that section, define how you want the file to be exported.

  • Start with increment ID
    You can add an ID from which the orders should be exported.
    000000002To export all the orders, you can leave this field empty.
  • Register the latest exported increment ID
    If enabled, this will automatically be updated with the latest ID.
  • Mark each order as exported
    If enabled, this will mark each exported order with the name of the profile. Note that an order can receive several flags.
    Exported toERP/CRM export/import
  • Export only unmarked order
    If enabled, only orders that are not yet marked will be exported. Note that the orders must also match with the filters.
    You should find an Exported to column inSalesOperations Orders . This will display for each order the profile to which the order has been exported. Orders will be marked only if they have been exported to a profile. If you need to export orders that have already been exported whereas you've defined Export only unmarked orders on YES, you can untag them by clicking on the cross.
  • Update the order status
    You have the possibility to update the order status.
  • New order status
    Choose the status to apply to the exported orders. 
    For example:
  • Message in the order history
    You also have the possibility to add a comment to the history.
    Order exportedIf you don't want to add any message, you can leave this field empty.


In the Filters tab, you can define the types of orders and customers you want to include in your export profile. You have also the possibility to create more advanced filters that will best meet your needs.

Store view

In this tab, choose the store view from which to export the orders. At least one store view must be selected

Order status

This section allows you to specify the type of order you want to export. At least one status must be selected.

Customer Group

In this tab, choose the customer group of the orders you want to export. At least one customer group must be selected

Advanced Filters

In that tab, you can create more precise filters. For example, you can choose to export only one specific order by setting a filter:
order > increment_id | = | ID of your order

You can also export orders placed by customers whose last name ends with 'son':
order > customer_lastname | like | %son

You have a choice between several options:

  • =, >, <...
    Equal to, greater than, lower than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, different from.
    like: starts/ends with the character string / includes the character string.
    Not like: doesn't start / end with the character string / doesn't include the character string.
    is null: the value is null.
    is not null: the value is not null.
  • IN / NOT IN
    in: is in (selection of several options).
    not in: is not in (selection of several options).


In this tab, you'll be able to configure your profile template according to your needs. Mass Order Export allows you to create different kinds of file:

  • XML
  • CSV
  • TXT
  • TSV
  • DIN
Note that you have the possibility to use some PHP code directly in your template.

XML Export file settings

You can select the XML file type.

  • File type
  • Enclose XML tag content inside CDATA
    When enabled, this encloses all node values with CDATA and avoids issues with special characters such as < (lower than), > (higher than) or & (ampersand). Note that this is recommended.

XML file template

An XML template is made up of 3 parts:

  • Header
    Is at the start of the file:
  • Body 
    Is iterated for each order included in the file.
  • Footer
    Is at the bottom of the file:


The XML structure allows you to use iterative syntax in different parts of the template, as follows:

<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>
<item id={{product.item_id}}>{{}}</item>
<?php endforeach; ?>

In most cases, orders contain more than one product, so it may be useful to create an iteration that loops for each ordered product. All the content between the opening and closing markers will be repeated for each product and all dynamic values will be replaced:

<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

These iteration markers can be used for all order instances:

<?php foreach($payments as $payment): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($invoices as $invoice): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($shipments as $shipment): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach($creditmemos as $creditmemo): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

CSV/TXT/TSV/DIN Export file settings

The file type can be CSV, TXT, TSV, or DIN. You have the possibility to create basic or advanced files.

  • File format: Advanced format
    It consists of a complex file structure divided into several blocks.

  • File format: Basic format 
    It consists of one optional header and several rows applying the same pattern.
  • Include header
    Allows you to include or not the column's name in the first row of your file.
  • Delimiter character
    Lets you choose which kind of delimiter you want to use to separate your fields.
  • Enclosure character
    Character that surrounds each field of the rows.
  • Escape character
    Lets you choose which kind of enclosure character you want to use for your data.

CSV/TXT/TSV/DIN file template

The template tab will be updated to match the file type you've selected.

Basic file format

Basic format for txt-like files consists of one optional header and several rows applying the same pattern.

  • Extra Header
    These are additional row(s) of headers that will be added at the very top of the file.
  • Header
    Is for the attribute name that can be displayed at the top of the file.
  • Field Pattern
    Works in the same way as in XML files. Like for XML files, you're allowed to use PHP code if you want to customize the pattern. You just have to write your PHP code in one single line.
  • Insert a new field
    You can add a field by using this button. The fields can then be re-ordered easily by using the drag and drop arrows.
  • Extra Footer
    These are additional row(s) that will be added at the very bottom of the file.

The main difference with the XML mode is that you can't use any iteration instructions. Instead, Mass Order Export uses an auto-consolidation internal process. This simply means if you try to get the value of any attribute of an instance (product for example) that contains several items, then the extension will automatically duplicate the TXT/CSV line for each item.

With the following configuration:

Logically the module should export one line for each order, but some orders may contain several product items. The extension will create several lines for the same order, as in the following output example:

Order#         Product Name          Product Sku
#10000001      my product A          AAA
#10000001      my product B          BBB
#10000001      my product C          CCC
#10000002      my product D          DDD
#10000003      my product B          BBB
#10000003      my product E          EEE

Advanced file format

Advanced format for txt-like files consists of a complex file structure divided into several blocks.

  • Extra Header
    These are additional row(s) of headers that will be added at the very top of the file.
  • Body
    Is iterated for each order included in the file.
  • Extra Footer
    These are additional row(s) that will be added at the very bottom of the file.

This format allows you to use iterative syntax in different parts of the template, as follows:

<?php foreach($products as $product): ?>
{{product.base_row_total output="number_format($self,2)"}}$      
<?php endforeach; ?>


With Mass Order Export, you have many possibilities to export your profiles.

Storage settings

The first solution is to store your file directly on your server.

FTP settings

You can also configure the FTP settings in order to upload the generated profile to an external FTP server. For example:

  • Upload by FTP
    Select Yes if you want to upload your profile using FTP.
  • Use SFTP
    Select Yes if you are using SFTP.
  • Use passive mode
    If you are using SFTP, you don't have to care about the passive/active mode.
  • Host
    In that field, fill in the host.
  • Port
    It is the port to connect to server.
  • Login
    It is your login to connect to server.
  • Password
    It is your password to connect to server.
  • Destination directory
    It is a relative path from the entry directory when you connect to the ftp.

Email settings

Finally, you can choose to send your profiles by email. Don't forget to separate the email addresses with a comma.

  • Send by email
    You have the possibility to send the profile by email. 
  • Email sender
    This is the email of the sender. 
  • Email recipients
    This is the email(s) of the recipient(s). 
  • Email subject
    Define the subject of the email. 
  • Email body
    Add the content of your choice in the email body. 

You have the possibility to check the email by clicking on Test Email

A popup will confirm that the email has been. 

  • Send all files in the same email
    You have the possibility to send all the files in the email. 
  • Send all files in a zipped file
    You can add the files in a zip file.

The file is saved, uploaded, or sent each time the feed is generated manually or automatically.

Cron Schedule

In that tab, you can choose the days and hours when you want your profiles to be generated.

STEP 3: Export your orders

Now that your profiles are configured, you can export your orders into these files.

From your Magento 2 back office, you will be able to see to which profile each order has been exported, in:

For each order, different notifications will be displayed in the Exported to column:

  • √ default (X)
    The order has been exported to the profile named default (only when the Mark each exported order option of the profile configuration is on YES).
  • No profile defined
    No profile is defined for the product(s) of the order.
  • => default
    The profile defined for that order is default.

You can export your orders to anyone of your profiles via several ways.

Generate the profile

Every time a profile is generated, the orders that are matching with the profile configuration are automatically exported to that file. From the Magento 2 back-office, choose a profile and simply select the Generate option from the Action dropdown, in:
SalesMass Order Exportprofiles

A message is displayed and indicates how many orders have been exported to the file.

Generate the profile via the command line

You can generate a profile using the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:ordersexporttool:export [profile_id]

This allows you to run a profile using its ID.

For example:

bin/magento wyomind:ordersexporttool:export 5


If you don't know the ID of the profile you want to execute, you can run the below command:

bin/magento wyomind:ordersexporttool:list

This will list all your export profiles as well as their IDs.

Manually export the orders

Choose an order and click on View from:

There you can select a profile for each product of the order. For example: txt_sample for a product and xml_sample for another one.

You can configure your profiles in SalesMass Order Exportprofiles.

If you go back to:

In the Exported to column, the order displays:
→ txt_sample
→ xml_sample

This means that the order will be exported to those profiles.

Now go back to the order View and click on Export.

Note that the order will be exported to the profile(s) you've defined only if the order is matching with the configuration of the profile.

Export only unmarked orders

2 options are interesting in the Export Options of the Configuration tab of your profile, from:
SalesMass Order Exportprofiles

  • Mark each order as exported (in the orders grid)
  • Export only unmarked orders

If you don't want to export several times the same orders, you can define both options on YES. Then only the unmarked orders will be exported.

If at any time, you want to export a new time an order that has already been exported, you have the possibility to unmark that order by clicking on the cross next to the profile name in:

Then, when the profile will be run, the order will be exported a new time.

STEP 4: Customize your profiles

With Mass Order Export you can create your own custom variables and functions. You'll find examples in the following documentation that will help you to customize your profiles for Magento 2.

Create your custom variables

In some cases, you might need to get the value of one attribute that is not available in any of the default instances (order, product, address, payment, invoice, shipment or credit memo) or you might need to use the value of one attribute but with a computed output.

Mass Order Export allows creating your own customized variables directly from your Magento 2 admin panel by using some PHP code.

Create a custom variable

To create a custom variable, click on Add new from:
SalesMass Order ExportCustom variables

Below are some examples of customized variables.

  • Get the description of the product of the order

Scope = ProductName = descriptionComment = Retrieve the description of each product. PHP Script =

$om = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$model = $om->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product');         
$product = $model->load($item->getProductId());
return $product ->getDescription();
  • Get the SKUs of the ordered products:

Scope = OrderName = skusComment = Retrieve the sku of each ordered product. PHP Script =

foreach($order->getItems() as $item){
return implode(", ",$skus);

Add your custom variable to the template

Once you've created the custom variable, you can insert it into your XML or CSV file template.

For example, to get the SKUs of all the products that have been ordered, add to your file template:


Create your custom functions

Mass Order Export also gives you the possibility to create your own custom PHP functions.

Create a custom function

To do so, click on Add new from:
SalesMass Order ExportCustom functions

You should now add your custom function in the PHP script field as follows:

function example($self,$argument_1,$argument_2){
... do something with the arguments...
return $something;

The variable $self represents the value of the attribute called when you use the custom function.

Here is an example of a custom function:

function parseDate($self,$format){
return date($format,strtotime($self));

Add your custom function to the template

Once you've created the custom function and clicked on Save, you can insert it into your XML or CSV file template.

A custom function can be used in the template as follows:

{{any.variable output="example($self,'value 1','value 2')"}}

For example, to retrieve the formatted creation date of the order, add to your file template the below code:

{{order.created_at output="parseDate($self,'m/d/Y')"}}

Note that you can't use a custom function on a custom variable.
 $om = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
 $model = $om->get('\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product');         
 $product = $model->load($item->getProductId());
 return $product ->getDescription();

Manage your orders exports with ease thanks to Mass Order Export for Magento® 2!

Mass Order Export allows you to export all the orders data from your Magento® 2 admin into XML or TXT/CSV files and transfer these files into your CRM/ERP software.

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?

Easily export all your orders data into one file

Export orders, ordered items, payments, invoices, shipments, and credit memos.

File Formats
Export your data into XML, CSV, and TXT files.

Trigger the orders exports

via cron tasks and/or when an order is placed

from the profile edition page, the orders grid, or via command lines

Highly customize your orders profiles

File Type
Select the file type: XML, TXT, CSV...

Add any attribute to your orders profiles.

Custom variables
Create your own variables and add them in the templates.

Add PHP scripts to your templates.

Enjoy the precious help provided by the extension

Start with the sample templates already included with the extension.

Check your data feeds and use the syntactic helper to avoid misprints.

Automatically and regularly send your updated feed to any order management platform

Scheduled tasks
Automatically update and generate your profiles.

FTP upload
Upload the profiles to an external FTP server.

Send your profiles by email to one or more recipients.

This extension can be used in combination with: Mass Order Update

Mass Order Update
Completely synchronize your orders with your ERP!

1. Send your orders to the ERP with Mass Order Export.

2. Manage your orders from your ERP.

3. Use Mass Order Update to integrate the order status file.

Are you interested in Mass Order Update?

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Mass Order Export is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab.

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.
License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Mass Order Export on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Mass Order Export.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Mass Order Export on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Mass Order Export, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Mass Order Export.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Mass Order Export, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Mass Order Export.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Mass Order Export in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

You can install Mass Order Export manually.

  1. Download Mass Order Export (zip file) on:
    mY ACCOUNTLicenses & Downloads
    Refer to the FAQ: Extensions download
  2. Once Mass Order Export is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.
  4. In your Command Line Interface, execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade 

    If you are using a production mode, execute also:

    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
    bin/magento setup:di:compile  

You can install Mass Order Export using Composer software in two cases:

  • if you purchased Mass Order Export on Magento Marketplace.
  • if you purchased Mass Order Export on AND requested access to our repository:
  1. Add to your composer configuration our repository:
    composer config repositories.wyomind composer 

  2. Execute Composer command:
    composer require wyomind/ordersexporttool
  3. Then go in your Command Line Interface and execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade ​
  4. If you are using a production mode, also execute:
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  ​
    bin/magento setup:di:compile​

To uninstall Mass Order Export, start with disabling the extension running the following command:

bin/magento module:disable Wyomind_OrdersExportTool

Then, you have 2 ways to uninstall the extension depending on how the extension has been previously installed: 

  • Manual installation

    Run the file (you can find it in the extension zip folder) from your Magento root directory:



  • Installation via Composer

    Run the below command line:

    composer remove wyomind/ordersexporttool

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it). 

You can install Mass Order Export via Web Setup Wizard if you purchased it from Magento Marketplace only.

To know how to proceed, all steps are described in the link below:

Next step is to activate your license:
Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Mass Order Export is installed, you have to activate the license. For previous versions, you can activate the license from your back-office:

    1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

      If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

         1. The Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are well enabled.
         2. The HTML output of the Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are not disabled in:
      storesconfigurationadvanced advanced
         3. The encryption key well exists in app/etc/env.php:
       return array(
       'backend' => array(
       'frontName' => 'admin'
       'crypt' => array(
       'key' => '1e8f3c6772b7a6a6689c3c8cefa4ccf0'
       /* ... */
    2. Copy your activation key in:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
      In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Mass Order Export.
      In your Wyomind account:My account Licenses & downloads
      Select Mass Order Export and click on  .

      A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).

    3. In your Magento admin go to:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
      By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic.
      By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

    4. Click on Save config .
    5. A message appears at the top of your admin panel. Click on that link: 
      Activate it now!
    6. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 

    7. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log in back straight after, to complete the installation.

When the extension includes other modules, repeat the steps described above for each one, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).

Add another domain to your license

To activate the license on another domain (test, staging...):

  1. Once the extension is installed on the new domain, copy your activation key in:
    StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension
  2. After having saved the configuration, a notification appears. Click on Add this domain to my license.

  3. A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.
    Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.
    If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Mass Order Export on both environments at the same time.

Note that the order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter. You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.

Also, if you have loads of staging domains, or if you are an agency managing load of domains for your customers, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.

Once Mass Order Export is installed, you have to activate the license.

For this, you can use the below command line (change the Activation key with the corresponding value):

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate Wyomind_OrdersExportTool <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY>

To retrieve the list of all the available modules as well as the licenses status, please use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:status


 Among the different status, you can find: 

  • registered = your license is registered
  • pending = you need to run the activation command line
  • invalidated = the license has been invalidated due to a wrong activation key or a license infringement


To activate several licenses at the same time, use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_Extension1,Wyomind_Extension2 \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Extension1,Extension2 \
Modules use

You have the possibility to open the generated CSV file with any spreadsheet application.

While opening your data feed, you need to make sure to select the delimiter options that correspond with your data feed configuration from your Magento 2 admin.

  1. In your data feed configuration (from Magento 2), choose how your columns will be separated with:
    tabulation, comma, semi-colon...
  2. Generate the data feed.
  3. Open the data feed with a spreadsheed application.
  4. Choose the same delimiter and enclosure characters as in your data feed configuration.

For example, if you've chosen semi-colon as Fields delimiter, then you'll need to open the file choosing ";" as field delimiter as well as if you've choosen double quotes as the Fields enclosure, then you'll have to make sure that you've selected the same character.

Note that the Excel application won't show this popup when opening the file.

Mass Order Export offers you many possibilities to export your orders. You can set filters according to your needs. In the Filters tab of your profile configuration, you'll find 3 subtabs.

Order status

Select the types of orders you want to export. For example choose to export pending, processing and complete orders.

Customers group

In that tab, you can select the customers group of the orders you want to include in your data feed. For example choose to export orders placed by general and not logged in customers only.

Advanced filters

In that tab, you can create more precise filters. For example, you can choose to export only one specific order by setting a filter:

order > increment_id | = | Id of your order

You can also export orders placed by customers whose lastname ends with 'son':

order > customer_lastname | like | %son

You have the choice between several options:

  • =, >, <...
    Equal to, greater than, lower than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, different from.
    like: starts / ends with the character string / includes the character string.
    Not like: doesn't start / end with the character string / doesn't include the character string.
    is null: the value is null.
    is not null: the value is not null.
  • IN / NOT IN
    in: is in (selection of several options).
    not in: is not in (selection of several options).

You can use regular expressions in the advanced filters. For example, with the Advanced Inventory extension, it can be useful to filter the orders and products that have been assigned to a particular store.

Instead of a unique store name, you can use a regular expression that will make the profile dynamic.

For example: 
Order > assigned_to     regexp     (,|^)(1)(,|$)
Product > assigned_to     regexp     (,|^)(1)(,|$)

That expression will take into account all orders and products assigned to a store.

In Orders Export Tool, you can specify FTP settings to upload your file.

From the Magento 2 admin, select a file and go to the Output tab. There you have 3 options to export your profile. If you choose to enable the FTP settings, here is how to configure each field:

  • Enable FTP upload
    Select Yes if you want to upload your data feed using FTP.
  • Host
    In that field, fill in the host.
    For example:
  • Login
    is your login to connect to server
  • Password
    is your password to connect to server
  • Destination director
    is a relative path from the entry directory when you connect to the ftp.
    For example:
  • Use SFTP
    Select Yes if you are using SFTP.
  • Use Active mode
    If you are using SFTP, you don't have to care about the passive/active mode.
    For more info about Active and Passive mode, have a look to that documentation.

The file is uploaded each time the feed is generated manually or automatically.

With Mass Order Export, you can now define the encoding type of your files and choose to export them using UTF-8 with or without BOM.

BOM stands for Byte Order Mark and are the first 3 bytes of a file.

If there's no BOM, then the encoding type will be implicitly detected according to the file. On the contrary, BOM allow to declare the encoding type very clearly.

Data feed configuration

Mass Order Export provides you with a fully configurable schedule in the Cron Schedule tab of your pattern configuration for each data feed or profile.

So that it works, you need to have one main scheduled task running from your server side and targeting cron.php located in the pub directory of Magento 2 root directory (ideally every hour).

If the management panel from your hosting compagny doesn't provide such a service, you should be able to use a remote service such as:

Mass Order Export also provides you with a cron job reporting, so that you can get email reports on each data feed or profile you're generating.

Here is the process to download your file:

  • Generate the file.
  • Right-click on on the generated link from the grid.
  • Choose the "Save as" option.


This issue may be due to a problem during the installation process.

You will be able to fix it by following these steps:

  1. Access your database via your control panel (Phpmyadmin for example).
  2. From the setup_module table, delete the entry Wyomind_extension.
    Be careful, that entry depends on your extension. For example, if you have the extension called Simple Google Shopping, you should delete Wyomind_SimpleGoogleShopping.
  3. Logout from your Magento 2 admin.
  4. Log into your Magento 2 admin.

If you are working on Magento 2.0.x, you'll have to rename:


If your profile doesn't seem to be uploaded via FTP, it can be due to an incorrect configuration or to a problem from your server. Make sure that:

  • your server allows the FTP access
  • your credentials are entered without mistake
  • the host is entered without directory following it

Here is an example of FTP configuration for Mass Order Export on Magento 2:

PHP features are disabled by default in Mass Order Export.

If you're using PHP parameters in your variables or inline script in your patterns (<?php return ... ?>), you'll get an error saying: "PHP features are disabled".

In order to be able to use PHP script in your variables and patterns, you must make some modifications in:


public function execPhp($script, $order = null, $data = array(), $item = null)
    return "Php features are disabled. In order to activate them please have a look at :";


public function execPhp($script, $order = null, $data = array(), $item = null)
    return eval($script);
Magento 2 Compatibility

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

5th December 2022

Order Export extension working well

We use XML to export orders from Magento and it is working well for us. It is almost three+ years we have been using it. I would recommend this product if you have a Magento store and need to export order to sync with some other system.

PT - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

21st September 2022

Excellent extension and brilliant support

We are delighted with the Mass Order Export extension, it has saved us many hours of manual order processing and we couldn't function without it now!

James - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

1st July 2022

If you want to keep your bookkeeping easy and tidy

We use Wyomind's mass order export for a variety of uses. But the most important ones are: double check on the purchase invoices. Did we sell what we purchased and can the differences be explained. Further more we sell across different countries so need to do some paperwork to have our products cross the border. With Mass order export it is a piece of cake to export both order product information and self added constant values which relate to the different countries. The import/export information is automatically generated and distributed to our bookkeeping and customs department.

28th May 2022

Extension is working great

Wyomind order export tool is working great for our website. we are using wyomind extensions more than 5 years for different websites. The order export tool extension have amazing functionality and meet your requirements. The Order export extension gave us access to all the order data we needed along with very flexible custom attributes. The choice of data delivery by a number of different methods and timed schedules was also very useful. Requests to Wyomind were responded to quickly and efficiently. solid and totally versatile piece of software absolutely useful for your M2 store.

13th February 2022

This plugin is essential for any Magento shop with a lot of orders.

Being able to export all the orders into a CSV file is pretty essential for the way our business works, we can easily pass this information to our accountant. The 2 things I love about this plugin the most is the support and the flexibility. Having the ability to build my own own profile to export the exact data I need is really good, they provide you with all the info needed to do this. It's also possible to add data from other 3rd party plugins, you can do this using PHP staright within the admin, that makes this plugin super powerful. Previously I was using a similar plugin from another company with Magento 1, it was good but unfortunately the support was not available. Wyomind will go above and beyond to make sure the plugin works as advertised, keep up the good work guys!

Paul S - Developer - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

28th October 2021

Excellent module d'export de commandes et bien d'autres

Ce module est excellent pour mes exports comptable et tracking. Je l'utilise aussi pour du dropshiping. Le support est au top ! Ne pas hésiter.

20th May 2021

Super fast support

We had a problem with a script to find the orders we needed. Jean-Paul gave excellent superfast support. Now it works perfectly. Thanks!

19th March 2021

Great extension and professional support

This extension has been great. We have used it to get a list for Intrastat export reports and find orders with certain products. Thanks.

12th March 2021

Awesome tool and support

My client has been using the Magento 1 version of this extension for years. So it is needless to say, we needed it for Magento 2 too. The tool is fast and flawless. It's very flexible, as was the Magento 1 extension. Never had any issue with the support either. They're fast in responses!

Jelle - Developer

7th January 2021

Easy and uncomplicated

The data Mass order export extension is easy to use and to implement. Have used this extension for M1EE and for M2EE and currently is in use for M2EE 2.3.5. However, with the upgrade to 2.3.5 we see some inconsistencies in performance. Nothing that can't be solved, it just requires a bit of time and effort to get it to work again. Whilst the last version was easier to configure, the current version allows more flexibility as you can create unique data comands.

20th November 2020

Works good when it works

Have used this extesions for more then 3 years on M2 and many more years on M1 and works really good. Can take some time to load big feeds and can also be a bit buggy when upgrading. But overall I would say its a good module that allow you to get the customized data you need.

Peter - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

19th October 2020

very useful

I've been using this extension for more than 4 years and it has been very useful for our eCommerce. The option of using PHP script to get customized data from the system is a great differential for us. Recommended.

Carlos - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

6th October 2020

I have tried many extensions but it is the only one that works for me

excellent for exporting orders to invoicing management systems, great extension and great assistance

Nicola - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

11th August 2020

Great extension

Great extension with lots of flexibility to get the export file you need.

Scafflaw - Developer - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1

8th July 2020

Necessary tool for every serious webshop

If your webshop in magento starts to run a bit and you are in a market with many competitors, the price pressure is high and the margins are low. With many orders and weekly price adjustments, it is difficult to monitor the overview of profitability. Thanks to Wyominds export tool, we can. The weekly export gives us a direct overview of how much we have left over per order and what the webshop has delivered last week. That gives you peace of mind.

13th March 2020

Great tool for data extraction

Our store needed to export orders in different formats to integrate sales data with ERP, CRM and the post management system. All of this was possible with the Order Export Tool module. Today we have a data export profile for every need, working perfectly.

Thiago - Developer - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

10th November 2019

Simple, quick and it works

The extension is very easy to implement and it works without any problems. The support team is super responsive and try to action things as soon as possible. The extension does exactly what is promised.

daniela - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

9th September 2019

Great Extension

Great extension, works as expected. If there are any technical issues support staff are very good

29th June 2019

Very customisable, Great support

Excellent extension which has endless power and customisation. Any questions and support team are there to help

Ben - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

3rd June 2019

Superb products

We've been using Wyomind extensions for years and always have great support. The Order Export module is superb and allows so much flexibility. The support team are always quick to react and help us to resolve any issues.

22nd May 2019

Magento 2 - Orders Export Tool Extension

I m using wyomind extensions more than 4 years for different websites. The order export tool extension have amazing functionality and meet your requirements. Bug free and professional coding the support is excellent. I would recommend to buy extension from wyomind.

22nd February 2019

Extension works great, Support is perfect

We've been helped by Support to achieve our goals with the extension and we're quite happy with the results.

Steven - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

5th November 2018

works as expected

Hello, the extension works as expected. The support is reactive and helpful.

30th October 2018

Great M2 Extension.

Customer Service , exceptional. Replies to emails very quick and very helpful with any set up issues

Paul - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

7th September 2018

Great extention and great support.

I found in this extension an excellent solution for exporting orders. Easy and intuitive, it allows many export options. The customer service was fantastic, it helped me to configure a customized export always answering with a solution to my questions. Quick and very kind.

David Sbardella - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

3rd May 2018

Does what it has to do!

Support reacts quick and helps me out fast.

20th April 2018

Great support

Purchased, installed, and support helped us customize it exactly how we needed it with some complex code to manage vat numbers, and helped us set the export time to every 10 mins. Great product and service - saved us lots of time and admin from our old solution.

19th April 2018

Very Useful extension and gives us what you want.

i m web designer and i m using wyomind extension from long. I must say that it works fantastically! The support team is friendly and fast.

Gilbert - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

6th March 2018

Best Export Extension and top support!

Fast and really nice support. Has saved us a lot of work. We can only recommend Wyomind and this extension.

27th February 2018

Very very good but I think their is a bug in the encrypted code

As said in the title this extension is very professional and flexible.You can export whatever attribute you want in whatever format you want. A problem I found is the export profiles are exported on the "checkout_submit_after_all" event, so if you redirect your client to a payment platform the export will occur before the payment is confirmed (so this can be an issue with you orders state for example). So I had to manually change the event in which the export is listening but it seems that this is causing a problem to mark orders as "exported" but as this part of the code is obfuscated I can't find where it's bugged... I hope I will get this problem fixed with the support which is reactive.

11th February 2018

A very flexible extension that gives us all the options we needed

The Order export extension gave us access to all the order data we needed along with very flexible custom attributes. The choice of data delivery by a number of different methods and timed schedules was also very useful. Requests to Wyomind were responded to quickly and efficiently.

29th January 2018


I am a web developer and I use Wyomind extensions on some clients and I find them fantastic. The Order Export Tool extension makes it easy and free to export data on orders, using output files on different channels.

Thiago - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd January 2018

Useful extension for many applications

I was looking for a bridge that would allow me to interface Magento 2 to my billing CRM, when I came across this extension that was right for my case. I must say that it works fantastically! The support team is friendly and fast.

14th January 2018

Helped Us Export to QuickBooks

We used this extension in combination with ZedAxis to export to QuickBooks, perhaps not the smoothest solution, but it worked for us at the time, and it worked well. Very customizable, you can write your own PHP to really customize it as needed. Fairly simple setup, although we had a couple hiccups, it worked out fine, and support was solid in helping us to figure it out. This was the only extension we could find that would export each additional item in an invoice as its own line, duplicating the order information, rather than trying to cram it all into a single line(which makes for a very messy CSV file). We also used it for exporting and importing, since they haven't updated to support Magento 2 yet. So again, very versatile tool. Overall, very solid, just wish Wyomind would give lifetime updates, considering the price, and have us pay only for support.

Daniel Eck - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

27th November 2017

Wonderful tool

This is a must have export tool for Magento 2. Rock solid and totally versatile piece of software absolutely useful for your M2 store. My rating is 5 stars without any doubt.

Davide - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

22nd August 2017

works, sometimes got some issues

Simple and works, but got some issue and hard to find out how to solve since not lot people use it I guess.

21st August 2017

The export tool help on export the custom shipping information

The export tool helps on export the custom shipping information where Magento 2 lack off. The function is catered all my requirement.

Leong - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

7th August 2017

Useful tool

It's quite helpful to process/automate order processing on a busy site. Easy to configure.

Optima - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

12th July 2017

Saved us a lot of manual work!

Before using the Wyomind export extension, orders placed on our website were all keyed in manually. Since installing, the orders are pushed into our shipping system automatically. It's reduced the workload on our customer service team, increases efficiency with faster order processing and works great!

Chris S - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

26th June 2017

Works great!!

The order export tool was easy to install and saves us a lot of data entry time entering orders into our ERP system. Highly recommend!

28th May 2017

Excellent and versatile tool

This module is a very good one as it allows you to create directly via back-end differentiated exporting profiles (i.e. export file formats) for your orders. So, if you use different shipment providers or if you change shipment provider, with this tool you have the flexibility to generate the files you need and pass them to the IT system of your used carrier(s). Also, the extended configuration facility offered by this module gives you the possibility to define what orders to export at a very granular lever.

26th February 2017

Unable to include custom attributes in feed

I have a custom attribute eg "Player name" with input type field (the customer enters the player name before adding to cart). This appears in the order detail page. I need to include it in the feed. I expected this to be a standard feature.
It requires writing php code. I haven't been able to come up with php code that works, and neither has the developer. Does anyone in the community have experience of this and can help please?

Xcom Dev

7th February 2017

Excellent Magento module

Perfect for exporting all Magento order information into the correct layout for us to import into our external company system. On the occasion where we have needed support it has been perfect and any issues resolved very fast. This magento extension is very highly recommended.

Garry - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

20th January 2017

Really useful!

This extension works perfectly on Magento 2.0.10 Flexible and useful I had a really good support from Wyomind. 5 stars of course

Linh PS

5th January 2017

Excellent module pour ma compta

Ce module est parfait pour faire un export pour la compta voir beaucoup plus !!! Il est hyper simple à utiliser et fonctionne très bien. Merci à toute l'équipe de Wyomind pour ce module génial.

Nicolas - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

27th December 2016

Worked like a charm

The extension works perfect, allowed us to easily generate a orders file to synchronize everything with our ERP automatically. The support is fast and reliable. Thanks!

CBDevelopers - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

14th December 2016

Useful thing

I have used this extension with Datafeed manager and Salescast connector export data into Lokad salescast system over two years. I use ftp scheduled sync to refresh salescast data in Lokad and there was no any bugs has been found in this time. Thanks for great stable module

Cermis - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

10th January 2016

Better than advertised.

We needed a bulk export tool for orders for invoicing suppliers, this tool exceeded our needs in exporting these data.
Custom made attributes are easily included in export reports, a must have for us.
Also this extension is really easy in configuration and use, no hours of studying the the possibilities needed!
I will look at other extensions of Wyomind!


3rd January 2016

Great Extension

This is a good extension, it works as described and is easy to use. This has already saved me heaps of time in being able to export information directly into my customer database and shipping tool. It is very flexible and I can already see a number of other areas this can help me with.
Developer support was also very good. They had me up and running in no time. Thanks wyomind.


20th October 2015


This extension do what it says!
To accommodate our specific requirements we needed an adjustment. The support was incredible fast and reactive!
Thanks again guys! Great JOB..


30th September 2015

Very good

The Extension had a little error, but the support fixed it within a few hours. Very good extension and support!!! Thanks!


20th March 2015

BRAVI: continuate così!

I recommend to all Magento users this extension especially for the support that is SUPER. I especially thank Pierre and Paul who are patient, professional and very fast in solving problems.
Thank you


9th December 2014

The best export extension on the market

If you are searching for an excellent extension for exporting your orders which you can import into almost any system, you have to buy this extension! You can customize the extension in the exact way you want it, and if you need any help, you can contact the support team and you will get help within 10-30 minutes, it's fantastic! Not only ftp upload is availabe, it's also possible to send export files to your email!


1st November 2014

Excellent !!!

Support is great,reactive,... and product let us a lot of flexibility.
Congratulations for this module.


8th July 2014

Awesome Extension &amp; Support

These guys rock!
Not only creating great extensions but also for supporting my sometimes stupid sounding questions with fast and helpful support.
Thanks Guys

View 6 Com

5th February 2014


I bought this product last week and had a few snags! However the developers had excellent support and resolved all issues i had!
They really stand out of the crowd these guys and i can recommend them with impunity!
Thank you Pierre!
You made a customer for life out of me!


17th January 2014

Best support i have ever seen

This module works great, but the support that its given is really 5*
Pierre responds real quick on any question. When my developers couldnt figure out some customization issues. Pierre offered to do it himself. Really great geisture as we had much urgency with this job. 100% RECOMMENDED!


3rd December 2013

A great product surpassed only by the developer's support

I needed to export orders to several places, and all of them had very different xml schemas.
Multiple export profiles allowed easy creation and management of the multiple schemas. Filters prevented extraneous orders from being sent. And custom attributes allowed me to convert data into whatever crazy format was specified.
I had several questions for support and not only was the response prompt and helpful, but continued well after hours


3rd December 2013

This extension far exceeded my expectations.

We needed an extension that was user-friendly with a high level of customization. Wyomind delivered it in spades!
The set-up was quick and easy. Documentation was readily available and written in manner that even a novice like myself could understand.
What few issues I did encounter were quickly and professionally resolved by customer support. In fact Pierre wrote two custom attribute scripts for me when all I asked him how I could do it myself.
You will not regret purchasing this product.


18th October 2013

Very good support!

Very good extension and support. I had a few problems but they were fixet in a day by the developer. I recommend both the extension and the developer


11th July 2013

Good tool and great support!

The plugin really does what is descriped and is very easy to use.
If you have questions, they are answered very quick from the support and for a really good price the report was customized for me.


24th June 2013

Amazing extension and support

My clients are way behind on technology so I needed something to export their orders without them having to do much. This extension works perfectly and the customer support is amazing!!


16th May 2013

Great product, great support

The extension works perfectly as expected. My question got immediately responded by the support team.
Higly recommended.


13th May 2013

Great Developer Support

As a preferred supplier I was happy to see the new Order Export extension and when we had to query the developer they prompt in their reply as ever!


8th May 2013

Great Tool

This tool works great. it is now very easy to create my own reports with variables I would like to see. It's saved me a lot of time
I asked for help by the support and they were fast and good.


4th May 2013

Works exactly as stated

Have tried a couple of other extensions/modules to export orders, but they did not quite work. This extension/module does exactly what it says on the tin.
It is very easy to use, and understand, you can even make new export templates as needed.
The developer seems to be always there ready to help if needed, though I have not needed any help, we have been discussing adding to the module to accommodate tracking information, this enhancement would make it even better for the Google Trusted Stores feed,
Third module by Wyomind and have not had a problem with any.


22nd April 2013

Another High Quality Extension from Wyomind

This is my 3rd extension I purchased from Wyomind and the quality of their extensions are consistently high. You will be able to tell that they put a lot of thoughts into designing and developing their extensions.
I previously purchased the data feed manager which now has been sweetly running for 6 months on multiple product comparison sites including Google merchant.
What really shines about this extension is the ability to custom the outputs, and even inserting your own script to do your own calculation. It takes all attributes from Magento to assist you generating most accurate order output. It is a very flexible module with plenty of features.
Admin interface is simple to use.
I'm not a programmer, so support is very important for me and their support team never fail to promptly answer all of my questions. My experience is not a once off, I have always utilised their support with my purchase of their extension.
I look forward for the purchase of another useful & high quality extension from Wyomind.


7th March 2013

This extension is extremely good.

This extension is extremely good. And the person deicated to support for this is also excellent.
Overall, a very useful extension.


13th January 2013

Without a doubt the best

Having tried several other order exports I have to say this is without a doubt the best. Its totally customisable and has enabled me to create various different export types for delivery partners and accounts purposes. It saves me literally hours every day.

Support is also absolutely brilliant from Wymomind, Ive bought several extensions and have always been assisted with any setup challenges with very patient and prompt support. If you need a powerful order export extension, this is it!


21st December 2012

Tool works like a charm.

Tool works like a charm. Makes it very easy to create your own reports with variables you like. Saved me a lot of time.


Bug fix

  • Correct "send by email" feature on Magento 2.4+

Bug fix

  • Fix an error in checkout when multishipping is used


  • Adapt mail sending to Magento 2.4


  • Better xml preview display on auto closing tags


  • Multishipping support for profiles executed during order placement

Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version

Bug fix

  • Fix implicit conversion from float 


  • magento_zendframework1 added as a dependency for Magento 2.4.6


  • Fix the execution of Php scripts in the profiles


  • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2
  • Optimization for the profiles that apply when orders are placed
  • Fix for the storeview filter
  • Better schema upgrade and data upgrade management
  • Php v8.1 compatibility improvement
  • Fix a Magento bug related to "not logged in" customer group
  • Fix the time offset for the cron tasks
  • Fix a Magento bug related to "not logged in" customer group

Security improvement

  • Sample profiles are now registered in the var/ directory instead of pub/ and are disabled by default
  • Fix for the cron task management
  • The local time is taken into account during the export automatic execution
  • Minor fix for compatibility
  • Compatibility fix for PHP 8.1


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Fix for the automatic order export when placing an order
  • Fix when retrieving product options
  • Fix for a non-defined class property: _storeManager
  • Error avoided in the orders' page if a product of the order doesn't exist anymore
  • Minor fix on a typo in the cron tasks management
  • Minor fix for calculating dates for the cron task


  • Scenario updated for the demo
  • Better management of CDATA
  • Minor fix on code
  • Minor fix on code


  • Improved license management system (Clear code)
  • Fix for custom scripts
  • Fix on layouts


  • Better compatibility with Magento > 2.0
  • Sample data added for the demo
  • Compatibility with PHP 7.2
  • Possibility to export a TXT/CSV file with or without Byte Order Mark
  • Display fix for Magento 2.3.3
  • Fix when updating products of a same order
  • Fix for XML CDATA
  • Fix when retrieving the name of the advancedinventory table
  • Possibility to use regular expressions and find in set in the filters


  • Better interface
  • New PHP API
  • New export types: Advanced templates
  • New options for the validation of the FTP connection and the email sending
  • Support for JS merging

Bug Fix

  • Fix for the products loading

Patch v8.0.0.9

  • Fix when retrieving data from configurable/grouped/bundle products

Patch v8.0.0.8

  • unlink() errors removed

Patch v8.0.0.7

  • Sample date available for the demo

Patch v8.0.0.6

  • Fix on a PHP error

Patch v8.0.0.5

  • Fix for the cron tasks

Patch v8.0.0.4

  • Fix for the logger in Magento < v2.2

Patch v8.0.0.3

  • Fix for the advanced txt-like profile preview

Patch v8.0.0.2

  • Minor fix for the compilation

Patch v8.0.0.1

  • Code clean


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.3
Patch v7.1.0.6

  • Fix for exporting orders from the grid

Patch v7.1.0.5

  • Minor fix on code

Patch v7.1.0.4

  • Fix when using {{order.something}} in a loop (products, invoices...)

Patch v7.1.0.3

  • Compatibility with PHP v7.2

Patch v7.1.0.2

  • Fix for PHP 7.2

Patch v7.1.0.1

  • Fix when sending the export files by email for Magento 2.3


  • Multi-storeview display support in the export grid
Patch v7.0.2.1

  • Fix for exporting orders from the grid

  • Fix for Magento Enterprise Edition and split databases.
Patch v7.0.1.6

  • Fix for exporting orders from the grid

Patch v7.0.1.5

  • Fix on the export file when no order to export

Patch v7.0.1.4

  • Fix on the export_to attribute when adding a product to the cart

Patch v7.0.1.3

  • Fix for the command lines

Patch v7.0.1.2

  • Setup script updated (1 undeclared variable fixed)


  • Magento v2.2.1 compatibility
  • php parameter is deprecated,  output parameters must be used instead
  • Use of the Magento 2 native dialog/modal windows
  • The Blackbox can now be minimized/maximized and/or collapsed/expanded
  • Better support of the merging/bundling/minifying JS and CSS files
Patch v7.0.0.8

  • Fix for exporting orders from the grid

Patch v7.0.0.6

  • Allow the upper cases in the custom variables names

Patch v7.0.0.5

  • Javascript "use strict" mode

Patch v7.0.0.4

  • Fix for the custom function registering

Patch v7.0.0.3

  • Fix for the cron task class name

Patch v7.0.0.2

  • Fix for the mass export from the mass action dropdown
  • Profile_id is now registered in the export_to column of the sales_order_item and sales_quote_item tables

Patch v7.0.0.1

  • Fix for the custom variables and custom options registering
  • Js fix for the txt/csv columns


  • Compatibility with magento v2.2


  • new event available : ordersexporttool_order_export($data=[$order, $isPreview])
    This event is triggered each time a export file is generated
Patch v6.1.0.4

  • Hide the success messages on the frontend after checkout

Patch v6.1.0.3


  • temp files are deleted even for export of single orders

Patch v6.1.0.2

  • Optional auto-increment on the 1st column of the csv/txt exports fixed

Patch v6.1.0.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout


  • Better management of Javascript files


  • Blackbox is back
  • Drag and drop available on the preview/library window
Patch v6.0.0.4

  • Hide the success messages on the frontend after checkout

Patch v6.0.0.3


  • temp files are deleted even for export of single orders

Patch v6.0.0.2

  • Optional auto-increment on the 1st column of the csv/txt exports fixed

Patch v6.0.0.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

Improvements :

  • Add a CLI option to export profiles
  • Events are dispatched when files are generated or uploaded
Patch v5.0.10.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

Bug Fix:

  • Fix for csv files


  • Better orders filtering
Patch v5.0.9.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

Bug Fix:

  • Minor fix for multiple store views export
Patch v5.0.8.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

Bug Fix:

  • Fix when removing columns in TXT/CSV files
Patch v5.0.7.1

  • Display of a notification message in the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

Bug Fix:

  • Fix in the orders view in Sales > Orders
Patch v5.0.6.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout


  • New management of licenses for Magento 2
Patch v5.0.2.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout


  • Orders Export Tool is compatible with Magento 2
Patch v5.0.0.1

  • Display of a notification message on the checkout success page removed when export is triggered on checkout

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