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Magento 2

Simple Google Shopping

Exportez facilement et en toute sécurité un flux de données structuré de votre catalogue depuis votre site Magento 2 vers votre compte Google Merchant à l'aide de cette extension créée par un partenaire Google.

4.9/5 rated
539 Commentaires
from €145
Guides d'utilisation

Que sont Google Merchant et Google Shopping ?

Pour utiliser Simple Google Shopping, vous devriez savoir ce que sont Google Merchant et Google Shopping.

Voici quelques notions basiques sur Google Shopping et la gestion des flux de données.

Qu'est-ce que Google Shopping ?

Google Shopping est un service gratuit de Google qui permet aux internautes de trouver et de comparer les produits qu'ils souhaitent acheter en ligne. Si vous êtes un marchand en ligne, vous pouvez donc soumettre des produits à Google Shopping pour aider vos clients potentiels à trouver votre site plus rapidement et plus facilement.

Google Merchant Center est une interface de gestion des produits qui permet aux propriétaires de boutiques en ligne et aux vendeurs de soumettre leurs produits à Google Shopping.

Comment créer mon compte Google Merchant ?

Pour soumettre vos produits à Google Shopping, vous devez dans un premier temps posséder un compte Google Merchant Center. Vous trouverez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin en suivant le lien suivant :

Une fois votre compte créé, vous aurez accès à l'interface de gestion de Google Merchant Center où vous pourrez enregistrer votre flux de données et programmer une mise à jour quotidienne, hebdomadaire ou mensuelle.

Qu'est-ce qu'un flux de données de produits ?

Il s'agit d'un fichier contenant l'intégralité des informations relatives aux produits que vous vendez. Les différentes informations sont décrites dans des attributs qui permettent aux clients de trouver vos produits lorsqu'ils effectuent une recherche. Ce fichier est construit autour d'un schéma RSS classique auquel sont associées des balises XML spécifiques à Google Merchant Center.

Pour plus d'informations sur la construction de ce fichier, vous pouvez vous reporter au support en ligne de Google Merchant Center :

Comment créer un flux de données ?

Simple Google Shopping et Data Feed Manager sont deux extensions Magento 2 qui vous permettent de configurer, générer et automatiser plusieurs fichiers de produits en quelques minutes.

Comment utiliser Simple Google Shopping ?

ETAPE 1 : Configurez Simple Google Shopping de manière générale

Avant de pouvoir configurer vos flux de données, vous devriez vérifier que les paramètres généraux de l'extension vous conviennent. Pour cela, allez dans :
StoresSettingsConfiguration Wyomind Simple Google Shopping.

Cron job reporting

Dans l'onglet Cron job reporting, vous pouvez activer le rapport sur les tâches cron ainsi que définir une adresse pour la réception de ces rapports. Vous pouvez également renommer les rapports comme vous le souhaitez.  

Core Settings

Dans l'onglet Core Settings, vous devrez configurer un certain nombre de champs.

  • Items in preview
    Par défaut il y a 10 articles en prévisualisation, vous pouvez augmenter ou diminuer ce nombre.
  • Items in buffer
    Par défaut, les produits sont insérés dans le fichier sur le serveur tous les 10 articles. Vous pouvez réduire ou augmenter ce nombre.
  • Items in SQL request
    Par défaut, il y a 1500 articles dans chaque requête MySql.
  • Number of advanced filters
    Par défaut, vous avez 10 filtres avancés. Vous pouvez à tout moment augmenter ce nombre si vous en avez besoin de plus.
  • Use of OR/AND statements in advanced filters
    Les expressions OR/AND peuvent être utilisées dans les filtres avancés simplement en activant cette option.  
  • Include not in menu categories
    Vous pouvez inclure les catégories des produits qui ne figurent pas dans le menu.
  • Memory limit size (M)
    La mémoire par défaut est 1024.
  • Use canonical urls
    Vous avez la possibilité de choisir entre plusieurs options afin d'utiliser l'url de la catégorie la plus courte, la plus longue ou l'url du produit.
    Par exemple, si vous avez un "T-shirt" dans 2 catégories: "New arrivals" et "Shirts", les urls peuvent être :
    Product Url =
    Shortest category url =
    Longest category url =
  • Enable log reporting
    Vous pouvez aussi activer le rapport de log.

ETAPE 2 : Configurez vos flux de données avec Simple Google Shopping

Pour créer et configurer vos flux de données, allez dans :
ProductsSimple Google Shopping

Vos flux de données sont listés selon des ID. Vous devriez retrouver dans le tableau le nom des fichiers, leurs chemins, ainsi que l'url du flux de données. Vous devriez aussi avoir un message résumant le nombre de produits exportés, le temps que cela a pris et le nombre d'erreurs et d'avertissements dans votre flux de données.

Le statut de votre flux de données dépend de la situation :

  • Pending : le flux de données n'a jamais été généré ou l'heure planifiée est dépassée (dans l'attente que la tâche cron l’exécute)
  • Success : génération du flux de données réussie, manuellement ou automatiquement (corresponds à une planification)
  • Hold : en cours de génération (latences, statut indéterminé)
  • Processing : pourcentage de progression de la génération
  • Error: abandon de la génération

Vous devriez retrouver la date et l'heure de la dernière génération du flux de données ainsi que la vue magasin prise en compte pour le flux.

Depuis la colonne Action, vous pourrez :

  • Edit : Editer le flux
  • Generate : Générer le flux
  • Preview (10 items) : Visualiser les 10 premiers produits du flux
  • Delete : Supprimer le flux

Cliquez sur Create new data feed  afin de configurer votre flux de données comme vous le souhaitez.

La black Box

En créant un flux de données, vous devriez voir une boîte (toolbox) à droite de votre écran. L'extension Simple Google Shopping comprend cet outil pour vous aider à créer votre flux et à voir quelles sont les erreurs.

La toolbox est sans aucun doute un outil très utile. Cela vous aidera à configurer votre flux de données plus rapidement.

Voici ses différentes options.


Si vous cliquez sur ce bouton, une bibliothèque des attributs de votre boutique Magento 2 sera affichée. Cela facilite la recherche d'un attribut que vous souhaitez ajouter à votre modèle.


En cliquant sur Preview, vous pourrez avoir un aperçu de votre flux de données. Cette option est très utile pour voir si les valeurs de vos attributs sont correctement récupérées ou si vos filtres fonctionnent comme vous le souhaitez.


En cliquant sur ce bouton, un rapport d'erreurs de votre flux de données sera affiché dans la toolbox.

Ces rapports ne remplacent pas les rapports d'erreurs de Google et ne garantissent en aucun cas la validation de votre flux de données par l'équipe Google. Ils vous feront gagner du temps et vous aideront à identifier rapidement les principaux problèmes de votre flux et à faire les changements nécessaires.

  • En orange seront affichés les avertissements comme : Missing recommended attribute: product_type.
  • En rouge seront affichés les erreurs qu'il faudra corriger pour que votre flux puisse être approuvé : Missing required attribute: google_product_category.

En face de chacune de ces erreurs ou avertissements, vous devriez voir le nombre d'articles qui sont concernés.

Par défaut, les rapports affichent les 10 premiers exemples (sku) qui sont concernés par chaque erreur et avertissement. Vous pouvez modifier la valeur de Items in preview dans :
StoresSettingsConfiguration Wyomind Simple Google ShoppingCore Settings

Après la génération d'un flux de données, vous pouvez aussi accèder à ces rapports depuis la notification de génération ainsi que depuis la grille des flux en cliquant sur "X errors, X warnings" depuis la colonne Link.


Dans ce premier onglet, il s'agit de la configuration de votre flux de données. Vous y trouverez plusieurs champs qui vous permettront de personnaliser votre flux.

  • Name
    Vous pouvez ajouter un nom à votre flux de données. 
  • Filename
    Entrez un nom pour le fichier.
  • Path
    Définissez le chemin du dossier où vous souhaitez que le fichier soit généré.
  • Store View
    Définissez quelle vue magasin est concernée.
  • Website url
    Ajoutez l'url de votre site web.
  • Title
    Ajoutez un titre à votre flux.
  • Description
    Ajoutez la description de votre flux de données.
  • XML pattern
    Il s'agit probablement du champ le plus important puisque c'est là où vous allez configurer votre modèle.

Filtre catégories

Dans l'onglet Categories, vous trouverez 2 sous-onglets qui vous permettront de gérer vos catégories.

Vous pouvez filtrer vos catégories selon 2 manières :

  • Exclude all products from the selected categories : exclure tous les produits des catégories sélectionnées.
  • Include all products from the selected categories : inclure tous les produits des catégories sélectionnées.
Si vous ne sélectionnez aucune catégorie, tous les produits seront exportés.

Par exemple, si vous ne souhaitez inclure que les produits de la catégorie Gear, vous pouvez configurer votre filtre de deux manières différentes.

La première, en choisissant l'option Include qui va vous permettre d'inclure toutes les catégories que vous aurez sélectionnées.

Ou grâce à l'option Exclude qui exclura toutes les catégories que vous avez sélectionnées.

Vous pouvez inclure ou exclure vos catégories selon :

  • Parent categories only
    Si vous avez un produit configurable et des produits simples associés. Le produit configurable a une catégorie associée mais pas les variantes.
  • Product categories only
    Si des catégories sont assignées aux produits simples (variantes) mais pas au produit configurable.
  • Product and parent categories
    Dans le cas où vous avez les deux situations.

Sélection des catégories et mappage

Dans cet onglet, vous pouvez mapper vos catégories à celles de Google. Cette étape est très importante pour que Google puisse faire le lien entre vos catégories et les catégories Google.

Qu'est ce que le mappage de catégories ?

La taxonomie Google est une arborescence qui vous aidera à générer des valeurs pour l'attribut catégorie du produit Google.

Les noms de catégories que vous utilisez dans Magento ne sont pas toujours les même que ceux que Google Shopping utilisent pour référencer vos produits.

Cela signifie que vous devez trouver quelles son't les catégories Google Shopping qui correspondent aux vôtres conformément à la taxonomie Google .

Par exemple, si vous vendez des meubles comme des tables de bar, vous aurez une catégorie "Table de bar" dans votre admin Magento. Mais Google Merchant ne connait pas cette catégorie. La catégorie la plus proche sera : Table de Cuisine & Salle à Manger.

Dans votre flux de données, vous devriez alors obtenir :

<g:google_product_category>Meubles > Tables > Consoles > Tables basses</g:google_product_category>

Mappez vos catégories avec Simple Google Shopping

Simple Google Shopping vous permet de saisir les catégories de produits Google correspondant aux vôtres de manière très simple.

Dans la configuration de votre flux de données, allez dans l'onglet Catégories . Puis, dans la section  Sélection et mappage des categories, vous trouverez une liste arborescente de vos catégories.

A la suite de chaque catégorie, vous voyez une petite flèche suivi de mapped as.

C'est à cet endroit que vous pouvez commencer à taper un mot clé pour qu'une liste de catégories dans lesquelles ce mot apparaît se déroule. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à sélectionner celle que vous souhaitez.

Si vous appuyez sur la touche Fin de votre clavier après avoir saisi un mappage de catégorie, la valeur s'appliquera à toutes les sous-catégories.

Une fois que le mappage de toutes vos catégories est terminé, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton Save .

Voici quelques principes de base pour choisir au mieux la catégorie appropriée :

  • Utilisez la catégorie qui décrit le mieux votre article. Pour cela, identifiez la principale fonction des produits que vous soumettez. Pour des articles spécifiques comme des lecteurs MP3, choisissez la catégorie Lecteurs MP3. Même si certains de ces lecteurs MP3 proposent aussi d'autres fonctionnalités, par exemple une horloge, ils n'en restent pas moins principalement des lecteurs MP3.
  • N'utilisez qu'une seule catégorie. Dans certains cas, vous souhaiterez peut-être utiliser plusieurs catégories. Par exemple, un adaptateur permettant d'utiliser un lecteur MP3 dans une voiture peut correspondre à deux catégories : Véhicules automobiles > Audio > Vidéo et Multimédia > Audio > Accessoires audio > Accessoires de lecteur MP3. En cas de doute, n'utilisez qu'une seule catégorie.
  • Utilisez la catégorie la plus spécifique possible. Plus vous serez précis, meilleure sera la qualité de vos données et, par conséquent, meilleures seront également vos chances de voir vos offres figurer dans la catégorie appropriée. En vous basant sur la classification des produits, identifiez la catégorie la plus spécifique qui couvre tous les produits que vous proposez. Par exemple, si vous proposez des chargeurs pour lecteurs MP3, utilisez la catégorie Chargeurs pour lecteurs MP3. À l'inverse, si vous proposez différents types de chargeurs, utilisez la catégorie Chargeurs.

Ajoutez la catégorie Google Shopping dans le template

Enfin, pour faire en sorte que la catégorie Google soit bien récupérée dans le flux de données, vous devez ajouter l'attribute suivant au modèle XML :

Veuillez noter que cet attribut est différent de Product Type qui est le nom de la catégorie que vous avez vous-même défini dans votre admin Magento. Vous pouvez facilement compléter cette portion grâce à {{object.categories}}. Cela récupérera la/les catégories associées à chacun de vos produits.

Lire aussi :

Ajoutez un fichier de taxonomie

Sur cette page, choisissez la langue que vous souhaitez utiliser pour votre taxonomie en bas à droite. Puis, dans la partie Classification à télécharger, ouvrez le lien Texte Brut qui contient tous les noms des catégories. 

Sauvegardez ce fichier et collez le dans :
Magento 2 Root DirectorylibWyominDGoogleTaxonomies

N'oubliez pas d'appliquer les droits 644 au fichier.

Vous serez ensuite capable de choisir cette taxonomie depuis la configuration de votre flux de données. 


Simple Google Shopping pour Magento 2 vous permet également de filtrer vos produits sur plusieurs niveaux selon leurs jeux d'attributs ou leur visibilité par exemple.

Types des produits

Dans un premier temps, vous pouvez choisir d'inclure des produits à votre flux selon leur type. Par exemple, n'inclure que les produits simples, virtuels et téléchargeables.

Jeux d'attributs

Vous pouvez aussi inclure plusieurs jeux d'attributs. Dans notre cas, nous avons décidé de n'inclure que les jeux d'attributs Default et Gear.

Visibilités des produits

Ensuite, choisissez les produits qui seront compris dans le flux selon leur visibilité: non visible individuellement, visible dans le Catalogue et/ou la Recherche.

Filtres avancés

Vous pouvez aller encore plus loin en créant des filtres avancés. Par exemple, nous voulons inclure seulement les produits dont le prix est supérieur à 0 et dont le SKU et le nom ne sont pas vide.

Là aussi, vous avez la possibilité de configurer vos filtres avancés selon plusieurs options.


name like %shirt : Inclura au flux de données les produits dont le nom se termine par 'shirt'.
name like Apple% : Inclura au flux de données tous les produits dont le nom commence par 'Apple'.
name like %women% : Inclura dans le flux de données les produits dont le nom comporte la chaîne de caractères 'women'.

name not like %shirt : N'inclura aucun produit dont le nom se termine par 'shirt'.
name not like Apple% : N'inclura aucun produit dont le nom commence par 'Apple'.
name not like %women% : N'inclura aucun produit dont le nom comporte la chaîne de caractères 'women'.


is null: la valeur est nulle. Eg: Special price is null : inclura tous les produits qui n'ont pas de prix spé not null: la valeur n'est pas nulle. Eg: SKU is not null : inclura tous les produits dont le SKU n'est pas nul.

  • IN / NOT IN

Size in S L: inclura au flux seulement les produits de ces deux tailles.
Size not in S L: inclura dans le flux tous les produits dont la taille n'est pas S ou L.

Vous pouvez activer l'option AND/OR dans Core Settings depuis :StoresSettingsConfigurationWyomindSimple Google Shopping.

Tâches Cron

Simple Google Shopping pour Magento 2 vous permet de configurer des tâches planifiées dans l'onglet Cron Schedule pour chacun de vos flux de données.

Vous devez simplement cocher les jours et heures auxquels vous souhaitez que votre flux soit généré.

Dans le cas ou vous avez quelques problèmes avec les tâches planifiées, ou si vous pensez que votre flux n'est pas automatiquement généré selon vos tâches, vous pouvez jeter un œil à notre faq sur ce sujet.


Dans cette section, vous pouvez utiliser le champ Note pour ajouter n'importe quelle information que vous trouvez utile. Il s'agit d'une note interne. 

Action History

Dans l'onglet Action History, vous pouvez trouver un historique des générations et configurations précédentes. 

Vous trouverez : 

  • ID
    C'est l'identifiant de la ligne de l'historique. 
  • Version ID
    C'est l'identifiant de la version de configuration du flux de données.
  • Origin
    C'est l'origine de l'action : Backend / Cron / CLI / API
  • Username
    Il s'agit du nom de l'utilisateur à l'origine de l'action.
  • Action
    Les actions disponibles sont: create (créer) / generate (générer) / update (mettre à jour) / delete (supprimer)
  • Details
    Si vous cliquez sur More details, vous pouvez voir le détail de la mise à jour du flux de données depuis une grille.

    Si vous cliquez sur une ligne de cette grille, vous pouvez alors voir le détail dans une popup.

  • Date
    Il s'agit de la date de la modification.

ETAPE 3: Générez et téléchargez les flux de données

Générez les flux de données

Simple Google Shopping vous permet de générer vos flux de données manuellement ou automatiquement. 


Vous pouvez générer votre flux de données manuellement dans la grille du menu déroulant. 

Vous avez aussi la possibilité de le faire depuis votre panneau de configuration en cliquant sur Generate 

Via les tâches cron

Afin de générer automatiquement vos flux de données par tâches planifiées vous devez vous assurer que la tâche cron principale s’exécute bien sur votre serveur.

Data Feed Manager - Cron Success

Dans le cas contraire un message d'alerte apparaît dans Simple Google Shopping.

Vous devez également avoir sélectionné les jours et les heures de mise à jour de chaque flux dans l'onglet Cron schedule.

Via les lignes de commande

Vous pouvez utiliser les lignes de commandes pour générer les flux de données en lignes de commandes.

Pour générer tous les flux de données :

bin/magento wyomind:simplegoogleshopping:generate

Pour générer un flux de données spécifique :

bin/magento wyomind:simplegoogleshopping:generate int DATA_FEED_ID

Pour générer plusieurs flux de données :

bin/magento wyomind:simplegoogleshopping:generate  int DATA_FEED_ID [, int DATA_FEED_ID] [, int DATA_FEED_ID]...

Pour lister tous les flux de données disponibles :

bin/magento wyomind:simplegoogleshopping:list

Téléchargez les flux de données générés

Lorsqu'un flux peut être téléchargé, le lien est affiché dans la grille des flux de données. Afin de télécharger votre flux de données, sélectionnez Save link as après avoir fait un clic-droit sur le lien. Vous devriez aussi trouver le fichier dans votre client FTP si le répertoire où le fichier est stocké et accessible publiquement.

Notez que le paramètre aléatoire à la fin des urls empêche les problèmes de cache lorsque vous téléchargez le flux de données depuis Magento.

Gérez vos modèles de flux de données avec Simple Google Shopping

10 choses à savoir pour créer un flux de données XML avec Simple Google Shopping

  1. Un fichier de produits XML est composé de balises ouvrantes et fermantes qui incluent une valeur.
    <g:id>123456</g:id><price>45.99 USD</price>​

  2. Un template de flux de données est composé de plusieurs balises comprenant des valeurs dynamiques ou fixes.
    <g:id>{{product.sku}}</g:id><g:brand>Fixed Brand</g:brand>

  3. Les valeurs dynamiques sont des variables. Une variable doit comprendre un attribut spécifié par son code et précédé d'un objet. La variable doit être entourée de double accolades. 

  4. Entre chaque balise ouvrante et fermante, vous pouvez y ajouter des valeurs fixes. Il s'agit simplement de texte.
    <g:brand>YOUR BRAND</g:brand>

  5. Vous pouvez également insérer plusieurs variables et valeurs fixes dans une seule et même balise.
    <title>{{}}, available in {{product.color}} for only ${{product.price}}</title>

  6. Certains attributs Magento 2 tels que price, image ou url peuvent avoir plusieurs options ou parameters de configuration pour correspondre à vos besoins spécifiques.
    <price>{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}}</price>​

  7. Vous pouvez ajouter du code PHP pour personnaliser vos modèles. Vous devez simplement écrire votre code PHP sur une seule ligne (jetez un œil à notre doc pour savoir comment ajouter du code PHP à vos modèles).
    <tag>{{ output="wyomind_strtolower($self)"}}</tag>            

  8. La coloration syntaxique dans Simple Google Shopping vous aidera à éviter toute erreur de syntaxe dans vos modèles.
  9. Vous pouvez utiliser une ou plusieurs variables de secours dans le cas où la première est vide ou ne retourne rien. Si color existe, alors la valeur sera celle de color, sinon la valeur sera celle de colour...
    {{product.color | product.colour}}​

  10. Les CDATA sont conseillés. CDATA signifie Character Data. Cela veut dire que les données entre ces balises comprennent des données qui pourraient être interprétées comme du XML mais qui ne devraient pas (article Wikipedia).
    <![CDATA[<p>Fantastic <b>Watch</b>, that not only tells you what time it is,but also gives the weather trends</p>]]>

Comment se compose une variable ?

Pour modifier votre modèle de flux de données tel que vous le souhaitez, il vous faut avant tout respecter une syntaxe particulière. En effet, pour faire appel aux attributs, l'extension Simple Google Shopping utilise une construction spécifique. Ceci requiert donc que vous sachiez comment la variable est composée pour ainsi pouvoir configurer votre flux selon vos besoins.

L'image ci-dessus détaille les différents composants d'une variable.

  • object
    Définit quelle est la cible de l'attribut à récupérer. Il peut s'agir du produit simple, parent, configurable, bundle ou groupé.  
  • attribute
    Définit l'attribut à récupérer. Par exemple, le prix, l'url...
  • parameters
    Définit pour des attributs spécifiques, des paramètres additionnels, comme la monnaie ou le taux de TVA.
  • value
    Définit les différentes valeurs disponibles pour le paramètre précédent.

Spécifications des attributs

Le modèle du flux de données est totalement personnalisable.

N'importe quel attribut de base disponible dans Magento 2 peut être utilisé dans le modèle du flux. Vous pouvez également ajouter les attributs que vous avez vous-même créés dans le back-office.


Afin de récupérer la valeur d'un attribut vous devez définir quel objet est ciblé. Voici ci-dessous les différents types d'objets que vous pouvez utiliser.


Récupère l'attribut pour le produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la valeur de l'attribut pour le produit parent.

La valeur de l'attribut du parent est récupérée seulement si le produit simple est associé à un produit parent, sinon aucune valeur n'est affichée.

Le produit parent peut être un produit configurable, groupé ou bundle. La valeur du premier produit parent correspondant au produit simple est affichée.

Par exemple :



Récupère la valeur de l'attribut du premier produit parent configurable.

La valeur de l'attribut du produit configurable est récupérée seulement si le produit simple est associé à un produit configurable, sinon, aucune valeur n'est affichée.

Par exemple :



Récupère la valeur de l'attribut du premier produit parent groupé.

La valeur de l'attribut du produit groupé est récupérée seulement si le produit simple est associé à un produit groupé, sinon, aucune valeur n'est affichée.

Par exemple :



Récupère la valeur de l'attribut du premier produit parent bundle.

La valeur de l'attribut du produit bundle est récupérée seulement si le produit simple est associé à un produit bundle, sinon, aucune valeur n'est affichée.
Par exemple :



Vous trouverez ci-dessous les attributs les plus couramment utilisés pour identifier les produits dans les flux de données.


Récupère l'id du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère le sku du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la marque du produit.

Par exemple :

Attention, cet attribut est un exemple et peut différer selon la configuration de votre boutique Magento 2.


Récupère la marque du produit.

Par exemple :



Ci-dessous sont listés les attributs généralement utilisés pour définir les informations de base des produits dans les flux de données.


Récupère le nom du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la description du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la description courte du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère l'état du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère le poids du produit.

Par exemple :



Vous trouverez ci-dessous les attributs de prix que vous pouvez utiliser dans votre modèle de flux. La plupart d'entre eux peuvent comporter des paramètres pour définir par exemple la monnaie utilisée ou encore le taux de TVA à appliquer.


Récupère le meilleur prix parmi tous les prix définis.

Si les prix du catalogue sont entrés hors taxes et si une classe de taxe qui correspond à un taux unique de TVA est définie pour le produit, alors les prix sont récupérés avec la TVA. Sinon, le prix hors TVA est récupéré.

Par exemple :


Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • currency = est la monnaie à appliquer pour la conversion du prix. Ce paramètre convertit automatiquement le prix original vers la monnaie spécifiée en utilisant les taux de changes enregistrés dans votre panneau d'administration. Par défaut, la monnaie par défaut est utilisée.
  • vat_rate = est une valeur décimale comprise entre 0.00 et 100.00 et représente une taxe arbitraire à appliquer. Ce paramètre réécrit les règles de TVA pour le produit à condition que le produit n'ait pas de classe de taxe.

Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation :

Pour convertir les prix en EUR et appliquer une TVA de 20% :

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}}

Pour convertir les prix en USD et n'appliquer aucune TVA :

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0}}  

Si les prix de votre catalogue comprennent déjà la TVA :

{{product.price currency=USD}} 

Pour utiliser un code ISO2 correspondant à un des pays pour lequel vous avez défini un taux de TVA dans vos paramètres de taxe :

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=FR}}

Ce code peut également être complété par un code régional :

{{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=US/NY}}

Pour déduire la TVA correspondant à un pays/région :

{{product.price currency=GBP vat_rate=-GB}}

Pour récupérer les prix comprenant différentes valeurs de prix pour les produits simples associés à des produits configurables :

{{parent.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20}} 


Récupère le prix de base et ignore n'importe quel autre prix.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère le prix spécial s'il y en a un. Si ce prix n'existe pas, la valeur est nulle.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère le prix incluant les règles de prix catalogue s'il existe, sinon rien n'est récupéré.

Si les prix du catalogue entrés par l'administrateur ne sont pas soumis à une taxe et si une classe de taxe qui correspond à un taux unique de TVA est définie pour le produit, alors les prix sont récupérés avec la TVA. Sinon, les prix sont récupérés en excluant la TVA.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère le meilleur prix promotionnel entre les règles de prix et les prix spéciaux.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère les dates de début et de fin du prix spécial sous la forme : 2011-03-01T13:00-0800/2011-03-11T15:30-0800. Si aucune date n'est définie ou si les dates définies ne correspondent pas aux dates actuelles alors la valeur est nulle.

Par exemple :



Récupère 1 si le prix spécial existe, sinon 0.

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • yes = valeur à récupérer si le prix spécial existe. Par défaut 1.
  • no = valeur à récupérer si le prix spécial n'existe pas. Par défaut 0.

Par exemple :

{{product.has_special_price yes="Special price" no="No special price"}} 


Récupère 1 si un prix promotionnel existe, sinon 0.

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • yes = valeur à récupérer si le prix promotionnel existe. Par défaut 1.
  • no = valeur à récupérer si le prix promotionnel n'existe pas. Par défaut 0.

Par exemple :

{{product.has_sale_price yes="Sale price" no="No sale price"}} 


Récupère le prix minimum.

Cet attribut est utilisé pour les produits configurables, bundle ou groupés.

Si les prix du catalogue entrés par l'administrateur ne sont pas soumis à une taxe et si une classe de taxe qui correspond à un taux unique de TVA est définie pour le produit, alors les prix sont récupérés avec la TVA. Sinon, les prix sont récupérés en excluant la TVA.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère le prix maximum.

Cet attribut est utilisé pour les produits configurables, bundle ou groupés.

Si les prix du catalogue entrés par l'administrateur ne sont pas soumis à une taxe et si une classe de taxe qui correspond à un taux unique de TVA est définie pour le produit, alors les prix sont récupérés avec la TVA. Sinon, les prix sont récupérés en excluant la TVA.

Par exemple :

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : voir {{objet.price}}


Récupère l'id de la promotion du produit s'il y en a une.

Par exemple :

Pour en savoir plus sur l'utilisation de cet attribut, jetez un œil à notre extension Google Merchant Promotions.


Ci-dessous sont listés les attributs généralement utilisés pour récupérer tous types de liens.


Récupère l'URL permettant de présélectionner les attributs du produit simple depuis son configurable.

Vous pouvez également utiliser un paramètre avec cet attribut :

  • currency=XXX = Ce paramètre ajoutera ?currency=XXX à l'URL générée.
    L'accès à l'URL générée remplacera la page produit avec la monnaie correspondante.

Par exemple :

{{product.url_config currency=USD}}

Ceci va générer l'URL :


Récupère l'url absolue du produit.

Vous pouvez également utiliser un paramètre avec cet attribut :

  • currency=XXX =  Ce paramètre ajoutera ?currency=XXX à l'URL générée.
    L'accès à l'URL générée remplacera la page produit avec la monnaie correspondante.

Par exemple :

{{product.url currency=EUR}}


Ceci va générer l'URL :

Récupère l'image principale du produit.

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • index = index de l'image additionnelle du produit. Par défaut 0 (l'image principale).
  • role = rôle de l'image à récupérer. Fonctionne aussi avec les rôles configurés en admin.

Par exemple :

{{product.image_link index=2}}
{{product.image_link role="thumbnail"}}

Notez que les deux paramètres ci-dessus ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble.


Récupère l'url du site, par exemple

Exemple avec l'attribut small_image :


{{objet.uri}} ou {{objet.url_key}}

Récupère l'url relative du produit.

Par exemple :{{product.uri}} 


Afin de récupérer les catégories de vos produits, vous pouvez vérifier les attributs listés ci-dessous.


Tous les chemins de catégorie sont listés dans catégories du  plus court au plus long, comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous:

  1. Default Category
  2. Default CategorySales
  3. Default CategoryClothes
  4. Default CategoryClothesMen
  5. Default CategoryClotheSMen Pants
  6. Default CategorySalesSpring and Summer Sales

Afin d'afficher un chemin de catégorie spécifique vous avez la possibilité d'utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut : 

  • nth : affiche le énième chemin de catégorie, si pas précisé, le 1er chemin de catégorie est utilisé par défaut. Les valeurs négatives sont autorisées.
  • from : affiche un chemin de catégorie à partir d'un énième niveau de catégorie, si pas précisé le 1er niveau de catégorie est utilisé pas défaut. Les valeurs négatives sont autorisées.
  • length : affiche un chemin de catégorie limité à un nombre de  niveaux de catégories donné, si pas précisé le chemin entier est affiché par défaut.
  • separator : modifie le caractère de séparation entre les niveaux de catégorie.

Par exemple :

{{product.categories nth="1"}}

Montre le premier chemin de catégorie : Default Category


{{product.categories nth="-1"}}

Montre le dernier chemin de catégorie : Default CategorySalesSpring and Summer Sales


{{product.categories nth="3" separator="-"}}

Montre le 3ème chemin de catégorie et modifie le séparateur de niveaux de catégories en "-" :  DEFAULT CATEGORY - CLOTHES


{{product.categories nth="-2"}}

Montre l'avant dernier chemin de catégorie : Default CategoryClothesMen Pants


{{product.categories nth="-2" from="2"}}

Montre l'avant dernier chemin de catégorie à partir du 2nd niveau de catégorie : ClothesMenPants


{{product.categories nth="-1" from="-1"}}

Montre le dernier chemin de catégorie à partir du dernier niveau de catégorie : Spring and Summer Sales


{{product.categories nth="-2" from="2" length="1"}}

Montre l'avant dernier chemin de catégorie à partir du 2nd niveau de catégorie avec seulement un niveau de catégorie : Clothes


Récupère la catégorie Google que vous avez assigné (dans la section Categories) à la première catégorie trouvée pour le produit. Si il n'y a pas de catégorie Google assignée à la première catégorie trouvée, la seconde sera utilisée, s'il n'y pas de catégorie Google assignée à la seconde, la troisième sera utilisée, etc...

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • index = index de la catégorie à récupérer

Par exemple :

{{product.category_mapping index=0}}
{{product.category_mapping index=1}}
{{product.category_mapping index=2}}
{{product.category_mapping index=3}}
{{product.category_mapping index=4}}

Récupérera un maximum de 5 catégories Google dans 5 balises différentes.


Récupère la catégorie Google que vous avez assignée (dans la section Categories) à la première catégorie trouvée pour le produit (index 0).

Par exemple :

Pour trouver les catégories Google qui correspondent aux catégories de vos produits, consultez :


Les attributs ci-dessous sont bien souvent utilisés pour récupérer les disponibilités de vos produits, par exemple la quantité.


Récupère la quantité disponible du produit.

La quantité récupérée pour les produits configurables est basée sur la somme des produits simples.

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • float = nombre de décimales.
  • stock_id = id du stock pour lequel vous souhaitez récupérer la quantité.
    La somme des quantités des sources associées au stock est récupérée (module de Magento Multi Stock Inventory).
    Par défaut, la valeur du stock par défaut est récupérée.

Par exemple :

{{product.qty float=1 stock_id="1"}}


Récupère soit "in stock" si le produit est en stock, "out of stock" si le produit est indisponible ou "available for order" si le produit est en cours de réapprovisionnement.

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • in_stock = valeur à récupérer si le produit est en stock
  • out_of_stock = valeur à récupérer si le produit est indisponible
  • backorderable = valeur à récupérer si le produit est en cours de réapprovisionnement
  • stock_id = id du stock pour lequel vous souhaitez récupérer la disponibilité (module de Magento Multi Stock Inventory).

    Par défaut, la valeur du stock par défaut est récupérée.

Par exemple :

{{product.availability stock_id="2" in_stock="In Stock" out_of_stock="No more Stock" backorderable="Can be ordered"}}


Récupère le statut "in stock" ou "out of stock".

Vous pouvez également utiliser des paramètres avec cet attribut :

  • stock_id = id du stock pour lequel vous souhaitez récupérer le statut (module de Magento Multi Stock Inventory).

    Par défaut, la valeur du stock par défaut est récupérée.

Par exemple :

{{product.is_in_stock stock_id="1"}}


Dans le cas où vous avez des variantes de produits par couleur, genre ou encore taille, alors vous pouvez utilisez les attributs de base suivants. Attention, ces attributs sont des exemples et peuvent différer selon la configuration de votre boutique Magento 2.


Récupère le genre du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère le groupe d'âge du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la couleur du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la taille du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère la matière du produit.

Par exemple :



Récupère le modèle du produit.

Par exemple :



Ci-dessous sont listés tous les paramètres que vous pouvez utiliser avec n'importe quel attribut dans vos flux de données.

{{objet.attribut prefix="valeur"}}

Le préfixe est ce qui sera affiché avant la valeur de l'attribut seulement si la valeur de celui-ci n'est pas nulle, sinon rien n'est récupéré.

Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation :

Pour ajouter le symbole de la monnaie avant le prix et ne rien récupérer lorsque la valeur de l'attribut est nulle :

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20 prefix="€"}}

Pour ajouter l'unité de poids avant la valeur de l'attribut et ne rien récupérer lorsque celle-ci est nulle :

{{product.weight prefix="KG "}}

{{objet.attribut suffix="valeur"}}

Le suffixe est ce qui sera affiché après la valeur de l'attribut seulement si la valeur de celui-ci n'est pas nulle, sinon rien n'est récupéré.

Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation :

Pour ajouter le code de la monnaie après le prix et ne rien récupérer lorsque la valeur de l'attribut est nulle :

{{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=20 suffix=" EUR"}}

Pour ajouter l'unité de poids après la valeur de l'attribut et ne rien récupérer lorsque celle-ci est nulle :

{{product.weight suffix=" KG"}}

{{objet.attribut as="maVariable"}}

Le paramètre as vous permet de stocker la valeur d'un attribut pour une utilisation ultérieure dans un script PHP ou dans une condition (voir le paramètre if

Attention, l'appel de l'attribut même avec le paramètre as produira l'insertion de données dans le flux sauf si vous utilisez l'attribut output avec la valeur null (voir le paramètre output)

Voici quelques exemples d'utilisation :

Pour afficher le nom d'un produit et stocker le nom du produit dans une variable $name:

<!-- Product name is displayed and stored under a new variable "name" -->
<name>{{ as="name"}}</name>

pourra être utilisé dans un script PHP plus loin dans le template.

/* If variable $name is equal to "Apple", then display "Apple" then display "Banana" */
if($name=="Apple") return $name;
else return "Banana";

Pour stocker la visibilité d'un produit dans une variable visibility et l'utiliser dans la condition d'un autre attribut:

<!-- Product visibility is stored under a new variable "visibility" and the attribute doesn't display -->
{{product.visibility as="visibility" output="null"}}
<!-- If the product is not visible individually (4) then we display the parent product url, otherwise we use the product url-->
<url>{{parent.url if="visibility==4" | product.url}}</url>

{{objet.attribut if="condition"}}

Le paramètre if vous permet de définir une ou plusieurs conditions indispensables à l'affichage de l'attribut dans le flux.
Une condition se construit autour de 3 éléments:

  • une variable à tester qui peut être:
    un attribut produit
    un variable stockée précédemment grâce au paramètre as (voir le paramètre as)
  • un comparateur
    == égal
    <= inférieur ou égal à
    => supérieur ou égal à
    < inférieur à
    >supérieur à
    != différent de
  • un valeur de comparaison


<!-- Product description will be displayed only if product brand is equal to "Apple" -->
<name>{{product.description if="product.brand==Apple"}}</name>            

{{objet.attribut output="fonctions"}}

Le paramètre output vous permet de définir le format de sortie de l'attribut.
Vous pouvez utiliser les fonctions de base (voir les fonctions de base), les fonctions avancées (voir les fonctions avancées) ou n'importe quelle fonction PHP.

Vous devez toujours utiliser la variable $self comme paramètre des fonctions.

Exemple :

<!-- Get the product name with the first letter of each word in uppercase -->
<name>{{ output="ucwords($self)"}}</name>

Si plusieurs fonctions sont utilisées dans le paramètre, celle-ci doivent être imbriquées comme vous le feriez en PHP.

Exemple :

<!-- Remove all html tags from the description and limit the description to the first 100 characters -->
<name>{{product.description output="substr(strip_tags($self),0,100)"}}</name>

Vous pouvez également utiliser la valeur null pour ne rien afficher ou une chaine de caractères pour remplacer la valeur à afficher.

Exemple :

<!-- If product price is lower than $10 then display "Free Shipping"-->
<shipping_cost>{{product.price if="product.price<10" output="'Free Shipping'"}}</shipping_cost>

{{objet.attribut php="fonctions"}}

The php parameter acts exactly as the output parameter.

The php parameter is not supported anymore from Simple Google Shopping v11.0.0 and Data Feed Manager v8.0.0.


Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quelle fonctions php ainsi que les fonctions ci-dessous qui ont été créées spécialement pour Simple Google Shopping avec n'importe quel attribut défini par défaut dans votre back-office Magento 2 mais également avec tous les attributs que vous avez créés pour vos produits comme name, description, short_description, weight, size, color… Cela dit, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de fonction avec les attributs qui génèrent du XML.

La syntaxe à utiliser pour inclure des fonctions php dans vos variables est :

{{objet.attribut output=”fonction(parametres)”}}

Vous pouvez également appliquer une ou plusieurs fonctions à chaque attribut en utilisant cette syntaxe :

{{objet.attribut output=”fonction1(fonction2(fonction3($self,parametres)))”}}

Toutes les options sont exécutées dans l'ordre suivant :

<title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper($self)"}}</title>
<title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper(wyomind_substr($self,20,'...'))"}}</title>

Ce qui produira :

<title>Affirm Water Bottle</title>
<title>AFFIRM WATER BOTTLE</title>
<title>AFFIRM WATER...</title>


Convertit une valeur numérique en valeur décimale.

Vous devez définir certains paramètres :

  • décimales : le nombre de chiffres après la virgule. Par défaut : 0

Par exemple :

<g:shipping_weight> {{product.weight output="float($self,2)"}}kg </g:shipping_weight>


Supprime tous les caractères qui n'appartiennent pas au jeu de caractères UTF-8.

Par exemple :

<g:title>{{ output="cleaner($self)"}}</g:title>


Supprime toutes les fins de ligne de la valeur.

Par exemple :

<description> {{product.description output="inline($self)"}} </description>


Les fonctions améliorées s'utilisent de la même manière que les fonctions basiques php mais offrent plus de possibilités. Ces fonctions sont en réalité une réécriture des fonctions php natives mais ont été améliorées pour une utilisation spécifique de l'extension Simple Google Shopping.


Transforme la valeur en lettres capitales.

Par exemple :

<g:title>{{ output="wyomind_strtoupper($self)"}}</g:title>


Transforme la valeur en lettres minuscules.

Par exemple :

<tag>{{ output="wyomind_strtolower($self)"}}</tag>


Regroupe tous les éléments d'un tableau en chaîne de caractères.

Vous devez définir certains paramètres :

  • séparateur : chaîne de caractères à utiliser entre chaque élément du tableau. Par défaut : ,

Cette fonction peut être utile pour les attributs à sélections multiples comme climate, activity general...

Par exemple :

<activity> {{product.activity_general output="wyomind_implode('-',$self)"}} </activity>

Donnera : Outdoor-Running-Warmup-Lounge-Gym


Convertit toutes les entités HTML en caractères applicables.

Par exemple :

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_html_entity_decode($self)"}} </description>


Supprime tous les tags HTML.

Par exemple :

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_strip_tags($self)"}} </description>


Convertit tous les caractères applicables en entités HTML.

Par exemple :

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_htmlentities($self)"}} </description>


Réduit la taille de la valeur.

Vous devez définir certains paramètres :

  • taille_max : taille maximale de la valeur
  • chaîne_fin : la chaîne de caractères à ajouter à la valeur tronquée. Par défaut : ...

Par exemple :

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_substr($self,50,'...')"}} </description>

S'il y a des balises HTML dans vos descriptions, vous devrez peut-être utiliser une autre fonction complémentaire :

<description> {{product.description output="wyomind_strip_tags(wyomind_substr($self,50,'...'))"}} </description>

Utilisez l'API PHP

Simple Google Shopping permet d'utiliser les scripts PHP de différentes façons afin de pouvoir personnaliser et contrôler entièrement la sortie du flux de données. 

  • Scripts PHP en ligne 
    Les scripts ajoutés directement dans le modèle de flux de données, délimités par des balises PHP (<?php ... ?>)
    Uniquement pour Data Feed Manager.

Codage API standard

Le codage API PHP utilise exactement la même syntaxe et standards que le codage PHP.

Appels d'attributs

Pour des raisons d'efficacité, Simple Google Shopping charge uniquement dans la collection de produits, les attributs requis pour le modèle de flux de données. 
Cela signifie que seulement les appels attributs utilisant le modèle placeholders, {{scope.attribute_code}}, seront ajoutés à la collection de produits.

Par conséquence, lorsque vous essayez d'accéder à la valeur d'un attribut depuis l'objet $product, vérifiez au préalable que l'attribut soit ajouté à la collection de produits.
Dans la plupart des cas, lorsque la valeur de retour est nulle pour un attribut donné, c'est que l'attribut en question n'a pas été chargé dans la collection de produits. 

La façon la plus simple de vérifier que tous les attributs requis sont chargés dans la collection, est d'ajouter au début de votre modèle un script simple permettant de faire une liste de ces attributs.

/* list of required attributes
* {{product.attribute_1}} {{product.attribute_2}} {{product.attribute_3}} {{product.attribute_4}}...

Vous pourrez alors obtenir la valeur de ces attributs dans votre script php :

return $product->getAttribute1();
return $product->getAttribute2()
return $product->getAttribute3();

Fonctions PHP dans les appels d'attributs

Vous pouvez appliquer la fonction PHP de votre choix à l'appel d'attribut, même si la fonction exige un ou plusieurs arguments :

{{ output="str_replace('Apple','Banana',$self)}}

Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs fonctions consécutives :

{{product.ean output="str_pad(str_replace('X','0',$self),10,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT)}}

Valeurs conditionnelles

Pour contrôler l'affichage de vos valeurs suivant des conditions spécifiques, vous pouvez utiliser les instructions conditionnelles dans votre code PHP :

  • if/else
    /* attribute {{product.sku}} required */ 
    if ($product->getSku()=="abc")
    return "Alphabetic";
    return "Numeric";
    else{return "Mixed";
  • switch/case
    /* attribute {{product.sku}} required 
    case "abc":
    return "Alphabetic";
    case "123":
    return "Numeric";
    return "Mixed";}

Balises d'ouverture et de fermeture

Lorsque vous utilisez l'API PHP directement dans votre modèle de flux de données, utilisez les balises PHP d'ouverture et fermeture (<?php ... ?>) permettant de délimiter le code à interpréter.

if($product->getData('size')=="X-Large") {return "XL";

Valeur de sortie

Toute valeur à sortir de votre flux de données doit être retournée avec une instruction de retour.

return "Don't miss! ".$product->getTitle(); 
/* This script adds for each product in data feed  a new ouput line
*  Don't miss! Iphone 5
*  Don't miss! Galaxy note 7
*  ...

Portée des variables

Toutes les variables disponibles en script PHP ont une portée locale, ce qui veut dire qu'elles ne peuvent pas être partagées entre plusieurs scripts.

Si vous souhaitez partager une variable entre différents scripts à travers le processus de génération de flux de données, la variable doit alors être considérée comme globale.

<?php global $increment;$increment++;return $increment;
/* This script will output a incremental $variable* 1* 2* 3* ...*

Objets API, Variables et Méthodes

Objet $product

L'objet $product est une instance de la classe Mage_Catalog_Model_Product, contenant toutes les méthodes par défaut et celles spécifiques à Simple Google Shopping.

La liste ci-dessous reprend les principales méthodes à utiliser:

  • $product->getCategoriesArray()
    Permet de renvoyer un tableau de plusieurs tableaux décrivant les catégories auxquelles appartient le produit
  • $product->getCategoryIds()
    Permet de lister tous les ids des catégories du produit 
  • $product->getVisibility()
    Permet de  renvoyer  la visibilité du produit (1 = non visible individuellement, 2 = catalogue, 3 = recherche, 4 = catalogue et recherche)
  • $product->getStatus()
    Permet de renvoyer le statut du produit  (1 = activés, 2 = désactivés)
  • $product->getData($attributeCode)
    Permet de renvoyer la valeur du code de l'attribut 
  • $product->getAttributeText($attributeCode)
    Permet de renvoyer la valeur textuelle du  code de l'attribut 

Objet $this

L'objet $this est une instance de la classe Wyomind_simplegoogleshopping_Model_Feed, contenant plusieurs méthodes très utiles :

  • $this->hasParent($product, $type="parent")
    Permet de renvoyer la valeur booléenne d'un produit que son parent soit de type (parent, configurable, bundle) ou non 
  • $this->getParent($product, $type="parent", $strict=false)
    Permet de renvoyer l'objet d'un produit de type parent si il est disponible (parent, configurable, bundle) ou l'objet d'un produit modifié comme premier paramètre lorsque le $strict est défini comme faux 
  • $this->skip()
    Permet d'ignorer le produit actuel (utile pour éliminer certains produits suivant des conditions spécifiques) 

Gérez vos flux de données Google Shopping dans votre compte Google Merchant

Chaque site est différent, c''est pourquoi vous devez prêter une attention particulière à comment est configuré votre flux de données pour être sûr qu'il correspondent à vos propres besoins. Nous vous invitons hautement à lire notre guide utilisateur pour savoir comment utiliser Simple Google Shopping avant de soumettre vos données à Google.

Attention, une mauvaise configuration de votre flux de données peut provoquer la suspension de votre compte Marchant.

Créez un flux de données dans Google Merchant

Pour créer un flux de données, cliquez sur l'icone PLUS dans votre compte Google Merchant Center, depuis :
Products Feeds

Remplissez les informations de base

Commencez par remplir les informations de base :

  • Type
    Le type de flux "Products" pour soumettre les informations de vos produits Google Shopping.
  • Country of Sale
    Choisissez le pays où les produits qui sont compris dans votre flux de données sont vendus et envoyés. Notez que ces articles doivent répondre aux conditions du pays, y compris la politique et les spécifications du flux.
  • Language
    Il s'agit de la langue du contenu de votre flux de données. Chaque pays a accepté des langues de contenu.
  • Destinations
    Sélectionnez quels produits Google peuvent afficher les articles de votre flux de données. 
    Shopping ads

Une fois terminé, cliquez sur Continue .

Définissez le nom et la méthode d'envoi

Vous pouvez continuer avec le nom et la méthode d'envoi de votre flux de données.

  • Primary feed name 
    Il s'agit du nom du flux de données tel qu'il apparaîtra dans votre compte Merchant.
    Notez que le nom du flux doit correspondre au nom du fichier que vous soumettez.

Désormais, choisissez comment connecter vos données à Merchant Center. Vous avez plusieurs options :

  • Google sheets
    Si vous mettez à jour vos données produits via une feuille Google Sheet.
    Notez que les changements seront automatiquement appliqués à votre compte.

  • Scheduled Fetch
    Si vous hébergez un fichier sur votre site web qui contient vos données et automatisez une heure pour que Google récupère les mises à jour.
    Notez que les mises à jour sont appliquées sur votre compte seulement lorsque les récupérations ont lieu.

  • Upload
    Si vous préférez garder un fichier sur votre ordinateur qui contient les données et l'uploader régulièrement sur votre compte via SFTP, FTP, Google Cloud Storage, ou manuellement.
  • Content API
    Si vous utilisez l'API Content pour Shopping afin d'uploader automatiquement les produits.

Cliquez sur Continue .

Avec l'extension Simple Google Shopping, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser l'option Scheduled Fetch ou la méthode Upload.

Programmez la récupération

Si vous avez sélectionné Scheduled Fetch pour connecter vos données à Merchant Center, remplissez les informations suivantes :

  • File name
    Il s'agit du nom de fichier exact que vous pouvez trouver dans la colonne File name depuis :
    Simple Google Shopping
  • Fetch Frequency
    Choisissez de mettre à jour vos données chaque jour, semaine ou mois.

Notez que la fréquence de récupération doit être synchronisée avec vos mises à jour catalogue. Une mise à jour quotidienne demande une gestion de votre flux de données tous les jours.

  • Fetch Weekday/Date
    Choisissez le jour de la semaine/mois quand mettre à jour votre flux de données.
  • Fetch Time
    Choisissez l'heure quand Google doit récupérer votre flux de données.
  • Time zone
    Sélectionnez votre fuseau horaire. 
  • File URL
    Ajoutez l'URL qui apparaît dans la colonne File link lorsque le flux de données est généré depuis :

    Catalog Simple Google Shopping
  • Login and Password
    Ajoutez votre login et mot de passe dans le cas où le flux de données est protégé par une authentication http.

Cliquez sur Continue .

Attention à synchronisez l'heure de récupération avec l'heure de génération du flux de données. Par exemple, lorsque le flux de données est généré à 1h00, Google devrait récupérer le flux de données à 2h00.

Paramétrez l'upload

Si vous avez sélectionné la méthode Upload, remplissez :

  • File name
    Il s'agit du nom exact du fichier que vous pouvez trouver dans la colonne File name depuis :
    Simple Google Shopping
  • Upload a file now
    Vous pouvez désormais télécharger ou glisser votre fichier.

Cliquez sur Continue .

Récupérez les données

Le flux de données devrait être affiché dans la liste depuis :

Ouvrez le nouveau flux de données et cliquez sur Fetch Now .

Réglez les erreurs et les avertissements du flux de données

Une fois le flux de données récupéré, un rapport est généré comprenant des erreurs et des avertissements qui doivent être corrigés.

Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu du statut de vos produits depuis l'onglet Diagnostics. Vérifiez combien de produits sont : 

  • Active
  • Expiring
  • Pending
  • Disapproved


Ci-dessous, vous trouverez plusieurs exemples d'erreurs dans Google Merchant Center. 

Notez que les erreurs apparaîtront avec un signe rouge.

Invalid URL

Pour commencer, toutes les erreurs relatives à l'URL sont dues au fait que vous n'ayez pas mentionné l'URL de votre site dans votre compte :
Google Merchant Center 
 Business Information About Your Business Website

Missing shipping information

Cette erreur concerne les frais d'envoi. Si vous obtenez cette erreur, c'est que vous n'avez pas configuré de règle d'envoi dans votre compte Google Merchant Center.

Pour cela, rendez-vous dans :
Shipping   Services

Ici vous pouvez ajouter une nouvelle règle simplement en cliquant sur .

Renseignez ensuite les différents champs et cliquez sur Save .

Insufficient product identifiers: Missing brand attribute

Cette erreur apparaît lorsque les produits n'ont pas de marque. Par exemple, les articles de prêt à porter requièrent une marque.

Vous pouvez dans un premier temps vérifier que vous utilisez le bon attribut dans votre template. Par exemple, vous pourriez utiliser :


au lieu de :



Sinon, vous pouvez ajouter un attribut depuis votre backoffice Magento et définir une marque pour chacun de vos produits dans :
Magento Manage products


Dans le cas où tous vos produits ont la même marque, vous pouvez aussi définir dans la configuration de votre flux de données que tous vos produits auront la valeur XXX en écrivant :



Dans le cas où vos produits n'ont pas assez d'identifiants, vous pouvez définir qu'il n'y a pas d'identifiant en remplaçant :


 par :


Missing required attribute: age group

Ici, l'erreur est due au groupe d'âge. Si vous ne vendez vos produits qu'à un seul groupe (par exemple : adultes), vous pourriez très bien modifier votre template et écrire:



Dans le cas ou vous vendez des produits pour tous âges confondus, il vous faudra ajouter un attribut dans votre backoffice Magento (par exemple age_groupet renseignez le groupe d'âge pour chaque produit dans votre admin Magento :
MagentoManage products

 et ainsi garder dans votre template de flux de données :


Missing required attribute: color

Concernant cette erreur, cela signifie qu'il n'y a pas de couleur trouvée pour un produit.

Dans un premier temps, vérifiez que vous utilisez le bon attribut dans votre template de flux de données. Par exemple :


à la place de :



Aussi, vous n'avez peut être pas défini une valeur pour la couleur pour ce produit dans votre admin Magento :
MagentoManage products

Currency is not supported in the given country in attribute: price

Lorsque la monnaie n'est pas supportée dans le pays, cela veut dire que la monnaie définie dans le template du flux de données n'est pas la même que celle définie pour les produits.

Par exemple, la monnaie est définie en EUR alors que les prix des produits sont en USD. Il faut donc retourner dans le template du flux de données et changer tous les EUR en USD.

Missing required attribute: size

Lorsque l'attribut Taille est manquant, vous pouvez dans un premier temps vérifier que vos produits ont un attribut pour la taille.

Par exemple, pour la catégorie Chaussures, l'attribut pour la taille peut différer. Jetez un œil dans la blackbox, depuis la configuration de votre flux de données, pour voir s'il existe un attribut qui récupère la taille des chaussures en cliquant sur Attributes Library .

L'attribut Taille pour les chaussures existe bien sous le nom de shoe_size. Vous pouvez alors l'ajouter à votre template comme c-dessous : 



Avec Google Merchant Center, vous pouvez aussi avoir un aperçu des avertissements. Les avertissements ne sont pas pénalisants, vos produits sont tout de même acceptés par Google mais il est préférable de ne pas en avoir.

Notez que les avertissements seront affichés avec un signe orange.

Cet avertissement signifie que certains produits n'ont pas de liens d'image.

Vous pouvez vérifier les produits produits concernés. Il pourrait s'agir de variantes d'un produit configurable.

Dans ce cas, la solution est donc de modifier le flux de données afin d'obtenir les liens des images des produits parents et de remplacer :


 par :

{{parent.image_link | product.image_link}}

Lorsqu'il manque une description pour un produit ou que celle-ci n'est pas prise en compte, vous pouvez éditer votre produit dans votre admin Magento :
MagentoManage products 

Lorsque la catégorie Google du produit est manquante, cela signifie que vous n'avez pas mappés vos catégories avec les catégories Google.

Pour cela, allez dans l'onglet Categories de votre flux de données :
 Catalog  Simple Google Shopping

Exportez en toute simplicité vos produits sur Google Shopping grâce à l'extension Simple Google Shopping pour Magento® 2 !

Créez rapidement un flux de données XML comprenant tous les produits de votre catalogue grâce à Simple Google Shopping. 

  • Mise à jour à vie
    Support prioritaire de 6 mois
    30 jours satisfait ou remboursé
    Code source extensible
    Domaines de test illimités
    Accès composer gratuit
    Approuvé par la Marketplace
Want to know more?

Exportez votre catalogue de produits Magento® 2 sur Google Shopping avec efficacité

Types de produits
Ajoutez tous les types de produits à vos flux de données : simple, configurable, downloadable...

Créez des flux avec différentes monnaies et taux de TVA pour chacun de vos magasins Magento®.

Créez des flux de données conformes aux spécifications de Google

Commencez à configurer votre flux très rapidement en utilisant le modèle XML d'exemple inclus avec l'extension.

Retrouvez n'importe quel attribut dans la bibliothèque d'attributs.

Réglez les erreurs de votre flux grâce aux rapports d'erreurs et d'avertissements.

Prévisualisez votre flux de données et utilisez la console syntaxique pour éviter les erreurs typographiques.

Personnalisez totalement vos flux de données selon votre catalogue de produits

Template XML
Configurez votre flux en ajoutant n'importe quel attribut Magento® 2 à votre modèle XML.

Ajoutez des scripts PHP à votre template XML.

Filtre catégorie
Filtrez vos produits selon la catégorie du produit simple et/ou du produit parent.

Créez des filtres selon les jeux d'attributs, le type de produits ou leur visibilité.

Filtres avancés
Définissez des filtres plus personnalisés grâce aux filtres avancés.

Utilisez OR et AND dans vos filtres avancés.

Envoyez automatiquement et régulièrement votre flux de données à Google

Tâches cron
Utilisez les tâches planifiées afin de générer régulièrement vos flux de données.

Détails de génération
Vérifiez la génération de votre flux : nombre d'articles, temps et ressource

Statut de génération
Soyez sûr que votre flux est correctement généré grâce au statut de génération.

Retrouvez facilement les catégories Google correspondantes

Mappage des catégories
Mappez facilement et rapidement chacune de vos catégories aux catégories Google.

Recherche rapide
Rendez le mappage des catégories plus simple grâce  à l'option Search As You Type.

Cette extension peut être utilisée avec : Data Feed Manager

Data Feed Manager
Exportez vos produits dans des flux de données CSV, TXT, et XML vers toutes les places de marché !

Affichez vos produits sur n'importe quelle place de marché et tirez le meilleur de vos flux de données grâce à Data Feed Manager pour Magento® 2.

Êtes-vous intéressé par Data Feed Manager ?

Freqently Asked Questions
Informations Pré-vente

Cette extension fonctionne avec Magento Community Edition et Magento Enterprise Edition. Vous pouvez vérifier dans l'onglet Compatibility si Simple Google Shopping est compatible avec votre version de Magento.

Pour obtenir des informations relatives à nos produits et services, vous pouvez envoyer une demande d'information :

Sachez qu'il ne s'agit ici en aucun cas d'une assistance technique (celle-ci étant réservée à nos clients uniquement).

Magento propose désormais trois variantes de son produit.

Leurs noms ayant changé au cours des dernières années, voici un récapitulatif :

  • Magento Open Source : anciennement Magento Community Edition (CE), est une plate-forme de commerce électronique gratuite.
  • Magento Commerce : anciennement Magento Enterprise (EE), est la version payante de Magento et propose des services de support.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud : est la version payante de Magento et propose des services de support et d'hébergement.

Dans l'onglet Changelog présent dans chacune de nos pages produits, vous trouverez toutes les informations relatives aux nouvelles versions mises à jour. 

Data Feed Manager inclut toutes les fonctionnalités de Simple Google Shopping mais vous permet également de créer des fichiers de produits de divers types (csv, txt, xml) et avec des options spécifiques comme les entêtes spéciales pour n'importe quel moteur de recherche de produits comme Bing Shopping,, Shopzilla ou Amazon par exemple.

Tous les pays sont supportés (taxes et monnaies) par Simple Google Shopping.

Il vous suffit simplement d'adapter le flux aux exigences du pays concerné et d'utiliser les unités monétaires adéquates lors de l'utilisation des attributs de prix.

Toutes les monnaies peuvent être gérées dans vos flux de données.

Vous pouvez définir une monnaie différente pour chaque flux de données en utilisant les codes monnaies.

Ceci convertira automatiquement les prix dans la monnaie indiquée.

L'encodage des caractères du flux de données généré est l'UTF-8 pour Simple Google Shopping. Il permet d'utiliser des caractères spéciaux comme les caractères accentués ou encore les caractères arabes ou chinois.

Si vous utilisez Data Feed Manager, l'encodage par défaut est l'UTF-8 tant que vous ne précisez pas d'autre encodage dans les entêtes du fichier de produits.

Simple Google Shopping a été testé sur des boutiques {{platform}} comprenant plus de 70 000 produits.

Le temps de génération et la quantité de produits que vous pouvez exporter dans un même fichier de produits dépend des capacités de votre serveur. Cependant, un fichier contenant 10 000 produits ne devrait pas prendre plus de 2 minutes sur un serveur standard.

Les flux de données ne sont pas automatiquement envoyés à Google Shopping. Google Shopping récupère périodiquement votre flux de données. Voici comment procéder :
  1. Créez un compte Google Merchant.
  2. Envoyez le fichier de produit manuellement une première fois.
  3. Une fois que votre fichier à été validé, créez une tâche automatique dans votre compte Google Merchant afin qu'il récupère automatiquement le fichier depuis votre site web. La périodicité de récupération est configurable directement dans Google Merchant.
  4. Depuis {{platform}}, pensez à configurer la génération du flux de données dans l'onglet Scheduled Tasks.

Notez que la validation de votre fichier peut prendre plusieurs jours pour la première soumission, du fait qu'elle est faite manuellement par les équipes Google.

Les extensions Simple Google Shopping et Data Feed Manager pour {{platform}} sont entièrement compatibles avec les dernières recommandations de Google Merchant.

Nous travaillons également jour après jour sur de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour vous offrir le meilleur de nos extensions.

Simple Google Shopping pour Magento 2 n'utilise pas l'API Google Content puisque l'extension génère des flux de données.

Licence et domaines

Votre licence est valide pour une durée illimitée sur une seule instance.

  • Si vous utilisez plusieurs instances, il vous faudra acheter une licence supplémentaire pour chacune d'entre elles.
  • Si vous gérez plusieurs sites sur la même instance, vous n’aurez besoin que d’une seule licence pour l’ensemble de vos domaines.
Bien que la période de validité de votre licence soit illimitée, celle de votre période de Support & Upgrade est quant à elle limitée à 12 mois (durée offerte à l’achat de votre licence). Passé ce délai, il vous faudra en acheter une nouvelle (voir FAQ: Prolonger sa période de Support)

Vous avez la possibilité de pré-enregistrer votre domaine de production à votre licence.

Grâce à cette option vous pourrez installer et activer votre domaine afin qu'il soit prêt à l'emploi avant son lancement en ligne.

Pour pré-enregistrer votre domaine :

  1. Allez dans :
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Cliquez sur l'icone Settings à côté de l'extension pour laquelle vous souhaitez pré-enregistrer votre domaine.
  3. En bas de la page, sous votre liste de domaine se trouve un lien. Cliquez sur :
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Entrez votre nom de domaine puis cliquez sur PRE-REGISTER NOW  pour finaliser votre pré-enregistrement.

Attention, cela ne veut pas dire que votre licence est activée. Il vous faudra l'activer depuis votre nouveau domaine une fois le module installé. 

Votre licence est valide pour une durée illimitée sur une seule interface. Il est possible, cependant, d'étendre ou de transférer votre licence dans deux cas : 

  • Si vous désirez ajouter vos environnements de test à votre licence.
    Dans ce cas, vous pouvez étendre votre licence gratuitement, et ce, pour un nombre illimité de domaines (dev, staging, local..).
    Ex: ou
  • Si vous souhaitez transférer votre licence sur un autre domain de production.
    Dans ce cas, la période de Support & Upgrade pour la licence doit être active.

Pour pouvoir utiliser Simple Google Shopping à la fois sur votre environnement de production et de test, suivez les étapes ci-dessous:

  1. Téléchargez Simple Google Shopping depuis votre compte Wyomind.
    (voir FAQ: Téléchargement des modules)
  2. Installez Simple Google Shopping sur votre environnement.
    (voir FAQ: Installation des modules sur Magento ou sur WooCommerce)
  3. Activez la licence.
    (voir FAQ : Activation des licences en ligne de commande sur Magento ou sur WooCommerce)

Dans le cas où vous avez de nombreux domaines de staging ou si vous êtes une agence avec de nombreux domaines de pre-prod pour vos clients, contactez-nous afin de whitelister automatiquement tous vos domaines
Versionnage des extensions et téléchargement

    Pour télécharger Simple Google Shopping, connectez-vous à votre compte Wyomind :

      1. Allez dans :
        mon compte Licenses & downloads  
      2. Cliquez sur l'onglet paramètre en face de Simple Google Shopping.

        Une nouvelle fenêtre s'ouvre

      3. Cliquez sur le bouton de téléchargement.

    Seule la dernière version de l'extensiont publiée durant votre période de Support & Upgrade est disponible en téléchargement. Pour accéder à la toute dernière version de l'extension assurez vous de disposer d'une période de Support & Upgrade à jour

    En achetant un module depuis, vous bénéficiez de 12 mois de mise à jour. Durant cette période vous pouvez à tout moment télécharger la dernière version du module directement depuis votre compte. 

    Pour mettre à jour Simple Google Shopping, suivez les étapes suivantes :

    1. Allez dans :
      mon comptemes téléchargements
    2. Cliquez sur l'icône paramètres en face de Simple Google Shopping.
    3. Cliquez sur l'icône de téléchargement.
    4. Installez la nouvelle version de Simple Google Shopping sur votre admin Magento ou WooCommerce.

    Installation/Désinstallation des extensions

    Vous pouvez installer Simple Google Shopping manuellement.

    1. Téléchargez Simple Google Shopping (fichier compressé) dans :
      mon compteLicenses & Downloads
      Consultez la FAQ : Téléchargement des extensions
    2. Ouvrez le dossier téléchargé et décompressez-le.
    3. Copiez le contenu du dossier et collez-le dans le répertoire racine de votre site Magento 2.
    4. Dans votre «Command Line Interface», exécutez :
      bin/magento setup:upgrade
      Si vous utilisez un mode production, exécutez également : 
      bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy 
      bin/magento setup:di:compile 

    Vous pouvez installer Simple Google Shopping via Composer dans deux cas seulement :

    • Si vous avez acheté Simple Google Shopping sur la place de marché de Magento ET que vous avez effectué une demande d’accès à notre dépôt d’extensions à notre support [email protected]
    • Si vous avez acheté Simple Google Shopping sur 
    1. Ajoutez le dépôt à votre configuration composer :
      composer config repositories.wyomind composer

    2. Exécutez la commande Composer : 
      composer require wyomind/simplegoogleshopping
    3. Puis allez dans votre «Command Line Interface» et exécutez : 
      bin/magento setup:upgrade​
    4. Si vous utilisez un mode production, exécutez également : 
      bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ​
      bin/magento setup:di:compile

    Pour désinstaller Simple Google Shopping, commencez par désactiver l'extension en exécutant la commande suivante :

    bin/magento module:disable Wyomind_SimpleGoogleShopping

    Puis, vous avez deux moyens de désactiver l'extension, selon la méthode avec laquelle l'extension a été installée précédemment : 

    • Installation manuelle

      Exécutez le fichier (vous pouvez le trouver dans le dossier zip de l'extension) depuis votre répertoire racine Magento :



    • Installation via Composer

      Exécutez la ligne de commande suivante :

      composer remove wyomind/simplegoogleshopping

    Lorsque la désinstallation est terminée, pensez à nettoyer le cache et réactiver le compiler (si vous l'utilisez).

    Si vous avez acheté Simple Google Shopping depuis la place de marché Magento, vous pouvez l’installer via Web Setup Wizard. 

    Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour vous renseignez sur comment procéder à l’installation :

    Votre extension installée, il ne vous reste plus qu’à activer votre licence :
    Activation des extensions

    Activation des extensions

    Une fois que Simple Google Shopping est installé, vous devez activer la licence. Pour les anciennes versions, vous pouvez activer votre licence depuis le back-office :

      1. Allez dans votre admin Magento. Un message apparaît en haut de la page.
        Si vous ne voyez rien apparaître, vérifiez les éléments suivants : 
           1. Les modules Adminhtml_Notifications et Wyomind_Core ne sont pas désactivés.
           2. La sortie HTML des modules Adminhtml_Notifications et Wyomind_Core ne sont pas désactivées dans :
        storesconfigurationadvanced advanced
           3. Assurez-vous que le fichier app/etc/env.php contient bien une clef d'encryptage :
         return array(
         'backend' => array(
         'frontName' => 'admin'
         'crypt' => array(
         'key' => '1e8f3c6772b7a6a6689c3c8cefa4ccf0'
         /* ... */
      1. Copiez votre clé d'activation.

        Vous pouvez trouver votre clé d'activation à 2 endroits :
        Dans l'email de confirmation que vous avez reçu suite à l'achat de Simple Google Shopping.
        -  Dans votre compte Wyomind :My account Licenses & downloads
        Choisissez Simple Google Shopping et cliquez sur  .

        Une nouvelle page s'ouvre où sera affichée votre clé d'activation (voir ci-dessous).

      2. Collez votre clé d'activation dans le champ Activation key dans :
        StoresConfiguration Wyomind  Your extension 

        Choisissez une méthode d'activation entre Automatic (Yes) et Manual (No) :
        -  Si vous choisissez Yes : vous serez connecté automatiquement au serveur de licence de Wyomind.
        Si vous choisissez No : vous devez vous connecter avec votre navigateur au serveur de licence de Wyomind.

      3. Sauvegardez les données en cliquant sur Save Config .
      4. Une notification apparaît en haut de votre admin. Cliquez sur ce lien : 
        Activate it now!

      5. Copiez et collez le code de la licence dans le champ License code de votre admin ou cliquez simplement sur Activate now! 

      6. Pour finir, déconnectez-vous, nettoyez les caches et reconnectez-vous pour pouvoir utiliser Simple Google Shopping.

    Pour les extensions comprenant plusieurs modules, répéter les étapes ci-dessus pour chaque module en utilisant les clés d'activation adaptées (chaque module a sa propre clé d'activation).

    Ajoutez un autre domaine à votre licence

    Pour activer votre licence sur un autre environnement (test, staging...) :

    1. Une fois l'extension installée sur ce nouveau domaine, collez votre clé d'activation dans le champ Activation key dans :
      Stores Configuration   Wyomind Your extension
    2. Sauvegardez la configuration. Une notification devrait apparaître. Cliquez sur Add this domain to my license.
    3. Une demande de transfert sera envoyée directement à notre équipe (sous un délai d'une heure environ).
      Dès lors, que la demande de transfert est prise en charge par notre équipe, vous recevrez un mail de confirmation.
      Si votre demande est acceptée, vous pourrez aussitôt utiliser Simple Google Shopping sur vos deux domaines.

    L'ordre d'activation de votre licence n'a aucune importance. Vous pouvez choisir d'activer d'abord votre licence sur votre environnement de production puis par la suite sur votre environnement de test, ou inversement. 

    Dans le cas où vous avez de nombreux domaines de staging ou si vous êtes une agence avec de nombreux domaines de pre-prod pour vos clients, contactez-nous afin de whitelister automatiquement tous vos domaines

    Une fois que Simple Google Shopping est installé, vous devez activer la licence.

    Pour cela, vous pouvez utiliser la ligne de commande suivante :

    bin/magento wyomind:license:activate Wyomind_SimpleGoogleShopping <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY>

    Afin de récupérer la liste des modules disponibles ainsi que le statut des licences, utilisez :

    bin/magento wyomind:license:status

     Parmi les différents statuts : 

    • registered = la licence a été enregistrée
    • pending = vous devez exécuter la ligne de commande pour l'activation de la licence
    • invalidated = la licence n'a pas été validée pour cause de mauvaise clé d'activation ou de violation de licence


    Pour activer plusieurs licences à la fois, utilisez :

    bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
    Wyomind_Extension1,Wyomind_Extension2 \

    ou :

    bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
    Extension1,Extension2 \
    Accès à vos Magento et comptes Google

    Dans le cas où vous avez acheté un service d'installation, notre équipe a besoin des informations suivantes afin de procéder à l'installation de l'extension : 

    • un accès FTP valide (serveur, identifiant et mot de passe)
    • un accès à votre admin panel (url, identifiant et mot de passe)
    • un accès SSH

    Vous pouvez créer un ticket avec les informations suivantes depuis votre compte Wyomind dans Support, ou nous contacter via notre formulaire.

    Afin que notre équipe puisse procéder à la configuration de votre flux de données, nous avons besoin que vous partagiez les accès à votre compte Google Merchant avec nous. 

    En tant que partenaires Google, nous offrons de nombreuses possibilités pour gérer vos produits sur Google. Pour connaître toutes les informations sur notre offre de configuration de flux de données, n'hésitez pas à jeter un œil à nos services Google Shopping.  

    Pour partager les accès à votre compte, allez dans votre compte Google Merchant.

    1. Cliquez sur Users depuis vos paramètres en haut de votre compte. 
    2. Cliquez sur l'icône + afin d'ajouter un utilisateur et remplissez le champ avec notre adresse email (contactez-nous afin de savoir quelle adresse email utiliser). 
    3. Vous pouvez choisir Standard comme droits d'utilisateurs.  

    Notez que vous devez aussi partager les accès à votre compte Google Ads afin que nous puissions configurer votre flux de données. Jetez un œil à notre faq pour savoir comment partager l'accès à votre compte Google Ads avec nous

    Afin que notre équipe puisse procéder à la configuration de votre flux de données, nous avons besoin que vous partagiez les accès à votre compte Google Ads avec nous. 

    En tant que partenaires Google, nous offrons de nombreuses possibilités pour gérer vos produits sur Google. Pour connaître toutes les informations sur notre offre de configuration de flux de données, n'hésitez pas à jeter un œil à nos services Google Shopping.  

    Pour partager vos accès, allez dans votre compte Google Ads.

    1. Dans un premier temps, envoyez-nous l'ID de votre compte que vous trouverez en haut de votre compte à côté du nom de associé. Nous pourrons alors simplement vous envoyer une demande.  
    2. Lorsque c'est fait, vous devriez recevoir un email. Vous pouvez aussi aller dans la section Managers de votre compte Google Ads.
      Vous y trouverez une demande provenant de Wyomind dans les Link requests. Cliquez sur Accept depuis la colonne Actions.
    3. Une popup de confirmation est affichée, cliquez sur Grant Access.
    4. Une fois que vous avez donné les accès, vous devriez voir Wyomind parmi vos Managers.

    Notez que vous devez aussi partager l'accès à votre compte Google Merchant avec nous afin que nous puissions configurer votre flux de données. Jetez un œil à notre faq pour savoir comment partager l'accès à votre compte Google Merchant avec nous
    Configuration des extensions

    FSimple Google Shopping vous fournit un planificateur de tâches complet dans l'onglet Cron Schedule de la configuration de chacun de vos flux ou profils.

    Pour que cela fonctionne, vous devez avoir une tâche planifiée configurée du côté de votre serveur et ciblée sur la page cron.php située dans le répertoire pub à la racine de votre répertoire Magento 2 (idéalement chaque heure).

    Si le panneau de contrôle de votre fournisseur d'hébergement ne propose pas un tel service, vous pouvez utiliser un service d'automatisation tel que

    Simple Google Shopping vous permet également de recevoir par email les rapports d'exécution de votre flux de données ou profils.

    Vous avez deux façons de gérer les frais de port (FdP) et la TVA avec Google Merchant :

    1. Configurez les Frais de port et la TVA dans votre compte Google Merchant :
      Paramètres  Taxes et frais de livraison
    2. Ajoutez les informations de Frais de port et de TVA directement dans votre flux de données.

    Vous pouvez vous référer à la documentation technique de Google Merchant pour plus d’informations sur le sujet des Frais de port et la TVA :

    Configuration des taxes (US seulement)

    Veuillez noter que les taxes devraient seulement être utilisées chez les marchands qui envoient leurs flux aux US. Pour tous les autres pays, il est requis de fournir les prix taxe comprise.

    Soit vous pouvez configurer les taxes dans votre compte Google Merchant en choisissant parmi ces 3 options :

    • Optez pour ne pas définir de taxe.
    • Définissez un tableau de taxe basé sur la région vers laquelle l'article est envoyé.
    • Utilisez une estimation basée sur le code postal de destination. Note : Afin d'estimer la taxe, nous utilisons des données de Tax Data Systems basées sur le code postal de destination.

    Soit vous pouvez utiliser le groupe d’attribut tax.

    Chaque groupe d’attributs de tax est composé de 4 sous-attributs :

    • Country (optionnel), avec le ISO 3166 country code
    • region (optionnel), code de l'état (2 lettres), code postal ou une plage de code postaux en utilisant *
    • rate (requis), le taxe en pourcentage du prix de l'article.
    • tax ship (optionnel), valeur booléenne si vous définissez une taxe sur les frais de livraison (y ou n). n est la valeur par défaut.

    Voici un exemple de groupe d'attribut tax :


    Configuration des frais de port

    Soit vous pouvez configurer les frais de port dans votre compte Google Merchant en choisissant parmi ces 3 options :

    • Vous pouvez définir des frais de port fixes (ou une livraison gratuite).
    • Vous pouvez définir des tableaux de valeurs personnalisées si les frais de port varient en fonction du prix, du poids ou du nombre d'articles (Remarque : actuellement, si vous définissez un tableau de valeurs basées sur le nombre d'articles, seul le montant figurant sur la première ligne sera utilisé)
    • Vous pouvez appliquer des frais de port calculés par le transporteur si vous utilisez des tarifs fournis par UPS, FedEx ou USPS (aux États-Unis uniquement)

    Soit vous pouvez utiliser le groupe d’attribut shipping (livraison) dans votre flux de données. Cet attribut remplace les paramètres de livraison définis au niveau de votre compte Google Merchant.

    Chaque groupe d’attributs de livraison est composé de 4 sous-attributs :

    • country (facultatif), avec le code de pays ISO 3166
    • region (facultatif), principalement utile pour les États-Unis
    • service (facultatif), Niveau de service ou délai de livraison (exemple : Standard)
    • price (obligatoire), frais de port fixes suivis de l’unité de la monnaie

    Voici un exemple de groupe d’attribut shipping :

        <g:price>5.95 EUR</g:price>

    Les classifications des produits Google et Facebook sont des arborescences de catégories décrivant des familles de produits. Ces classifications listent toutes les valeurs possibles pour l'attribut Google product category et Facebook Product category.

    Sauvegardez le fichier de taxonomie :

    • Taxonomie Google : En bas, à droite de cette page, choisissez la langue que vous souhaitez utiliser pour votre taxonomie. Dans la partie Classification à télécharger, ouvrez le lien Plain Text qui contient tous les noms des catégories et sauvegardez ce fichier.

    • Taxonomie Facebook : Depuis cette page, choisissez la langue que vous souhaitez utiliser depuis la section Catégories de produits Facebook par langue. Puis, cliquez sur le lien Plain Text qui contient tous les noms des catégories pour télécharger le ficher.

    Collez le fichier dans :

    • Pour Simple Google Shopping : Magento 2 > app > code > Wyomind > Simple Google Shopping > data > Google > Taxonomies
    • Pour Facebook Product Feed : Magento 2 > app > code > Wyomind > Facebook Product Feed > data > Facebook > Taxonomies

    N'oubliez pas d'appliquer les droits 644 au fichier.

    Vous serez ensuite capable de choisir cette taxonomie depuis la configuration de votre flux de données.

    Vous pouvez utiliser l'opérande OR avec n'importe quel attribut comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous :

    {{objet.proprieteA | objet.proprieteB}}

    Si objet.proprieteA existe alors la valeur sera objet.proprieteA, autrement la valeur sera objet.proprieteB.

    Par exemple :

    {{product.url | parent.url}}

    Il n'y a pas d'autre opérande de ce genre.

    Sur Magento 2, les produits configurables sont des conteneurs pour les produits simples. Le prix varient alors en fonction des options sélectionnées par le client.

    Puisqu'il n'est malheureusement pas possible de savoir quel sera le choix du client, il est alors recommandé d'utiliser le prix minimum ou maximum dans votre flux de données. Vous pouvez utiliser l'un des attributs suivants :


    Notez qu'il n'est cependant pas recommandé d'envoyer les produits configurables à Google. Vous pouvez jeter un oeil à cette faq.

    Selon les spécifications de Google, vous ne devez pas envoyer les produits configurables mais seulement les produits simples. En effet, les produits configurables ne sont en fait que des coquilles vides.

    Dans le cas où vous exportez seulement les produits simples (variantes) dans votre flux de données, vous devez vérifier que :

    • vous utilisez l'objet Parent pour récupérer les informations du produit configurable si nécessaire.
      Par exemple :
      <g:link>{{product.url | parent.url}}</g:link>​

    • vos filtres ne sont pas trop restrictifs.
      Par exemple si vos variantes de produits ne sont pas visibles individuellement, cochez cette option dans les filtres de votre flux de données.

    • les catégories que vous avez sélectionnées dans la configuration de votre flux de données sont également assignées aux variantes.
      Par exemple, si seulement le produit parent a une catégorie assignée, vous pourrez alors inclure vos produits dans le flux de données selon les catégories des produits et des parents.

    Afin de soustraire la TVA de vos prix catalogue, dans votre modèle, vous pouvez remplacer :


    avec :

    {{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0}} 

    Remplacez USD avec votre propre monnaie.

    Si les prix de votre catalogue comprennent déjà la TVA, vous pouvez utiliser :

    {{product.price currency=USD}}

    Pour appliquer une TVA à vos produits, vous pouvez remplacer :


    par :

    {{product.price currency=CUR vat_rate=0.00}}

    Remplacez CUR par votre propre monnaie et 0.00 par une valeur de 0 à 100 représentant la valeur de la TVA.

    Par exemple :

    {{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=10}}

    Dans votre flux de données, vous obtenez alors que l'URL exacte est

    Vous pouvez modifier vos paramètres afin de récupérer l'URL que vous souhaitez, dans :
    Stores > Settings > Configuration > Wyomind > Simple Google Shopping

    Vous allez pouvoir choisir le chemin de l'URL à utiliser dans Use canonical URLs.

    Vous avez le choix entre 3 options :

    • Individual product URLs
    • Shortest category URLs
    • Longest category URLs

    Par exemple, si vous avez un "T-shirt" qui se trouve dans 2 catégories : "Nouveautés" et "Hauts". Selon ce que vous choisissez, vous obtiendrez des URLs différentes : 

    • Shortest category URL =
    • Longest category URL =

    L'URL du produit (individual product URL) n'inclut pas la catégorie et sous-catégorie.

    Erreurs fréquentes dans Google Merchant

    Après avoir téléchargé votre flux de données, il se peut que vous ayez des erreurs ou avertissements dans votre compte Google Merchant.

    1. Allez dans l'onglet Data Feeds et ouvrez votre flux de données en cliquant sur son nom.

    2. Vous pouvez désormais voir une liste des différentes erreurs et avertissements de votre flux. Cliquez sur le message que vous souhaitez afin d'avoir plus de détails sur le problème.

    3. Le message d'erreur ou d'avertissement se déroule afin de donner plus de détails sur le problème. Une liste non-exhaustive des produits concernés par ce problème est également affichée.

    4. Cliquez sur Show Item pour voir plus précisément quel est le problème pour cet article.

    Une fois que toutes les corrections ont étés apportées aux erreurs et avertissements, n'oubliez pas de regénérer votre flux de données depuis votre {{platform}} et de le retélécharger manuellement depuis votre compte Google Merchant.

    Vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations nécessaires pour corriger les erreurs et avertissements dans les FAQs suivantes.

    Le problème peut apparaître si vous n'avez pas mis à jour la configuration de prix dans le modèle de flux de données selon les paramètres de votre site {{platform}}.

    Par défaut le modèle Google Shopping est pré-configuré pour le marché américain, en monnaie USD et avec des prix hors taxes.

    {{product.price currency=USD vat_rate=0}}
    {{product.sale_price currency=USD vat_rate=0}}

    Si votre flux de données ne cible pas le marché américain ces paramètres doivent être mis à jour, par exemple :

    • Grande Bretagne :
      {{product.price currency=GBP vat_rate=GB}}
      {{product.sale_price currency=GBP vat_rate=GB}}
    • France :
      {{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=FR}}
      {{product.sale_price currency=EUR vat_rate=FR}}
    • Allemagne :
      {{product.price currency=EUR vat_rate=DE}}
      {{product.sale_price currency=EUR vat_rate=DE}}
    • ... 

    Dans le cas où vos prix catalogues incluent déjà le taux de TVA, vous devrez simplement utiliser :

    {{product.price currency=USD}}
    {{product.sale_price currency=USD}}

    Parfois Google Merchant renvoie des messages d'erreur à propos de robot.txt.

    Vous pouvez ajouter les lignes suivantes à votre fichier robot.txt ce qui devrait permettre à Google Merchant de récupérer vos images :

    User-agent: Googlebot

    User-agent: Googlebot-image

    Google demande des identiants uniques (Unique Identifier) pour chaque produit. Ces informations peuvent être une marque, un MPN (manufacturer part number), un code EAN, un code ISBN ou n'importe quel autre identifiant global et doivent être ajoutées comme ci-dessous :


    Si vous ne disposez d'aucun identifiant, vous pouvez utiliser une association de la marque et du MPN.
    Pour ce faire vous devez ajouter dans la configuration de votre flux de données le code suivant :


    Ci-dessus, brand correspond à votre propre attribut pour la marque et sku est utilisé pour le MPN. Si vous n'avez pas d'attribut pour la marque, vous pouvez toujours indiquer votre marque comme ci-dessous :

    <g:brand>Votre propre marque</g:brand>

    Il est également possible de préciser que vos articles ne disposent pas de code unique :


    Il manque le genre (sexe) de l'article.

    Tous les produits vestimentaires des flux ciblant l'Allemagne, les États-Unis, la France, le Japon et le Royaume-Uni doivent spécifier le genre de l'article.

    3 valeurs sont possibles :

    • male (homme)
    • female (femme)
    • unisex (unisexe)

    Il manque la tranche d'âge (age_group) de l'article.

    Tous les produits vestimentaires des flux ciblant l'Allemagne, les États-Unis, la France, le Japon et le Royaume-Uni doivent spécifier la tranche d'âge de l'article.

    2 valeurs sont possibles :

    • adult (adulte)
    • kids (enfants)

    Il manque la couleur ou les couleurs dominantes de l'article.

    Tous les produits vestimentaires des flux ciblant l'Allemagne, les États-Unis, la France, le Japon et le Royaume-Uni doivent spécifier la ou les couleurs dominantes de l'article.

    Il manque la taille de l'article.

    Tous les produits vestimentaires des catégories "Vêtements" et "Chaussures" des flux ciblant l'Allemagne, les États-Unis, la France, le Japon et le Royaume-Uni doivent spécifier la taille de l'article.

    Vous n'avez pas réalisé de mappage de catégorie pour les catégories/collections citées.

    Les noms des catégories/collections que vous utilisez dans votre {{platform}} ne sont pas forcément les mêmes que ceux que Google Merchant utilise pour référencer vos produits.

    Cela implique que vous devez trouver les catégories Google Merchant se rapprochant le mieux possible de chacune de vos catégories/collections, en vous basant sur la Taxonomie des produits Google.

    Lire notre documentation sur le mappage des catégories.

    Rappel : product_type est un attribut représentant la catégorie/collection à laquelle est rattachée un produit soumis. Mais vous pouvez utiliser votre propre classification. Contrairement à google_product_category (mapping de catégories), vous pouvez affecter plusieurs catégories (product type) à votre produit.

    Dans Simple Google Shopping, vous avez un attribut magique vous permettant de réaliser cette tâche de façon automatique :


    Cet attribut magique crée une liste des catégories/collections auxquelles votre produit est rattaché :

    <g:product_type> category A > sub-category B </g:product_type>
    <g:product_type> category A > sub-category B > sub-category C </g:product_type>

    Il peut arriver que Google Merchant vous retourne des alertes concernant des product_type manquants. Ce problème vient la plupart du temps des produits simples associés aux produits configurables. Vous pouvez essayer d’utiliser ce code qui retournera les product type parents de chaque produit :


    Description manquante signifie que vos produits n'ont aucune description. Google a besoin de la description pour chacun de vos produits.

    Dans un premier temps, vérifiez que les produits concernés utilisent bien short_description. Les description courtes sont remplies pour vos produits mais pas les longues descriptions donc vous devez utilisez dans votre modèle :


    plutôt que :


    ou les deux :

    <g:description>{{product.short_description}} {{product.description}}</g:description>

    Ensuite, vérifiez que les produits concernés ne sont pas liés à un parent qui possède une description. Les descriptions sont rattachées au parent (en cas d'utilisation de produits configurables / simples), donc vous devez utilisez dans votre modèle :


    plutôt que :


    Cette erreur signifie que vos descriptions contiennent des caractères invalides : soit des caractères mal encodés, soit des caracactères qui ne sont pas pris en charge par le jeu de caractères UTF8.

    La plupart du temps la fonction cleaner peut résoudre le problème en supprimant les caractères mal encodés.

    <g:description>{{product.description php="cleaner($self)"}}</g:description> 

    Cette option peut être appliquée en complément de n'importe quelle autre option, par exemple :

    <description> {{product.description php="sgs_html_entity_decode(sgs_substr(cleaner($self),1000,'...'))"}} </description> 

    Si vous avez toujours des problèmes d'encodage, vous pouvez essayer de convertir tous les caractères en HTML entities :

    <description> {{product.description php="cleaner(sgs_htmlentities($self))"}} </description>

    Image missing signifie que certains de vos produits n'ont pas d'images rattachées.

    Dans un premier temps, vérifier que les produits concernés ont au moins une image assignée.

    Ensuite, vérifier que les produits concernés ne sont pas liés à un parent. Si tel est le cas, vous devez simplement utiliser le code ci-dessous qui affichera les images du produit parent à la place :


    Si vous avez encore des images manquantes dans votre flux de données, ceci peut peut-être vouloir dire que certains de vos produits n'ont pas d'images du tout. Dans ce cas, vous devez utiliser les filtres avancés dans le but de retirer ces produits du flux.

    Les microdonnées sont des bouts de code HTML qui doivent être ajoutés sur les pages produits dans le but de permettre à Google de récupérer vos données régulièrement. 

    Etant donné que Simple Google Shopping ne gère pas les microdonnées, nous vous conseillons de jeter un oeil à la documentation de Google :

    Résolutions de problèmes

    Cet erreur peut être due à un problème durant l'installation.

    Vous pourrez facilement le régler en suivant ces quelques étapes :

    1. Connectez-vous à votre base de données via votre panneau de contrôle (par exemple Phpmyadmin).
    2. Dans la table setup_module, supprimez l'entrée Wyomind_extension.
      Attention, cette entrée dépend de votre extension. Par exemple, si vous avez l'extension Simple Google Shopping, alors vous devrez supprimer Wyomind_SimpleGoogleShopping.
    3. Déconnectez-vous de votre admin Magento 2.
    4. Reconnectez-vous à votre admin Magento 2.
    Comment fonctionnent les tâches cron ?
    • Le fichier cron.php (disponible dans le dossier pub de votre répertoire racine Magento 2) est lancé régulièrement depuis votre serveur (généralement toutes les 5 minutes).
    • La tâche cron pour Simple Google Shopping est ciblée et détermine si un flux de données ou un profil a besoin d'être rafraîchi (selon le timestamp stocké dans la base de données et la grille horaire pour ce profil).
    • Si la condition précédente coïncide, alors le flux de données ou le profil est de nouveau généré.

    Assurez-vous que vous avez bien configuré depuis votre administration serveur (cpanel) une tâche planifiée (toutes les heures idéalement) visant le fichier cron.php de votre installation Magento 2.

    L'extension inclut des outils de reporting et de debug des tâches planifiées dans la section :
    StoresSettingsConfigurationWyomindSimple Google Shopping

    Pour plus d'informations sur la configuration des tâches cron dans Magento 2, vous pouvez consulter leur documentation.

    Vous devez appliquer les droits 644 au répertoire app/code/Wyomind/SimpleGoogleShopping/data/Google et à tous les sous-dossiers et fichiers via FTP.

    Le répertoire dans lequel vous générez votre flux de données doit avoir des autorisations en écriture (permissions 755). Si /feeds/ n'est pas correctement configuré, vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser un autre répertoire comme /media/ en changeant le contenu du champ Path.

    Vous devez mettre à jour le module en téléchargeant la dernière version disponible depuis votre compte

    Dans le cas où l'URL de votre flux de données est inaccessible, votre site utilise certainement le répertoire pub comme racine du site.

    Alors, depuis l'onglet Configuration de votre flux de données, vous devriez changer le chemin pour qu'il soit généré dans le répertoire /pub/feeds/ à la place.

    L'URL du flux ne contiendra alors pas le répertoire pub et sera de type :

    Vous devez certainement utiliser un caractère qui pose problème dans la description de votre flux de données, par exemple le caractère &.

    Dans ce cas, vous devriez remplacer & avec et ou encadrer vos données de CDATA.

    Si lorsque vous essayez de sauvegarder les paramètres de votre flux de données depuis Magento 2, vous avez une erreur :

    You don't have permission to access /.../ on this server.

    Cela veut dire que le serveur n'est pas configuré pour envoyer du code PHP, XML ou HTML dans le formulaire.

    Le mod_security (module de sécurité) comprend des règles qui stoppent tous les post/get requests comprenant du code.

    Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devriez contacter votre hébergeur dans le but d'ajouter des exceptions aux règles de sécurité.

    Si les caractères de votre flux de données ne s'affichent pas correctement, vous pouvez tout d'abord vous assurer d'avoir bien utilisé les attributs spéciaux qui permettent de nettoyer votre contenu :

    {{product.description php="sgs_strip_tags(sgs_html_entity_decode(inline(cleaner($self))))"}}

    Si votre flux de données ne s'affiche toujours pas correctement, il est possible que ce soit parce que vous essayez de le lire en tant que fichier ISO alors que Simple Google Shopping crée des fichiers au format UTF-8.

    Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser des logiciels spécifiques comme Notepad++ ou encore Firefox (Avec Développement webEncodage des caractèresUnicode (UTF-8) de sélectionné).

    Magento 2 Compatibility

    Magento 2® Open Source

    • 2.0
    • 2.0
    • 2.0.1
    • 2.0.1
    • 2.0.2
    • 2.0.2
    • 2.0.3
    • 2.0.3
    • 2.0.4
    • 2.0.4
    • 2.0.5
    • 2.0.5
    • 2.0.6
    • 2.0.6
    • 2.0.7
    • 2.0.7
    • 2.0.8
    • 2.0.8
    • 2.0.9
    • 2.0.9
    • 2.0.10
    • 2.0.10
    • 2.0.11
    • 2.0.11
    • 2.0.12
    • 2.0.12
    • 2.0.13
    • 2.0.13
    • 2.0.14
    • 2.0.14
    • 2.0.15
    • 2.0.15
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    • 2.1
    • 2.1
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    User's reviews
    Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

    18th September 2024

    Easy to use, intuitive and very good documentation.

    Every day they improve the extension a lot more, besides having it always with a very extensive documentation and the support is super fast.

    Jose - Developer - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    30th August 2024

    A Game-Changer - Highly Recommend!

    We've been using this Magento extension for several years now, and it has truly transformed how we manage our data feeds. What sets this extension apart is its simplicity combined with incredible flexibility. Setting up product feeds was straightforward, even for team members without extensive coding knowledge. The XML customization options allowed us to tailor our feeds exactly to our needs, ensuring everything is perfectly aligned with Google's requirements. The extension isn’t just limited to Google Shopping. We've also successfully used it to create feeds for other marketplaces, which has expanded our reach with minimal additional effort. The ability to schedule feeds and automate updates has saved us countless hours, keeping our product data current without the need for manual intervention. We've often used it in unconventional ways on our care home website. Another standout feature is the exceptional support team. Whenever we've encountered a question or needed assistance, their response has been quick and helpful, ensuring that any issues are resolved promptly. The documentation provided is thorough, making it easy to navigate even the more advanced features of the extension. In conclusion, this extension is a must-have for any Magento-based website looking to optimize product feeds efficiently. It’s reliable, easy to use, and supported by a team that clearly knows their stuff. We highly recommend it to any business aiming to streamline their data feeds and enhance their online presence.

    13th May 2024

    Easy to use and efficient

    We use this module for our promotional gifts products since years now. It is easy to use and efficient. The support from Wyomind is always fast and friendly. We highly recommend this extension.

    2nd May 2024

    Makes life simple

    So, I have used Google Shopping feed Extension by Wyomind for our business to generate product feeds , Much satisfied with the extension and support service they offered. Also the extension generates the precised product feeds and much according as per the requirement.Easy to install extension. The configuration backend is very clear and intuitive and also customizable. Configurable products are supported. I installed it without any problem, modules are constantly updating and the upgrade is easy.

    18th January 2024

    This module is really simple and work well

    We have used this module for at least 10 years now. Yes, we had to pay for extended support a few times to update the compatibility with Magento and PHP versions, but the flexibility of the XML variables and codes itself always worked. We have never had to change the XML file, the file created by cron, and submitted the updated version of our inventory to Google every evening and never failed.
    Although they don't advertise it, you can use this same module to create different versions of inventory files to update to different marketplaces like Facebook Shopping... Great module, good work you guys!

    20th December 2023

    Very good extension and comfortable to use

    It is a very easy to use extension with a little knowledge and even if you do not have the documentation is very well explained and ready to work with it. Also the support is very good

    25th October 2023

    Un outil particulièrement puissant avec une flexibilité hors pair

    Une rapidité de mise en oeuvre, une pureté des données générées et un service client réactif toujours à l'écoute pour nous accompagner dans l'optimisation des mécaniques de création des données dynamiques. La puissance de l'intégration de la structure XML modifiable à souhait avec la puissance du PHP, c'est la perfection à l'état pur ! Nous avons rarement été autant surpris par un outil aussi puissant et aussi facile à exploiter, chapeau bas à l'équipe de Wyomind !

    5th July 2023

    This module is great for uploading your products to Google

    This module is great to upload your products en mass to the google shopping centre; it is super easy to use without coding knowledge requirement. Everytime we have required the support, the team have provided responses within minutes and the resolution to all of our issues. We have used this module for over 11 years now on different versions of Magento and it has never let us down. A* would thoroughly recommend

    Vicki - Merchant - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    26th June 2023

    Solid data exporter

    We have had this module installed ever since we moved to magento two, around 3 years ago. Since then with have comprehensively used this extension to generate a Google Merchant Feed that has been ingested directly into Google with great results. We now use the plugin to send the data to a Google Comparison Shopping Service (or CSS) with great success. We have also had similar success with exporting feeds to the Meta platform via an equivalent CSS and furthermore to Pinterest too. Each of these feeds had different requirements, all of which were handled with no issue but the extension. However, we have struggled to create stable feeds for other marketplaces that do not first feed into a data aggregator. This is almost certainly due to the fact that this kind of functionality is not the scope of this extension, and the Data Feed extension that wyomind is probably a far better option. I would definitely recommend this extension for businesses who have a simple requirements to send product data to the key Marketplaces, however with caution that they may not always work as expected, especially if not further feeding the data into some form of middleware/ data aggregation software. Overall I would give this module 5 stars, as it achieves more than what we ever expected it to.

    24th May 2023

    Excelent module! Using it for more then 10 years

    As an online retailer, I understand the importance of having a strong presence on Google Shopping to maximize product visibility and drive sales.The pleasure of using Simple Google Shopping by Wyomind, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my business. This review aims to shed light on the exceptional features and benefits of this remarkable tool. Simple Google Shopping Wyomind is a game-changer for online retailers. Its user-friendly interface, feed optimization, synchronization, and advanced filtering make it a must-have tool. Highly recommended!

    18th December 2022

    The Extension is great to generate product feeds

    So, I have used Google Shopping feed Extension by Wyomind for our business to generate product feeds , Much satisfied with the extension and support service they offered. Also the extension generates the precised product feeds and much according as per the requirement. I would recommend this extension to all the bushiness merchants to use it for their business and generate the google shopping feeds so that you all can grow your businesses.

    Areeb - Merchant - User for more than 3 years |Magento 2

    2nd December 2022

    The extension simple google shopping works fine

    Hi, with simple google shopping you can create data feeds for Google shopping with templates which allow the use of PHP in it. This makes it really easy to adapt the attributes of our magento 2 shop to the guidelines of Google Shopping, it helps a lot! One minor point of criticism is that the templates from the Magento 1 extension of Wyomind which we used as well had to be quite a bit adapted to make them work in the magento2 extension simple google shopping. But overall the migration from M1 to M2 was quite an adaption, so the guys at Wyomind had to do some adaption work themselves I reckon!

    11th November 2022

    Best Google Shopping feed extension

    The best Google Shopping feed extension on the market place. We use this for so many of our clients' stores. Easy to set up and use, highly recommended

    R & W Media Magento Agency - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    9th September 2022

    Indispensable for our store

    We were using the Simple Google Shopping plugin in Magento 1, and it worked flawlessly every time. When we migrated our store to Magento 2, we opted for the same solution. The plugin is good overall and performs the functions it was created for. The support team helps with the implementation thanks to the free support period and gives you the option to increase that support time by up to 2 more months. The wyomind team is made up of great Magento certified professionals, which is what we were interested in from the beginning. 

    8th September 2022

    Excellent - does exactly what it says it does!

    This is a module we have been using since 2018 and in this time we have had no issues or complaints. We have also been very impressed with the level of upgrades that are available after a Magento 2 update. No complaints here!

    BettyJ2 - Developer - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    15th March 2022

    Flexibility, easy to install, can be used for multiple product feeds

    It's safe to say that this extension is one of the best product feeds extension. Documentation is clear. Once it's installed it works perfectly fine. You can scheduled multiple feeds, not only Google Shopping. You can customise the XML structure and include/exclude product categories or even add filters.

    Joffrey H - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    5th January 2022

    Best of the best product I have ever used

    It is really easy to install and configure. In fact, works best with my site's theme and checkout pages. It also passes validation tests right away. I am 100% satisfied with the extension as it sends accurate data.

    29th September 2021

    Simple Google Shopping - Great Product

    We have used Wyomind now a long time for solving issues and proving solutions on many Magento sites (both Magento 1 and Magento 2). The documentation is always clear, concise and very well documented. In addition should the documentation not give the answer needed - then support team are always on hand to help you to get where you need to. Version releases are always timely to ensure that the extensions work when the Magento 2 upgrades are rolled out. In conclusion, great extensions, great support a great company

    Paul Holloway - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    26th August 2021

    A reliable module that works just as needed

    The module has the flexibility to create scheduled product feeds, not just for Google Shopping, and we use the module on more than one website.

    Matt - Merchant - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    5th August 2021

    Great product

    Great product and great support, highly recommended

    Crim - Merchant - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    27th June 2021

    Excellent Product

    Excellent Product

    Alex Puthenpurackal - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    11th June 2021

    The best extension for creating feeds

    We are using this extension since magento 1.9, and now we are making new webshop in magento 2, and its also the best sollution, that you can find. Our team is very satisfied using it. Thanks!

    30th April 2021

    Great Extention. Probably the best in the market

    I have been using the Wyomind Simple Google shopping extension for few years and I have not seen a better plug in. I was initially not sure, but maybe the best decision i made. I had the extension on our magento 1 store and following migration to 2 we have switched to the extension for mage 2. No regrets

    2nd April 2021

    Good Extension

    Simple and fast

    Grant Lambert - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    11th March 2021

    We count on this extension

    We are using Simple Google Shopping for some years already beginning with Magento 1 and we would not like to miss it. It does exactly what it is supposed to do. Once you have configured your feeds, which is not difficult with the documentation, you never have to care again.

    Thomas Sch. - Developer - User for more than 5 years

    23rd February 2021

    It's great

    It works - what more can you say!

    10th February 2021

    Good Plugins

    Simple and fast

    rpnanet - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    4th February 2021

    Lo que necesitas para crear un buen feed

    Llevamos usando este módulo desde 2017 y siempre hemos obtenido buenos resultados.

    24th December 2020

    Highly configurable and practical feed

    Easy to use and highly configurable, this solution works great with our need for our google merchant centre. You can customise the XML structure and include/exclude product categories or even add filters for even more granularity. Have been using since the days of Magento 1 and continue using it now on our Magento 2 stores.

    Alex - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    3rd December 2020

    We use several extensions by Wyomind and they all do their job brilliantly, we have NEVER had an issue with them.

    We have used several extensions from Wyomind now, Google Shopping Feed and Estimated Delivery Extensions are basically 2 that a store can not live without for feeding our products to google and telling a customer when they are going to receive them is vital these days. Wyomind support is also second to none they are always quick to respond & fix any issues (although most issues are usually down to user error!).

    25th November 2020

    The perfect XML feed generator

    This module makes XML feed generation really simple. It's easy to exclude items you don't want on the feed, and to easily include all the items that you do want publishing, with data pulled through from relevant fields without much effort. I've used this extension on both our previous Magento 1 and current Magento 2 store, and it works a treat. Highly recommended.

    24th November 2020

    Excellent extension with awesome support

    This extension gave me exactly what I needed to setup our Google Merchant Center so they can stay current with our inventory on Magento. The support is great, very fast and helpful!

    17th November 2020

    Great extension

    Smoothed our feed issues over beautifully. Good support too!

    28th October 2020

    Good module!

    We are using the Simple Google Shopping module, and are very happy with how it works. It is easy to use and it is also easy to change data to fit our specific needs. We have had some issues with license and support was quick to resolve our issue to get everything working.

    Melissa - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    23rd October 2020

    Great products and excellent support!

    Wyomind is the best place where you can find great products for extending your website functionalities! We have been using the "Simple Google Shopping" extension for our Magento 1 websites and it's working just fine. It provides you the chance to create feeds for your Google Shopping accounts in a very easy and intuitive way, you don't need to be a programmer to use it. Additionally, if you need to create feeds for other platforms, like Facebook, you can customize your XML ones according to their guides so that it makes everything very versatile. It's also very easy to modify any specific field according to specific needs and they provide a very good and clear documentation for this. We have never had any problem and when we had some doubts, we just asked in the chat system through their website and we have always received good support. Good Job, Wyomind!

    20th October 2020

    Love this - so useful

    Great support aswell

    20th October 2020

    As always the perfect extension for a specific need!

    Simple Google Shopping is the perfect extension to create in minutes a feed for the new Google Shopping "Free" (for local business too!)

    16th October 2020

    Great Product,

    Great & Simple Google Shopping products xml output plugin does what its says on the tin..

    13th October 2020

    Works Great

    I have been using this extension for over 3 years now without any issues. It is a definite must-have for my website. The support was great when I set it up and the google feed brings in new customers.

    7th October 2020

    Great Extension

    Great extension with great support. This is the best extension for Google shopping, simple as that. We have it installed on a number of sites,

    5th October 2020

    Good google feeding module - Work as expected

    We have been using this module for the last 2 years and it is working as expected. Support from Paul, Pierre and their team are great! Thanks guys!

    Don D - Merchant - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

    24th September 2020

    Great plugin - made things so much easier

    Easy to install and set up - takes care of google shopping for me. recommended. Their support team are very professional as well. I use a few of their plugins and as is the same with them they are obviously coded very well. If your looking for a way to make tasks like setting up Google shopping and automating them then this is the solution for you.

    23rd September 2020

    Superb extension, works without issues

    The extension provides a highly customizable way to provide your products with Google Shopping. We manage our 2.500 products easily with that extension.

    29th August 2020

    Good and fast process to open sales on google :)

    Great extension. We can now sell any products. GMC work good with this extension!

    Simon - Merchant - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    19th August 2020

    Amazing Extension about shopping

    Easy to use

    30th June 2020

    It just works.....

    Been using this on M1 since 2013, and it just keeps working, so good that I am just about to order it for M2

    30th June 2020

    Amazing support

    As an Ecommerce agency company we often have to use Wyominds support when certain issues arrive with our clients Google shopping. Each time I have dealt with them they have been fantastic, they are very quick and efficient with replying and helping to resolve the problems we are facing or provide the correct steps on how to fix it ourselves. This has always been a life saver as Google Shopping is so important to my customers as they can not afford their Google shopping to go down and lose sales.

    Jameela - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

    15th June 2020

    Très bon plugin

    Le plugin Magento le + complet pour faire un flux Google Shopping!

    Tof - SEO Specialist - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

    5th June 2020

    Been using for 5 years!

    We have been using this on our site for over 5 years now, we tried others but this was by far the easiest solution to get google feeds (and we use the feed generation for other general purpose feeds as well) . Works great and the support has been solid. Thanks!

    Rick - Developer - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    28th May 2020


    This is a fantastic app. A must have

    Bobby - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

    18th May 2020

    Easy To Use

    Used this module a few times during builds. Really easy to use once you get used to it.

    Adam - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    8th May 2020

    Great Extension

    We have installed this on our magento 1.9, by far the best solution available for in putting products to google shopping. We had tried a few others riddled by issues. This has proved the better choice. Great Support available.

    R Hussain - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    6th May 2020

    Great Extension for Google Shopping

    Easy to install extension. The configuration backend is very clear and intuitive and also customizable. Configurable products are supported. I installed it in 4 magento communities without any problem, modules are constantly updating and the upgrade is easy.

    6th May 2020

    Great product

    Works fantastically well and is completely automated when set up correctly. A real must have if your looking to use google shopping.

    6th May 2020

    Star products

    I used Wyomind Extension since long All working as it should be and nice support

    27th April 2020

    Excellent must have extensions for any Magento Store owner

    Been using Wyomind Simple Google shopping since 2011, the product is very easy to use with some great features. Support is 10/10 and very quick to reply back to answer my queries.

    15th April 2020

    great support

    We are using this extension on many ecoomerce pages. It works very well. Easy to use, fast installation, very intuitive.

    30th March 2020

    Excellent flexibility

    We chose this extension after evaluating all the options for Magento 2. Wyomind Simple Google Shopping gave us the flexibility to create the 5 different feeds per country and language storeview on our site through it’s excellent markup language and documentation. The option to write PHP logic into the configurations is extremely powerful. Even when we ran into issues with the idiosyncrasies of the site configuration, we were always able to figure out an alternative method to get the output we needed.

    9th March 2020

    Good Software

    Great extension we have been using for years that helped us integrate Magento and google shopping. Good Value and easy to use and has allowed us to be very successful on Google Ads. Great support when we needed it.

    6th March 2020

    Great extrension. Best form Google Shopping

    Great way to set up a Google Shopping campaign for Magento. Flexible.

    6th March 2020

    Great Google Shopping feed module

    A great Magento module. I've used this and the Data Feed module with countless clients now on both Magento 1 and 2 and it always does the job well. The flexibility for advanced users is great and access to certain PHP functions via the markup gives even finer control. Support is rapid and helpful should it ever be required.

    Alan - Developer

    28th February 2020

    Great extension

    Ive used this for a while and it works well, enables me to have google shopping ads easily

    lindsey - Merchant - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    6th February 2020

    The best google shopping feed module

    Simple Google Shopping by Wyomind is a really powerful tool which has made creating google merchant feeds much quicker. Have been using this extension for a few years and never had any issues with feed set up or generation.

    1st February 2020

    The best google shopping feed module

    I've tried many different methods of getting products into google merchant centre but this one is the best, also easily does facebook feeds too!

    31st January 2020

    excellent solution for our e-commerce shop

    We use this plugin for our Magento store, 16 different sites and it’s so easy to pull all the data for our google shopping campaigns. Great plugin, good customer service!

    23rd January 2020

    Best extensions for Magento

    I use this plugin on 4 different magento e-commerce infrastructures. I can add or not add the Google Taxonomy ID to all categories I want. The choice is completely mine. I have not had a problem in merchant center and facebook catalog so far

    14th January 2020

    Brilliant extension, just works!

    Have been using this extension for a few years and never had any issues with feed set up or generation. Couldn't recommend highly enough.

    23rd December 2019

    A Really Powerful Tool For Any Magento User

    Simple Google Shopping by Wyomind is a really powerful tool which has made creating google merchant feeds much quicker and easier than our previous provider. We would recommend this to any Magento 2 platform user.

    9th December 2019

    Stable extension and good support.

    I had a few problems, but the support helped. I can recommend this extension.

    Patrick Christensen - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    4th December 2019

    I am happy about the result.

    It is working stable on my Magento 1.9.2 web site.

    Sahin Demir - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    20th November 2019

    Good experience with this add-on, it is very useful and does what it says.

    I found this extension in Google and it was the best solution for our stores. I use this extension since years and had no problems until now.

    Calzature Calzature - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    20th November 2019

    Excellent service.

    We've been searching for quite some time for a Google Shopping extension for Magento. We finally came across Simple Google Shopping and it worked like a treat. We haven't had any issues so far, everything is quite intuitive.

    14th November 2019

    Great add-on

    Good experience with this add-on, it is very useful and does what it says.

    Javier Rey - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    8th November 2019

    Good extension

    works good in our store. We use this extension since years and had no problems in this time period. We found this extension in Google and was the best solution for our stores. Keep this quality and we will use it for life time.

    Thomas - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    7th November 2019

    1st Class Plugin, Simple and Easy to Use

    Really easy to use and get up and running on Google Shopping, support team are great as well

    Andy - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    4th November 2019

    Great plugin!

    We really satisfied with this extension. Works great! Excellent product and excellent support

    Vince - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    25th October 2019

    simply easy to ease

    great documentation - great value for money

    Paul - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    14th October 2019

    Excellent extension!

    We really satisfied with this extension. Excellent product and excellent support

    Peter - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    5th October 2019

    Still working well

    After many years using this extension it is still working well. The free updates is a must have when looking for an extension. However, now it is time to upgrade to the Magento 2 version. Hence i must be happy with how this one works.

    CM - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    2nd October 2019

    Simple Google Shopping feed for Magento EE 1.XX.X

    Although the title says 'simple' this module has a wealth of features and configuration options which allow you to create a feed to meet your needs. Great product from Wyomind.

    18th September 2019

    This is Amazing

    This is not the first time that I bought this extension, it works like a charm. Not only does it work with Google Shopping, but it also can be used for other integrations. I totally recommend it.

    10th September 2019

    Great Quality Extension - Need Support or XML knowledge to customize feed

    Overall this is a good module that can get your products onto Google Shopping. It works great, but the XML pattern that needs to be entered is not intuitive to someone who is not a programmer so I need Wyomind to help me customize the feed. Extension works great. The only reason I give 4 stars is because it isn't user friendly for non-programmers and you have to purchase support packages after your support period ends.

    8th September 2019

    Allow clients so much more control over optimisation of their feed

    As an agency we always try and hand more power to the customer to enable them more control over merchandising and optimisation. This extension certainly does this. Other extensions have always fallen short or required optimisation, this now delivers for all our clients and is the only extension we recommend for Merchant Centre feeds.

    4th September 2019

    Easy to use

    Powerful tool to build your own product feeds. There are many solutions on the market, but there is no need to get some expensive extensions, this one will do the job.

    28th August 2019

    good solution

    First of all, I would like to say, that it´s a very good solution, it has helped us to increase our e-commerce revenue.

    Scap - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    27th August 2019

    Great Service support and Extension

    Always have been the best possible solution for us when using any of the extensions .

    Sk - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    26th August 2019

    Awesome extension

    Been using for years now on various projects. results are great.

    Roos - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    16th August 2019

    Worked very well

    Bought the Extension a while back. Worked very well. Stopped using it, but starting again is no problem with lifetime upgrade. Great policy!

    Mark - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    14th August 2019

    Generating Feeds made easily and simple

    We by the module to geneate xml feeds for google shopping. and it works easily and fine. Also the support of wyomind is fast and professional. We will try now another module - datafeed manager - and think we will get another expiriance.

    r. - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

    13th August 2019

    Excellent extension that never fails

    The extension is highly configurable allowing us to push all sorts of fields to our google shopping feed. Documentation is very analytical and the support team is reactive in case there is a hiccup or other issue.

    7th August 2019

    Easiest and greatest Module for Shopping feed

    We use this module on several stores and it is easy to setup and works like charme. Should be included in any Magento installation. And of course premium support from these guys! Thumbs up for Wyomind!

    18th July 2019

    Very powerful module, could not live without it

    it's just works, we use it on magento community enterprise cloud with tens of thousands of products.

    17th July 2019

    This extension is the Top

    With this extension bye bye Google Merchant Center and Google Shipping thoughts. Just install the extension and there will be no problems. You can filter anything you want or don't want based on your preferences. Absolutely recommended.

    AndreYellow - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    8th July 2019

    Ecellent extension

    Great extension, have been using for many years from M1 to M2

    27th June 2019

    Excelent and fully customisable

    We are using this module a few years now. All our items are transferred to Google shopping exactly as we want to, complying to all Googles demands.

    John - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    27th June 2019

    good very good

    good app, very good for google, easy to use, and stable. Very recommended.

    26th June 2019

    Bonne extension

    Très pratique, une équipe disponible :) en plus Francaise

    18th June 2019

    Strong module and excellent support

    The support was fast and very accurate. Et le support répond également en français !

    14th June 2019

    Good extension

    We installed the extension for a customer shop. Works well and it's easy to create data feeds for Google Shopping.

    10th June 2019

    Excellent module and reliable support

    The best Google Shopping XML feed generator found in the market so far. It offers a list of tags that allows you to customise it exactly the way you like. You can parse any product attribute you like in your feed to work with custom fields. You can find ways to strip html tags from text strings. It's got a log, a nice WYSIWYG console, an XML error reporting tool and you can schedule updates at any intervals you like. Well done!

    Cyril Countrywide Healthcare - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    9th June 2019

    Great service & great product

    Very easy to implement, solution has help to drive 214% increase in revenue. Support team are very friendly

    16th May 2019

    Currently integrating and going through support. Will update on completion.

    Currently integrating and going through support. Will update on completion.

    Chris - User for more than 5 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    14th May 2019

    If you want to sell - you must have it!

    The best solution for Magento! If you want to sell - you must have it! Simple configuration and sending feeds to google. A great tool.

    Szymon - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    13th May 2019

    Best shopping feed

    I've been using this shopping feed for years and no others come close

    7th May 2019

    Great tool and very good support

    We use this tool since 2013 and we are very happy with how it works and how easy to configure it is. In the first hours of use we had an issue with implementing some php-code in the XML-template, but the support was excellent. Thanks to Pierre this way. We can absolutely recommend this!

    2nd May 2019

    Very nice tool to be used for google and facebook both

    even if you dont purchase the configuration and setup support, the support team is very helpful if you explain them your issue clearly. very prompt response. I have already recommended this in my community

    Dallen - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

    28th April 2019

    Just keeps on working

    We've been using simple google shopping for over 5 years across two websites with no issues whatsoever as far as I recall. The feeds automatically generate and are adaptable/customisable enough to deal with several rolling changes in requirements over the years we've been using it. It creates its own menu item in the backend, within which you can create as many feeds as you wish. Fairly simple, but does all you need it to. I do recall contacting wyomind once for upgrade assistance and they replied promptly and solved the issue.

    24th April 2019


    simple and fast extension to configuration, I recommend

    24th April 2019

    Superb easy to use tool

    Been using the Wyomind simple shopping feed on our magneto 2 installation for some time now, found it to be excellent. Very easy to install, use and configure, yet powerful and flexible for our needs with a multivendor, multistore site. Support is fast and excellent quality!!

    28th March 2019

    Great extension and easy to use

    I've been using simple google shopping and other wyomind extensions for years and the result is very positive. The wyomind team is attentive to the new requirements of google and update the extension so that our store has the latest version of feed required. I recommend the use of these extensions that help and enhance business possibilities.

    Laura - Merchant - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    19th March 2019

    Feature Rich with Excellent Support!

    The Simple Google Shopping is THE best add on for Magento I have ever used. They constantly update it and have superb fast support via a chat window. It's a super stable app that does everything I need and more. Very, very, good. The support is absolute creamy goodness. Thanks.s

    Jane - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    15th March 2019

    easy to use plugin

    The plugin is easy to use. We had some hussles with the reachability of the images: if you have a well configured robots.txt the images under /pub/ are blocked for google crawling. The FAQ could be improved: The FAQ advise "You can try to add the following lines into the robot.txt file, what should explicitly allow Google Merchant to crawl your images: User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: User-agent: Googlebot-image Disallow: " clearly a no-go from my point of view, because it opens all, and should be urgently improved. Perhaps Allow: /pub/media/catalog/product/ Disallow: /pub/

    hub - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    5th March 2019

    Works great for basic feeds

    Was fairly easy to install on magento 2 website and works great for basic feeds. Set up differentiated feeds for different purposes. Support is normally replying within 24 hrs or faster. We would recommend this product Google Simple shopping for basic feed needs. We have used this feed for several ecommerce sites and works nicely.

    19th February 2019

    Very good extensions and very good support

    Each time we need to implement a Google Shopping Feed, we are using Wyomind. It's a great extension and the support is very proactive! Thanks,

    Guillaume - SEO Specialist |Magento 1|Magento 2

    17th February 2019

    Works well

    Works well, thou a bit cluttered and difficult to navigate at times. But once you get the hang of it, it get much easier and the amount of options and settings, suddenly does not seem so overwhelming. All in all a module that keeps getting better with each update.

    14th February 2019

    Nice lil module

    Does exactly what it sets out to do

    Gary Lockett - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1

    31st January 2019

    Fantastic Module

    This is a fantastic and great module, it is super easy to use. Don't be daunted by Google Shopping feeds as this module makes it easy to use, with easy to use and editable templates. Make your life easy and use this feed.

    30th January 2019

    Great module

    Creating a google shopping feed can be really challenging, Simple Google Shopping module makes it as easy as can be with pre-made templates. Wyomind support are always responsive and helpful. Thanks guys for making our life easier :-)

    11th January 2019

    Great Plugin! Highly Recommended.

    The Plugin is great and simple as it says, produces an XML file to google specifications with ease. very helpful on screen helpers and easy to install.

    10th January 2019

    Good extension for our business

    Selection of products works very good and it is very easy to use

    8th January 2019


    I have used simple Google Shopping many times, it's easily the best datafeed plugin for Magento available!

    19th December 2018

    Great working Shopping feed plugin

    This plugin is working like a charm. There is a lot of flexibility to customize your feed to your needs. If you get stuck the support is really friendly. We are using the plugin for over 3 years now, and have sold many bikes because of it. I could recommend it to any Magento webshop selling products to consumers.

    13th December 2018

    Great Plugin

    Using this plugin, it makes it super easy to export to google shopping. I am very happy with the plugin but I am really happy with the support Wyomind provide!

    13th December 2018

    Great plugin and lots of options!

    Great plugin and lots of options! Use it for several customers and years.

    Tim - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

    6th December 2018

    Great support!

    Great support!

    30th November 2018

    Simple Google Shopping is good extension with good support

    The Simple Google Shopping extension from Wyomind has delivered exactly as expected. Configuration is comprehensive and can be customized thoroughly. There were no installation problems and having found one small compatibility issue the support team were very helpful and released a patch very quickly.

    19th November 2018

    Does a good Job, but setup not that trivial

    I managed the setup of many extensions in the past on my own. Installation was no problem, but the configuration of the datafeed is not that intuitive. Dreaming of a wysiwig interface, it's really cryptic (maybe easy for those who love cryptic stuff). I needed the help of Wyomind support to configure the extension properly, which they did in no-time and professionally. Looking at the result (config wise) I am still more than happy I had this done though the specialist!

    Torsetn - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    18th November 2018

    Must have for any serious business

    Saves you so many man house with this simple extension. get your products on google really quickly. Really easy to set up and probably my best extension I've purchased to date

    15th November 2018

    Very good and stable extension

    This extension has all the functionality which is required to generate google shopping feeds

    Matthew - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    15th November 2018

    Brilliant Extension!

    Works great! Easy to edit the feed and integrate with google.

    12th November 2018

    Good Extension

    Very good extension which helped us to get all our produts into Gogole merchant center in the correct format. Easy to setup and easy to maintain. We are use this extension for a couple of years and it is still goining strong! Keep on Rollin!

    9th November 2018

    A good program, but the documentation is lacking

    This program does what it states, and once we had it running it was creating at least the simple feed for Google, which is what we were looking for. The problem we ran into was the documentation doesn't match the screen line for line, and simple information, such as how do you separate values in a field, are not mentioned. We tried on our own for a few months, but just couldn't seem to get the feed we needed. We reached out and the guys at Wyomind quickly pointed us to the line that was causing the initial problem and how to fix it. We recently ran into another problem with creating a filter, and spent some time reading through the manuals before needing to reach back out to Wyomind to find the answer (which again they provided). That said, they do respond to questions fairly quickly and give the right answers the first time. I just wish I was able to find the answer on my own so I didn't need to buy support to get answers. Perhaps having a working example for the feed settings for a Magento 2 Store with: A) Configurable Products B) Bundled Products C) Standard Products Seeing how others built the XML pattern would be very helpful. Overall, the program does what it says, and is better than any of the other Google Feed programs out there. It is worth the money, I just wish it were easier.

    6th November 2018

    Superb team!

    The guys at Wyomind are always prompt to support any queries! Extremely knowledgeable and professional :D

    Vicki H - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    2nd November 2018

    Easy to use and very fast to setup

    This module works as expected, is very simple to deploy and to setup. You can integrate an efficient Google Shopping feed in minutes!

    26th October 2018

    Good Google Shopping module and great support

    Good extension for handling your Google shopping feed. Also great support when needed.

    Liv - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    17th October 2018

    Fantastic extension, easy to install and use.

    From the outset i've had no problems with either the install or use of this extension. A must have for any online store with a Google marketing stragegy. We had our Google Shopping feed up and running within minutes!!

    11th October 2018

    The best datafeed generator

    I do not hesitate to recommend this extension. Perfect for beginners with it's simple set up but with a set of advanced features from logical filters to in-line php code that allow for a totally customisable datafeed. Add to this the excellent support (I really do mean excellent support) and you have a product that is second to none.

    7th October 2018

    Easy to use

    Very easy to use, very handy plugin to have to manage Google Shopping feed

    28th September 2018

    Excellent plugin

    This is an outstanding plugin. It has so many features and it allows me to pick and chose in order to generate different feeds for different purpose. Since I am running with affiliate networks, this feed generator plugin is the best I ever used. Well done guys!

    Li Ju - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    26th September 2018

    Good Google shopping extension

    Very easy to install extension and user friendly to use. everything is running good with google shopping. It has a lot of options to make the feed how you want. Great support - Highly recommend the extensions.

    LABSTAR - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

    25th September 2018

    Excellent support and service

    The service we have received from Wyomind has been excellent, would recommend.

    14th September 2018

    Nice and easy to use!

    An easy and flexible way to create a Google Shopping Datafeed. It does exactly what the name suggest. Very easy to use and very satisfied with it! Work like a charm and not problem with google merchant setting up!

    Samuele - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    5th September 2018

    Great time saving extension

    Great extension which has saved us lots of time making sure our shopping feed includes all necessary fields to keep Google happy. Very flexible configuration meaning you can export exactly the right information you need. Support is very quick and friendly solving any issues I had.

    31st August 2018

    Easy to use and powerful addon

    Simple Google Shopping is a very simple and powerful addon. I'm very happy with it!

    10th August 2018

    Easy to use for beginners and many advanced settings for professionals.

    An easy and flexible way to create a Google Shopping Datafeed, it does exactly what the name suggests :) For beginners the extension offers an easy way to create a datafeed without to much technical knowledge in a few minutes. As an advanced user you have every possibility to modify the data-output in every possible way via. the use of php code in the export template.

    Markus S. - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    1st August 2018

    Great and easy to use!

    I'm using this extension quite a while. It is realy easy to use. Just select the categories you want to appear in Google Shopping - select the right Google Shopping categories and you're ready to start. I've been using this extension since 2015 and even some changes in my Shop were no problems. After changing my URL I had to get in contact with the support-team and my problem was fixed within one day.

    27th July 2018

    Love the module. Has sorted our google ad feed!!

    This module is quite good. It has helped us to running multiple ad campaigns on Google without the hassle of creating manual feeds. Also the support is great and friendly bunch of people Would recommend everyone to purchase this module

    Piyush Mehta - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    25th July 2018

    Simple and easy to use

    We love this plugin it was so simple to install and setup.

    20th July 2018

    Exactly what we needed!!

    Does exactly what it says on the box and exactly what we needed.

    19th July 2018

    Excellent product

    The product and the support are second to none. Wyomind really are at the top of the pile when it comes to detailed guides and making complex problems seem easy. The fact that Simple Google Shopping Automates my feeds means that I don't have to worry about manually sending my updated feeds everytime I update my products. The flexibility of the product is awesome. You can build your feed however you see fit, but the extension will give you pointers as to what is required and what is totally optional. Very well worth the money. Thanks!

    Mitch - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    18th July 2018

    Highly recommend.

    We've found having the Google Simple Shopping feed extremely useful and have used this from the beginning. We have set up the feed to generate every morning (automatically) to ensure the feeds are always up to date (which would be nightmare to take care of manually every day)! Would recommend.

    2nd July 2018


    I have been using this extension since 2012 and it has never given me problems.

    27th June 2018

    A decent and simple extension to make a shopping feed

    This enabled our website to get a quick shopping feed up and running for Google Merchant Center and it was fairly easy to use with Magento 2.1.6. The plugin was set to generate the feed evry morning which it has been doing, and we've had no issues with Google. I was able to customise almost everything about the feed. Very happy!

    Marc - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    24th June 2018

    Stable module

    I have been using this module in Magento 1 and now in Magento 2 which has lot more features than the former. Only concern in handling license for the modules. It should be handled in a way it should not affect store out of the box features. If not activated the whole admin stops with JS error. We were debugging for long time without knowing that.

    22nd June 2018

    Simple Google Shopping is eactly that - Simple!

    Simple Google Shopping by Wyomind has made submitting our product feeds to Google incredibly simple, just like it says! Incredibly easy to customise and simply just works. Can't recommend this module enough, there really isn't any need to look at any others.

    Matt - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    19th June 2018

    Simplest as it may be

    Module configuration is very simple, no high cpu load's when configuring new feeds. Also it's very flexible. Recommend. AAA+++

    17th June 2018

    Nice Work !

    We love this extension. It has done its duty flawlessly since we implemented it. It's also incredibly useful to output xml feeds to our stock monitoring spreadsheets - I don't know what we would do without it! Support is also great - quick responses and always informative, not like some other suppliers that fob you off without extra payment. Highly recommended extension and highly recommended company. Thanks.

    6th June 2018

    Awesome Extension!

    Very good extension which helped me get all my produts into Gogole merchant center on the correct format. Very helpful and speedy support.

    26th May 2018

    Excellent extension and support

    Bought this extension and it worked really well. Will recommend to others

    thomas - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    25th May 2018

    Excellent extension and support

    Works like a charm, works like described! Highly recommended extension and highly recommended company. Thanks.

    Alex - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    22nd May 2018

    Excellent extension !

    Bought this extension and it worked really well. Will recommend to others

    Li Ju - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    22nd May 2018

    Awesome product! Very fast setup and ease of use

    An amazing product, works just as described! It works flawlessly since we implemented it. Support is fantastic and always offers quick responses.

    Jon - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    21st May 2018

    super service

    We love this extension. It has done its duty flawlessly since we implemented it. It's also incredibly useful to output xml feeds to our stock monitoring spreadsheets - I don't know what we would do without it! Support is also great - quick responses and always informative, not like some other suppliers that fob you off without extra payment. Highly recommended extension and highly recommended company. Thanks.

    10th May 2018

    Fantastic and works amazing

    We love this extension. It has done its duty flawlessly since we implemented it. It's also incredibly useful to output xml feeds to our stock monitoring spreadsheets - I don't know what we would do without it! Support is also great - quick responses and always informative, not like some other suppliers that fob you off without extra payment. Highly recommended extension and highly recommended company. Thanks.

    John - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    9th May 2018

    Easy to use, it works like a charm

    We were looking for a solid plugin to handle more than 10k products in Google Shopping Campaigns. We also wanted to generate feeds for different categories. It does everything we need and it's super easy to use. You don't need a developer to set up your feed. Just read the user guide and open a ticket if you feel stuck.

    3rd May 2018

    Does what it should - with issues, and not really "simple"

    This review is for the version of the Simple Google Shopping Plugin. The interface of the plugin is not very user-friendly, yet it works once it's configurated. Configuration is not very intuitive or simple at all, cause of a configuration-popup-window you can't open/close or minimize to screen, and additional configuration-tabs which are most of the time covered from the popup. Crontab-creation didn't work in our shop from the start of working with Simple Google Shopping, and using an external cronjob-configuration is not supported as far as the documentation of the plugin reads. The upgrade-policy doesn't pay out for us, too - critical updates for e.g. security-reasons have to be paid every half year? That's not what I call customer-friendly. I didn't have contacted the support yet, therefore I can't say anything about it.

    29th April 2018

    Easiest & Fastest Way To Linking Products with Google Merchants

    Before starting to use Google Simple Shopping plugin, frankly I had no idea it's how important to linking live product data with Google Merchants for page ranking and SEO. After six months of use, now, I can't imagine a Magento store without shpping feeds. Creating shopping feeds is not a piece of cake. But Wyominds perfect and fast support makes this easier and painless.

    Mustafa İzgi - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    27th April 2018

    It is good extension

    This is an excellent extension for integration with Google Shopping

    23rd April 2018

    Simple, effective and stable

    I have used this module on a number of projects and have been impressed with how reliable it is. There is a fair bit of configuration to be done, especially around product attributes, but that's unavoidable. Recommended!

    6th April 2018

    Great simple product

    Very easy to use with a friendly support team. At first i was in two minds with this application but the colleague all recommend it, after we deployed this onto production i was amazing we had zero issues and the online tutorial are very helpful. Highly recommend this product. We came across some issues upon the syntax and we submitted a support ticket and within a hour we had a reply. The issue was resolved in the same day.

    6th April 2018

    Friendly simple product

    When the business decided to start selling upon google shopping. At first i was in two minds with this application but the colleagues all recommend it, after we deployed this onto production i was amazing we had zero issues and the online tutorial were very helpful. The support team are very friendly they always go the extra mile to solve all of our issues

    26th March 2018

    Very good and stable extension

    Very useful extension, if you need to generate correct feeds for google shopping adverts, this plugin is the best one. We have use it, for a long time now, it is very stable, you can always count on the job is done.

    22nd March 2018

    good service, useful extension

    This is very useful extension, but it's hard to setup the tax, it will be perfect if it can setup the tax out side US as well. Overall it is very useful for us at the moment, also free support period is a little bit short, we have to spend more money or write some review to extend the support. Normally people won't need support in the first month, they more they use, the more support they need

    20th March 2018

    The extension and support are incredible

    When Google came up with the notification that they wouldn't give support to their own extension anymore, I thought, I need to development my own extension. Then I remembered that I'd bought this extension twice for my clients, and they love it. I saw price and I realized that it'd worth each cents. And I was right! Great extension and great support.

    Rodrigo - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    19th March 2018

    Uma Das Melhores

    Muito boa Esta licença uso desde o magento 1 agora estou usando ela no magento 2. recomendo esta empresa a todos, o suporte é muito rápido e de qualidade, se tem alguma duvida não tenha mais faça a compra.

    19th March 2018

    the best module for google shopping

    Very good This license use since Magento 1 now I'm using it in Magento 2. I recommend this company to everyone, the support is very fast and quality, if you have any doubt do not have to make the purchase anymore.

    16th March 2018

    Stable and Easy to use Extension

    This is top quality Magento extension. If you need to generate data feeds for Google Shopping look no further, this extension has everything you may wish for when it comes to integration with Google Shopping.

    14th March 2018

    Great simple google shopping extension

    Works as described without any problems. Thanks.

    Mat - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    14th March 2018

    Great google shopping extension

    We're using Wyominds Simple Google Shopping extension for a couple of years now and are very happy with it - upgraded to the newest version while upgrading Magento and everything is running fine. Great support - great product - can only recommend it. cheers

    14th March 2018

    Great extension

    Great and easy to use. This is a must if you're using Magento and Google Adwords to display products.

    14th March 2018

    Great product!

    We switched to the Wyomind product when we were notified that Google was cancelling their Magento feed extension. The Wyomind solution works great for us! Catagory mapping is a great feature since we have over 100K products. We highly recommend this solution over all the others we looked at. It does what it says it does and makes our job easy and seamless when it comes to managing our Google feed.

    9th March 2018

    Does what it says on the tin. So easy to configure and use.

    Since Google has discontinued its own plugin/module for Magento, and others don't seem to be up to the job, we gave Wyomind's option a try. And we are so glad that we did. Everything works just as it should, and all of our products are up, live, and selling via google shopping. I would recommend this plugin, and also any Wyomind plugin to anyone looking for good, responsive support and plugins that are quite frankly - a steal at this price. Well done and thank you.

    2nd March 2018

    Works well and needs very little maintenance.

    It was very easy to install and very easy to set-up. After a few changes to the settings we just left it to run. It has saved us loads of time as we've not spent much time on it since. The price is also very good for the quality of the product. We would definitely recommend it to others.

    27th February 2018

    works really great!

    highly recommended extension from Wyomind!fast and works great!

    Alex - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    26th February 2018

    Excellent Extension

    We used to manually submit our Google Shopping Products to Google every month. This extension is a time saver. Easy to install and great service. All my products are now visible on Google Shopping without me having to worry about making any adjustments to price etc...

    Sam - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    15th February 2018

    Very well thought of plugin

    This is a great module for managing your google shopping feeds. Lots of powerful features have made customising my feed to match my needs a breeze. There is also excellent support to help you out with anything and quickly.

    3rd February 2018

    Very good extension

    This extension works really good and it's very easy to create Data Feeds for Google Shopping. The Support is also very Good! Thanks

    30th January 2018

    Great features and great support

    Really happy with Wyomind, brilliant support staff and tonnes of useful features. I would certainly recommend!

    John - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    22nd January 2018

    Great product

    Using Simple Google Shopping since a year and it works very good!

    17th January 2018

    Works pretty well!

    Using Simple Google Shopping since a year and it works very good!

    Alex - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    17th January 2018

    Great product

    This Google feed is the best one out there. easy to install .

    Mike - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    16th January 2018

    Works surprisingly well

    We have been using Simple Google Shopping for about 2 years now. The setup options are endless. The documentation is extensive but lacking in examples for real world usage. I've several times needed specific parameters ("advanced") and options which have been quite difficult to implement. Some of the problems are due to how convoluted Magento itself is built (attribute types, attribute sets, attribute scopes etc). In general, if all you want to do is have a simple feed without lots of specific parameters, this works great. If not, hopefully, we will get better debugging tools sometime soon.

    Johannes - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    15th January 2018

    Fabulous, saves a lot of time and headaches!

    We have been using Simple Google Shopping for some time now and are very impressed with how well it works. The extension integrates seamlessly and is incredibly easy to use. Simple Google shopping has taken all the stress out of creating a data feed and enables us to control which products we include by just ticking a couple of boxes. This extension is very user friendly and I would highly recommend.

    10th January 2018

    Extensiones de calidad, fiables y con un equipo comprometido detrás

    Trabajamos con varias extensiones de Wyomind, y esta concretamente es de las esenciales. Sencilla, fácil de usar, y práctica.

    8th January 2018

    Simple and works a treat

    The Simple Google shopping extension was easy enough to install and the documentation meant that I was able to edit the existing XML feed template fairly easily (it was the first time I had ever done something like this, it took a little thought but I was able to work it out within a few hours). Once the Extension generated the feed I was able to examine any potential errors in the feed (usually a missing Attribute like a UPC number or the Description was more than 5000 characters) and then submit it to Google Merchant account and from there on to a Google Shopping campaign. So far the Extension has not caused any issues with my Magento site and just sits doing its job in the background.

    4th January 2018

    Very fast support

    Send a message and received replies within minutes, excellent support and very helpful when I was not too sure what I was doing :-D We use simple Google shopping app for out site and has worked great up until recently, something has obviously interfered with how it works. I will be purchasing the 6 months support for 45 euros, this is as cheap if not cheaper than getting some developers to look at and you are going straight to the creators. Hopefully, it will get fixed as quickly as the rest of the support :)

    4th January 2018

    Great extension

    I use it for Magento 2 and it works great. Keep up the good work guys!

    Scott - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    28th December 2017

    great service. amazing support

    love it. Life is simple now.

    20th December 2017

    Makes life easier

    So much time saved by this extension, pays for itself in minutes!

    Ricky - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    20th December 2017

    Increased Sales instantly after setting up the extension

    I was researching for a solution in order to bring up the sales in my online car parts Magento 2 store. One of the choices was a very expensive e-commerce consulting firm, which just basically just gives you a report on things to do in order to improve the conversion rates (aka sales) in your store. Another viable and affordable choice was to integrate with Google Shopping in order to be better advertised on google. Initially, I had to do a little research on how exactly everything worked and soon I realized it would be a great Idea once everything was working. Now, the hard thing was to find a good and affordable extension that generated the feed I needed in order for the integration with Google Shopping to work. Fortunately, I found the Simple Google Shopping extension by the great guys at Wyomind. After the purchased installation was a breeze and within few hours I was able to set up some simple feeds, and after few days I was able to set up quite complex feeds and exported exactly what I needed. Within, few days the revenue from the increase in sales paid for the extension. I found the whole experience great and I recommend the extension.

    19th December 2017


    I use it for Magento 1 and it works great. Keep up the good work guys!

    19th December 2017

    Great extension

    Does exactly what you need from a google shopping feed generator.

    18th December 2017

    very good plugin

    I hope it will be supported all the time :)

    14th December 2017

    Great extension

    This is a great extension which we have been using for many years. It allows us great flexibility in producing the Google shopping feed, via an easy to use interface and gives great visibility for any problems or errors that may occur. We have also always experienced good support from the Wyomind team and would definitely recommend this Magento 2 (or Magento 1) extension.

    13th December 2017

    Great - must have - extension

    We are using this extension for many years now. First in magento 1 and now for magento 2. Just easy to configure and the it will run automatically every day, without any problems! With a lot of options to make the feed the way you want. And when you have a problem Pierre is always quick to respond and help you!

    10th December 2017

    Excellent Support

    Great team, very good Extension and always helpful

    9th December 2017

    Tried to get it working but gave up after considerable time- in this case it wasn't easy at all

    We bought this and spent some time trying to get it to work. I'm sure it does work but we found it far from 'easy' and in the end just gave up. I found the description misleading

    mishmosh - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    4th December 2017

    Great module

    I have used this module on my website and I'm very happy with the ease of use and the final result. Google Simple shopping extremely easy to configure, especially to map the internal categories with Google categories. The instructions and the help center on the website are extremely helpful too. I really feel like suggesting this product.

    30th November 2017

    Great Module & Easy to use

    We use this module as standard for most of our clients, it works very well on Magento 2.

    29th November 2017

    Easy to edit, even for a novice

    This extension makes it simple to make changes to the XML feed, but isn't lacking in features. We send our feed on to another tool for more advanced manipulation before we push to Google, but you could just as easily send it directly to the Merchant Centre. One thing we've struggled with is getting the feed to recognise catalog price rules and update the product prices accordingly, but we're not using the latest version of the extension, so this might have been added recently.

    Dan - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    28th November 2017

    The Best google shopping plugin!

    Thank You for Your Incredible Support and awesome plugin!


    25th November 2017

    Great Extension

    The extension is the best available on market. Simple to configure and support is great too.

    22nd November 2017

    The only way to bring your products to google

    The good News is: for us the only way is the easiest way too. We formerly tried to use other even more expensive and free Extensions to get this stream to work. Time spent on Setting up was not worth compared to the easy Installation great functions inside this Extension. The support is always there to help you, but i never had big Problem, only small questions because the Extension simply runs!!!

    19th November 2017

    The best Google Shopping Extension on the market

    The Extension is easy to configure and is the best available on market. i tried several and wanted to save Money. but i wasted time and saved nothing. This Extension is the Money worth great support too.

    18th November 2017


    This extension is exactly what I was looking for, I can set up my products and customize the feed, totally recommended!

    16th November 2017

    Great Product

    I have to say this is one of the best Google Shopping Feed generators I've worked with. Simple to use, and very detailed.

    James - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    14th November 2017

    Very good

    Very nice extension. I little bit complicated but with all featers that I need.

    13th November 2017

    Great Extension

    I really like this extension, the support is also pretty good.


    10th November 2017

    Your best way to google shopping

    I think this extension is the best and easiest way to offer all Magento products in Google Merchant. It works properly and you never need to worry about the transfer to Google. The integration in Magento is easy and well documented. I only one or two times need help from the support and they were very fast and professional. The price for a later upgrade is appropriate.

    7th November 2017

    Just works

    Great extension. A bit complicated to get into, but once you get the hang of it, then its easy going.

    Tom - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    1st November 2017

    good product & service

    we are satisfied with the quality of their plugins

    RUBEN - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    24th October 2017

    Simple to Use and Works Great

    I didn't have an Issue installing the extension myself but when I did require info I visited them and quickly Chatted online and was helped same time. I recommend this Google Shopping extension over all the more expensive option available.

    Ruaan Kraft - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    20th October 2017

    Fantastic extension, works great

    We use this and the advanced extension for a number of our customers. We are always happy to recommend it over other modules in the marketplace.

    outer/edge - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    20th October 2017

    Excellent extension and asy to use

    Easy to use extensions and an excellent support. We've used it on our main website to export our product catalog to Google Shopping and found its working as expected, We recommend it.

    19th October 2017

    Great !!!

    Good support by developers

    17th October 2017

    Great extension and good support

    Great extension and always good support by developer.

    Theo - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    17th October 2017

    Best for Google Shopping extension

    Fast and advanced.

    12th October 2017

    Great support

    Every time we contact Wyomind's support they are quick in response and accurate with solutions. We recommend their extensions and knowledge.

    10th October 2017

    Module works as advertised - is a time saver!

    Rather than depending on keeping up with Google's changes to their product feed requirements, we purchased this SGG module from Wyomind - they keep it up to date with the requirements of Google's services so we don't have to. After a small time spent configuring the module, it was simply a task of connecting the module and Google together to send/accept the feed - all products you choose from your current Magento site. Don't want something listed? Exclude it. Want your data formatted a specific way? Easy. Highly recommended if you're just using Google's feed service - if you're using more, consider the feed manager.

    VEC Supply - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    9th October 2017

    best modules on the market

    Use this module for years I recommend, very good

    9th October 2017

    This plugin is all good

    I really like using this plugin, it's very easy to export your products.

    9th October 2017

    very good, I recommend

    Buy and be happy to export your products with quality,

    2nd October 2017

    Really Helpful Plugin

    I use this plugin all the time and it works well. It is designed for syncing to the Google Merchange center but we also use it regularly for custom product exports. It allows us to quickly and easily create a custom product report in XML format.

    Dan - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    27th September 2017

    Great Plugin to use

    This plugin has helped us in syncing our stock regularly to google. It helps us in syncing our stock on day to day basis to the Google merchant center in real time. This saves us lots of time to concentrate on our core business. Keep up the good work Wyomind

    27th September 2017


    Great extension and big support!!! Thank you so much

    18th September 2017


    Love this extension. Great support.

    18th September 2017

    Simple Google Shopping is simply amazing module.

    Easy to set-up, cheap - what more can you expect? It works perfectly, never dissapointed me. I highly recommend this one! It saves so much time. If you think seriously about advertising in google shopping, you need to have this module

    18th September 2017

    Great Module

    Great extension. Once installed, the module is easy to use and configure for new store fronts. Even with limited Magento knowledge. The only downside to this product is the paid for upgrades to the latest version.

    Matt - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    15th September 2017

    Superb Extension

    We have been using the Google simple shopping plugin for many clients for many years and the level of support we get really is outstanding. We would throughly recommend this product to anyone.

    14th September 2017

    A great module

    A great module with fantastic support. We've used it on loads of websites.


    13th September 2017

    superb extension!

    great extension, not too complicate to use and easy to manage.


    12th September 2017

    Very good extension

    This extension helped us a lot with google shopping and it is very easy to use.

    12th September 2017

    Awesome plugin

    Awesome plugin with awesome support.

    hvk - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    11th September 2017

    Really good Module to use with Magento 1

    With this extension, the product export to GoogleShopping is really easy now, and fully automatically also! We really like to use this extension and recommend it to our customers regularly. Thank you!

    7th September 2017

    Perfect working extension

    Thanks to simple google shopping google shopping is simple now :-) Also support and the whole Wyomind Team is Awesome. Thank u very much for your nice extension and I hope we can use your extension for many many years. thank youuuu

    7th September 2017

    Tolle Extension, weiter so!

    Uns hat die Extension sehr gut gefallen und wür würden Sie jederzeit weiterempfehlen!

    4th September 2017

    Working really well with Magento

    We have had this module for quite some time and are really fond of it. We will recommend it. It helps us make the feed for multiple countries and lets us use google shopping in multiple markets. Easy to filter and create products with the right settings and with help from Google it has been able to also adjust different categories to different bidding strategies.

    31st August 2017

    Great Extension

    I installed the extension and it worked like a charm. Well done!

    31st August 2017

    Simple and Easy Feeds

    Long time user of Wyominds Simple Google Shopping Feed. I love how simple and easy it is to set up feeds and unlike other extensions it allows multiple types of feeds and is not limited to just google shopping. Its a must have extension IMO if you want to get on google shopping etc this is the extension you want to be using.

    Mark - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    30th August 2017

    Good at all

    Easy to use the extension and pretty simple steps to follow. Use it to boost my shop and it worked like a charm. I would recommend this extension for Magento 2 as it is user-friendly

    Renus Technologix - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    30th August 2017

    Works great!

    This extension is very sophisticated and allows us to submit many details to Google that helps our business.

    29th August 2017

    Simple, effective and reliable - the Simple Google Shopping Extension

    We've been using this extension on Magento 1.9.x for over 12 months now without any problems whatsoever. Its simple, effective and very much affordable. Well done wyomind!

    Martin - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    28th August 2017

    Usefull Extension

    Easy to use extension and pretty simple steps to follow. Use it to boost my shop and it worked like a charm. I would recommend this extension for Magento 2 as it is user friendly.

    Manthan - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    21st August 2017

    Great extension. Works exactly as we'd hoped.

    We downloaded and got this up and running very quickly. We have since used a number of Wyomind extensions.

    Craig - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    19th August 2017

    Very good extension

    very good extension, useful and can be used for many other partners who use the same xml format. my unique unsatisfaction is about cryptografy. In an open source age, a encrypted extension was very dificult to me to make some changes i need.

    12th August 2017

    Great Program

    Great service, I highly recommend it.

    9th August 2017

    Very good plugin which does what is says

    This module has helped me a lot with creating product feeds. Not only for Google but only other marketing sites.

    Dennis Kirkebak - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    8th August 2017

    Great Program

    Great Program and support.

    David - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    7th August 2017


    Very good extension, excellent support!

    1st August 2017


    Works perfectly. We use the product feed not only to send our products to Google Shopping but also to remarketing platforms such as Criteo.

    Alex Zago - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    27th July 2017

    Very Good

    This is a very good Extension that almost anyone can use (not just limited to developer knowledge only), easy to upgrade and configure. We have used it for multiple types of feeds, and haven't run into an issue yet!

    26th July 2017

    Best Google Shopping app ever

    I installed a lot and some customers tried alternatives, but ever returned to Wyomind. Best in Quality and support! Thank you!

    26th July 2017

    Best Service Ever

    Hello, we use simply Shopping since 2 years and are fully satisfied. Thank you for that great service!

    25th July 2017

    Awesome module

    The Simple Google Shopping module by Wyomind is great!!! With it you can make a anything that you need for customize your feeds and of this mode you can adapt anything platform.

    24th July 2017

    A necessary extension to have.

    The simple google shopping by Wymomind has been super helpful. I've been using it for about 2 years now and it hasn't let me down yet. Looking forward to two more years. My product list has grown tremendously and this extension was able to keep up with my demand to feed all my products to my Google Merchant Account. Thank so much.

    19th July 2017

    Best available on market ( easy and fast )

    I have been using this extension for more than 3 years now. Best compared to any other out there. I had few hiccups in the beginning, but support staff helped me set up and they also explained how to get the most out of it. After 3 years, i have had done few modification and using it for more than 20 websites other than google. Hope this review help you :)

    19th July 2017

    Looks OK

    The module started off as a good purchase. Then we simply needed to change the licenses from one domain to another. Wyomind state that you can do this free of charge in their terms and conditions after requesting it from them. We have been waiting for a week but with no success or assistance.

    18th July 2017

    Looks OK

    Purchase and installations is simple

    14th July 2017

    Perfect Extension, highly recommend

    This extension does exactly what you will want it to do. Export in bulk all your items to google shopping automaticaly. Could not live without this little gem.

    Les - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    13th July 2017

    Works perfectly and support was good.

    There were no problems with the installation. The extension works fine. We use the extension for several sites and it was easy to create customised fields.

    13th July 2017

    Easy to install

    We use this extension for couple years, no problem. Easy to install and config.

    13th July 2017

    Perfect - Does exactly what it's meant to do

    Easy to use and great support. Does excatly what it's meant to do and the customised fields are great

    13th July 2017

    Great Module thats fills all requirements.

    Super fast responses from the Support Desk team especially Pierre who can answer anything wyomind related. We use this module for a variety of clients on Magento 1 and Magento 2 and would definitely recommend this to any other Magento Agency.

    12th July 2017

    Very easy to purchase

    Thank you again!!

    12th July 2017

    Very Good extension

    There were no problems with the installation. The extension works fine.

    12th July 2017

    Works perfectly and support was good.

    Used the extension for several sites and it was easy to create customised fields. The support was good when I was trying to configure the feed. Overall very satisfied and would recommend this to other customers.

    12th July 2017

    love this

    i love this extension. it does everything we need it to do!

    steverino - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    11th July 2017

    Good module but poor customer support

    The module started off as a good purchase. Then we simply needed to change the licenses from one domain to another. Wyomind state that you can do this free of charge in their terms and conditions after requesting it from them. We have been waiting for a week but with no success or assistance.

    6th July 2017

    Very good extension for Simple google Shopping

    No problem in about 4 years use

    Mat - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    28th June 2017

    Super Application

    We've been using it for 2 years already and just love it. It's simple to install and operate, it has a really good manual, where they explain everything you need to know to make Google Shopping start working. Whenever you have a question these guys will help you. Thanks!

    27th June 2017

    5 STARS

    Great service, I highly recommend it.

    27th June 2017

    Great product!

    I have been using this extension for years and always great products, fast support! Keep up the good work!

    25th June 2017


    Works great!

    Yolo - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    23rd June 2017

    Great extension, easy to use

    This extension makes generating a Google Shopping feed super easy. The variable library is laid right out for you on the screen, so you can access the fields you need without a lot of research. You can schedule the feed to update whenever you need it, so if you do frequent product updates, they will always be fresh. The only downside is the larger the feed, the longer it takes to generate it (we have about 4,000 products and it takes a few minutes), but that is to be expected. Great extension overall and it makes our lives a lot easier.

    21st June 2017

    Great Module

    Have used the module for a number of businesses to generate Google Shopping feeds; it works really well and I really like the advanced functionality (right down to inserting PHP functions).

    21st June 2017


    Nice Plugin, works great!

    Italina - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    21st June 2017

    Modulo perfecto

    Perfect product, works correctly for Google Shopping and there is great support on this website.

    20th June 2017

    Perfect module

    Easy to configure and exactly does what it needs to do!

    19th June 2017

    Amazing product!

    This Magento extension is incredibly useful! We use it to generate our feeds and sync them with google merchant and we never had any problem at all. Great extension! We use it from version 7.2 on our Magento and now we are going to use it even more! Thanks so much.

    15th June 2017

    Excellent module to have in any M2 site for Google Shopping Feed generation

    It was very easy to install and moreover comes with a very good support who responds swiftly to your queries. The module had no issues what so ever after the installation and runs smoothly ever since we installed it. Very happy and certainly recommends this module for any Magento project

    13th June 2017

    Easy to use and works great

    Forget the others, this is simply the best Google Shopping module out there.

    12th June 2017

    Excellent support

    This is a great extension and the support is superb.

    8th June 2017

    Very good plugin would buy again

    I have used this on multiple stores and find it simple to use and gets me up and running on Google shopping very quickly.

    Harri Owen - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    1st June 2017

    Easily Configurable Plugin

    I like the fact that you can control this plugin to generate a feed. The several customization options, selection of the time to generate the feed and ease of use is great. I am now starting to use this feed as the base feed for other custom feeds, to avoid working with a lot of Magento complexities. Such a lot of work saved. Great job!

    28th May 2017

    Une bonne extension

    Une extension qui m'a fait gagner beaucoup de temps et une bonne assistance de la part de l'équipe.

    urbanmove - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

    26th May 2017

    Excellent extension and support

    This extension has worked perfect for our site and helped us tremendously in growing our business with shopping feeds. It can be customized for any store's needs and was able to handle complicated products easily. Wyomind worked with us to get this working perfectly for our needs. I can't express enough how great their support team is. They are prompt and know their stuff.

    JD - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    24th May 2017

    Fantastic Plugin

    We use this plugin across all of our client websites and will continue to use for all future client websites. Support is fantastic, easy to install and the support is fantastic.

    Hayley Pearson - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    23rd May 2017

    Does Exactly What is says on the tin - Superb

    Sorted out our shopping feeds quickly and simply so that we could get on with selling. Once again your support and the extension itself have proven to be robust and well worth the money. Thanks.

    19th May 2017

    Best company of magento products, I work with them for more than 5 years, totally recommended.

    Best company of Magento products, I work with them for more than 5 years, totally recommended. I use their product on all my sites both google shopping module and others they are the best.

    Rubens Ferreira Salles - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

    19th May 2017

    Best company best service

    We have in our sites all products here of the site, they serve very fast, have unsurpassed support, I only have good things to talk about them, I work with them for many years and I hope to continue working for many, many years. Extremely recommended.

    Vitor Marcus Fonseca - User for more than 12 years |Magento 1

    15th May 2017

    Its a F22A Raptor to run Google Shopping Feeds

    This is perfect Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor to run Google Shopping feeds. As the name, itself says Simple Google Shopping Feeds it has really simplified the feed generation process and reduced a lot of time to create xml feeds. It provides many advanced features to filter and customize the feed as we need. They also help with user guide to learn quickly make changes as we need for our feeds so that we can get maximum benefits. I am using this Extension from last 3 years and it is great extension to run product ads.

    12th May 2017

    Very Useful Extension

    This extension has been very useful to our team. It takes a little getting used to, and can be a strain on the server sometimes, but it solves a lot of technical problems when it comes to getting feeds that are compatible with Google Shopping! Definitely solves some big issues for us!

    Gloermitol - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    9th May 2017

    Greate module for Google shopping feed

    We have used this module on our several websites and found its working as expected without any issue. Support provided by the developer is very fast. Great Extension.

    5th May 2017

    Great Extension for Google Shopping

    This extension is exactly what we need. Well documented and fast Support. All our questions has been answered fast. Integration was easily and we had no problems. Great Job THX

    5th May 2017

    One of the best!

    I've tried a couple of Google Shopping extensions, and none have worked better than this one. It's easy to use, easy to configure, and most importantly, gives you full control over your feed generation. I love it!

    Brandon Rivers - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

    3rd May 2017

    Great module

    Great module for feeds auto generation. It has many options such as select categories or filter by product attribute or even by product type. It works for google shopping feeds but also for your own personalized feeds.

    3rd May 2017

    Great extension

    This has been the Rolls Royce of Google Shopping feeds for many years now. Nothing has even come close to it in terms of functionality.

    2nd May 2017

    Works well & creates feeds as needed.

    Working with Simple Google Shopping has been a breeze. This extension works well with our different stores and creates product feeds for Google fast. We needed something to help us create Google product feeds fast and we are pleased we have found the right extension to enable us to do this.

    25th April 2017

    Useful module, which permit us to get data, especially custom ones, on distant websites

    I had to get many data into many XML(which would be later crawled for advertising purposes) and it allowed us the easy way. Their PHP API allows to really customize which data you want to get Simple, yet powerful module.

    24th April 2017

    Excellent Package

    Simple Google Shopping does it what it says on the tin - works a treat and the support is very good too.

    Chris - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    23rd April 2017

    Great extension

    Easy to install and does exactly what it says.

    22nd April 2017

    A module that gets the work done

    Have been using this module for a couple of years now and am very satisfied. Some of the settings can be rather difficult to understand though for someone like me who is not an expert in programming which is the only reason I give it 4 stars and not 5.

    Peter - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    20th April 2017

    Works well for my apparel store

    Module works excellent and the support is is very prompt. I had some issue, but the support has fixed it in just couple of hours. Highly recommended this extension to live your products to google shopping.

    18th April 2017

    Effective & Reliable Module

    We have used this module to get our google product feed for minimum 2 years. We are happy with the way it works. Support is good with quick responses. Minor errors that happen, can usually be fixed. In general, we would recommend the product. Just try to get a full year update support on it. Thanks, Direct365 Digital Team

    18th April 2017

    awesome plugin

    does the job! thanks to this plugin google can eat my money every day over and over again :)

    17th April 2017


    Great extension, fulfills what it promises

    12th April 2017

    Great extension

    Easy to use and install. Does the job perfectly and creates feeds for our complex products. Typically all of our Wyomind extensions have been brilliant so I would certainly recommend in terms of reliability.

    5th April 2017

    Best Google Merchant (Google Shopping) feed extension for Magento

    This is definitely the best extension for this Google Shopping feeds available for Magento that we have tested so far. Definitely worth the money.

    30th March 2017

    Very good and fast support

    Works as described, easy and simple to use once you get into it. Install was fast and painless.Simple Google Shopping worked great for us at! Once we figured out the basics, creating the Google Shopping file was easy. It takes all the hard work out of setting up the file.

    Gaurang Amin

    26th March 2017

    Fantastic extension, zero issues

    This extension has worked perfectly for me for many years and the documentation in terms of getting started is really very good. This extension is a real must and should be included in any Magento installation. Haven't needed to use support yet!

    Ciara McM - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    21st March 2017

    Great extension, improve my business save money and time

    I am using this extension from many years, I am always satisfied from extension and support which is very helpful and fast.

    20th March 2017


    Great and documentation provides easy to go setup

    17th March 2017


    Great and easy to work with plugin

    damien - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    16th March 2017

    Great extensions but AMAZING support

    These guys create great extensions but customer support is out of this world!! I needed help with a licensing issue and they got back to me within the hour and had fixed the issue and guided me through the solution. Prompt helpful service. Just wish everyone else was as easy to deal with.

    16th March 2017

    Very good and fast support

    This is a very good magento extension. Everything works fine and if there are any problems, support responds very fast and offers fast solutions. We're using this for exporting a individual xml file for google shopping. This really helps to improve our workflow for google shopping.

    Tim - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    16th March 2017

    This really helps to to have the best google shopping.

    Very easy to install and a lot of option to configure it for your saves time and simplify the whole process of generating and uploading data feed in Google Shopping in a great way. With this extension installed and configured you can almost forget to manage your google shopping feed because it's all automated. Simple Google Shopping is a great extension

    13th March 2017

    Excellent product and very good support

    We've been using Simple Google Shopping for quite some time, and through that time we've seen big time savings from using the extension. Any problems we've had have been very quickly resolved by the support team

    8th March 2017

    Easy fast and great support!

    We are using Simple Google Shopping feed for submitting data to google merchant center. All we can say is that this works out of the box. Install, map and start sending data. Just awesome! Thanks Wyomind!

    7th March 2017

    Great and Easy to Use Module

    We use this module on various m1 Sites and it does the job perfectly,

    Will Brammer - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    3rd March 2017

    Fantastic support

    Fast, responsive & thorough. Big thanks to Pierre who helped us diagnose a stock issue today. We had recently upgraded our module after discovering items in our google shopping feed that shouldn't be displayed. On further investigation it revealed that in fact it was the way our inventory worked that was causing the issue. There aren't many companies that will spend time helping you fix an issue that isn't related to their module!

    Nik - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    28th February 2017


    Great extension

    James - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    27th February 2017

    Great extension

    Simple Google Shopping is a great extension, it saves time and simplify the whole process of generating and uploading data feed in Google Shopping in a great way. With this extension installed and configured you can almost forget to manage your google shopping feed because it's all automated. Very easy to install and a lot of option to configure it for your needs.

    27th February 2017

    Great extension makes life a lot easier and AWESOME support.

    Have been using this extension on our website for 2 years and must say it's made our life a lot easier with this extension. To top it all off, support from Wyomind guys is phenomenal, nothing is ever too much and always happy to help!

    27th February 2017

    Great extension, Great support.

    Simple google shopping is doing what it is supposed to do, without any problems. You have a lot of options to make your feed perfect, and then there is first class support from Wyomind.

    24th February 2017

    This extension is very good and has developed very trustworthy since 2015 and I have no complaints.

    This extension is very good and has developed very trustworthy since 2015 and I have no complaints. For you who are looking for a versatile and smart way of joining google shopping this is the best way, since the module is simple and functional, which guarantees great performance in relation to the google servers being very fast. You can rest easy with a good store with the products duly registered inside the impositions of google this is an hour of you arcartar and increase as you converts of your shop with this complement through google simple purchases

    thiago - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    22nd February 2017

    Great Extension

    We use this Extension in a couple of shops since several years now. Works really great and is very to customize to all customer needs. Especially the dynamic conditions and the support of php in the feed is a huge advantage to other Systems. Last but not least: The Support-Team is awesome!

    Ingo Hillebrand - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    22nd February 2017

    Un módulo muy útil, fácil de usar y versátil.

    Es algo complicado al principio, pero a la que le pillas el truco la verdad es que te das cuenta que es una herramienta intuitiva y muy completa.

    20th February 2017

    Works great

    Using it for multiple websites for multiple years right now. Works like a charm!

    Niels - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    20th February 2017

    Everything you need from a feed extension for magento

    That's a great feed extension. Very customizable, simple and efficient. I've used different extensions with different prices and I can tell you that this one has everything you need. Great support too! Thank You.

    18th February 2017


    Have used this extension for many years and it works well. Have used on many websites and support is always quick to help and respond. Had a bit of an issue with the installation but they have helped resolve it. The product is quick to generate a product feed with thousands of products.

    18th February 2017

    Great product

    Installed with ease

    17th February 2017

    Top quality extension!

    Easy to install, easy to use

    mARCO - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    10th February 2017

    Best Extension for google shopping

    Best Extension for google shopping

    Khalid - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

    8th February 2017

    Excellent Extension

    Simple, easy and reliable extension

    8th February 2017

    Does what we need, never needs attention

    This is one of the few plugins that has fit its purpose exactly. We get to ignore it and let it do its job.

    LodeStar - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    4th February 2017

    Excellent Extension

    Thank you for making google shopping easy for us.

    1st February 2017

    Good extension

    Easy to use and does exactly what it should do.

    28th January 2017

    Easy to install

    The installation was really easy and didn't took any error message and predefined xml templates are cool features. I like it.

    25th January 2017

    Works as expected

    Great extension for Google Shopping.

    19th January 2017

    I like this store for extension

    You can very fast handle it, download, install license, upgrade, super fast and friendly support. I like the extension simple google shopping, is very good to handle, you can setup different profiles for any feed, you can select per attribute, category, product, also you can filtering. That is very well.

    16th January 2017

    Works like a charm!

    Works as described, easy and simple to use once you get into it. Install was fast and painless.

    14th January 2017

    Excellent extension

    I really love the features and ease of use in the Simple Google Shopping extension. Great job guys.

    13th January 2017

    Excellent plugin highly recommend.

    I liked the plugin, easy to use, it suits the needs very well. It exceeded my expectation.

    13th January 2017

    Excellent Magento Extension

    Simple google shopping extension does exactly what it sets out to do, get your products into google shopping via your google merchant account. Fairly easy to setup and use, and installs without an issue. Recommended if you are going to use google shopping, and you really need to

    11th January 2017

    Great, easy and fast extension

    Fantastic extension, intuitive with a good and fast support! Feeds created in less time and really more customized.

    11th January 2017

    Great Extension

    Great extension and amazing support.

    Gary Davis - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    11th January 2017

    Easy to use, customize and great extension

    I recommended this extension, for export with easy way an XML file format to import in store or everywhere you want. I used this extension from 1 year old and i had more satisfactions with this good extension! Export is very fast.

    10th January 2017

    Best extension

    Really good extension works well. Easy to install. Clear information. you can go in and check the xml and schedule regular updates. The extension is well supported and is frequently updated. Would recommend to anyone and everyone.

    10th January 2017


    the extension works great and support team is helpful and quick. thanks

    10th January 2017

    Quick solution

    1 Plugin for & Google Shopping. Simple & easy!

    Marinus - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    9th January 2017

    Great extension does exactly what it says

    We have been using Wyomind extensions for many years now. This extension was the first we bought and have not looked back. It is simple to use, easy to configure, I particularly like the documentation, it is simple for a beginner but also easy for a programmer to grab the info without having to read everything. The module once configured just works as expected. In addition to a great module the support is good too, a quick chat online or an email across to the team gets a quick response, usually the issue is dealt with by the same support person, so no worries about explaining issues to multiple people. We will continue to use this module and others as needed by Wyomind, 4 modules and counting!

    3rd January 2017

    Great extension

    I recommend this extension to anyone that need to import their product in Google Merchant center easily and quickly.

    Andrea - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    3rd January 2017


    This extension is brilliant and does exactly what you need it to do.

    Neil Bradley - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    27th December 2016

    Shopping feed

    Really a good extension which is both easy to connect to google shopping. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a simple product feed

    27th December 2016

    Brilliant Extension To Export Google Data Feed

    Used Simple Google Shopping for many years now and it works very well. Any small issues tht Ive had have been very quickly dealt with by the support team even in some cases when not the fault of the extension. Well Done to the guys at Wyomind

    26th December 2016

    Great Support

    Very powerful extension for Magento 2, but even better is the guaranteed support--all answered within 24 hours!

    Jason Warren - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    23rd December 2016

    A very easy and understandable solution.

    Very fast and friendly Support. In my Optionion the Best Google Feed Generator for Magento.

    Bjoern Griese - User for more than 13 years |Magento 1

    22nd December 2016

    So far great experience

    We have used about 5 extensions for various customers and had a good experience with product and support.

    22nd December 2016

    Nice extension

    Really a nice extension. It allows interfacing with google shopping so easy and quick.

    Fantozzi - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

    20th December 2016

    Great Module much better than Google Standard Module

    Hello, i would like to explain why i still intend to use this great Extension instead of Google Standard Magento Extension. Resons are: - this Extension much more configurable - not only Standard - i can adjust what kind of product is put to googleshopping, - not only Google Shopping possible, can make other Feeds too in short: best googleshopping Extension out there Best regards Markus

    20th December 2016

    Excellent extension

    We are very satisfied with Wyomind extensions for Google Shopping because there is a variety of configurations easy to use.We can use it in a multi shop environment and select single and configurable products as we like to.really great and easy to use extension.

    18th December 2016

    great extension working with it for 5 years

    great extension working with it for 5 years. never had any problems.

    christoph g. - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    18th December 2016

    Superb extension

    Using it on my M2 store and very happy with it! Great stuff

    Patrick - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

    16th December 2016

    Very Useful Extension for Magento

    I like the way extension has in implemented in Magento 1.X. I am looking now to use it in Magento 2.X

    Dean Smith - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

    15th December 2016

    Better than the rest.

    Simple but - The BEST GOOGLE shopping feed on the market. It works perfect and is backed up by excellent support. DO NOT hesitate to purchase.

    15th December 2016

    The most profitable extension...

    This is easily the most profitable extension that I have installed on my Magento store. Google are forever moving the goalposts with Google shopper and Simple Google Shopping gives us the flexibility and power to keep up to date and making sales. Further more the support received from Wyomind is first class.

    Roy Woodthorpe - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    14th December 2016

    Best Google Shopping Extension

    We use it on 4 different websites and it is the best we have found. Great support, flexible configuration.

    John - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

    7th September 2016

    Fantastic Support

    Quick support when needed - top developers! Came back to us with an answer within 10 minutes and got the answer to our problem spot on first time without looking!


    5th August 2016

    No Kidding It's Simple

    Easy to install and setup. Comes with some basic templates, which you can easily adapt if needed. You can map Magento categories to Google's.


    22nd June 2016

    Wonderful Modul and Team

    Everything works as expected. A little problem got solved by the support in just one hour! That's how support should work. Thank you!


    10th June 2016

    Excellent support

    Very nice and quick support lets say line by line...
    Really very good!
    Sanjay Patolia


    31st May 2016

    quick support

    I bought this module and noticed some problems with the license. After sending a mail i had an answer within 5 minutes. After checking in the backend Paul solved it. In total 10 minutes i was up and running.


    20th April 2016

    Truly Amazing Product and Support

    I do not do reviews but I am making an exception as I am so impressed with their support. I set up the extension yesterday and ran in to a couple of minor things that I was unsure about. I emailed support with that typical dubious feeling you get when you click submit on a ticket, will they come back today, maybe tomorrow. No within about 2 mins I had the solution. Since then I have asked a couple more questions and every time the reply has been instant and of incredibly high quality.
    The product itself is very very good and I feel like all in all I have underpaid them as for what translates to about £42 it will save us so much time and hassle with respect to Google Shopping.
    Well done Wyomind and I truly look forward to buying more of your extensions.
    If anyone wants to call or contact me to validate this review. Contact detail are at


    7th March 2016

    you won't regret buying this extension

    That was the first extension I bought from them and every time i need a new extension I check in their website first. Not only the extension do the job of automatize the process of creation and update of feeds but also the support is amazing. It's very good to know I can count with them when I need help. Recommended!


    11th February 2016

    Great. Simply Great.

    I have used other feed managers for years. Let me tell you something, they were 3x more expensive, buggy and slow.
    This extension works like a charm! It is fast, it is made by someone who cares about what they do.
    Not only will I be buying this extension for all the domains that I have, I will be checking out the other extensions that Wyomind has.
    Oh yea, great support too.
    Magento 2.0.2


    21st January 2016

    Do not, I repeat Do not.........

    DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT, hesitate to purchase the data feed extension from Wyomind.
    This product does everything you need to feed into Google and more. Custom tags, php insertion and, as far as I can see, every possible solution to customise feeds to individual needs.
    TOP this with a 1st Class, and I mean 1st Class support and you really cannot go wrong. To give an example the support response time was between 3 to 10 minutes. The last support answer coming at 10.14pm - do they ever sleep?
    Perfect extension. Perfect Support.
    All for only Euro 50 - it's a steal !!!!
    Many, Many Thanks.


    18th January 2016

    This extension has great features and support is incredible!

    I had some issues while making my site live. The support helps me in all the way and fixed it ...
    They are awesome and been the saviour.
    A big thumbs up to them :)


    10th November 2015

    Quality extension, great service

    This extension is very well built and functions well. It has a great feature set for easily listing all your products on Google Shopping. The support is also first class and responds promptly and efficiently to tickets. Highly recommended!


    15th October 2015

    Best Google Shopping Module Ever!!!

    We are really happy with this module as it does do all the job for us , if you can add facility where we can add php code plus parent code to the title field that would be great, i mean <title configurable php replace function.>
    Otherwise it great extension.
    Thanks again.


    3rd September 2015

    Quick and Responsive Support

    Had a couple of hick-ups on the install but man were they on point. Felt like I had my own personal support team working to help me out.
    Very responsive and will be looking a lot closer at their other plug-ins for my needs.
    Keep up the good work!!!!


    31st August 2015

    A little complicated at the beginning, but great.

    At the beginning i had a little complications, but the support help me very fast and friendly, so the problems was gone.
    Now we have very easy a Google shopping feed, that what we need.
    Great work!


    3rd July 2015

    Fast support, very fkexible and capable solution

    The hard part was getting familiar with Google's taxonomy and requirements, but once I understood that making the feed was simple, I was also suprsed to see how many options are available to cover what I imagine is a huge number of possible scenarios, conditional statements and amazing variable functionality, as well as data cleaning functions, stripping html tags and such, but even if statements and php for the capable. Very VERY impressed!
    Discovered a small bug after initial installation, emailed developer and within 24 hours patch was provided. No developer has flawless code, so it's nice to know Wyomind have solid support to back their extensions. Kudos Wyomind.


    24th June 2015

    Excellent Extension, Top Notch Support

    This extension is everything we were looking for for our feed automation. There are so many customizable options, and installation and configuration instructions were well documented and worked seamlessly.
    Support was absolutely phenomenal whenever we had any questions or issues, even when it involved our own hosting settings.
    I highly recommend this extension for any Magento store that is tired of doing manual uploads. This will change your life!


    25th May 2015

    Great product, excellent support service

    I needed to leave a review for these guys because it is impressive how fast and how good they provide support. In every single ticket I have opened, they have provided help in minutes and sorted every single one of the issues/questions I have sent them regardless of the number of back and forth emails we needed to fix the problem. It is probably the best investment in Magento extensions we have done so far at our ecommerce site.


    19th May 2015

    Great Extention, Great Support

    This is the best extension to generate an accurate XML. Besides, they have an amazing support, fast and helpful.


    14th May 2015

    Support is quick

    The XML template is manageable from admin panel which makes the data feed managing process easy.
    And, the support is quick and gets back very fast.


    30th April 2015

    Excellent extension

    This extension was exactly what I was looking for. Easy to install with step by step instructions and great after sales technical support. Highly recommended.


    24th April 2015

    Excellent extension great after care service

    This extension makes working with googles data feeds much easier has a few minor problems when setting up but the after care service is excellent and soon had them sorted.


    17th April 2015

    Great and reliable extension

    Not only an reliable extension, but also a skilled and fast developer team. Pleasure to work with, many thanks!


    14th April 2015

    Great support

    I had a small issue when installing but the support was really quick. Resolved the problem in 2 or 3 emails and now the extension is working great.


    14th April 2015

    One of the best

    Use this module to many years since version 1.5 I am now in version 1.9.1 and is working properly. Their service is very fast recommend.


    9th April 2015

    Great Plugin, Great Support

    The plugin was easy to set up and when I had to contact support, they got back to me within 10 minutes.
    I can definitely recommend this plugin and the developer.


    27th March 2015

    Good extension, best Professionals

    Good extension, easy to use, easy integration, you can trust and if you have problems you can be sure Wyomind technicians would solve them briefly.


    13th February 2015

    It works like a charm

    Great extension. Easy for using. You can simple add or change whatever you need.
    Don't go looking for better solution. You are on the right place.


    14th January 2015

    Must Have

    Module works without a problem, easy to use and if needed (very rarely), the support is excellent.

    N Lopez

    3rd December 2014

    Best Extension for all shopping sides

    We tried some of the Data Feed extensions but this one is really helpful and without bugs.
    Good Work. Thank You!


    17th November 2014

    Absolutely Brilliant

    Been using the Google Simple Shopping Extension on our store for quite some time. Upgraded a few times to have the latest version. (more than happy to pay the fee as it just plain works as expected)
    I asked the guys about the new Promotional feed extension as we are interested in buying. Got a response within 5 minutes.
    Pre-Sale and After-Sale service is the best of any extension providers we've dealt with. You have a customer for life here and no hesitation in recommending you guys to anyone who needs quality Magento Extensions and support to match.


    7th November 2014

    Good aftersales

    i had some problems with our licenses but they fixed it for us. we are using the plugin for the last 2 years.
    great support and fast response.
    would buy other extensions with them


    20th October 2014

    Support of this plugin - there is no support

    Well. First we spend 2 hours trying to buy the plugin and got help from their livesupport.
    After they fixed their issue with payment processed, we got the plugin and installed it.
    Afterwards we installed it we emergently spotted a problem that our images in feed wasn't coming.
    I ask Wyomind if they could take a 5 minit look, but then it will cost us 150EURO they said.
    I laught, and ask one of our own devolopers, 1,5 minit after it was fixed..
    Later i ask small things of bugs, but got a standard reply that they refer to their guideline..
    So far we bought over 200 different plugins for different sites.
    We never used Wyomind, and can't recommend it.
    Support of their own plugins are very important.
    - Denmark

    Webdepotet ApS

    12th October 2014

    Absolutely perfect after sales support

    I cannot comment personally on the functionality that this module delivers, but I perform management of server infrastructure and overall magento updates for a client who swears by this module.
    Recently we have performed an upgrade from Magento to This required some modification to the overall file structure of the magento store to get everything functional after the upgrade.
    As we were about to flip the switch and go live my client noticed this module was not functioning as expected in the admin area.
    I contacted Wyomind support, Sunday afternoon, and received a response very quickly from a helpful member of their support team who worked with me to find the cause of the problem.
    Given access to the admin backend and only app/code/local/Wyomind the support rep was able to find out exactly where the problem was and guided me to fixing it.
    I cannot commend enough the after sales support provided by Wyomind and this alone justifies the cost of this module in my opinion.


    27th June 2014

    Great extension and even better support!

    I'm not familiar with xml feeds so I needed an extension that was easy to use without a lot of technical knowledge. This extension was ideal. I configured the feed myself without any trouble and when I did have a question, I contacted Wyomind via the Live Chat. I received excellent support from Laurie who talked me through it and resolved the issue despite my limited knowledge. Very happy indeed. I would certainly recommend this, especially to anyone starting out with Google Shopping.


    26th June 2014

    Excellent!! After struggling so long with Magento APC.

    After spending so long trying to get along with Magento Shopping APC I decided I'd had enough. So I went for this and wish I had done it at lot sooner. Don't make my mistake and waste time thinking about other extensions this is the one to go for! In addition the tech support is outstanding.


    26th June 2014

    Did not work for large Google Shopping feed

    Couldn't get this to work on a large google shopping feed, so I googled around and found a solution by increasing the php.ini settings (
    I wish this was somewhere in the FAQ!


    21st June 2014

    Great Support

    Great support and an excellent plugin! Works perfectly Paul was a great help with getting the extension working.


    20th June 2014

    Simple Plugin, Excellent Support

    After some frustrating experiences with the Google API, we bought this. Took us not very long to get running. Got a bunch of errors, but their support's response was always instantaneous. The problems got ironed out and everything is working properly now.
    One of the best free supports out there. Easy 5/5.


    19th June 2014

    Great Support

    We had an issue with the Product and when contacted the support team by email, the response was very quick and also the issue was sorted in no time. They are recommended.


    10th June 2014


    Had a little problem while installing that extension but which was fixed by the support on my server in about 10 min! Love you guys! Now it works perfect :)


    5th June 2014

    Fantastic suppport

    Not very experienced with data feeds so it was really helpful to have excellent support. Gave up on the Google Content API, as it just didn't work for me. However didn't take long before I had my goods in Google Merchant center using this product. For a €40 product I wasn't expecting that level of support.


    24th May 2014

    Very fast

    Although I was not tech savy enough to complete the full install I was comunicated with very fast and effective with the support team. I paid for them to do the install for me and set up in Magento. The rest of the install into Merchant Center of Google was fast and easy.


    30th April 2014

    Must have extension, great support!

    I'm just blown away. Installed in less then 1 minute. Does everything it says. Configuring and connecting it to Google Merchant Center took some time. Had some questions about settings, which where answered within hours. Thumbs up for Laurie from the Wyomind Team! I would definitely recommend this extension!


    27th March 2014

    Support and Product Usage A*

    The product works as described. The support offered is amazing, I have never has questions answered so fast. Pierre also shows me the link to the comprehensive FAQs where all my questions are answered also. All in all a top magento module provider. I will definitely look at their other products.

    Dave Pickard

    27th March 2014

    Very helpful extension and incredible support

    Besides being a very useful extension, the support is fast and efficient. I was very pleased with the service.


    22nd March 2014


    Extension works great. We have been using free module for 5 months and had many issues. Decided to buy this extension to our small retail online business.
    Extension is simple to use, configure and meets all google requirements.
    Support is simply outstanding.


    21st February 2014

    Incredibly powerful extension

    Not only does it work brilliantly with google shopping, you can use it as a more advanced feed generator for exporting stock values and other useful bits of information you can't do with the vanilla feed creator (we use it to export the product IDs of simple products and simple products' parent products for use with our order processing system, something which is impossible to do on the standard feed creator).
    Excellent customer support, very helpful and knowledgeable!


    8th February 2014

    Nice extension and fantastic support

    The extension simplifies posting your feeds and comes with lots of possibilities to work around the issue at hand. On top of that you'll have a warm support 24/7.


    29th January 2014

    Excellent extension and Support

    The extension have simplified our work and has made it easy.
    Technical support and assistance have been very good.
    100% recommend the use of this extension.


    28th January 2014

    It does the job! And perfect support

    Works OK and the support team is simply perfect and FAST. I talked with Pierre several times for little doubts by e-mail and every reply was clear and prompt.
    I advice you to study the basics of the logic of Google Merchants feeds in order to readily personalize this module functions. Anyway it's really easy to install and use.
    Very good buy. Thanks!


    14th January 2014

    Best service ever!!!! Cannot recommend more

    I have been using this extension for about 6 months now.
    I cannot remember how many times i had issues with my google datafeed. i got many errors with my products datafeed but with limited knowledge about xml and php i have, it is very difficult to resolve them.
    Everytime when i ask for help, Pierre replied the emails very promptly, normally after about 2 hours, with details explanations.
    When i do not understand the php language, Pierre offered live support via skype and further more provide customization to my website code for free.
    I really cannot express how appreciated i am for all the helps he gave me.
    Thank you wymind and thank you Pierre!!
    This extension is great, very easy to use.
    They support is the best.
    From a grateful customer.


    26th December 2013

    Excellent support. Thanks Pierre @ Wyomind

    After installation the module did not show up under the catalog menu. I've contacted wyomind en got respons very quickly from Pierre. He was very helpfull and the matter was solved within hours. Great job. As for the module itself. I haven't worked with it very long yet but it looks prommising.
    5 stars for Wyomind. Excellent!


    20th November 2013

    FAST support

    We love the extension, but there was one question concerning some missing fields - i wrote a mail to the support - the answer was within 5 minutes - the task was solved within exactly 15 minutes!!!
    thumbs up!!!!


    15th November 2013

    Pierre is a great guy!

    I am already running this extension for a long time without any problems, but yesterday it stopped working cause it had a conflict with another extension.
    Pierre answered very quickly and found the solution very quickly! Thanks Pierre!


    4th November 2013

    Great plugin once set up

    Really great plugin once it's set up. It can be a little confusing at first but their documentation is very thorough and their support was outstanding - every question I had was answered within the hour. Our PLA ads are now live and performing well.
    I would definitely recommend this if you're looking to get featured in Google Shopping.


    23rd October 2013

    Does what it says it does...

    I have been running Simple Google Shopping now already for a couple of years and still am very happy with it!
    The module is easy to install and comes out of the box already with default Google Shopping feeds. You can just copy / paste them and change them to your liking.
    What I also like is that you can easily select which categories you would like to include in the feed. Not all of our products should show up at Google Shopping.
    All in all: this module is definitely worth it's money! It has generated already so much revenue to our website it's priceless... Not many websites use Google Shopping so it's an easy way to stand out with your webshop!


    16th October 2013

    Outstanding Extension & Support

    Great extension and support
    Pays for itself many times over in the time saved in creating your feeds.
    Easy to add custom programming and custom rules.
    Great support from the developer.


    14th October 2013

    Top Quality Extension and Support

    Wyomind make it easier than ever to post your products to Google Merchant. The extension enables you to tailor your feed exactly how you want it and it has the flexibility and support to encompass the feed specification changes that Google like to throw at us from time to time.
    I have it up and running on two of my stores and it is first extension I would add to any future store.


    6th October 2013

    Great extension: simple to use but powerful in customizations

    I really like this extension. It is very simple to use BUT very powerful in a complete customization of your Google Shopping Feed.
    The documentation provided is very well made (you can check it on their demo site) and you can have a complete idea of its functionality using it in their demo site provided in their website.
    I really advise it!


    24th September 2013

    Good Product, Excellent Support !

    Good extension, very flexible configuration.
    Feeds are well recognized on Google Merchant Center.
    Support is very reactive and efficient !
    I recommend !


    18th September 2013

    Great product

    Once you figure it out it's quite easy to use and setup. The check syntax/data window is wonderful.


    16th September 2013

    A truly excellent plugin

    This is a truly excellent plugin. It makes it really easy to get your products listed. The extension is easy to install and has an intuitive interface. Once setup it keeps our products listed where we want them.
    The support from the developer is also excellent with very quick answers to queries.
    Thanks for the plugin. It’s saved us a huge amount of time.


    14th September 2013

    Great Extension with even better support

    I use this extension on over five Magento shopping carts.
    Over time I have had a few issues and they have always been solved very quickly by Wyomind.
    If you need to get your products into Google shopping correctly then this is the correct extension for you.


    23rd August 2013


    This is an excellent extension and very useful. This has made my life so much easy to upload my feed into google shopping. The Developers provide excellent support, 5 star for customer services as well. I will recommend their extensions. Reliable extensions and Good Customer services !


    12th August 2013

    Works great with fast and good support!

    Just bought this extension and had a bit to read the google merchant and wyomind documentation but now its quite simple and easy to use.
    Quick answer to questions even on Sunday (where I never expected to get an answer).
    Fast creation of xml files and configurable product support as described. Images for simple products are pulled from the parent product.
    Installation was quite easy: Copy content to magento folder, clear cache, login/logout and register the extension.
    I was able to get it running in 10 minutes after payment.
    Thanks again!


    29th July 2013

    The best support on connect

    These guys are just awesome. Very helpful and go beyond normal customer service. If I need an extension will check here first!


    10th July 2013

    Fantastic product, Supersonic Support

    The best support I have ever seen, reply within minutes, Many Thanks


    6th June 2013

    Excellent Product

    This extension is excellent! Support is superb! I am so glad I decided to spend the money on this extension and stop messing around with the free google content extension.
    Thank you Wyomind for the excellent extension and support!


    31st May 2013

    One of the top five developers

    I now have used a lot of extensions. But have reconciled to using only a few now. Google Shopping is an excellent must-have product. Backed up by excellent super quick support - They bent over backwards to make sure we were happy and very competent code. Unreservedly recommended.


    30th May 2013

    Excellent developer

    I have had a wide experience of extension developers now. But only a handful I trust. Wyomind is one of them. Instant support and they will not finish until it is working.
    Highly recommended.


    29th May 2013


    The product works brilliantly and the support was excellent. Highly recommended.


    26th May 2013

    Best Extension for Google Shopping

    Have used this extension on 4 Magento sites (1 Enterprise) and it works flawlessly! Easy to customize/add additional fields.
    Excellent Documentation and FAQs ! Didn't got the chance to contact dev. support because it just works flawlessly!


    3rd May 2013

    The extension is great,service is excellent

    very useful extension, I compared almost all similar extension, this is the best at quality / best ratio. I highly recommend.


    2nd May 2013

    Good extension,excellent service

    useful extension.compared several similar extension, this one is the best at the highest quality price ratio. I highly recommend.


    29th April 2013

    Excellent support

    A great job by the Wyomind team. Instant support when needed.


    11th April 2013

    Excellent Extensions - Great Support

    The extension is very good and does exactly what it says on the tin - Support is second to none and Pierre replies back to any tech queries I have very quickly!


    6th April 2013

    Simply Stunning

    Really pleased with this module. It has the Google shopping format built in (which is what I wanted) but you can tweak it to your hearts content.
    I did have a slight issue with installation, easily sorted with help for their support team. The support was astounding, really quick and really helpful responses, all sorted in now time at all.


    30th March 2013

    Its working! And the support was fast!

    I installed via ftp and everything went well. Had to change the permissions on a folder for it to write to and was off to the races!
    I emailed support with a question of how to change from kilograms to pounds and remove the vat from the feed and heard back within minutes.
    Great work Wyomind! I was well worth the $ to have such support and an actual working product.


    20th March 2013

    Great Extension

    This is a great extension and is very easy to set up and very powerful. I'm not much of a techy but found it straight forward to set up my Google Shopping feed.
    I had a couple of questions and they were anwered within minutes. Great extension for a great price.


    13th March 2013

    Just the ticket!

    Does exactly what it says and excellent support, would definitely reccomend


    4th March 2013

    Great Product & Great Support

    We have used this extension for a number of our clients now and it has to be said that the product is a great product and the support received from Pierre has been quick and useful. Highly Recommended extension.


    27th February 2013

    Great service!

    The extension works fine and their customer support is great! Fast response with clear explanation!


    17th January 2013

    Amazing!!! Works perfect on

    Works perfect on!
    Support is also outstanding. I wrote a Mail and got an answer within an hour!


    12th December 2012

    Indeed a 5 star review for the Si

    Indeed a 5 star review for the Simple Google Shopping module. Never had such an easy extension for such a complex task. A few months ago I tried to add my products manually to Google Shopping. This took weeks of adjusting and stress. Now with this very little investment I was done in 3 hours. I had one small issue with the correct seo url but with very quick and good help from Wyomind that has been solved and my products are live and shoppable :-)

    Thanks for this great and cheap module.


    21st November 2012

    5-stars for product and support!

    5-stars for product and support! We started with Simple Google Shopping and upgraded to Data Feed Manager so Pierre could do some customization for us to workaround missing Google attributes in our database. Super-fast and courteous support plus fairly priced customization service. You can't go wrong with this extension. Especially recommended if you are missing Google attributes and need to script your way around that problem to get a compliant feed.


    15th November 2012

    Great extension, and the best sup

    Great extension, and the best support we have ever experienced.
    Were having some problems with this extension due to our Magento upgrade. Pierre helped us during several days (and evenings) to get the extension working properly again, and succeeded.
    We do recommend this extension and the fantastic Wyomind service!!


    12th October 2012

    Just purchased, followed email in

    Just purchased, followed email instructions to install, worked first time (Magento Small issue with multiple domains sorted by Pierre in the time it takes to write an email! Excellent extension, even better support! Our products are now on Google Merchant Center, no more than 2 hours after I started the entire process. The best 30 Euros you'll spend.


    28th September 2012

    Great and flexible extension with

    Great and flexible extension with outstanding support - highly recommended! (Magento CE


    19th September 2012

    What can I say...not more than 10

    What can I say...not more than 10 minutes between the purchase and the generation of the first feed. Works perfectly on Magento 1.6.1, excellent value for money!


    14th September 2012

    I've just moved over to this ext

    I've just moved over to this extension from using the Magento Google Shopping core API and have to say I'm highly impressed. With the Google core API I was plagued by constant timeouts, products not uploading and the auto-submit not working on all fields leading to inconsistencies between the site and google shopping.

    The ability to just put what you want into the feed from the Magento admin side without faffing around trying to modify files to get the data in there is amazing; you can literally just pick and choose whatever you want in the xml file.

    I installed it first on a localhost then onto the live server. I had an initial problem with installation on Magento but Pierre gave me a response within an hour which solved my issue.

    I definitely recommend this extension over the Magento Google core API.


    7th September 2012

    Not only is the product excellent

    Not only is the product excellent, the support really is 2nd to none. They have helped me on multiple occasions to get this to work while moving to new hosting providers. Every time I screw it up they are right there to help me. Thanks again guys!


    2nd September 2012

    Easy to use. Excellent and fast s

    Easy to use. Excellent and fast support. Thank you.


    29th August 2012

    Excellent extension and excellent

    Excellent extension and excellent support from Wyomind.

    Even at 10pm, Pierre from Wyomind
    was very helpfull and at the end I succeed in sending my whole catalogue to Google Shopping.

    I definitively recommand this extension.


    26th July 2012

    Fantastic. Installed it at 8pm, h

    Fantastic. Installed it at 8pm, helped us set it up...Have used Wyomind before to get our clients sites selling on google and will continue to do so.


    19th July 2012

    one of a few excellent extensions

    one of a few excellent extensions out there!! And great price.
    Worked with magento's core Content API for Google, which was unsuccessful and has some sort of bug. Had a punt with this extension. All products listed with ease. Great support.


    20th June 2012

    Pierre at Wyomind was extremely h

    Pierre at Wyomind was extremely helpful when setting this up with a very complex magento store. All 1754 products successfully listed on google shopping now. Thanks for all your help 10/10 - David

    Dave Pickard

    15th June 2012

    Great extension. Very easy to use

    Great extension. Very easy to use.


    6th June 2012

    hi great extension! b

    great extension!
    but i have a problem with the product url.
    the magento number at the end of the url does not appear. Whats the code for this?
    Thx for help


    27th May 2012

    This is a great extension !!!

    This is a great extension !!!

    And teh support they guys give is simply AWESOME !!!
    I had multiple problems and they solved everything ...

    Thanks again for all the support!


    30th April 2012

    The plugin I could make exactly w

    The plugin I could make exactly what I needed. I work with Joomla MageBrigde Magento combination. Here it works perfectly. With questions we received support quickly find the right answers.


    19th April 2012

    Awesome! This extension is brilli

    Awesome! This extension is brilliant. You can easily customise what the data feed pulls in from your Magento store. I had a little trouble setting it up initially but the support from Wyomind is extremely good. I've even just contacted them 4 months down the line and they helped me out no questions asked. Highly recommended!


    16th April 2012

    This plugin is fantastic. Does ex

    This plugin is fantastic. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Documentation is good as well and Pierre has just been superb in supporting this well thought out plugin. We had a few questions after we purchased and Pierre was always prompt and incredibly helpful. I believe he native language is French although his written English is better than most English people. Most impressed and can't recommend him enough. Top job Pierre, keep up the good work!


    3rd April 2012

    Thanks so much for your help,

    Thanks so much for your help, asking web guys now x


    15th March 2012

    Pierre is the greatest. He helped

    Pierre is the greatest. He helped someone that was clueless like me get everything working perfectly with this extension. His support as prompt and he even offered to go in a create the Google XML data feed for me, although right after the offer I finally saw my mistake and was able to get it done myself. Thanks though for the offer Pierre!

    The upgrade to the $80 feed thing you have, that will allow feeds to Shopzilla and Pricegrabber and things. Will that overwrite this one if I purchase it or is it simply another extension and this one stays too?

    LOL... you thought you were done with my questions! Seriously though, now I think I will be able to figure things out better since you help the first time.



    13th March 2012

    Works great ! Efficient support !

    Works great ! Efficient support !!
    Thanks for your work, guys.


    23rd February 2012

    Very nice extension and very good

    Very nice extension and very good support. But now I've changed to a multilingual shop. But the store code (e.g. fr) do not occurs in the feed. Any suggestion?


    16th February 2012

    Very Good extension and exception

    Very Good extension and exceptional support from Pierre.


    6th February 2012

    Very good and flexible Extension.

    Very good and flexible Extension.
    I was very impressed by the extrodenary fast and googd support. Thumbs up Wyomind for your good work.


    5th February 2012

    Impressive! We had two prob

    We had two problems and we get all the help we need in just one day! On a Sunday! The best spend money ever.


    3rd February 2012

    To Wyomind - I have tried to send

    To Wyomind - I have tried to send you an email but you server keeps hitting me back with "retry timeout exceeded"

    please get in touch with me - i bought another license today - refer to my name for reference. thank you and for everybody else - this is my 3rd licence - works brilliantly and provides peace of mind with its automation.


    1st February 2012

    thanks pierre..... best suppo

    thanks pierre..... best support ever!!! (less than 15 minutes)


    31st January 2012

    Magnific extension. I've done my

    Magnific extension. I've done my feed with all attributtes in 15 minutes.
    I have had a doubt for a modification and they've done for me the php code in a few hours. A very good investment!! I have 1.5.1 and 1500 articles. Thanks!


    31st January 2012

    Amazing support (less than 20 min

    Amazing support (less than 20 minutes to fix a bug after the first mail) !
    The extension seems to work fine in Magento What could be better ?


    30th January 2012

    Impressive support!, close to 24h

    Impressive support!, close to 24h!


    24th January 2012

    Very active and efficient support

    Very active and efficient support for a really great extension!
    Thank you for your help Pierre and keep up the good work.



    20th January 2012

    I had a problem about price.

    I had a problem about price.
    that comes out randomly different. I tried fix that and asked to Wyomind.

    normal code :

    fix code :

    it working well now!
    thank you for good support.


    20th January 2012

    Amazing support and this extensio

    Amazing support and this extension is wonderful. It works very fast. The product is excellent just like the support. I am very happy, thank you for your work and your help Pierre.

    Bross Computers


    11th January 2012

    The extension is brilliant and do

    The extension is brilliant and does exactly what we wanted. Takes a bit of tweaking, but there is enough information to help you get it configured correctly. But best of all is the support. The questions asked were promptly answered. Great customer service and great product.
    Can you tell that I'm very happy with it :-)


    5th January 2012

    Wyomind have been massively helpf

    Wyomind have been massively helpful and the extension works great with all the new google rules etc. Also the extension has a built in easy to use cron job that automatically updates your google shopping feed... :-)


    4th January 2012

    That was really fast, thank y

    That was really fast, thank you very much!


    7th December 2011

    This is an amazing extension. I l

    This is an amazing extension. I love it and it saved me tons of time exporting the xml files. I highly recommend it to everyone.

    Support is excellent and fast - just fantastic.


    4th December 2011

    An amazing plug-in that saved me

    An amazing plug-in that saved me tons of time exporting .xml files for my Google Merchant account. Tremendous support. This product and support team are AMAZING!!!! 5 STARS!!


    28th November 2011

    Great extension and excellent sup

    Great extension and excellent support really happy with their support level and help. Pierre great job and thanks a ton to you and your team. 100% must have component and worth the value.


    28th November 2011

    Great extension and excellent sup

    Great extension and excellent support really happy with their support level and help. Pierre great job and thanks a ton to you and your team. 100% must have component and worth the value.


    25th November 2011

    Great extension and I can't expr

    Great extension and I can't express highly enough on the level of support that Pierre and his team provide. Thanks again guys!


    25th November 2011

    Great extension and one of the be

    Great extension and one of the best support ever, congrats guys!


    24th November 2011

    Great, Great add-on.

    Great, Great add-on.

    The support is even better !!
    Thanks guys !


    19th November 2011

    Superb service, thanks for so

    Superb service, thanks for sorting out the plugin installation much appreciated, looks like it all working fine thanks.


    31st October 2011

    Just purchased today and got all

    Just purchased today and got all the needed help with set up.
    Previously wasted 2 full days with free add-on with no luck. Plusgin and service definitely worth the price.


    19th October 2011

    I bought the extension couple day

    I bought the extension couple days ago. It is easy to install and configure, it does what it claims to do and I have no problems with it....

    What Im happy with this extension for is the support I did get when I needed.

    Support was fast and helpful. Pierre helped me with all the questions I had.

    In terms of functionality, the extension doesnt offer much more than a default magento google shopping does... but... if you are tired of constant changes of Google API while magentos google shopping doesnt seem to solve this problems (or solves them after quite a long time) this is the extension to go for.

    Overall: This is a great extension backed up by a great support. I would recommend it to anyone who is tired of struggling with google api changes and imcompatibility of default google shopping extension in magento.


    20th September 2011

    Hey Pierre, many thanks for your

    Hey Pierre, many thanks for your help today via e-mail. I managed all.


    20th September 2011

    Thanks, thats great

    Thanks, thats great


    16th September 2011

    Wow its true, i m back at google

    Wow its true, i m back at google shopping with my old, thanks a lot for super fast support and that great product!!!

    Greetz from Germany!


    13th September 2011

    You cannot fault the support from

    You cannot fault the support from these guys - couldn't get it working, emailed and within eight minutes I had a reply, problem fixed and all working seamlessly. The 'problem' by the way, was me not following the instructions lol.

    I will be purchasing from Wyomind again - thankyou Pierre


    10th September 2011

    Awesome customer service, answere

    Awesome customer service, answered all my emails within an hour or less. Very helpful extension that works perfectly.

    Thank you!


    6th September 2011

    Okie thank you for the explan

    Okie thank you for the explanation. Actually i want to use one of the feed with only the last 20 products. It wont be used for Google Shopping, but for something else. Do you offer installation and setting service? Thank you for your fast reply


    3rd September 2011

    Just purchased this extension and

    Just purchased this extension and was easy to install. Works perfectly on :). Pierre was real helpful, and responded to all my questions promptly. I even had simple small questions on things I overlooked, and Pierre was kind enough to show me and provide proper links and documentation. Great customer service I've had for Magento extensions. I highly recommend Wyomind and look forward to more extensions from them. Thanks again for all your help. Best regards.


    21st August 2011

    Awesome! Thank you! :) Great

    Awesome! Thank you! :) Great Extension and highly reccomended to others. Using the standard template, managed to get my products uploaded to google and have Google Merchant set to check the data feed every month.

    Remember to add the Google Product Category as it will be a requirement by google from next month. :)


    17th August 2011

    Hello again, As

    Hello again,

    As schedulled I've sent the feed to Google Shopping and IT WORKS FINE.

    Again: GOOD PRODUCT AND GOOD SERVICE: Congratulations. 5 out of 5

    I'll buy your module (other licence) for next magento online shop I'll must handle his introducton to Google Shopping. 100% SURE.



    16th August 2011

    Hi Wyomind, No I

    Hi Wyomind,

    No I don't send it, any kind of filters. BUT NO PROBLEM.
    I get one of your standard templates: GoogleShopping_standard.xml
    And It it works FINE.
    So, tomorow I'll check if Google Shopping accept the sheet, but I'm sure on 99% it will accept.


    Before to buy I read several reviews here about performance, service, etc...
    I've decided to buy, thinking: "if service and product is half better than talk people here, that's will be a good product. I WAS MISTAKEN, Service and product is DOUBLE BETTER than people talk here.

    GOOD PRODUCT AND GOOD SERVICE: Congratulations. 5 out of 5

    Best regards !


    16th August 2011

    Just got my products showing up o

    Just got my products showing up on Google shopping with Simple Google Shopping! So I had to come back to verify the greatness of this product. At first I had a little difficulty installing and getting it up and going but, with some help from there customer service (which was fast, helpful, and well spoken) I had it up and running in no time at all. So all in all if you're trying to get you products on Google shopping now that the stock Google base doesn't work this is the best solution!

    "It's a must have for any Magento website!"
    5 out of 5

    FYI: My sites running Magento ver.


    6th August 2011

    Great Addon ! Thank you!

    Great Addon ! Thank you!


    2nd August 2011

    Hi Pierre, Thanks for the help wi

    Hi Pierre, Thanks for the help with the Google Product categories. The extension works really well on 2 sites both using 1.4.2 and the support has been excellent. Great extension and great customer service!


    29th July 2011

    Yup, works perfectly on Mage 1.3.

    Yup, works perfectly on Mage 1.3. Tech support was awesome. Very satisfied.


    26th July 2011

    thank god... after t

    thank god...

    after trying the new google API that did'n install well and gave all sorts of errors this was my only hope on getting google shopping set up asap. And although the installation was first confused by my prior google API install wyomind gave me perfect support and fixed my problems within a hour of contacting them by email. Well worth the investment and I recomend everybody to make this there first choise when looking to publish to google shopping as a mearchent.

    Greetings, and thank again wyomind - maarten hesterman


    16th July 2011

    Excellent work, Wyomind!

    Excellent work, Wyomind!

    I reported a bug and had it resolved in just hours, thanks to the great support from Pierre.


    15th July 2011



    Due to me not disabling the compiler first and the rerunning it I had a problem. However Pierre helped me within 1 hour and everything was setup right and working.

    thank you, I will be looking at your other extensions because onf your wonderful support.


    28th June 2011

    Great extension, already prepared

    Great extension, already prepared with a default XML pattern, and an excellent online support.

    Wyomind, I wish you continue working on it in order to fill up all Google Shopping fields. Please, inform us for any updates.


    21st June 2011

    A great extension with excellent

    A great extension with excellent support. Thanks you !!!


    17th June 2011

    Great extension with excellent su

    Great extension with excellent support. We used Wyomind's extension to move our product feed to Google Shopping following the deprecation of Google Base.

    We were able to install the extension on our test server prior to moving it to the live site. Wyomind provided excellent support, and worked with us during the test phase.

    No problems and no complaints. Highly recommended.


    6th June 2011

    This extension is worth every cen

    This extension is worth every cent. Easy installation and the feed is very easy to customize after your needs. Pierre reacted very fast (with the right answer) when I had a question about customizing the feed.
    Would buy again.


    26th May 2011

    Piere, thanks for the quick respo

    Piere, thanks for the quick response and for all the advice!


    16th May 2011

    Great! The patch solved the i

    Great! The patch solved the issue! Thanks a lot! Great module!


    22nd April 2011

    Simple Google Shopping works a tr

    Simple Google Shopping works a treat and I want to tell everyone that support for this extension is excellent!
    Our implementation of Magento isn't quite vanilla flavoured but this plugin (with a bit of help from Pierre) coped no problem at all.
    There are even features in this plugin that are a secret until you try them. While trying to strip the tags from our description I discovered that this was a default feature.
    Now I'd be more than happy to pay Google another €25 for the same sort of support for Google Merchant Centre - well I can dream.


    31st March 2011

    Excellent extension, well worth t

    Excellent extension, well worth the money. The built in magento google base function never seemed to work well for us, this extension has solved our issue so thanks!!


    9th March 2011

    We had a very good surprise when

    We had a very good surprise when we tried to install this plug on an enterprise release 1.8: it works fine without any modification of the code, even if it has been developed for the community version. The product is powerful: the pattern allows to customize your extraction. If you need help, the service provided by email is quick and more than efficient. Highly recommended.


    7th March 2011

    Extension facile à installer et

    Extension facile à  installer et les quelques problèmes rencontrés pour exporter les flux de produit vers Google ont été vite balayés grâce à un support d'aide efficace. Wyomind nous livre là  une extension de qualité que je recommande chaudement. Vivement la prochaine extension !


    19th January 2011

    Un grand merci au développeur ..

    Un grand merci au développeur ... qui en plus d'avoir développé quelque chose d'utile (c'est parfois loin d'être le cas de certaines extensions Magento :p) il assure un support de trés bonne qualité via email. Débuggage et aide à  l'installation / personnalisation de l'application. Un grand merci :)


    27th December 2010

    Un grand merci à Pierre pour sa

    Un grand merci à Pierre pour sa grande disponibilité. Et surtout l'écoute dont il a fait preuve. Ce sont de rares qualités.

    Un excellent module, qui je l'espère évoluera rapidement.

    Bonne années à tous.


    20th December 2010

    This extension worked for us out

    This extension worked for us out of the box perfectly: 1.4.01. Pierre is a nice and proficient guy. Can only understress wherlepk's comment. Additionally you should know: beside that you can use Magento standard with Google base, this extension creates an xml.file that can be used with all other search engines that allow the use of Google Merchant Data feed , for example :-)


    14th December 2010

    Très bon contact et résolution

    Trés bon contact et résolution des problème trés rapide.

    Balligand Cedric

    2nd December 2010

    Simple Google Shopping worked gre

    Simple Google Shopping worked great for us at! Once we figured out the basics, creating the Google Shopping file was easy. It takes all the hard work out of setting up the file. Use the below code in the product pattern and will be 90% there. Don't worry about support in English, Pierre is fluent in English and was very helpful with any questions. Also do not worry about paying in Euros...they are just a little more then dollars ($32 on 12/1/10)...still a great deal.

    I highly recomend this product!


    Bug fix

    • Feed's list page: display the last generation date in the Magento admin's timezone rather than GMT

    Bug fix

    • Correct a javascript error in admin

    Bug fix

    • Correctly render effective end date on special prices

    Bug fix

    • Correct product visibility filter

    Initial release for the master version

    Initial release for the legacy version

    Bug fix

    • Fix potential bug that drives to incorrect product page URL 


    • Accelerate the data feed generation process 


    • Compatibility with Php v 8.1


    • Compatibility with Php v 8.1


    • The extension supports now custom product visibility types 


    • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


    • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


    • Price block override that prevents  price mismatches for configurable product (beta)


    • Custom price block optimized (custom block that prevents product prices mismatches with configurable products)


    • The category mapping auto-complete is updated to match new jQuery overrides
    • Compatibility fix for PHP v8.1
    • Better schema upgrade and data upgrade management
    • Bug fix for data feeds including numerous attributes
    • Better schema upgrade and data upgrade management
    • PHp v8.1 compatibility improvement


    • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
    • Fix for recovering the promotion ids
    • Fix for retrieving images with a particular role in the case where the role name ends with a number


    • Possibility to choose the image role for {{product.image_link}}
    • Temporary deactivation of the price rendering feature for configurable products with pre-selected options: this feature changed the price of other products displayed on the product page
    • Fix for the error:
      Notice: Undefined property: WyomindSimpleGoogleShoppingModelResourceModelProductCollectionInterceptor::$attributesHelper


    • google_product_category is now a reserved keyword so that it always provides the result of the category mapping even if there is an attribute produced with this code
    • Minor fix on code
    • Feed generation speed optimized

    • Fix for the cron tasks
    • Fix for a bug preventing the data feeds automatic generation
    • Better management for cron tasks that are now based on the locale date and hour defined in the back-office
    • The option to display the price of the pre-selected single product when arriving on the page of a configurable product is disabled by default
    • Minor fix on code
    • Minor fix on code


    • Possibility to use a negative index when retrieving images: {{product.image_link index=-1}} retrieves the last image of the product
    • The price of the product in the DOM is now the price of the pre-selected single product when arriving on the page of a configurable product from a URL including the pre-selected attribute options 

    • Fix when categories are deleted whereas they are selected in the data feed configuration
    • Modification of the method to retrieve the base Magento directory and adaptation for some Magento Cloud configurations
    • Fix when categories are selected as filters but don't exist anymore in Magento


    • The currency parameter is supported for product.url_config
    • Fix for a bug 
    • Management of a special case in the generation reports
    • Fix for converting prices according to the price scope (global or website)
    • Mapping section increased: useful when having a lot of categories
    • The module is even more permissive for sites that do not have sources associated with a website


    • The module can work even if there is no source configured for the current stock
    • Fix for a bug preventing the data feed page to load when non-standard attributes were used


    • New parameter for product_url and product.url_config that adds ?currency=XXX to the generated URL: this URL will automatically switch to the selected currency


    • Report is back in the black box


    • Error reporting available when clicking on "X errors, X warnings" after the feed generation and in the grid
    • Magento Cloud fix for factory classes


    • Improved license management system (Clear code)
    • Fix for the demo store


    • License system improved
    • Minor fix for Magento 2.2


    • PHP code quality improved
    • Minor fix on code
    • Minor fix on code

    Bug Fix

    • Fix for retrieving images for Magento Enterprise: row_id is used to retrieve images in the gallery table


    • Product types filter: product types are retrieved dynamically
    • Fix on a SQL error when there is a lot of mapped attributes
    • Fix for retrieving stocks using Magento EE


    • Better management of sales_effective_date: dates are not displayed if from and/or to date are missing
    • Fix on a typo on the "separator" parameter
    • Fix for products URLs with manually created rewrites
    • Fix for Magento 2.3.3
    • Compatibility with Magento 2.3.3
    • Fix on a bug when generating feeds with promotional price rules


    • Compatibility with the Multi Stock Inventory module on Magento v2.3.0
    Patch v13.7.0.8

    • Fix for the default value of Use canonical URL

    Patch v13.7.0.7

    • Sample date available for the demo

    Patch v13.7.0.6

    • Fix on advanced filters

    Patch v13.7.0.5

    • Minor clean in etc/di.xml

    Patch v13.7.0.4

    • Minor fix for URL rewrite

    Patch v13.7.0.3

    • Fix for the promotion_id

    Patch v13.7.0.2

    • Fix for the canonical URLs default value

    Patch v13.7.0.1

    • Fix for the compilation

    • Fix when installing several modules at the same time
    Patch v13.6.1.2

    • Fix for the default value of Use canonical URL

    Patch v13.6.1.1

    • Fix for the promotion_id


    • Magento 2.3 compatible
    Patch v13.6.0.9

    • Fix for the default value of Use canonical URL

    Patch v13.6.0.8

    • Revert for Magento Cloud

    Patch v13.6.0.7

    • Disabled images are excluded from the feeds

    Patch v13.6.0.6

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.6.0.5

    • Fix when retrieving products urls for Magento 2 EE

    Patch v13.6.0.4

    • Fix on path with Magento Cloud

    Patch v13.6.0.3

    • Fix when using with Magento Cloud: /app/ was added to the path where the file is stored

    Patch v13.6.0.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.6.0.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed


    • Compatibility with PHP v5.5 and v5.6
    Patch v13.5.3.3

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.5.3.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.5.3.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed


    • Improved execution of php script when the attribute value is a table
    Patch v13.5.1.3

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.5.1.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.5.1.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed


    • Better management of category filters and mapping
    Patch v13.5.0.4

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.5.0.3

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.5.0.2

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed

    Patch v13.5.0.1

    • Fix on php syntax 

    • Better management of the module installation place
    Patch v13.4.3.3

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.4.3.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.4.3.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed

    Bug Fix

    • Fix for compatibilty with Magento < 2.2.5
    Patch v13.4.2.5

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.4.2.4

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.4.2.3

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed

    Patch v13.4.2.2

    • Fix on {{product.qty}} when a configurable product has no child

    Patch v13.4.2.1

    • Minor fix in the layout

    • Fix on PHP code execution in the template
    Patch v13.4.1.3

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.4.1.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.4.1.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed


    • Compatibility with Magento 2.2.5
    Patch v13.4.0.3

    • Minor fix on code

    Patch v13.4.0.2

    • Fix for the energy_efficiency_class tag

    Patch v13.4.0.1

    • Fix on the simplegoogleshopping_categories variable that caused issue when creating a new data feed


    • Better management of the taxonomy

    Bug Fix

    • New use of the custom functions to prevent any error with the cron task
    • Fix for default feeds
    Patch v13.3.2.1

    • Minor fix on code


    • Files are now automatically updated depending on the Magento version while installing the module
    Patch v13.3.1.5

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.3.1.4

    • Fix on specific tags

    Patch v13.3.1.3

    • Fix on CDATA management

    Patch v13.3.1.2

    • Fix for the category filters

    Patch v13.3.1.1

    • Fix for the bundle products


    • Fix for a Magento Bug that displays the SQL request instead of the error message
    • Fix for the error messaged related to the license management 
    Patch v13.3.0.2

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.3.0.1

    • Fix for the bundle products


    • Magento v2.2.1 compatibilty
    Patch v13.2.0.4

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.2.0.2

    • Fix for Magento Enterprise Edition

    Patch v13.2.0.1

    • Fix for the cron task frequency (*/30 * * * * instead of * * * * *)


    • Better support for PHP script errors in the data feeds
    • Black box can now be collapsed/expanded, maximized/minimized
    • Command lines renamed to simplegoogleshopping_* (instead of sgs_*)
    • Default Custom functions renamed to wyomind_* (instead of sgs_*)

    Bug fix:

    • minor fix on the output parameter for static values
    Patch v13.1.0.3

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.1.0.2

    • Fix for the cron task frequency (*/30 * * * * instead of * * * * *)

    Patch v13.1.0.1

    • fix for the translation file ("menu" was translated with an empty string)


    • Compatibility with Magento v2.2
    Patch v13.0.1.2

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.0.1.1

    • Fix for the cron task frequency (*/30 * * * * instead of * * * * *)

    Support on the following Magento optimization options:

    • Javascript merging
    • JavaScript bundling
    • Javascript minification
    Patch v13.0.0.3

    • Fix for the Google Taxonomy source
    • Better management of the taxonomy
    • Fix for default feeds

    Patch v13.0.0.2

    • Fix for the cron task frequency (*/30 * * * * instead of * * * * *)

    Patch v13.0.0.1

    • Javascript fix for the category filter types

    Bug fix:

    • Fix a bug in the display of the categories
    Patch v12.0.1.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • PHP API: getParent and hasParent functions supported 
    • Better management of Javascript files


    • Blackbox is back
    • Better performance when editing a configuration
    • Drag and drop available on the preview/library window
    Patch v12.0.0.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Better support for attributes including HTML tags
    Patch v11.0.2.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Better support for the install/upgrade scripts
    • Method $this->skip() available directly from the template to skip the current product
    Patch v11.0.1.2

    • Fix on {{product.categories}}
      Categories that are empty when retrieved by {{product.categories}}, are deleted from the category list.
    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • categories attribute re-designed for a more flexible usage
    • Attributes can now be stored under variables with the as parameter
    • Conditions can now be applied to the attributes with the if parameter
    • Data feeds can be triggered with CLI
    Patch v11.0.0.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Simple Google Shopping is compatible with Magento 2.1.0
    Patch v10.0.8.3

    • fix for the translation file ("menu" was translated with an empty string)

    Patch v10.0.8.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version

    Bug Fix:

    • Fix for images recovery
    Patch v10.0.7.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Code improvements for Magento Audit
    Patch v10.0.6.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Minor code improvements
    Patch v10.0.3.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • New attribute {{product.url_config}} retrieves URL to pre-select the simple product attributes from its configurable 
    • New management of licenses for Magento 2
    Patch v10.0.2.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version


    • Simple Google Shopping is compatible with Magento 2
    Patch v10.0.0.2

    • Fix on PHP errors generated by previous patch version

    Demo store

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