solutions for e-commerce

14 years of business 2578 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Order Eraser

Order Eraser allows you to simply clean your sales database by deleting useless orders, linked invoices and all linked data in one go.

4.7/5 rated
82 Reviews
User guide

How to use Order Eraser on Magento 2

STEP 1: Install the Order Eraser extension

To install the Order Eraser extension in your Magento 2 back office, you need to:

  1. Before installing the extension, it's advisable to backup your Magento 2 installation.
  2. Then, you need to refresh caches in:
    SystemToolsCache Management
  3. Now, you can download the zipped extension from:
    your Wyomind accountLICENSES & DOWNLOADS
  4. Once you have downloaded it, unzip the folder content.
  5. Copy the app folder and paste it into the Magento 2 root directory. You can merge the directories.
  6. Open a console and run the following command on the Magento 2 root directory:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade​

  7. Once your installation is complete, don't forget to clear the cache and log in again.

If you are working on Magento 2.0.x, you'll have to rename:


STEP 2: Use the Order Eraser extension

With Order Eraser for Magento 2, you can clean your sales database in one go. The extension will automatically delete:

  • the orders you've selected
  • the linked invoices
  • all linked data

The extension can be ready to use from your Magento 2 back-office in a few minutes only.

After having installed the extension, go to:

There you have many possibilities to delete your orders.

Tick all the orders you want to delete, from the Actions dropdown, choose Delete. A popup is displayed, click on OK.

A notification should be displayed at the top of your admin saying that your orders have been deleted from your Magento 2 admin.

You can also delete one order at a time either by clicking on Delete from the Delete column or by clicking on Delete directly in the order view.

In the case where the order(s) that you have deleted was/were linked to some invoices or credit memos, these latter will also be removed.

Clean your sales database with Order Eraser for Magento® 2!

The extension will automatically delete the orders you've selected, the invoices, and all linked data.

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?

Quickly and massively delete orders

Select the orders you want to delete in Magento® 2

Receive a notification when the orders have been deleted

Automatically delete invoices and other data linked to the orders


Do you want to know more?

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.
License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Order Eraser on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Order Eraser.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Order Eraser on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Order Eraser, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Order Eraser.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Order Eraser, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Order Eraser.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Order Eraser in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

You can install Order Eraser manually.

  1. Download Order Eraser (zip file) on:
    mY ACCOUNTLicenses & Downloads
    Refer to the FAQ: Extensions download
  2. Once Order Eraser is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.
  4. In your Command Line Interface, execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade 

    If you are using a production mode, execute also:

    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
    bin/magento setup:di:compile  

You can install Order Eraser using Composer software in two cases:

  • if you purchased Order Eraser on Magento Marketplace.
  • if you purchased Order Eraser on AND requested access to our repository:
  1. Add to your composer configuration our repository:
    composer config repositories.wyomind composer 

  2. Execute Composer command:
    composer require wyomind/ordereraser
  3. Then go in your Command Line Interface and execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade ​
  4. If you are using a production mode, also execute:
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  ​
    bin/magento setup:di:compile​

To uninstall Order Eraser, start with disabling the extension running the following command:

bin/magento module:disable Wyomind_OrderEraser

Then, you have 2 ways to uninstall the extension depending on how the extension has been previously installed: 

  • Manual installation

    Run the file (you can find it in the extension zip folder) from your Magento root directory:



  • Installation via Composer

    Run the below command line:

    composer remove wyomind/ordereraser

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it). 

You can install Order Eraser via Web Setup Wizard if you purchased it from Magento Marketplace only.

To know how to proceed, all steps are described in the link below:

Next step is to activate your license:
Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Order Eraser is installed, you have to activate the license. For previous versions, you can activate the license from your back-office:

    1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

      If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

         1. The Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are well enabled.
         2. The HTML output of the Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are not disabled in:
      storesconfigurationadvanced advanced
         3. The encryption key well exists in app/etc/env.php:
       return array(
       'backend' => array(
       'frontName' => 'admin'
       'crypt' => array(
       'key' => '1e8f3c6772b7a6a6689c3c8cefa4ccf0'
       /* ... */
    2. Copy your activation key in:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
      In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Order Eraser.
      In your Wyomind account:My account Licenses & downloads
      Select Order Eraser and click on  .

      A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).

    3. In your Magento admin go to:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
      By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic.
      By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

    4. Click on Save config .
    5. A message appears at the top of your admin panel. Click on that link: 
      Activate it now!
    6. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 

    7. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log in back straight after, to complete the installation.

When the extension includes other modules, repeat the steps described above for each one, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).

Add another domain to your license

To activate the license on another domain (test, staging...):

  1. Once the extension is installed on the new domain, copy your activation key in:
    StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension
  2. After having saved the configuration, a notification appears. Click on Add this domain to my license.

  3. A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.
    Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.
    If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Order Eraser on both environments at the same time.

Note that the order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter. You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.

Also, if you have loads of staging domains, or if you are an agency managing load of domains for your customers, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.

Once Order Eraser is installed, you have to activate the license.

For this, you can use the below command line (change the Activation key with the corresponding value):

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate Wyomind_OrderEraser <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY>

To retrieve the list of all the available modules as well as the licenses status, please use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:status


 Among the different status, you can find: 

  • registered = your license is registered
  • pending = you need to run the activation command line
  • invalidated = the license has been invalidated due to a wrong activation key or a license infringement


To activate several licenses at the same time, use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_Extension1,Wyomind_Extension2 \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Extension1,Extension2 \
Magento 2 Compatibility

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

2nd May 2022

Un plugin efficace

Un plugin simple, efficace et en plus gratuit. Avec en plus un service client pertinent qui vous accompagne malgré la gratuité du produit, chapeau bas messieurs !

Samuel - Merchant - User for more than 2 years |Magento 2

27th February 2020

Very useful extention

Very useful extention. I don't understand, why Magento team doesn't use this functionality by default. Order Eraser allows you to simply clean your sales database

30th April 2018

Nice Tool, But Invoices & Shipments Are Not Being Deleted

I tried your too, and it works very nice. All of my orders were deleted quickly, but the invoices & shipment records still stay. I tried re-indexing, and cleaning the cache but no help. I used it on Magento 2.2.3.

Easy - User for more than 6 years

7th December 2016

Excellent, very easy &amp; worked first time!

Very easy to install in magento connect on magento 1.9, worked first time. Does exactly what it says, I highly recommend!


15th November 2016

Works with Magento!

Works with Magento! The fastest and most efficient solution to delete all orders.


19th September 2016

Well working plugin and super fast support!

We had some problems with permissions and Wyomind support solved with super fast support!
I strongly recomend this product!


14th September 2016


Extension worked straight away, excellent job! I have seen may extensions that do this that cost money, it's awesome this developer is giving it away for free! Had my test orders deleted within seconds of installing extension!


2nd September 2016

Working as described

Simple and easy.
Working as expected in the admin panel.
I tested it on my testing server.
Yet to deploy in the production site.
But still need to check data in the underlying tables.


18th July 2016

Dont Work

I installed on Magento
Admin Option i can see but in the Order Grid i dont see in Actions the Option Delete
What is Wrong?


6th July 2016


works like promised
easy to use
time saver
thx a lot!


22nd June 2016

A must-have for any Magento store

Works seamlessly with Magento A must-have extension.


10th June 2016


It worked very well in the latest version of magento. My version


25th April 2016

Good but it has a permission problem

The module is good but it has a permission problem in Magento The class Wyomind_Orderseraser_Adminhtml_OrderseraserController must override the _isAllowed method so not superadmin users can access the order deleting functionality.
The solution is to add this code in the class:
protected function _isAllowed() {
return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('sales/order/actions/delete');
As a suggestion, It would be useful to have a confirmation dialog in the mass action as well, and some configuration option to disable the module.
Anyway, in general it is good.


30th March 2016

Worked For me!

This really helped me out, as a magento newbie, couldn't find where to remove/delete orders. Google search suggested writing scripts, or accessing the various tables, which I wasn't confident in implementing.
We had lots of test orders which we didn't want to leave in place and I'm not sure why delete isn't an option right out of the box, but this plugin works and I now have a clean orders dashboard!
I'm running CE version 1.9.4 and it's installed and worked for me.


18th March 2016

Very useful extension.

It works like a charm! Successfully removed test orders in few seconds. One thing that I would like to suggest to Wyomind to make enable/disable feature. Thanks


2nd March 2016

Action &quot;Delete orders&quot; doesn't show

I installed it, I checked if the extension is enabled and it is. When I go to orders and want to select Delete orders the action doesn't appear in drop box.
Did I miss something?
I am using Magento


10th February 2016

Very helpfull extension!

Very helpfull extension and quick and professional support !
Magento Release


4th February 2016

Works perfectly as described

Only feedback I would leave, is that even after the orders are deleted, their values still stay in the sales reports. So the deleted orders still stay in your sales totals essentially. So referring to the Reports > Sales > Orders section in admin area. They don't appear on your dashboard totals. Deleted fine from that.

Blair Geddes

8th January 2016

Useful and Easy Extension

Awesome. Delete them one by one, ore in a batch, they are gone.


4th January 2016


thanks for great extension. Only this extension help


25th October 2015


Works perfect! It should be built in Magento by default.


30th September 2015

Perfect ( CE)

Excellent time-saving extension. Self explanatory functionality, with no clutter and low positioning order on backend configuration is very considerate. Good attitude to your software development and great product.


10th September 2015

Not worked for me

There was no problem with the installation, I did everything that required but there is no delete option. Even in this extention screenshots does not show that option. So, it didn't work for me. Sad.


2nd September 2015

Its working fine

We have used this extension in our store and it is working fine. Excellant extension.


12th August 2015

Handy dev/test tool

Makes it easy to remove all trace of test orders via the front end.


7th August 2015

It's worked as expected.

No crashing happen. Yes I recommended this extension.


20th July 2015

No rewrites!!!

Finally an extension that does it right! Use observers to add massactions and buttons!


9th July 2015

works on 1.9.1 CE

works like a charm, thx Wyomind for this extension


5th May 2015

Not working in 1.9.0 CE

Extension installs without any problem. But there is no option to delete the orders when we go to the Sales Orders Menu. Tried logging out and back in, clearing cache, etc. Nothing seems to get the extension to work.. Would love to use this as it is a much needed feature.


8th February 2015


Easy to install and easy to use.
Good extension


2nd February 2015

great extension!

Installed fine via ssh and works great.
Solves very annoying problem simply.


8th January 2015


This extension works good. You can erase all test orders only with a click.
Works fine on magento 1.8.1


29th December 2014


Its really awesome. Work like a charm. Its really great.


19th December 2014

Worked like a charm.. wyomind is a good Magento developer

I used their many extensions .. they are good.. and reliable.


8th December 2014

Good entension

Does what it does, and does it good. I tried a few of 'deleting order' extensions, this one works the best so far. The only thing i do really miss, is that the order ID isn't corrected after deleting a order.
For example: i delete order #4, and i make an new order it is being numbered as #5. It should be #4, at least that would be great. Isn't that possible?


6th December 2014

Quick, easy, and bug free!

I was looking for a simple extension to delete 8 of my test orders when I set up PayPal Sandbox. Now that my website is live, I wanted to delete these orders and just have the real customer orders appear.
1. Install
2. Logout and log back in
3. Go to Sales Orders
4. Select the orders you want to delete by giving them a check mark.
5. Select Delete from the Actions menu and hit Submit.
Fast, free, and easy!
Using CE 1.9


19th November 2014

Works as expected

Just fine for now, works as expected, I have deleted several test orders easily and clean. A free extensions does not mean a bad/buggy one, you rock guys! Thanks!


9th September 2014

Provides a much needed function

Installed seamlessly and works perfectly. Provides a much-needed function to be able to simply and completely get rid of an order.


25th August 2014

Does exactly what it says on the tin

I have been looking for a delete order function for a while and did come across a few others which I installed but they weren't really doing what they were supposed to and then came across this one and it works like a dream!


25th August 2014


Simple to install, simple to use... Why doesn't this exist in Magento?
Thanks for an awesome extension, and for making it free.


3rd August 2014

Works like a charm!

Great extension. Functions as described on Thanks!


24th July 2014

AWESOME Extension!

Only 2 Words needed: AWESOME Extinsion!
Works perfect!


18th July 2014

Easy to install and it did exactly what I needed it to do.

I'm not tech savvy in the slightest but I found it very easy to install Orders Eraser and I used it to delete test (and cancelled) orders within minutes of installation.
I had read most of the reviews here before installing and followed the advice of several reviewers to log out and log back in afterwards.
Can't understand why it's not already possible to do as a basic function of the ordering system but yours is perfect until that time. I am grateful you created this extension. You need to charge money for it! It is well worth it!


8th July 2014

Does exactly what it says

Tried the first extension found on a Google search which said I needed an older version of PHP to use. This one was the third one down in the search and was installed and deleted my orders within 10 minutes. Very easy to use and did exactly what it says it does.


1st July 2014


works great. no problems. Installation und Deletions went right throught.


12th June 2014

Great Extension

This extension did the work 100% well without problem


2nd June 2014

great extention

best of all.................... it's free
got it to work in less than a min.
and it worked as it should with no errors so far.
great way to reset your orders on your dashboard.
very happy so far,
thank you.


29th March 2014

Great and reliable extension

Does what it has to do: delte orders and reset the statics. It still is weird that this very logical option does not come standard with Magento. Maybe in later releases.
Good work!
Using Magento 1.8.1


7th March 2014

works in 1.7 except for orders in sales_order_tax table

Hi this works fine in CE1.7.02 but just one thing...taxes in the sales_order_tax table relating to orders deleted are not getting deleted.
But other than that it works great thanks. Remember after installing it to log off and on again.


6th March 2014

Awesome Tool

I had a hard time to delete orders, etc, as I don't see the "delete" option after installation. I disabled 'compilation' > reinstalled and did a logoff/on process. Finally, it works like a champ. Many thanks to WYOMIND, and special thanks to all reviewers.


3rd March 2014

not working on 1.7

not working on 1.7, no option appears in the orders menu


31st January 2014


Thank your very much for the extension! It works perfect!!!!!


29th January 2014

Great extension

Is all ok, finally we can eliminate incorrect orders! Thank you


23rd January 2014

Ba-da-bing! Ba-da-boom! Delete!

Works perfectly on CE I disabled compilation before using Magento Connect, then logged off and logged on after installing it, and it installed perfectly on the first try. Makes testing a breeze.


18th January 2014

Best of all order delete tools

Thanks to all developers who made this extension, there were a lot of orders when testing new payment method, this was very useful for me.


16th January 2014

Very Great Extension

I've reviewed the code of some order deletion extensions and this module was the best one in my opinion.
It was cleanly written, very compatible and works like a charm.
Thanks for this great module!

Willi K.

4th January 2014

Worked exactly as described in CE 1.8.1

Worked a dream on CE 1.8.1
Personally I would have liked an "are you sure?" confirmation, but the need to click "Submit" is probably good enough.
Can't recommend this highly enough. I just love it when something does it's intended purpose without drama.


29th December 2013

Works very well, completely

Deletes the order totally. The only thing we had to do was disable an extended order grid / bulk status module first, delete the orders then re-enable. Doesnt take long.
Great module


27th November 2013


Excelent work. Completely removed the testing products.
Highly Recomentded

Ajendra Panwar

6th November 2013

Works a treat

Thanks great extension and FREE
Deleted all orders and adds bulk actions that Magento should do


26th October 2013

Awesome add on

Workes perfect
erased all my setup orders.
After installing i had to run
but then every thing was fine.
one klick and done
I run Magento CE 1.8
My side


17th October 2013


OMG - this extension has just restored my faith in Magento! I really was ready to move on, but this has solved one of my main frustrations - works like a dream


15th October 2013

It works right out of the box

Installed without any problems and works exactly as described.
This was the third order delete extension I tried and finally the last one because it works.


1st October 2013


It should be builtin in Magento as default :) Thank you very much and keep workin'


26th September 2013

Works as it should

Simple and straightforward. Works as described. Thank you


23rd September 2013


Well it does what it says. I got fed up of looking at the test orders from development. Now the orders in the menu are orders and not useless nonsensical data.


19th September 2013


This worked flawlessly! I tried another module called "ASPerience DeleteOrders" before this one and it didn't work at all.
Very well done!


14th September 2013

Work Great

Thanks for this great extension, this is the only one that work out there...


13th September 2013

Works perfect!

Works perfect on Magento
nothing else to say! ;)


4th September 2013

Doesn't work with BL CustomGrid


21st August 2013

Very Good Extension to remove usless order and easy to install

Dear Magento community,
I am using 1.70.2 i have installed this extension it is very easy to install and has deleted order even form admin panel.
Recommended is ant one has to delete orders even they are complete.
Orders are not visible even in admin dashboard.
My site is


20th July 2013


Works great, delests directly fron Database, and also remove invoices..

Christopher Cercone

17th July 2013

Work perfect at

In the future perhaps can add select all? Coz deleting 6000 order with only select visible option is tiring :)


16th July 2013

Works very well

Integrates nicely and works as it should. Delete records by either checkbox and an action or with a new column next to the View column. That was a worry, but there is a confirmation dialogue so you won't try to view and accidentally delete. No support was required. Highly recommended.


10th July 2013


it is great solution for remove your orders, I have tried more 5 other modules, but this module is better!


28th June 2013


Just what I needed! Easy to install and use. No mess! Works on


27th June 2013

Works like a charm ! (

I tried other available extensions for deleting orders and couldn't have the job done as I wanted.
This one works like a charm (sucessfully tested on
Good job !


24th April 2013

Job done!

Tried another module but whilst it removed orders from the database it still left them on the dashboard etc. uninstalled that, installed this and job done, all cleaned up as hoped for.
M 1.7.2


3rd April 2013

Orders Eraser, The Best Extension ever !

Works as a charm, easy to install, no headaches !!!! A+++


27th March 2013

Easy to install and works great

We had tried another "order deletion" extension first—it deleted the orders from the database but not the order listing. We uninstalled that extension, installed Order Eraser, and were able to completely erase the orders (including the ones that had already been "deleted").


14th March 2013


Excellent!, Easy to install and work perfectly on
Several conflicts with other extensions have been solved


4th March 2013


I needed this functionality in a pinch and this extension delivered flawlessly.


Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version


  • Compatibility with Php v8.2


  • Apply database upgrade and database install from patches instead of the setup scripts
  • Remove drop table instruction in setup patches
  • Fix when deleting orders in bulk from the orders grid
  • Minor fix on code
  • Minor fix on code
  • Minor fix on code


  • Improved license management system (Clear code)
  • Fix for permissions on the Delete option
  • Addition of Helper/OrderEraser (automatically generated)
  • Compatibility fix for Magento 2.3.3
  • Compatibility fix for Magento 2.3.3


  • Magento v2.2.1 compatibilty
Patch v5.2.0.4

  • Sample data available for the demo

Patch v5.2.0.3

  • Sample date available for the demo

Patch v5.2.0.2

  • Fix on mass delete action

Patch v5.2.0.1

  • Fix on the mass action use with filters

Bug fix

  • Fix on Mass action delete 


  • ACL (Access Control List) added


  • Filters applied to orders are taken into account for mass action
    Only filtered orders will be deleted  


  • composer file updated

Bug Fix:

  • Fix when deleting an order from the order view
  • 1st release for Magento 2
Demo store
Work in progress...

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